"What is the treasure that binds us?"

Of course Lu Fei knew that there might be shocking treasures in the treasure, but those were just legends. No one knew what they were, but he didn't expect that his mother would know so much.

Xiao Tingfang's face became solemn and her expression became serious.

"No one knows what it is specifically, but what is certain is that there must be an amazing super treasure in that treasure.

For hundreds of years, our three families have developed steadily and have huge strength and wealth. It is no exaggeration to say that the wealth of any one of us can easily subvert any country. With such strength, how can we care about ordinary treasures? And wealth?

The five of us fought to the death for the ultimate treasure of the Seven Star Sword, and two of them even paid the price of destruction. After that, the three of us continued to fight for the Seven Star Sword for hundreds of years. Wealth has long been meaningless to us. , but we must take the treasure in the treasure.

At that time, the Yuanmeng cavalry galloped around the world, burning, killing, looting and conquering most of the earth. In the process, they robbed countless countries, ancient ruins, temples, churches and various holy places.

Since then, countless civilized sacred objects have disappeared from the earth. We speculate that those civilized sacred objects must be among Yuanmeng's treasures. This is the ultimate secret of the Seven-Star Sword treasure. "Xiao Tingfang said.

Lu Fei was stunned: "I don't understand. Whether it's a sacred object or a treasure, it's just an object at best. Even if we find these things, what will happen?"


Xiao Tingfang smiled slightly and said: "Son, you take it too much for granted. According to legend, the sacred objects of various civilizations have abilities that are unimaginable.

At the Jinling Treasure Fighting Conference, you won the Seven Treasures Ashoka Pagoda, which is the treasure of the Mahabodhi Temple and one of the sacred objects of the civilization of Asan Kingdom. You also saw that after you won the pagoda, you gave it to the people of Asan Kingdom. What an impact it has brought. In order to get back Ashoka Pagoda, Mahabodhi Temple is even willing to meet any of your conditions.

In fact, you were too kind. At that time, you exaggerated the conditions ten or even a hundred times. As long as they were within the range they could bear, they would agree sooner or later, because once the people and believers started to quarrel, none of them could bear it. consequences.

However, the Seven Treasures Ashoka Pagoda is only the most insignificant form of holy objects.

Since the birth of human civilization, many holy objects have been produced. They are the totems of faith of an era, even a civilization and a race. They are the supreme treasures in their eyes. What are they used for?

Nothing can replace it, and these treasures may be among the treasures of the Seven Star Sword.

Once the treasure is found, no matter who gets those holy objects, it is equivalent to gaining the belief that those holy objects belong, and it is also equivalent to getting the support of the believing people. This is a benefit that cannot be achieved with money and strength.

To put it simply, no matter which of our families obtains those holy objects, among the five elements, it is equivalent to mastering the greatest strength in the world. At that time, that family will become the one who dominates the world and will remain standing forever. Just imagine, No one can resist such temptation. "Xiao Tingfang's eyes lit up and she said extremely excitedly.

What my mother said was similar to what Lu Fei usually guessed, but Lu Fei was still surprised because before that, Lu Fei didn't expect that they would know so much. Now it seems that they may know more than that. Trouble.

The more they know, the greater the temptation of the treasure is to them. It may not be so easy for them to give up.

"Mom, is it as exaggerated as you said?" Lu Fei asked nonchalantly.

"Haha, son, you must not underestimate this treasure. What I said is not an exaggeration.

Just imagine, what would you do if among the treasures there were the Nine Cauldrons of Dayu, the Twelve Golden Men of Qin Shihuang, or the Jade Seal of the State, among other rare treasures from China?

If these treasures fall into the hands of the Robert family and they use these treasures to blackmail China into compromising some benefits, what will China's top brass do?

What would you do if the Robert family used these treasures to blackmail your son?

Deal with them?

Putting aside your character, even if you have to deal with them, do you think China will still support you at that time?

I think that in order for Chongbao not to be harmed, not only will they not support you, they will even restrict you and force you to make compromises.

Even if the higher-ups in China don't restrict you and the Robert family owns these treasures, you can't deal with them because you can't accept the possibility that the treasures will be damaged by them.

Taking a step back, you don't care about those treasures. You risked everything to fight the Robert family to the end and won. However, the treasures will inevitably be destroyed. By then, although you have huge strength, you will also become The Chinese people are the target of public criticism. Because of you, the national treasure was damaged, and they will never forgive you. In that case, China will never have a foothold for you.

