A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2900 Progress is going well

Jiang Hefeng was given full authority over the Nine Gate Project, and Tianbao and the helicopter were left behind to cooperate with him. In the afternoon of that day, Lu Fei took a flight back to Hong Kong Island alone.

After receiving Lu Fei's promise again, Fourth Master Jiang was so excited that his blood boiled. He was as energetic and energetic as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood.

Lu Fei was anxious, but registering a company required a process, but it didn't matter. Jiang Hefeng already had his own development company with complete qualifications, and no one else was involved, which just met his and Lu Fei's requirements.

Not long after Lu Fei left, Sun Maocai's contract had been finalized. The two met and each reviewed the contract with their respective legal affairs. After some detailed negotiations, all the details were in line with the needs of the two. The request was made and the transfer was signed immediately. In the end, Jiang Hefeng used 170 million Shenzhou coins in the name of his personal company to successfully acquire the Jiumen Dongtian Community, including the copyright of the four words "Jiumen Dongtian".

Of course, this is just the acquisition of the copyright and property ownership of Jiumen Dongtian Community. The cost of relocation is the bulk of the cost, and this needs to be negotiated with each owner in detail.

To be honest, this price is quite satisfactory. If it were anyone else, Sun Maocai would never agree, but he knew that behind Jiang Hefeng was a super giant, the current leader of China's business community. With one stamp of his foot, the entire China and even the entire Asian business community The super boss Lu Fei is shaking all over.

The fact that he didn't dare to offend Lu Fei was just one of them. In fact, Sun Maocai had a more profound plan. Like Jiang Hefeng, he also hoped to use this opportunity to hug Lu Fei's thick legs and soar into the sky. ??

However, he found out clearly that Jiang Hefeng was not familiar with Lu Fei before. He only met Lu Fei after attending Lu Fei's wedding.

Although Sun Maocai did not attend Lu Fei's wedding, this transaction was also a good opportunity to get to know Lu Fei.

If he loses a little profit, he doesn't expect Lu Fei to be grateful to him, but at least it can make Lu Fei have some affection for him. Then when he meets Lu Fei in the future, at least there will be a topic for communication.

If Lu Fei thinks he is a good person, then his chance will come.

What's more, the price is not too low. Even if you can't match Lu Fei's relationship, you won't suffer much loss.

The reason why successful businessmen can rise is not their strength, nor their background in many cases, but their ability to keenly seize every opportunity.

In addition to seizing opportunities, if you want to make great progress and achieve greater development, you also need to have a spirit. That kind of spirit can be summed up in one word: "gamble".

If you win the bet, success lies ahead.

Sun Maocai has this kind of spirit. When faced with opportunities, he dares to take a gamble. What's more, the bet this time is just a small loss, and he, Sun Maocai, can afford it.

After getting rid of Sun Maocai, all that's left is to follow

The owners of Jiumen Dongtian negotiated.

In the past, this must have been the most troublesome link for all developers, but this time, Fourth Master Jiang was much more relaxed. There was no need for him to beg and beg for favor, and the owners came to him on their own initiative.

What is the compensation package?

Well, that doesn't matter. Where is the contract? We will sign it right away. It doesn't matter if we don't compensate you!

Site selection for Xinjiumen Dongtian Community?


Your company can decide that by itself, and it can be done anywhere!

As long as it’s not in Babaoshan!


Remote mountainous area?

What happened to remote mountainous areas?

The air in remote mountainous areas is fresh, the population is small, and there is almost no noise, making it more suitable for health preservation.

According to legend, the Thirty-six Caves and the Seventy-two Blessed Lands themselves are in remote mountainous areas. Do you think that god was cultivated in a downtown area?

Uninformed, really!

anymore question?

Construction time limit?

No, no, no, we have no restrictions, you can do whatever you want, three to five years is better, seven or eight years is not too long for us, even thirty to fifty years is no problem.

Even if we can't catch up, aren't there still future generations to pass on!

Well, Mr. Jiang, please stop nagging and hurry up and take out the contract. We'll sign it and move immediately. Didn't you see that I've called the moving company?

Good guy, this group of owners has no requirements at all, including Yang Chengkun, who made trouble before. No one looked at the contract, took it over and signed it directly, and their attitude was extremely good. This scene directly punished Fourth Master Jiang. I can't play anymore.

Although the owners have no requirements and do not read the contract, almost every owner will ask Jiang Hefeng the same question, that is, whether Lu Fei will stay in the new community and whether he will live in Jiumen Dongtian.

Facing the eager eyes of more than a hundred owners, Jiang Hefeng did not dare to reply casually, and called Lu Fei in front of everyone.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Hefeng said loudly with a smile on his face: "I asked Mr. Lu just now, and Mr. Lu said that he would keep a property and come to the new community for vacation every year."


Upon hearing the affirmative answer, all the owners cheered loudly and excitedly.

If the mountains are not high, there will be immortals, and if the water is not deep, there will be dragons.

