A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2913 Early stage completed

Mountain darkly, vista.

When Lu Fei explained like this, the dark clouds in the sky suddenly dissipated. The godfather didn't recognize him, but it would be good to recognize him as a godmother. After all, the godmother is Lu Fei's wife.

Moreover, this is not the first time that Lu Fei has shown his profound knowledge in the field of metaphysics. Of course, Di Chaodong will not doubt what Lu Fei said about mutual development and mutual restraint.

All businessmen have more or less superstitious thoughts. The bigger the business, the more ingrained this thought becomes. They will stubbornly believe that their achievements today must be the blessing of their ancestors and good luck. If things go on like this, Businessmen are even more superstitious.

Nowadays, those earth masters, hexagram masters, etc. are all pointing to these businessmen to make money. For some earth masters, the commission for showing feng shui to businessmen may be seven figures or even more.

Of course Di Chaodong was no exception. Otherwise, Di Yaozu had just been born, and he would not have been in a hurry to return to Malaysia to report to his ancestors. .??.

The five elements are mutually reinforcing and inhibiting each other. This is the most basic knowledge. People here may not understand it, but they must have heard that the five elements are mutually reinforcing and complementary to each other. If the five elements are mutually reinforcing, they will definitely be enemies. The one who is restrained will definitely be unlucky.

Lu Fei made the decision, and of course Chen Xiang couldn't refuse. Only then did Di Chaodong and Little Milk Dog feel completely relieved.

At this time, everyone's brewing feelings were finally not wasted. They all raised their glasses to congratulate Chen Xiang and Di Chaodong.

With this relationship, the Lu family and the Di family have taken a step further. The two powerful families have joined forces, and their strength is absolutely terrifying beyond imagination.

The meal ended in a festive atmosphere until the evening. In the next few days, Lu Fei continued to accompany the two ladies during the day and studied the drawings late at night.

A week later, he finally finalized the final drawings and made a 3D plan and printed it himself. Then, Lu Fei asked Murray to contact a crystal customization company and customized an object. Only then was all the preliminary preparation work completed. I can now accompany my two ladies with peace of mind.

Autumn turned to winter, and all the relocation projects at the nine gates were completed. Jiang Hefeng sent the aerial video to Lu Fei, waiting for Lu Fei's review.

In just over two months, earth-shaking changes have taken place near Mawei Mountain.

Jiumen Dongtian, the first luxury residential complex in the north, has completely disappeared. Today, Mawei Mountain is clean and smooth, with almost no life left.

Except for the former site of Jiumen Dongtian, from a high altitude, the mountain and its surroundings are covered with dense vegetation, vaguely reflecting the shadow of Mawei Mountain in the previous life.

The land with a radius of three kilometers in Mawei Mountain is

Two months ago, there were still densely packed warehouses, factories and logistics centers, but now they have all been razed to the ground, and not even a piece of construction waste can be added.

Not only that, Jiang Hefeng also transported hundreds of thousands of cubic meters of sand for backfilling and leveling. Now, the terrain with a radius of three kilometers is quite flat, fully meeting Lu Fei's requirements.

"Fourth brother is tired. The project is perfect. You can rest for now. Do you think you will come to Hong Kong Island or go back to Tiandu?" Lu Fei asked on the phone.

"Haha, as long as you are satisfied, I still have some small matters at home, which I will deal with for the time being. When I finish handling them, I will definitely go to Hong Kong Island to find you. Brother, I also want to have a few drinks with you!" Jiang Hefeng laughed.

"Haha, no problem, I'll be with you anytime. However, you have to exercise your drinking ability, otherwise you won't be a match at all!"


Jiang Hefeng also laughed. As a veteran of Tiandu, what he loves most is making friends. In his opinion, his drinking capacity is already quite good. At least in his circle of friends, he rarely meets opponents.

But the last time he came to Phoenix Villa, Jiang Hefeng realized what kind of beasts were around Lu Fei. That night, he didn't know what happened, and he fell unconscious in a daze. It was so embarrassing. , if you have the chance, you really need to exercise hard, otherwise you will be embarrassed if you go.

"By the way, when will the post-construction work start?" Jiang Hefeng asked.

"We have to wait until spring anyway. Prepare the engineering team and start construction immediately after the new year."

"Okay, I'll wait for your call." Jiang Hefeng said with a smile.

"By the way, there is one more thing to trouble Fourth Brother. Dou Hongda has contributed a lot to the demolition of the outer perimeter and the demolition of Jiumen Cave. Before you go back, thank him for it. No matter what his request is, you will agree to it."

"Okay, leave it to me."

After spending this time together, Lu Fei discovered that Jiang Hefeng had extremely outstanding abilities and was rich in experience and had a very high emotional intelligence. He was best at playing both sides. As long as such a person was his friend, Lu Fei would be able to trust him with any task.

In the past, Lu Fei didn't have a good impression of him due to some disgraceful experiences of his ancestors of the Jiang family. The reason why he dated him was just for the old photos of his family.

But after getting in touch with him, Lu Fei discovered that Jiang Hefeng was quite upright and was sincere to him. Only then did Lu Fei truly accept this friend. And through this demolition project, Lu Fei realized Jiang Hefeng's ability, and he felt extremely grateful. Fortunately, it is a great honor to have such a friend to help! Mountain darkly, vista.

