A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2896 Lu Fei’s Efficiency

Lu Fei greeted everyone and sat next to Jiang Hefeng, where Yang Chengkun had been.

And Yang Chengkun himself did not leave, but stood not far behind Lu Fei. It wasn't that Yang Chengkun didn't want to leave, but because he saw Lu Fei, especially when he heard that Lu Fei wanted to take a shareholding, Yang Chengkun didn't dare to leave.

Before, Lu Fei asked him to stay because he had something to say. If Yang Chengkun left at this time, he would be clearly challenging Lu Fei.

He knew that anyone who challenged Lu Fei would not end well, so he had no choice but to stay and stand aside awkwardly. ??

After everyone was seated, Lu Fei turned to Jiang Hefeng and said, "Fourth brother, I am determined to participate in the shares. As for how much, it is up to you!"

Jiang Hefeng squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "No problem, let's talk in detail later."

The dozens of other owners heard this and their hearts were churning.

Most of them have heard of Jiang Hefeng's name. You must know that Tiandu veteran Jiang Siye has friends all over China. However, they only know that there is such a person, but they are not special to Jiang Hefeng. learn.

Jiang Hefeng suddenly came over this time to acquire Jiumen Dongtian. Many owners did not say anything, but they expressed doubts in their hearts. Each villa in Jiumen Dongtian Community is worth over 100 million. If the entire project is acquired, it may not cost more than 200. It is impossible to complete it. Everyone doubts whether Jiang Hefeng is so powerful. Some owners have even begun to investigate Jiang Hefeng.

But none of them thought that Jiang Hefeng's confidence was not his own strength, but his friendship with Lu Fei. Lu Fei politely called him "Fourth Brother" and showed up in person to help him. This was not ordinary. Friendship can do it, but they are afraid of Lu Fei's strength and status, so they rush to buy a house.

Jiumen Dongtian is good, but after all, it is just a property in their name. It is really unwise to offend Lu Fei for a house.

After confirming "equity participation", Lu Fei looked at Sun Maocai again.

"Hello, Mr. Sun!"

Lu Fei took the initiative to reach out his hand, and Sun Maocai was so excited that his whole body trembled.

Sun Maocai has a net worth of more than 30 billion, but more than ten years ago, his net worth was only a few billion. The reason why he has developed so fast is because he gave the community of Mawei Mountain a resounding name, which brought him huge reports. Since then, he has established a foothold in the industry, but even so, his small net worth can only be regarded as a lower-middle-class existence in the real estate industry, and there is no comparison with Lu Fei.

Before that, he didn't even dare to think that he would see Lu Fei one day, let alone that Lu Fei would take the initiative to shake hands with him. This excited him so much that he quickly stood up and held Lu Fei's hand with both hands.

"Hello, Mr. Lu, I have long admired your name!"

"Haha, Mr. Sun is too polite. Please sit down."

"Mr. Sun, I think how about this? How about you transfer the ownership of Jiumen Dongtian to us, including the name "Jiumen Dongtian", and let us handle the rest?"

Of course, we will purchase it at a price higher than the market price, and we will never let you, Mr. Sun, suffer a loss! " Lu Fei said.

"Okay, Mr. Lu, you have spoken. Of course there is no problem. I will explain to Mr. Jiang right away."

"Thank you then."

What Lu Fei meant was to directly acquire the property rights of the entire community of Jiumen Dongtian. From then on, the name Jiumen Dongtian had nothing to do with Sun Maocai.

The name Jiumen Dongtian is the foundation of Sun Maocai. If someone else wants to acquire it, he will never let it go. But this person is Lu Fei, so that is a different matter.

Although it was the first time he met Lu Fei, he had heard of Lu Fei's military style. With Lu Fei's character, he would never bully others. If he sold to Lu Fei, Sun Maocai would definitely get a considerable amount of money. income.

Moreover, the value of this experience of contacting and cooperating with Lu Fei in his eyes is definitely much higher than the name Jiumen Dongtian. In short, no matter what, he will make a lot of money if he sells it to Lu Fei. .

After saying that, Lu Fei stood up: "In that case, fourth brother, you can take care of the rest!

By the way, I think the compensation plan we discussed yesterday is good.

Immediately notify all owners that we will choose another place with an elegant environment to build the Jiumen Dongtian Community. Those who sign for relocation within three days will not only receive a one-to-one compensation, but also a free set of new Jiumen Dongtian properties. It’s been three days, no wait if it’s late! "

"Okay!" Jiang Hefeng nodded.

Lu Fei smiled and said: "Okay, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first!"

"Xiao Fei, aren't you staying for dinner?" Jiang Hefeng asked.

"Oh, I've eaten. Let's meet again in the evening.

Everyone, have a good meal and a good drink. I have something to take care of. I will drink with you another day! "

Lu Fei was about to leave, and all the owners, including Dou Hongda and Sun Maocai, stood up.

"Mr. Lu, please walk slowly!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, I will be the first to sign. It is my honor to sell it to you."

"Mr. Lu, I also sign. I am looking forward to your newly built Jiumen Dongtian Community. By the way, will you keep one for yourself?"

