A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2908 Inside Show

Yue Qifeng crossed his legs, stroking his goatee, and posing in an unpredictable manner, telling everyone about the exquisite heart with seven orifices.

Although the old man is not young, he still has a heart to show off. Now that he is showing off in front of so many promising young people, the old man feels extremely happy. However, today Yue Qifeng's show-off shows the way. It’s bound to be rough.

No, when I just mentioned that Bigan is a unique genius because he has an exquisite heart with seven orifices, the little milk dog immediately expressed a different opinion.

"Mr. Yue, you said that Bigan has an exquisite heart with seven orifices. I know this, and I won't argue with you.

But if you say that Bigan can understand everything in the world and is a hero among men, then I cannot agree with you.

I haven't watched "The Romance of the Gods", but I have watched the TV series "The Legend of the Gods". In the TV series, Bigan's Seven Skills and Exquisite Hearts were taken out by Su Daji and eaten sashimi. If Bigan is really as awesome as you say, Damn it, how could you compromise so easily?

I don't think he is a hero at all, but a complete fool! "



"Quack, quack, quack." .??.

After the little naughty dog ​​finished speaking, there was laughter all around. Fang Mingliang and others laughed so hard that their whole bodies became weak and they sat on the ground and kept twitching. Others also had terrible stomach pains. Even Lu Fei couldn't help laughing this time.

Yue Qifeng almost vomited blood to death due to this bully, so he glared at the little naughty dog ​​and shouted: "Fart, you know what a hammer you are!

Bigan is a loyal minister, King Zhou is the king, he is a minister, and the king's orders cannot be violated, otherwise it will be disrespectful and will be infamy for the ages, so Bigan chose to sacrifice his life to protect his reputation.

Also, don’t blame me for not warning you. Bigan is the God of Wealth and Wealth. Your kid’s family is also in business. You dare to be so disrespectful to the God of Wealth. Aren’t you afraid of God’s blame? "

Hearing this, Di Chaodong was also startled. He stood up and kicked the little puppy hard on the butt.

"You bastard, you are already your father, why are you still so presumptuous? Quickly apologize to Mr. Yue, and then go kowtow in front of the God of Wealth Statue and repent!"

The little milk dog is a demon king. He has been afraid of nothing since he was a child, but he is only afraid of two people. One is his father, Di Chaodong, and the other is Lu Fei.

Now his father was anxious, and the little naughty dog ​​never dared to disobey, so he quickly stood up and bowed to Yue Qifeng to apologize. Even so, the old man was still breathing heavily with anger, and his beard stood up.

I thought that the matter would just go away, but no one expected that Wang Xinyi also came to join in the fun.

"Mr. Yue, Xiaolong's words are indeed outrageous. In the feudal era, ministers were proud of their loyalty. Bigan would rather sacrifice his exquisite heart to keep his reputation.

, and it cannot be said that what he did was wrong. "

"Hey, listen, listen, you little bastards are usually ignorant and always think about other things. Look at how educated the girls of the Wang family are. This is called inner show. You are far behind."

Listening to Wang Xinyi's words, Yue Qifeng felt as if he had taken a dose of Betel Nut Smoothing Pills, not to mention how happy he was. His breathing became calmer, his beard became smoother, and he felt refreshed. Even if he was asked to climb the fifth floor, he would not be able to do it. It’s quite strenuous.

Even Lu Fei praised Wang Xinyi from the bottom of his heart. He really made Yue Qifeng very angry just now. Wang Xinyi saved the situation in an understatement. It was perfect. But before Lu Fei could praise him, Wang Xinyi spoke again. .

"However, I don't agree with some of what Mr. Yue said before."


Lu Fei squirted out a mouthful of water and almost choked. He thought to himself: What kind of monster is this girl trying to do?

The originally depressed little puppy felt a sudden change, and suddenly became excited. He raised his ears and waited for Wang Xinyi's next words.

Yue Qifeng's attitude towards Wang Xinyi is much better.


Girl, don’t you agree with what I said just now? "

"Mr. Yue, you said before that Bigan is the only one who has recorded the exquisite heart with seven orifices in history. If you have one more orifice, you will be a god, but I know that is not the case." Wang Xinyi said.


Yue Qifeng frowned slightly, not understanding what Wang Xinyi meant, and the others were even more confused. Only Lu Fei was stunned for a moment, and then showed a sly smirk.

"Girl, what do you want to say?" Yue Qifeng asked.

"I know someone who knows a lot about Bibi, but he's not a god!"

"Bibi did one thing too much?

Impossible, absolutely impossible. There is no record of such a person in any historical data. " Yue Qifeng argued.

Wang Xinyi smiled slightly, and Lu Fei had already turned his head to one side, because he almost knew what Wang Xinyi was going to say, and he was afraid he couldn't help laughing.

"Mr. Yue, you can't be so absolute. I clearly remember that there is a sentence describing Lin Daiyu in "Dream of Red Mansions", which goes like this: "The heart is one more aperture than the body, and the disease is three points worse than the West. "Doesn't this mean that Lin Daiyu has done a lot more than before?

But in the end, Lin Daiyu not only failed to become a fairy, but died of a heart attack. Look at this."



Everyone burst into laughter. The little puppy lay on the ground stamping its feet and beating its chest and laughing wantonly. Duan Qingyi, Chen Xiang and the other ladies turned their heads and folded their faces without caring about their reserved smiles. Yue Qifeng crossed his legs, stroking his goatee, and posing in an unpredictable manner, telling everyone about the exquisite heart with seven orifices.

