A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2934 Hiding the Wind and Gathering Qi

Lu Fei inspected the cemetery and spoke highly of his cousin Lu Yong.

Lu Fei is busy outside and rarely has time to come back. He relies on his cousin for matters at home.

In the past, Lu Yong was not very reliable due to his youth, but now it seems that Lu Fei can rest assured.

While walking, Lu Yong looked at the lush pine forest behind the tomb, and some doubts arose in his heart.

"Brother, I followed your instructions and buried all those things. Strangely enough, I went up the mountain the next day and found that there was a thick fog in the forest, which would not dissipate for a long time. Not only that day, but also from then on. From then on, there will be fog every day.”

Seeing Lu Yong's curious look, Lu Fei chuckled: "Isn't it normal for there to be fog on the mountain?"

Lu Yong waved his hands repeatedly: "No, it's not normal at all. You didn't understand just now. It's not that there is fog on the mountains, but there is fog around our cemetery and not elsewhere.

What's even more strange is that even if there is fog, it will dissipate quickly when the sun comes out, but the fog in our house is only slightly lighter when the sun shines, and it does not completely dissipate. "

As he spoke, Lu Yong pointed to the woods: "If you don't believe me, look, it's already 10:30 in the morning, and there is still a faint white mist in the woods. This is completely unscientific!"

Lu Yong was serious about the group, but Lu Fei just smiled and said nothing. Lu Yong thought that his elder brother didn't believe it, so he turned red with anxiety.

"Brother, I'm not kidding you. Although I don't understand astronomy, I still know this bit of common sense. This is definitely not normal.

People say that strange and unexplainable things often happen in tombs. Do you think this mist is the same?

It couldn't be that grandpa and the others cast the spell because they were too happy to know that we were building ancestral tombs! "



Hearing this, Lu Fei burst out laughing.

"Okay, don't be suspicious. It's not a spell, it's just a formation of Xuanmen."


Lu Yong frowned slightly, but soon remembered something, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"I've heard of formations. Is it the same as those Bagua formations, one-word long snake formations, and Zhuxian formations on TV?"

Lu Fei smiled and shook his head: "You watch too much TV, and everything on TV is fake.

However, the ancient books do record the formations you mentioned, but they are all killing formations, not the same type as those in our cemetery. The one we have here is a mysterious formation, and its name is Juyuan Formation.

The mystery of this formation lies in these mist.

Mist is also water. Water is the source of life and the foundation of all things. Only with water can there be life, only with water can there be wind, and only with wind can there be water. Wind and water complement each other. This is the so-called Feng Shui. "

Lu Fei explained,

Lu Yong's eyes widened and he was immediately stunned.

I didn’t understand it at all!

Lu Fei chuckled and said: "In a broad sense, this is called hiding the wind and gathering Qi, which is the foundation of Feng Shui.

The so-called Feng Shui, have you heard of this? "

Lu Yong nodded confusedly.

"I've heard of this."

"That's right, the purpose of looking at Feng Shui is to choose a Feng Shui treasure land. What is a Feng Shui treasure land?

A place where wind and energy are stored is a treasure of Feng Shui. The task of a Feng Shui master is to choose such a good place for customers.

If you don’t understand the concept of hiding wind and gathering qi, I will explain to you briefly why you should choose a place to hide wind and gather qi. There is actually no special mystery. The main purpose is to maintain water vapor. If you encounter In years of severe drought, the sky is dry and the earth is dry, and the grass and trees cannot grow, and the plants wither and die, thus losing vitality. But with such a place that hides wind and gathers energy and can maintain fog, such disasters will not happen.

Therefore, it is very important to choose a Feng Shui treasure land as a shady house. The plants will not die, which means endless life, which means that people are prosperous and future generations will be prosperous. Now you understand! " Lu Fei said.

Lu Yong suddenly realized: "If you say that, I will understand.

Brother, you are so awesome. When did you know so much? I remember you were not much better than me when you were in school! "


Lu Fei was embarrassed for a while.

"Shit, you're still looking at the gourd baby while I'm cutting through walls, stealing cantilever beams, and stabbing buttocks!"


"You are only a few years older than me!

Don't you blush when you say this? "

Lu Yong laughed, but seeing Lu Fei's face darken, he quickly shut up for fear of being scolded.

“Well, my oldest brother is awesome!

By the way, let’s put it this way, our ancestral graves are also quite awesome Feng Shui treasures, right? Lu Yong asked.

Lu Fei shook his head: "It wasn't before. In the past, the feng shui here at our ancestral tomb could only be considered average, but later it was not properly maintained. When it rained heavily, the rain washed out a ditch behind the tomb. What's even more damning is that this ditch was... It bifurcated behind the cemetery and became three tributaries. It is because these three tributaries cannot come together that there is a gap in the relationship between us and my sister-in-law's family.

Fortunately, it was discovered in time and measures were taken in time. Otherwise, as time goes by, the relationship between the three of us will get worse and worse, and in the end, we may never interact with each other until death. "


Lu Yong took a breath of air when he heard this.

"Real or false, is it so mysterious?"

Lu Fei nodded seriously: "It's so mysterious. Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway."

