"Wake up, wake up!"

"Oh my god, I finally woke up, I was scared to death!"

"Master, how are you?"

"Brother, how do you feel?"

Lu Fei slowly opened his eyes and found himself lying on the bed in the room. In front of him were all anxious and concerned faces, especially Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi, whose eyes were full of tears.

Lu Fei felt that except for some tightness in his chest, everything else was fine. Then he smiled lightly and said, "Why are you all here? I'm fine!"

"very good?"

The little puppy became anxious when he heard this, and shouted with wide eyes: "You are such a hammer!

Do you know how long you have been in a coma?

Do you know how much blood you vomited?

You've scared everyone to death. Now that you're such an adult, can you make everyone less worried? "

"That's right, you are really good at it. You can see vomiting blood just by looking at a photo. You can be considered the first person in ancient and modern times."

"We just got married and are in the honeymoon period. It's a good thing that you not only don't accompany your sisters-in-law, but also make them worry about you. Are you still a human being?"

Yaomeier Xia Kai and others also stood up and criticized each other, spitting everywhere. After hearing what they said, Lu Fei remembered what was going on. Thinking of Yue Yuehong, his heart felt stinging again, but with strong willpower Still staying calm forcibly.

Seeing the haggard and worried looks of the two ladies, Lu Fei was filled with guilt: "I'm sorry for making you worry. By the way, how long have I been asleep?"

Wang Xinyi rolled her eyes, Chen Xiang smiled and said: "It's been three days, we have nothing, but you, how do you feel now?

Mr. Xue, you'd better check him out! "

Chen Xiang sent the others out and accompanied Xue Taihe and Liang Guanxing to check Lu Fei's body. After taking his pulse, Xue Taihe breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry, it's nothing serious. Master may have gotten sick from overwork before. He suddenly broke out while looking at the photos. Although he vomited a lot of blood, it is not necessarily a bad thing. Those are congestions. Vomiting them out is harmful to the recovery of the body. benefit.

After a while, I will prescribe a mild prescription and make a pot of medicated chicken soup for Master. He will be cured in half a month at most. "

When Xue Taihe said this, Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi felt relieved.

This time, it really scared them.

That morning, Chen Xiang woke up and found that Lu Fei was not beside him, and the bed was neatly made, indicating that Lu Fei did not lie down to sleep at all last night.

He obviously came back with him, but he ran out secretly. Chen Xiang curled his lips, his heart full of resentment, and washed himself.

Now we have to go to Lu Fei to settle the score.

Looking for Lu Fei is too easy. Based on Chen Xiang's understanding of Lu Fei, this guy must have been seduced by those photos after he stayed up all night. Apart from antiques and cultural relics, even if the fairy came to earth, he would have no interest in Lu Fei. Such a big attraction.

When she came to the door, Chen Xiang stood still, brewing her emotions and preparing to give Lu Fei a blow. She believed that she had been too indulgent to Lu Fei in the past, so Lu Fei dared to ignore her as a pregnant woman and spend the night with her for photos. If it was still easy If you let him go, he will definitely not have a long memory, so you must not be soft-hearted this time and let him know that many things are more important than those dead things.

Emotions brewing to the extreme, Chen Xiang kept a serious expression and pushed the door hard, but did not push it open.

After trying a few times to no avail, Chen Xiang was really angry this time. He shouted Lu Fei's name while banging on the door, but after shouting for a long time, he called out Wang Xinyi, Little Milk Dog and others, but there was still no response from inside.

Chen Xiang thought Lu Fei was not inside and asked everyone, but no one saw Lu Fei this morning, which was strange.

Wang Xinyi, who had worked in the special department for several years, had experience. She came to the monitoring room and pulled up the surveillance video from last night. It was finally determined that Lu Fei was in the room, but no matter how hard everyone banged on the door and shouted, there was no response inside. , now everyone became nervous.

Lu Fei is not a prankster, and the soundproofing of this room is not that abnormal. If there is no response from inside, something may have happened.

The door was locked, but that didn't stop everyone. There was a Guandong Thief Saint Ma Tengyun outside!

Calling Xiao Ma over, it was done easily in less than half a minute. Chen Xiang was anxious and was the first to push the door in, followed by a scream that pierced the sky.

Everyone rushed in and took a look, and they were all shocked.

In the room, Lu Fei fell to the ground on his back, holding a picture frame tightly with both hands. His face was pale, his chest and the ground were covered with black and red blood, and blood was still flowing out of the corner of his mouth. He was already in a deep coma.

Several women hurriedly protected Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi, and the other brothers swarmed up and carried Lu Fei out. At the same time, someone had already gone to hand over Liang Guanxing and Xue Taihe. After examination by two medical masters, luckily Lu Fei was just unconscious. It was not life-threatening, so everyone was a little relieved. After the treatment and care of Mr. Xue and Liang Guanxing, Lu Fei was in a coma for three days and finally woke up.

After hearing what Chen Xiang said, Lu Fei was also surprised. He sat up with support, leaned on the bed and grabbed Chen Xiang's hand and said with a smile: "I made you worry, I'm really fine.

Maybe it was because I had too many things and was too tired some time ago, but now I feel better. I feel more relaxed than ever before. I know my body well and I am really fine.