You have wealth and strength, but you are spurned by your own race and unable to return to your roots. Is that what you want? "What is the treasure that binds us?" "

Of course Lu Fei knew that there might be shocking treasures in the treasure, but those were just legends. No one knew what they were, but he didn't expect that his mother would know so much.

Xiao Tingfang's face became solemn and her expression became serious.

"No one knows what it is specifically, but what is certain is that there must be an amazing super treasure in that treasure.

For hundreds of years, our three families have developed steadily and have huge strength and wealth. It is no exaggeration to say that the wealth of any one of us can easily subvert any country. With such strength, how can we care about ordinary treasures? And wealth?

The five of us fought to the death for the ultimate treasure of the Seven Star Sword, and two of them even paid the price of destruction. After that, the three of us continued to fight for the Seven Star Sword for hundreds of years. Wealth has long been meaningless to us. , but we must take the treasure in the treasure.

At that time, the Yuanmeng cavalry galloped around the world, burning, killing, looting and conquering most of the earth. In the process, they robbed countless countries, ancient ruins, temples, churches and various holy places.

Since then, countless civilized sacred objects have disappeared from the earth. We speculate that those civilized sacred objects must be among Yuanmeng's treasures. This is the ultimate secret of the Seven-Star Sword treasure. "Xiao Tingfang said.

Lu Fei was stunned: "I don't understand. Whether it's a sacred object or a treasure, it's just an object at best. Even if we find these things, what will happen?"


Xiao Tingfang smiled slightly and said: "Son, you take it too much for granted. According to legend, the sacred objects of various civilizations have abilities that are unimaginable.

At the Jinling Treasure Fighting Conference, you won the Seven Treasures Ashoka Pagoda, which is the treasure of the Mahabodhi Temple and one of the sacred objects of the civilization of Asan Kingdom. You also saw that after you won the pagoda, you gave it to the people of Asan Kingdom. What an impact it has brought. In order to get back Ashoka Pagoda, Mahabodhi Temple is even willing to meet any of your conditions.

In fact, you were too kind. At that time, you exaggerated the conditions ten or even a hundred times. As long as they were within the range they could bear, they would agree sooner or later, because once the people and believers started to quarrel, none of them could bear it. consequences.

However, the Seven Treasures Ashoka Pagoda is only the most insignificant form of holy objects.

Since the birth of human civilization, many holy objects have been produced. They are the totems of faith of an era, even a civilization and a race. They are the supreme treasures in their eyes. What are they used for?

Nothing can replace it, and these treasures may be among the treasures of the Seven Star Sword.

Once the treasure is found, no matter who gets those holy objects, it is equivalent to gaining the belief that those holy objects belong, and it is also equivalent to getting the support of the believing people. This is a benefit that cannot be achieved with money and strength.

To put it simply, no matter which of our families obtains those holy objects, among the five elements, it is equivalent to mastering the greatest strength in the world. At that time, that family will become the one who dominates the world and will remain standing forever. Just imagine, No one can resist such temptation. "Xiao Tingfang's eyes lit up and she said extremely excitedly.

What my mother said was similar to what Lu Fei usually guessed, but Lu Fei was still surprised because before that, Lu Fei didn't expect that they would know so much. Now it seems that they may know more than that. Trouble.

The more they know, the greater the temptation of the treasure is to them. It may not be so easy for them to give up.

"Mom, is it as exaggerated as you said?" Lu Fei asked nonchalantly.

"Haha, son, you must not underestimate this treasure. What I said is not an exaggeration.

Just imagine, what would you do if among the treasures there were the Nine Cauldrons of Dayu, the Twelve Golden Men of Qin Shihuang, or the Jade Seal of the State, among other rare treasures from China?

If these treasures fall into the hands of the Robert family and they use these treasures to blackmail China into compromising some benefits, what will China's top brass do?

What would you do if the Robert family used these treasures to blackmail your son?

Deal with them?

Putting aside your character, even if you have to deal with them, do you think China will still support you at that time?

I think that in order for Chongbao not to be harmed, not only will they not support you, they will even restrict you and force you to make compromises.

Even if the higher-ups in China don't restrict you and the Robert family owns these treasures, you can't deal with them because you can't accept the possibility that the treasures will be damaged by them.

Taking a step back, you don't care about those treasures. You risked everything to fight the Robert family to the end and won. However, the treasures will inevitably be destroyed. By then, although you have huge strength, you will also become The Chinese people are the target of public criticism. Because of you, the national treasure was damaged, and they will never forgive you. In that case, China will never have a foothold for you.

You have wealth and strength, but you are spurned by your own race and unable to return to your roots. Is that what you want? "

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