A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2910 Shameless

After Lu Fei finished speaking, everyone was shocked.

Although they don't understand how awesome this heart protection card is, it sounds quite high-end.

At the very least, the hundred-year-old lightning-strike wood is a really good treasure. Moreover, they all know where Lu Fei got the lightning-strike wood. They even wear it on each of them. Some of them have secretly inquired about it. , the palm-sized lightning strike wood alone is worth over ten million, not to mention the various exquisite designs and nine gems in it. Yue Qifeng's words are not exaggerated. This thing can be called a peerless treasure.

Especially Di Chaodong, he was even more excited and elated.

"Xiao Fei, did you ask Chen Xiang to ask for Yao Zu's nails and hair a few days ago to do this?"

Lu Fei nodded: "Not bad!

I used talisman paper to seal Yaozu's hair, nails and eight characters in the cabin. After special treatment, it has waterproof function. Therefore, I don't have to take it off when I give the child a bath in the future. I can wear it on him at any time as much as possible. , can protect Yaozu’s safety. "

Lu Fei said it relatively easily, but in fact this brand is far from that simple.

When making it, Lu Fei used Taoist blessings, coupled with the properties of lightning-strike wood to ward off evil spirits and the design of the Supreme Nine Sons to protect him. Now, this brand has become a superior magic weapon, and its effect will definitely not be inferior to that given by Lu Fei. Heart protection plaque made by Chen Xiang.

Of course Di Chaodong knew what Lu Fei was capable of. He was even happier when he heard what he said. He took the heart protection card with both hands and put it on his grandson himself. Then he stood up and picked up the wine glass.

"Xiao Fei, it's my honor, Di Chaodong, and our Di family's honor to get to know you. I won't say thank you. I'll toast you."

"Haha, Uncle Di, you're welcome, let's do it!"

After drinking a glass of wine, before Lu Fei could sit down, Li Yunhe came around and grabbed him, saying with an unkind expression.

"Lu Fei, you are not interesting enough!

Such a good baby, why don't you give my son one? He's your godson! "

have to!

This was immediately eye-catching. Looking at his expression, Lu Fei really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"What are you calling for?

What I gave to your son is also a good baby. It has the same effect, okay? " Lu Fei said.

"Bah, you said it's the same?

Listen, this brand is much better than my son’s. I don’t care. I’ll give you a week to get an exact one for my son. Otherwise, I will deprive you of your right to be a godfather. . "

As soon as Li Yunhe finished speaking, Zhang Huan on the woman's side also stood up.

"Lao Li, you've been acting arrogant all day, but today you finally said something useful.\u003c


The child’s godfather, please listen to me, you must get an exact one for my son. "

The eyes of this vicious couple were about to pop out, and they looked as if they were going to eat Lu Fei if they disagreed. Lu Fei quickly raised his hands in surrender and compromised.

"Sure, no problem. Isn't it okay if I agree?"

"Huh, that's pretty much it!"


It was rare to see Lu Fei deflated, and everyone laughed again.

"Hey, can you get me one by the way?" Yue Qifeng said with a smile.

"Damn it, you've got dirt down to your throat, are you going to be useless?

Anyway, you understand it and want to do it yourself. Lu Fei shouted.

Yue Qifeng was not angry: "It's okay for me to do it myself, but I don't have the materials!

Let's do this. You can give me a piece of lightning strike wood later so you don't have to worry about the rest.

So what, don’t tell me you don’t have any, I know you still have a lot on hand! "

Lu Fei rolled his eyes angrily: "Old man, can you still have some face?"

"If you want to show your face, just tell me whether you will give it to me or not!"


The whole audience laughed, and Lu Fei was convinced.

"Okay, I'll give you a piece later, don't grind it out, okay?"

"Hehe, wouldn't you have been happy if you had promised earlier? It's true!"


Lu Fei almost spat out his blood. This old guy was so shameless to the extreme.

It's strange to say that in front of outsiders, these old guys always seem polite, knowledgeable, and refined, giving people an enigmatic look. But when they come to Lu Fei, they all turn into old scoundrels.

Yue Qifeng is like this, Guan Haishan, Zhang Yanhe and the others are even worse. If their fans from the outside world know that they still have this side, I wonder if they will be completely desperate.

When Lu Fei and Yue Qifeng were bickering, he didn't notice that Di Chaodong was whispering to his wife. The two discussed for a while and reached a consensus. When Lu Fei and Yue Qifeng finished the conversation, Di Chaodong and his wife stood at the same time holding wine glasses. got up.

These two are legends in the business world and have a prominent position in Asia and even the entire world. Moreover, Mr. Chen did not participate in today's wine party. Of all the people present, except Mr. Duan and Wang Zhenbang, Di Chaodong has the highest backup. , none of these little brothers are qualified to ask Di Chaodong and his wife to toast, let alone stand up.

Therefore, upon seeing the couple's actions, the people at several tables immediately became quiet and looked at Di Chaodong and his wife. After Lu Fei finished speaking, everyone was shocked.