On the other hand, do you feel uncomfortable? "Wake up, wake up!" "

"Oh my god, I finally woke up, I was scared to death!"

"Master, how are you?"

"Brother, how do you feel?"

Lu Fei slowly opened his eyes and found himself lying on the bed in the room. In front of him were all anxious and concerned faces, especially Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi, whose eyes were full of tears.

Lu Fei felt that except for some tightness in his chest, everything else was fine. Then he smiled lightly and said, "Why are you all here? I'm fine!"

"very good?"

The little puppy became anxious when he heard this, and shouted with wide eyes: "You are such a hammer!

Do you know how long you have been in a coma?

Do you know how much blood you vomited?

You've scared everyone to death. Now that you're such an adult, can you make everyone less worried? "

"That's right, you are really good at it. You can see vomiting blood just by looking at a photo. You can be considered the first person in ancient and modern times."

"We just got married and are in the honeymoon period. It's a good thing that you not only don't accompany your sisters-in-law, but also make them worry about you. Are you still a human being?"

Yaomeier Xia Kai and others also stood up and criticized each other, spitting everywhere. After hearing what they said, Lu Fei remembered what was going on. Thinking of Yue Yuehong, his heart felt stinging again, but with strong willpower Still staying calm forcibly.

Seeing the haggard and worried looks of the two ladies, Lu Fei was filled with guilt: "I'm sorry for making you worry. By the way, how long have I been asleep?"

Wang Xinyi rolled her eyes, Chen Xiang smiled and said: "It's been three days, we have nothing, but you, how do you feel now?

Mr. Xue, you'd better check him out! "

Chen Xiang sent the others out and accompanied Xue Taihe and Liang Guanxing to check Lu Fei's body. After taking his pulse, Xue Taihe breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry, it's nothing serious. Master may have gotten sick from overwork before. He suddenly broke out while looking at the photos. Although he vomited a lot of blood, it is not necessarily a bad thing. Those are congestions. Vomiting them out is harmful to the recovery of the body. benefit.

After a while, I will prescribe a mild prescription and make a pot of medicated chicken soup for Master. He will be cured in half a month at most. "

When Xue Taihe said this, Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi felt relieved.

This time, it really scared them.

That morning, Chen Xiang woke up and found that Lu Fei was not beside him, and the bed was neatly made, indicating that Lu Fei did not lie down to sleep at all last night.

He obviously came back with him, but he ran out secretly. Chen Xiang curled his lips, his heart full of resentment, and washed himself.

Now we have to go to Lu Fei to settle the score.

Looking for Lu Fei is too easy. Based on Chen Xiang's understanding of Lu Fei, this guy must have been seduced by those photos after he stayed up all night. Apart from antiques and cultural relics, even if the fairy came to earth, he would have no interest in Lu Fei. Such a big attraction.

When she came to the door, Chen Xiang stood still, brewing her emotions and preparing to give Lu Fei a blow. She believed that she had been too indulgent to Lu Fei in the past, so Lu Fei dared to ignore her as a pregnant woman and spend the night with her for photos. If it was still easy If you let him go, he will definitely not have a long memory, so you must not be soft-hearted this time and let him know that many things are more important than those dead things.

Emotions brewing to the extreme, Chen Xiang kept a serious expression and pushed the door hard, but did not push it open.

After trying a few times to no avail, Chen Xiang was really angry this time. He shouted Lu Fei's name while banging on the door, but after shouting for a long time, he called out Wang Xinyi, Little Milk Dog and others, but there was still no response from inside.

Chen Xiang thought Lu Fei was not inside and asked everyone, but no one saw Lu Fei this morning, which was strange.

Wang Xinyi, who had worked in the special department for several years, had experience. She came to the monitoring room and pulled up the surveillance video from last night. It was finally determined that Lu Fei was in the room, but no matter how hard everyone banged on the door and shouted, there was no response inside. , now everyone became nervous.

Lu Fei is not a prankster, and the soundproofing of this room is not that abnormal. If there is no response from inside, something may have happened.

The door was locked, but that didn't stop everyone. There was a Guandong Thief Saint Ma Tengyun outside!

Calling Xiao Ma over, it was done easily in less than half a minute. Chen Xiang was anxious and was the first to push the door in, followed by a scream that pierced the sky.

Everyone rushed in and took a look, and they were all shocked.

In the room, Lu Fei fell to the ground on his back, holding a picture frame tightly with both hands. His face was pale, his chest and the ground were covered with black and red blood, and blood was still flowing out of the corner of his mouth. He was already in a deep coma.

Several women hurriedly protected Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi, and the other brothers swarmed up and carried Lu Fei out. At the same time, someone had already gone to hand over Liang Guanxing and Xue Taihe. After examination by two medical masters, luckily Lu Fei was just unconscious. It was not life-threatening, so everyone was a little relieved. After the treatment and care of Mr. Xue and Liang Guanxing, Lu Fei was in a coma for three days and finally woke up.

After hearing what Chen Xiang said, Lu Fei was also surprised. He sat up with support, leaned on the bed and grabbed Chen Xiang's hand and said with a smile: "I made you worry, I'm really fine.

Maybe it was because I was too tired from many things some time ago, but now I feel better. I feel more relaxed than ever before. I know my body well and I am really fine.

On the other hand, do you feel uncomfortable? "

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