A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2929 Overdraft of Luck

Wang Zhenbang was so happy that he succeeded in pretending, his face was flushed, and the wrinkles on his face stretched out.

Others continued to compliment, but Chen Yunfei frowned slightly.

"Mr. Chen, what's wrong with you? Isn't this name inappropriate?"

Seeing Chen Yunfei's expression, Wang Zhenbang was somewhat unhappy.

Lao Wang Touxin said that this name can be said to be timeless and no one can fault it. At least, it is much louder than the Chen Chong named by Chen Lao. Therefore, everyone can have an opinion, but Chen Yunfei frowned. He was very unhappy. Wang Zhenbang thought that Mr. Chen was jealous and jealous of the display board. If he couldn't offend Mr. Chen, he would have to argue with him. .??.

Chen Yunfei didn't care whether he was in a good or bad mood, and nodded without hesitation: "There is indeed something wrong."


This old guy is so hateful. He is obviously trying to find trouble because my name is louder than his.

Don't think that because I can't offend you, you can bully me unscrupulously. If you don't give me a perfect explanation today, I will fight you to the end.

Of course, this was what he was thinking, and he didn't dare to express it directly for the time being. However, Wang Zhenbang was also a veteran. On the surface, he was calm and asked with a smile: "Mr. Chen, what do you think is wrong? I am here to listen. If It makes sense, I’ll change it immediately.”

"Well, the meaning of this name is very good, and it is impeccable in every aspect, but there is one thing you have overlooked."


Which point? "

"Haha, Lu Fei's father is named Lu Tianlin, and Lu Fei's second uncle is named Lu Tianhao. If you name Lu Fei's child Lu Tianyu, isn't this the same generation as his father and second uncle?

Do you think this is appropriate? "


Xue Tai, Mr. Duan and others took a deep breath and nodded frequently.

"It makes sense, it makes sense!"

"Mr. Wang, this is a low-level mistake!"

"Our Chinese names are sorted according to seniority in the genealogy, but it is quite particular. The middle one of the three-character name represents seniority. This is a rule. Even ordinary families attach great importance to this. So , the name Tianyu is indeed somewhat inappropriate."

"It's a pity that this is such a resounding name, Mr. Wang, why don't you think of a way to change the word "天" in the middle, so that it complies with the rules."

After hearing what everyone said, Wang Zhenbang laughed.

"What you all said is indeed good, but how could I ignore such an obvious mistake?

In fact, I discussed this name with Xiaofei, and Xiaofei highly recognized the name.

As for the seniority everyone talked about, I also mentioned it to him, and Xiaofei said he didn’t understand it at all.

I don't care, the old Lu family has no genealogy, and they are more casual. They don't care about these particularities, as long as it means something good, it's fine. "

What Wang Zhenbang said was half true. He had indeed discussed it with Lu Fei. But in fact, this name was not chosen by him, Wang Zhenbang, but by Lu Fei himself.

A few nights ago, Lu Fei drove Wang Zhenbang almost crazy. In the end, the old man had no choice but to agree to consult with Lu Fei.

Of course, it is said to be a reference, but in fact it has nothing to do with him.

In fact, it's not that Lu Fei is being hypocritical. In Lu Fei's words, he was given the opportunity, but he didn't use it!

Over the past few months, I researched a lot of names, but they were all just petty names, patriotism and the like. Lu Fei couldn't tolerate it anymore.

The name Lu Tianyu was given by Lu Fei himself, and the meaning that Wang Zhenbang just told everyone was also explained to him by Lu Fei.

As for the seniority difference raised by Chen Yunfei, it is not an exaggeration or a slander. Wang Zhenbang really thought of this and gave Lu Fei some advice. The explanation Wang Zhenbang gave everyone just now was actually Lu Fei's exact words at that time.

But this was just Lu Fei's perfunctory words. In fact, there were other reasons.

It's not that the old Lu family doesn't have a genealogy, and there have never been any details about seniority in the past, but Lu Fei's situation is completely different from that of the Lu family's ancestors.

After two lifetimes, Lu Fei is not sure whether he belongs to the Jincheng Lu family, but at least from a practical point of view, Lu Fei still belongs to this lineage. Of course, he is Lu Tianlin's son, but Lu Fei is temporarily He is still not sure whether he will enter the Lu family's ancestral tomb in a hundred years. This is very important for Taoist disciples.

In addition, there is a more important point.

Lu Fei didn't know what caused the fact that he was reborn, but from a metaphysical point of view, it must be the luck of the atmosphere, or the merits of the Lu family's ancestors. Of course, it could also be the result of Lu Fei's previous analysis. , lived this life again because he was burdened with a severe mission.

But in comparison, Lu Fei believed more that it was his own luck. However, being able to live a new life is not something that ordinary luck can do. It is likely that all the luck of his ancestors and descendants was overdrawn before he could have a new life. Chance.

After his rebirth, Lu Fei didn't think about getting married and having children, but step by step, he not only had two wives, but both wives were pregnant. Therefore, Lu Fei had to think about his offspring.

If the luck of his descendants is overdrawn as Lu Fei guessed, then his descendants will be doomed to be miserable. This is not what Lu Fei wants to see. Now that he has a child, Lu Fei will be responsible for his descendants, so, Lu Fei wanted to give his child a name with extraordinary meaning and momentum, and the name should also match the child's destiny. In this way, even if he could not change his destiny, he could at least avoid disasters. In this way, he The net worth created can at least ensure that the next three generations will have enough food and clothing. Wang Zhenbang was so happy that he succeeded in pretending, his face was flushed, and the wrinkles on his face stretched out.

