A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2915 Unexpected

In Lu Fei's study, mother and son sat across from each other, Long Yun Zhang was still on guard at the door.

"Xiaofei, how long is Xinyi's due date?" Xiao Tingfang asked.

"There's still half a month left!"

"I heard that Xinyi's grandpa wants to name his child?" Xiao Tingfang looked at Lu Fei with a complaining look.

When she heard the news, Xiao Tingfang was indeed a little angry. Why should the woman's grandfather name her grandchildren? There has been no such rule throughout the ages!

Lu Fei chuckled: "It does happen.

Xinyi has a deep affection for me. I can't refuse this request. Don't be angry. When the second child is born, I will definitely let you name it. "

Xiao Tingfang nodded: "Actually, I don't care, as long as you are happy."

"Xiao Fei, there is one more thing I want to discuss with you this time."

"You say."

"Some time ago, I met with the patriarch of the Robert family."

Lu Fei nodded but didn't say anything. He knew about this, but Lu Fei didn't know the specific content of the conversation, and he didn't want to inquire.

The Xiao family's long-cherished wish to annex the Robert family has been for a long time, especially after my mother took the position of head of the family. They took action, but the grudge between their two families had nothing to do with Lu Fei.

Although Lu Fei seems to be drifting between the two families, in fact, Lu Fei has no in-depth understanding of either family.

Lu Fei had been to Paradise Island once, but he was wearing a blindfold the whole time. He didn't even know where Paradise Island was, and he had never met the patriarch of the Robert family. Lu Fei only had a transaction with their family.

As for the Xiao family, it's even more special. Even though the head of the Xiao family is Lu Fei's biological mother, Lu Fei doesn't even know as much about the Xiao family as he does about the Robert family.

Until now, Lu Fei didn't know where the Xiao family's home base was or how powerful this mysterious hidden family was. Lu Fei's past knowledge of the Xiao family was all based on his own guesses and inferences, but these Not necessarily accurate.

But one thing was clear to Lu Fei. Even though he had annexed the Thomas family, there was still a certain gap between his current strength and those two families.

Lu Fei doesn't care about them now. What he has to do is to use the shortest time to develop his strength as much as possible to get closer to these two families as soon as possible. Only when he reaches the same height as their two families can he have real success. The right to speak.

Although Lu Fei did not inquire about the content of the meeting between the two big bosses, Lu Fei was still able to guess the details.

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