Everyone said something to me, and their attitude was extremely polite. Lu Fei greeted everyone and sat next to Jiang Hefeng, where Yang Chengkun had been.

And Yang Chengkun himself did not leave, but stood not far behind Lu Fei. It wasn't that Yang Chengkun didn't want to leave, but because he saw Lu Fei, especially when he heard that Lu Fei wanted to take a shareholding, Yang Chengkun didn't dare to leave.

Before, Lu Fei asked him to stay because he had something to say. If Yang Chengkun left at this time, he would be clearly challenging Lu Fei.

He knew that anyone who challenged Lu Fei would not end well, so he had no choice but to stay and stand aside in embarrassment.

After everyone was seated, Lu Fei turned to Jiang Hefeng and said, "Fourth brother, I am determined to participate in the shares. As for how much, it is up to you!"

Jiang Hefeng squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "No problem, let's talk in detail later."

The dozens of other owners heard this and their hearts were churning.

Most of them have heard of Jiang Hefeng's name. You must know that Tiandu veteran Jiang Siye has friends all over China. However, they only know that there is such a person, but they are not special to Jiang Hefeng. learn.

Jiang Hefeng suddenly came over this time to acquire Jiumen Dongtian. Many owners did not say anything, but they expressed doubts in their hearts. Each villa in Jiumen Dongtian Community is worth over 100 million. If the entire project is acquired, it may not cost more than 200. It is impossible to complete it. Everyone doubts whether Jiang Hefeng is so powerful. Some owners have even begun to investigate Jiang Hefeng.

But none of them thought that Jiang Hefeng's confidence was not his own strength, but his friendship with Lu Fei. Lu Fei politely called him "Fourth Brother" and showed up in person to help him. This was not ordinary. Friendship can do it, but they are afraid of Lu Fei's strength and status, so they rush to buy a house.

Jiumen Dongtian is good, but after all, it is just a property in their name. It is really unwise to offend Lu Fei for a house.

After confirming "equity participation", Lu Fei looked at Sun Maocai again.

"Hello, Mr. Sun!"

Lu Fei took the initiative to reach out his hand, and Sun Maocai was so excited that his whole body trembled.

Sun Maocai has a net worth of more than 30 billion, but more than ten years ago, his net worth was only a few billion. The reason why he has developed so fast is because he gave the community of Mawei Mountain a resounding name, which brought him huge reports. Since then, he has established a foothold in the industry, but even so, his small net worth can only be regarded as a lower-middle-class existence in the real estate industry, and there is no comparison with Lu Fei.

Before that, he didn't even dare to think that he would see Lu Fei one day, let alone that Lu Fei would take the initiative to shake hands with him. This excited him so much that he quickly stood up and held Lu Fei's hand with both hands.

"Hello, Mr. Lu, I have long admired your name!"

"Haha, Mr. Sun is too polite. Please sit down."

"Mr. Sun, I think how about this? How about you transfer the ownership of Jiumen Dongtian to us, including the name "Jiumen Dongtian", and let us handle the rest?"

Of course, we will purchase it at a price higher than the market price, and we will never let you, Mr. Sun, suffer a loss! " Lu Fei said.

"Okay, Mr. Lu, you have spoken. Of course there is no problem. I will explain to Mr. Jiang right away."

"Thank you then."

What Lu Fei meant was to directly acquire the property rights of the entire community of Jiumen Dongtian. From then on, the name Jiumen Dongtian had nothing to do with Sun Maocai.

The name Jiumen Dongtian is the foundation of Sun Maocai. If someone else wants to acquire it, he will never let it go. But this person is Lu Fei, so that is a different matter.

Although it was the first time he met Lu Fei, he had heard of Lu Fei's military style. With Lu Fei's character, he would never bully others. If he sold to Lu Fei, Sun Maocai would definitely get a considerable amount of money. income.

Moreover, the value of this experience of contacting and cooperating with Lu Fei in his eyes is definitely much higher than the name Jiumen Dongtian. In short, no matter what, he will make a lot of money if he sells it to Lu Fei. .

After saying that, Lu Fei stood up: "In that case, fourth brother, you can take care of the rest!

By the way, I think the compensation plan we discussed yesterday is good.

Immediately notify all owners that we will choose another place with an elegant environment to build the Jiumen Dongtian Community. Those who sign for relocation within three days will not only receive a one-to-one compensation, but also a free set of new Jiumen Dongtian properties. It’s been three days, no wait if it’s late! "

"Okay!" Jiang Hefeng nodded.

Lu Fei smiled and said: "Okay, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first!"

"Xiao Fei, aren't you staying for dinner?" Jiang Hefeng asked.

"Oh, I've eaten. Let's meet again in the evening.

Everyone, have a good meal and a good drink. I have something to take care of. I will drink with you another day! "

Lu Fei was about to leave, and all the owners, including Dou Hongda and Sun Maocai, stood up.

"Mr. Lu, please walk slowly!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, I will be the first to sign. It is my honor to sell it to you."

"Mr. Lu, I also sign. I am looking forward to your newly built Jiumen Dongtian Community. By the way, will you keep one for yourself?"

Everyone said something to me, and their attitude was extremely polite.

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