Although they don't understand how awesome this heart protection card is, it sounds quite high-end.

At the very least, the hundred-year-old lightning-strike wood is a really good treasure. Moreover, they all know where Lu Fei got the lightning-strike wood. They even wear it on each of them. Some of them have secretly inquired about it. , the palm-sized lightning strike wood alone is worth over ten million, not to mention the various exquisite designs and nine gems in it. Yue Qifeng's words are not exaggerated. This thing can be called a peerless treasure.

Especially Di Chaodong, he was even more excited and elated.

"Xiao Fei, you asked Chen Xiang to ask for Yao Zu's nails and hair a few days ago to do this?" ??

Lu Fei nodded: "Not bad!

I used talisman paper to seal Yaozu's hair, nails and eight characters in the cabin. After special treatment, it has waterproof function. Therefore, I don't have to take it off when I give the child a bath in the future. I can wear it on him at any time as much as possible. , can protect Yaozu’s safety. "

Lu Fei said it relatively easily, but in fact this brand is far from that simple.

When making it, Lu Fei used Taoist blessings, coupled with the properties of lightning-struck wood to ward off evil spirits and the design of the Supreme Nine Sons to protect him. Now, this brand has become a superior magic weapon, and its effect will definitely not be inferior to that given by Lu Fei. Heart protection plaque made by Chen Xiang.

Of course Di Chaodong knew what Lu Fei was capable of. He was even happier when he heard what he said. He took the heart protection card with both hands and put it on his grandson himself. Then he stood up and picked up the wine glass.

"Xiao Fei, it's my honor, Di Chaodong, and our Di family's honor to get to know you. I won't say thank you. I'll toast you."

"Haha, Uncle Di, you're welcome, let's do it!"

After drinking a glass of wine, before Lu Fei could sit down, Li Yunhe came around and grabbed him, saying with an unkind expression.

"Lu Fei, you are not interesting enough!

Such a good baby, why don't you give my son one? He's your godson! "

have to!

This was immediately eye-catching. Looking at his expression, Lu Fei really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"What are you calling for?

What I gave to your son is also a good baby. It has the same effect, okay? " Lu Fei said.

"Bah, you said it's the same?

Listen, this brand is much better than my son’s. I don’t care. I’ll give you a week to get an exact one for my son. Otherwise, I will deprive you of your right to be a godfather. . "

As soon as Li Yunhe finished speaking, Zhang Huan on the woman's side also stood up.

"Lao Li, you've been acting arrogant all day, but today you finally said something useful.\u003c


The child’s godfather, please listen to me, you must get an exact one for my son. "

The eyes of this vicious couple were about to pop out, and they looked as if they were going to eat Lu Fei if they disagreed. Lu Fei quickly raised his hands in surrender and compromised.

"Sure, no problem. Isn't it okay if I agree?"

"Huh, that's pretty much it!"


It was rare to see Lu Fei deflated, and everyone laughed again.

"Hey, can you get me one by the way?" Yue Qifeng said with a smile.

"Damn it, you've got dirt down to your throat, are you going to be useless?

Anyway, you understand it and want to do it yourself. Lu Fei shouted.

Yue Qifeng was not angry: "It's okay for me to do it myself, but I don't have the materials!

Let's do this. You can give me a piece of lightning strike wood later so you don't have to worry about the rest.

So what, don’t tell me you don’t have any, I know you still have a lot on hand! "

Lu Fei rolled his eyes angrily: "Old man, can you still have some face?"

"If you want to show your face, just tell me whether you will give it to me or not!"


The whole audience laughed, and Lu Fei was convinced.

"Okay, I'll give you a piece later, don't grind it out, okay?"

"Hehe, wouldn't you have been happy if you had promised earlier? It's true!"


Lu Fei almost spat out his blood. This old guy was so shameless to the extreme.

It's strange to say that in front of outsiders, these old guys always seem polite, knowledgeable, and refined, giving people an enigmatic look. But when they come to Lu Fei, they all turn into old scoundrels.

Yue Qifeng is like this, Guan Haishan, Zhang Yanhe and the others are even worse. If their fans from the outside world know that they still have this side, I wonder if they will be completely desperate.

When Lu Fei and Yue Qifeng were bickering, he didn't notice that Di Chaodong was whispering to his wife. The two discussed for a while and reached a consensus. When Lu Fei and Yue Qifeng finished the conversation, Di Chaodong and his wife stood at the same time holding wine glasses. got up.

These two are legends in the business world and have a prominent position in Asia and even the entire world. Moreover, Mr. Chen did not participate in today's wine party. Of all the people present, except Mr. Duan and Wang Zhenbang, Di Chaodong has the highest backup. , none of these little brothers are qualified to ask Di Chaodong and his wife to toast, let alone stand up.

Therefore, upon seeing the couple's actions, the people at several tables immediately became quiet and looked at Di Chaodong and his wife.

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