Others continued to compliment, but Chen Yunfei frowned slightly.

"Mr. Chen, what's wrong with you? Isn't this name inappropriate?"

Seeing Chen Yunfei's expression, Wang Zhenbang was somewhat unhappy.

Lao Wang Touxin said that this name can be said to be timeless and no one can fault it. At least, it is much louder than the Chen Chong named by Chen Lao. Therefore, everyone can have an opinion, but Chen Yunfei frowned. He was very unhappy. Wang Zhenbang thought that Mr. Chen was jealous and jealous of the display board. If he couldn't offend Mr. Chen, he would have to argue with him.

Chen Yunfei didn't care whether he was in a good or bad mood, and nodded without hesitation: "There is indeed something wrong."


This old guy is so hateful. He is obviously trying to find trouble because my name is louder than his.

Don't think that because I can't offend you, you can bully me unscrupulously. If you don't give me a perfect explanation today, I will fight you to the end.

Of course, this was what he was thinking, and he didn't dare to express it directly for the time being. However, Wang Zhenbang was also a veteran. On the surface, he was calm and asked with a smile: "Mr. Chen, what do you think is wrong? I am here to listen. If It makes sense, I’ll change it immediately.”

"Well, the meaning of this name is very good, and it is impeccable in every aspect, but there is one thing you have overlooked."


Which point? "

"Haha, Lu Fei's father is named Lu Tianlin, and Lu Fei's second uncle is named Lu Tianhao. If you name Lu Fei's child Lu Tianyu, isn't this the same generation as his father and second uncle?

Do you think this is appropriate? "


Xue Tai, Mr. Duan and others took a deep breath and nodded frequently.

"It makes sense, it makes sense!"

"Mr. Wang, this is a low-level mistake!"

"Our Chinese names are sorted according to seniority in the genealogy, but it is quite particular. The middle one of the three-character name represents seniority. This is a rule. Even ordinary families attach great importance to this. So , the name Tianyu is indeed somewhat inappropriate."

"It's a pity that this is such a resounding name, Mr. Wang, why don't you think of a way to change the word "天" in the middle, so that it complies with the rules."

After hearing what everyone said, Wang Zhenbang laughed.

"What you all said is indeed good, but how could I ignore such an obvious mistake?

In fact, I discussed this name with Xiaofei, and Xiaofei highly recognized the name.

As for the seniority everyone talked about, I also mentioned it to him, and Xiaofei said he didn’t understand it at all.

I don't care, the old Lu family has no genealogy, and they are more casual. They don't care about these particularities, as long as it means something good, it's fine. "

What Wang Zhenbang said was half true. He had indeed discussed it with Lu Fei. But in fact, this name was not chosen by him, Wang Zhenbang, but by Lu Fei himself.

A few nights ago, Lu Fei drove Wang Zhenbang almost crazy. In the end, the old man had no choice but to agree to consult with Lu Fei.

Of course, it is said to be a reference, but in fact it has nothing to do with him.

In fact, it's not that Lu Fei is being hypocritical. In Lu Fei's words, he was given the opportunity, but he didn't use it!

Over the past few months, I researched a lot of names, but they were all just petty names, patriotism and the like. Lu Fei couldn't tolerate it anymore.

The name Lu Tianyu was given by Lu Fei himself, and the meaning that Wang Zhenbang just told everyone was also explained to him by Lu Fei.

As for the seniority difference raised by Chen Yunfei, it is not an exaggeration or a slander. Wang Zhenbang really thought of this and gave Lu Fei some advice. The explanation Wang Zhenbang gave everyone just now was actually Lu Fei's exact words at that time.

But this was just Lu Fei's perfunctory words. In fact, there were other reasons.

It's not that the old Lu family doesn't have a genealogy, and there have never been any details about seniority in the past, but Lu Fei's situation is completely different from that of the Lu family's ancestors.

After two lifetimes, Lu Fei is not sure whether he belongs to the Jincheng Lu family, but at least from a practical point of view, Lu Fei still belongs to this lineage. Of course, he is Lu Tianlin's son, but Lu Fei is temporarily He is still not sure whether he will enter the Lu family's ancestral tomb in a hundred years. This is very important for Taoist disciples.

In addition, there is a more important point.

Lu Fei didn't know what caused the fact that he was reborn, but from a metaphysical point of view, it must be the luck of the atmosphere, or the merits of the Lu family's ancestors. Of course, it could also be the result of Lu Fei's previous analysis. , lived this life again because he was burdened with a severe mission.

But in comparison, Lu Fei believed more that it was his own luck. However, being able to live a new life is not something that ordinary luck can do. It is likely that all the luck of his ancestors and descendants was overdrawn before he could have a new life. Chance.

After his rebirth, Lu Fei didn't think about getting married and having children, but step by step, he not only had two wives, but both wives were pregnant. Therefore, Lu Fei had to think about his offspring.

If the luck of his descendants is overdrawn as Lu Fei guessed, then his descendants will be doomed to be miserable. This is not what Lu Fei wants to see. Now that he has a child, Lu Fei will be responsible for his descendants, so, Lu Fei wanted to give his child a name with extraordinary meaning and momentum, and the name should also match the child's destiny. In this way, even if he could not change his destiny, he could at least avoid disasters. In this way, he The net worth created can at least ensure that the next three generations will have enough food and clothing.

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