"Pfft." Lu Fei inspected the cemetery and spoke highly of his cousin Lu Yong.

Lu Fei is busy outside and rarely has time to come back. He relies on his cousin for matters at home.

In the past, Lu Yong was not very reliable due to his youth, but now it seems that Lu Fei can rest assured.

While walking, Lu Yong looked at the lush pine forest behind the tomb, and some doubts arose in his heart.

"Brother, I followed your instructions and buried all those things. Strangely enough, I went up the mountain the next day and found that there was a thick fog in the forest, which would not dissipate for a long time. Not only that day, but also from then on. From then on, there will be fog every day.”

Seeing Lu Yong's curious look, Lu Fei chuckled: "Isn't it normal for there to be fog on the mountain?"

Lu Yong waved his hands repeatedly: "No, it's not normal at all. You didn't understand just now. It's not that there is fog on the mountains, but there is fog around our cemetery and not elsewhere.

What's even more strange is that even if there is fog, it will dissipate quickly when the sun comes out, but the fog in our house is only slightly lighter when the sun shines, and it does not completely dissipate. "

As he spoke, Lu Yong pointed to the woods: "If you don't believe me, look, it's already 10:30 in the morning, and there is still a faint white mist in the woods. This is completely unscientific!"

Lu Yong was serious about the group, but Lu Fei just smiled and said nothing. Lu Yong thought that his elder brother didn't believe it, so he turned red with anxiety.

"Brother, I'm not kidding you. Although I don't understand astronomy, I still know this bit of common sense. This is definitely not normal.

People say that strange and unexplainable things often happen in tombs. Do you think this mist is the same?

It couldn't be that grandpa and the others cast the spell because they were too happy to know that we were building ancestral tombs! "



Hearing this, Lu Fei burst into laughter.

"Okay, don't be suspicious. It's not a spell, it's just a formation of Xuanmen."


Lu Yong frowned slightly, but soon remembered something, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"I've heard of formations. Is it the same as those Bagua formations, one-word long snake formations, and Zhuxian formations on TV?"

Lu Fei smiled and shook his head: "You watch too much TV, and everything on TV is fake.

However, the ancient books do record the formations you mentioned, but they are all killing formations, not the same type as those in our cemetery. The one we have here is a mysterious formation, and its name is Juyuan Formation.

The mystery of this formation lies in these mist.

Mist is also water. Water is the source of life and the foundation of all things. Only with water can there be life, only with water can there be wind, and only with wind can there be water. Wind and water complement each other. This is the so-called Feng Shui. "

Lu Fei explained,

Lu Yong's eyes widened and he was immediately stunned.

I didn’t understand it at all!

Lu Fei chuckled and said: "In a broad sense, this is called hiding the wind and gathering Qi, which is the foundation of Feng Shui.

The so-called Feng Shui, have you heard of this? "

Lu Yong nodded confusedly.

"I've heard of this."

"That's right, the purpose of looking at Feng Shui is to choose a Feng Shui treasure land. What is a Feng Shui treasure land?

A place where wind and energy are stored is a treasure of Feng Shui. The task of a Feng Shui master is to choose such a good place for customers.

If you don’t understand the concept of hiding wind and gathering qi, I will explain to you briefly why we should choose a place to hide wind and gather qi. In fact, there is no special mystery. The main purpose is to maintain water vapor. If you encounter In years of severe drought, the sky is dry and the earth is dry, and the grass and trees cannot grow, and the plants wither and die, thus losing vitality. But with such a place that hides wind and gathers energy and can maintain fog, such disasters will not happen.

Therefore, it is very important to choose a Feng Shui treasure land as a shady house. The plants will not die, which means endless life, which means that people are prosperous and future generations will be prosperous. Now you understand! " Lu Fei said.

Lu Yong suddenly realized: "If you say that, I will understand.

Brother, you are so awesome. When did you know so much? I remember you were not much better than me when you were in school! "


Lu Fei was embarrassed for a while.

"Shit, you're still looking at the gourd baby while I'm cutting through walls, stealing cantilever beams, and stabbing buttocks!"


"You are only a few years older than me!

Don't you blush when you say this? "

Lu Yong laughed, but seeing Lu Fei's face darken, he quickly shut up for fear of being scolded.

“Well, my oldest brother is awesome!

By the way, let’s put it this way, our ancestral graves are also quite awesome Feng Shui treasures, right? Lu Yong asked.

Lu Fei shook his head: "It wasn't before. In the past, the feng shui here at our ancestral tomb could only be considered average, but later it was not properly maintained. When it rained heavily, the rain washed out a ditch behind the tomb. What's even more damning is that this ditch was... It bifurcated behind the cemetery and became three tributaries. It is because these three tributaries cannot come together that there is a gap in the relationship between us and my sister-in-law's family.

Fortunately, it was discovered in time and measures were taken in time. Otherwise, as time goes by, the relationship between the three of us will get worse and worse, and in the end, we may never interact with each other until death. "


Lu Yong took a breath of air when he heard this.

"Real or false, is it so mysterious?"

Lu Fei nodded seriously: "It's so mysterious. Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway."


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