When Lu Fei explained like this, the dark clouds in the sky suddenly dissipated. The godfather didn't recognize him, but it would be good to recognize him as a godmother. After all, the godmother is Lu Fei's wife.

Moreover, this is not the first time that Lu Fei has shown his profound knowledge in the field of metaphysics. Of course, Di Chaodong will not doubt what Lu Fei said about mutual development and mutual restraint.

All businessmen have more or less superstitious thoughts. The bigger the business, the more ingrained this thought becomes. They will stubbornly believe that their achievements today must be the blessing of their ancestors and good luck. If things go on like this, Businessmen are even more superstitious.

Nowadays, those earth masters, hexagram masters, etc. are all pointing to these businessmen to make money. For some earth masters, the commission for showing feng shui to businessmen may be seven figures or even more.

Of course Di Chaodong was no exception. Otherwise, Di Yaozu had just been born, and he would not have been in a hurry to return to Malaysia to report to his ancestors.

The five elements are mutually reinforcing and inhibiting each other. This is the most basic knowledge. People here may not understand it, but they must have heard that the five elements are mutually reinforcing and complementary to each other. If the five elements are mutually reinforcing, they will definitely be enemies. The one who is restrained will definitely be unlucky.

Lu Fei made the decision, and of course Chen Xiang couldn't refuse. Only then did Di Chaodong and Little Milk Dog feel completely relieved.

At this time, everyone's brewing feelings were finally not wasted. They all raised their glasses to congratulate Chen Xiang and Di Chaodong.

With this relationship, the Lu family and the Di family have taken a step further. The two powerful families have joined forces, and their strength is absolutely terrifying beyond imagination.

The meal ended in a festive atmosphere until the evening. In the next few days, Lu Fei continued to accompany the two ladies during the day and studied the drawings late at night.

A week later, he finally finalized the final drawings and made a 3D plan and printed it himself. Then, Lu Fei asked Murray to contact a crystal customization company and customized an object. Only then was all the preliminary preparation work completed. I can now accompany my two ladies with peace of mind.

Autumn turned to winter, and all the relocation projects at the nine gates were completed. Jiang Hefeng sent the aerial video to Lu Fei, waiting for Lu Fei's review.

In just over two months, earth-shaking changes have taken place near Mawei Mountain.

Jiumen Dongtian, the first luxury residential complex in the north, has completely disappeared. Today, Mawei Mountain is clean and smooth, with almost no life left.

Except for the former site of Jiumen Dongtian, from a high altitude, the mountain and its surroundings are covered with dense vegetation, vaguely reflecting the shadow of Mawei Mountain in the previous life.

The land with a radius of three kilometers in Mawei Mountain is

Two months ago, there were still densely packed warehouses, factories and logistics centers, but now they have all been razed to the ground, and not even a piece of construction waste can be added.

Not only that, Jiang Hefeng also transported hundreds of thousands of cubic meters of sand for backfilling and leveling. Now, the terrain with a radius of three kilometers is quite flat, fully meeting Lu Fei's requirements.

"Fourth brother is tired. The project is perfect. You can rest for now. Do you think you will come to Hong Kong Island or go back to Tiandu?" Lu Fei asked on the phone.

"Haha, as long as you are satisfied, I still have some small matters at home, which I will deal with for the time being. When I finish handling them, I will definitely go to Hong Kong Island to find you. Brother, I also want to have a few drinks with you!" Jiang Hefeng laughed.

"Haha, no problem, I'll be with you anytime. However, you have to exercise your drinking ability, otherwise you won't be a match at all!"


Jiang Hefeng also laughed. As a veteran of Tiandu, what he loves most is making friends. In his opinion, his drinking capacity is already quite good. At least in his circle of friends, he rarely meets opponents.

But the last time he came to Phoenix Villa, Jiang Hefeng realized what kind of beasts were around Lu Fei. That night, he didn't know what happened, and he fell unconscious in a daze. It was so embarrassing. , if you have the chance, you really need to exercise hard, otherwise you will be embarrassed if you go.

"By the way, when will the post-construction work start?" Jiang Hefeng asked.

"We have to wait until spring anyway. Prepare the engineering team and start construction immediately after the new year."

"Okay, I'll wait for your call." Jiang Hefeng said with a smile.

"By the way, there is one more thing to trouble Fourth Brother. Dou Hongda has contributed a lot to the demolition of the outer perimeter and the demolition of Jiumen Cave. Before you go back, thank him for it. No matter what his request is, you will agree to it."

"Okay, leave it to me."

After spending this time together, Lu Fei discovered that Jiang Hefeng had extremely outstanding abilities and was rich in experience and had a very high emotional intelligence. He was best at playing both sides. As long as such a person was his friend, Lu Fei would be able to trust him with any task.

In the past, Lu Fei didn't have a good impression of him due to some disgraceful experiences of his ancestors of the Jiang family. The reason why he dated him was just for the old photos of his family.

But after getting in touch with him, Lu Fei discovered that Jiang Hefeng was quite upright and was sincere to him. Only then did Lu Fei truly accept this friend. And through this demolition project, Lu Fei realized Jiang Hefeng's ability, and he felt extremely grateful. Fortunately, it is a great honor to have such a friend to help!

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