Regardless of where the new community is located, as long as Lu Fei lives here, even in the deep mountains and old forests, this community will definitely become famous in China, and they will all become Lu Fei's neighbors. The benefits far outweigh the value of the property itself. Jiang Hefeng was given full authority over the Nine Gate Project, and Tianbao and the helicopter were left behind to cooperate with him. In the afternoon of that day, Lu Fei took a flight back to Hong Kong Island alone.

After receiving Lu Fei's promise again, Fourth Master Jiang was so excited that his blood boiled. He was as energetic and energetic as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood.

Lu Fei was anxious, but registering a company required a process, but it didn't matter. Jiang Hefeng already had his own development company with complete qualifications, and no one else was involved, which just met his and Lu Fei's requirements.

Not long after Lu Fei left, Sun Maocai's contract had been finalized. The two met and each reviewed the contract with their respective legal affairs. After some detailed negotiations, all the details were in line with the needs of the two. The request was made and the transfer was signed immediately. In the end, Jiang Hefeng used 170 million Shenzhou coins in the name of his personal company to successfully acquire the Jiumen Dongtian Community, including the copyright of the four words "Jiumen Dongtian".

Of course, this is just the acquisition of the copyright and property ownership of Jiumen Dongtian Community. The cost of relocation is the bulk of the cost, and this needs to be negotiated with each owner in detail.

To be honest, this price is quite satisfactory. If it were anyone else, Sun Maocai would never agree, but he knew that behind Jiang Hefeng was a super giant, the current leader of China's business community. With one stamp of his foot, the entire China and even the entire Asian business community The super boss Lu Fei is shaking all over.

The fact that he didn't dare to offend Lu Fei was just one of them. In fact, Sun Maocai had a more profound plan. Like Jiang Hefeng, he also hoped to use this opportunity to hug Lu Fei's thick legs and soar into the sky.

However, he found out clearly that Jiang Hefeng was not familiar with Lu Fei before. He only met Lu Fei after attending Lu Fei's wedding.

Although Sun Maocai did not attend Lu Fei's wedding, this transaction was also a good opportunity to get to know Lu Fei.

If he loses a little profit, he doesn't expect Lu Fei to be grateful to him, but at least it can make Lu Fei have some affection for him. Then when he meets Lu Fei in the future, at least there will be a topic for communication.

If Lu Fei thinks he is a good person, then his chance will come.

What's more, the price is not too low. Even if you can't match Lu Fei's relationship, you won't suffer much loss.

The reason why successful businessmen can rise is not their strength, nor their background in many cases, but their ability to keenly seize every opportunity.

In addition to seizing opportunities, if you want to make great progress and achieve greater development, you also need to have a spirit. That kind of spirit can be summed up in one word: "gamble".

If you win the bet, success lies ahead.

Sun Maocai has this kind of spirit. When faced with opportunities, he dares to take a gamble. What's more, the bet this time is just a small loss, and he, Sun Maocai, can afford it.

After getting rid of Sun Maocai, all that's left is to follow

The owners of Jiumen Dongtian negotiated.

In the past, this must have been the most troublesome link for all developers, but this time, Fourth Master Jiang was much more relaxed. There was no need for him to beg and beg for favor, and the owners came to him on their own initiative.

What is the compensation package?

Well, that doesn't matter. Where is the contract? We will sign it right away. It doesn't matter if we don't compensate you!

Site selection for Xinjiumen Dongtian Community?


Your company can decide that by itself, and it can be done anywhere!

As long as it’s not in Babaoshan!


Remote mountainous area?

What happened to remote mountainous areas?

The air in remote mountainous areas is fresh, the population is small, and there is almost no noise, making it more suitable for health preservation.

According to legend, the Thirty-six Caves and the Seventy-two Blessed Lands themselves are in remote mountainous areas. Do you think that god was cultivated in a downtown area?

Uninformed, really!

anymore question?

Construction time limit?

No, no, no, we have no restrictions, you can do whatever you want, three to five years is better, seven or eight years is not too long for us, even thirty to fifty years is no problem.

Even if we can't catch up, aren't there still future generations to pass on!

Well, Mr. Jiang, please stop nagging and hurry up and take out the contract. We'll sign it and move immediately. Didn't you see that I've called the moving company?

Good guy, this group of owners has no requirements at all, including Yang Chengkun, who made trouble before. No one looked at the contract, took it over and signed it directly, and their attitude was extremely good. This scene directly punished Fourth Master Jiang. I can't play anymore.

Although the owners have no requirements and do not read the contract, almost every owner will ask Jiang Hefeng the same question, that is, whether Lu Fei will stay in the new community and whether he will live in Jiumen Dongtian.

Facing the eager eyes of more than a hundred owners, Jiang Hefeng did not dare to reply casually, and called Lu Fei in front of everyone.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Hefeng said loudly with a smile on his face: "I asked Mr. Lu just now, and Mr. Lu said that he would keep a property and come to the new community for vacation every year."


Upon hearing the affirmative answer, all the owners cheered loudly and excitedly.

If the mountains are not high, there will be immortals, and if the water is not deep, there will be dragons.

Regardless of where the new community is located, as long as Lu Fei lives here, even in the deep mountains and old forests, this community will definitely become famous in China, and they will all become Lu Fei's neighbors. The benefits far outweigh the value of the property itself.

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