Although the old man is not young, he still has a heart to show off. Now that he is showing off in front of so many promising young people, the old man feels extremely happy. However, today Yue Qifeng's show-off shows the way. It’s bound to be rough.

No, when I just mentioned that Bigan is a unique genius because he has an exquisite heart with seven orifices, the little milk dog immediately expressed a different opinion.

"Mr. Yue, you said that Bigan has an exquisite heart with seven orifices. I know this, and I won't argue with you.

But if you say that Bigan can understand all things in the world and is a hero among men, then I cannot agree with you.

I haven't watched "The Romance of the Gods", but I have watched the TV series "The Legend of the Gods". In the TV series, Bigan's Seven Skills and Exquisite Hearts were taken out by Su Daji and eaten sashimi. If Bigan is really as awesome as you say, Damn it, how could you compromise so easily?

I don't think he is a hero at all, but a complete fool! "



"Quack, quack, quack."

After the little naughty dog ​​finished speaking, there was laughter all around. Fang Mingliang and others laughed so hard that their whole bodies became weak and they sat on the ground and kept twitching. Others also had terrible stomach pains. Even Lu Fei couldn't help laughing this time.

Yue Qifeng almost vomited blood to death due to this bully, so he glared at the little naughty dog ​​and shouted: "Fart, you know what a hammer you are!

Bigan is a loyal minister, King Zhou is the king, he is a minister, and the king's orders cannot be violated, otherwise it will be disrespectful and will be infamy for the ages, so Bigan chose to sacrifice his life to protect his reputation.

Also, don’t blame me for not warning you. Bigan is the God of Wealth and Wealth. Your kid’s family is also in business. You dare to be so disrespectful to the God of Wealth. Aren’t you afraid of God’s blame? "

Hearing this, Di Chaodong was also startled. He stood up and kicked the little puppy hard on the butt.

"You bastard, you are already your father, why are you still so presumptuous? Quickly apologize to Mr. Yue, and then go kowtow in front of the God of Wealth Statue and repent!"

The little milk dog is a demon king. He has been afraid of nothing since he was a child, but he is only afraid of two people. One is his father, Di Chaodong, and the other is Lu Fei.

Now his father was anxious, and the little naughty dog ​​never dared to disobey, so he quickly stood up and bowed to Yue Qifeng to apologize. Even so, the old man was still breathing heavily with anger, and his beard stood up.

I thought that the matter would just go away, but no one expected that Wang Xinyi also came to join in the fun.

"Mr. Yue, Xiaolong's words are indeed outrageous. In the feudal era, ministers were proud of their loyalty. Bigan would rather sacrifice his exquisite heart to keep his reputation.

, and it cannot be said that what he did was wrong. "

"Hey, listen, listen, you little bastards are usually ignorant and always think about other things. Look at how educated the girls of the Wang family are. This is called inner show. You are far behind."

Listening to Wang Xinyi's words, Yue Qifeng felt as if he had taken a dose of Betel Nut Smoothing Pills, not to mention how happy he was. His breathing became calmer, his beard became smoother, and he felt refreshed. Even if he was asked to climb the fifth floor, he would not be able to do it. It’s quite strenuous.

Even Lu Fei praised Wang Xinyi from the bottom of his heart. He really made Yue Qifeng very angry just now. Wang Xinyi saved the situation in an understatement. It was perfect. But before Lu Fei could praise him, Wang Xinyi spoke again. .

"However, I don't agree with some of what Mr. Yue said before."


Lu Fei squirted out a mouthful of water and almost choked. He thought to himself: What kind of monster is this girl trying to do?

The originally depressed little puppy felt a sudden change, and suddenly became excited. He raised his ears and waited for Wang Xinyi's next words.

Yue Qifeng's attitude towards Wang Xinyi is much better.


Girl, don’t you agree with what I said just now? "

"Mr. Yue, you said before that Bigan is the only one who has recorded the exquisite heart with seven orifices in history. If you have one more orifice, you will be a god, but I know that is not the case." Wang Xinyi said.


Yue Qifeng frowned slightly, not understanding what Wang Xinyi meant, and the others were even more confused. Only Lu Fei was stunned for a moment, and then showed a sly smirk.

"Girl, what do you want to say?" Yue Qifeng asked.

"I know someone who knows a lot about Bibi, but he's not a god!"

"Bibi did one thing too much?

Impossible, absolutely impossible. There is no record of such a person in any historical data. " Yue Qifeng argued.

Wang Xinyi smiled slightly, and Lu Fei had already turned his head to one side, because he almost knew what Wang Xinyi was going to say, and he was afraid he couldn't help laughing.

"Mr. Yue, you can't be so absolute. I clearly remember that there is a sentence describing Lin Daiyu in "Dream of Red Mansions", which goes like this: "The heart is one more aperture than the body, and the disease is three points worse than the West. "Doesn't this mean that Lin Daiyu has done a lot more than before?

But in the end, Lin Daiyu not only failed to become a fairy, but died of a heart attack. Look at this."



Everyone burst into laughter. The little puppy lay on the ground stamping its feet and beating its chest and laughing wantonly. Duan Qingyi, Chen Xiang and the other ladies turned their heads and folded their faces without caring about their reserved smiles.

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