A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2936 Lao Meng called

After the inspection, Lu Fei was quite satisfied with Lu Yong's work.

Generally speaking, the cemetery has begun to take shape, the general framework has been developed, and the rest is continuous improvement.

What satisfied Lu Fei the most was that the Juyuan Formation was perfectly placed and started to operate.

Currently, a light white mist has appeared in the woods. After the greening is completed next year, the place will be more vibrant and the mist will gather more and more, thus achieving the most perfect effect.

After walking around for a while, the two brothers returned to their second uncle's house with the villagers who helped. When they learned that Lu Fei was back, many people came to the village to greet them. They had no choice but to sit at the table at home. Now it was lively, starting from the luncheon. It was changed to running water mats, and it wasn’t until after 8 o’clock in the evening that the villagers gradually dispersed.

After the villagers left, Lu Fei's family sat together and went over the details of tomorrow's ancestor worship. After that, everyone dispersed and went back to rest.

Back in the room, Lu Fei made a pot of tea and rested for a while. Then he took out a piece of yellow paper, grinded out the cinnabar, thought for a moment, and then started writing with a brush.

Lu Fei's writing is smooth and flowing, but if there are outsiders here who see what Lu Fei writes, they will definitely be confused, because what Lu Fei writes is not the Chinese characters that everyone is familiar with, let alone traditional Chinese and seal script. But the authentic Yinwen.

It doesn't matter if ordinary people can't understand it. This thing is not for living people to read at all, but a letter written to ghosts. Yes, this is the letter written by Lu Fei to the ancestors of the Lu family. ??

In fact, Lu Fei had hesitated for a long time before, not knowing whether he should write it, but in the end he felt it was necessary to tell them the truth.

This sinister article explains the facts and some details about his two lives. It also explains the original intention and significance of naming his son Lu Tianyu.

The reason why he had to tell them truthfully was because Lu Fei didn't understand what his current situation was.

If he is considered a descendant of the current Lu family, this body clearly contains the memories of two Lu Fei, and as time goes by, the will of Lu Fei in the previous life has gradually taken over.

But it doesn't make sense to say that he doesn't belong to the Lu family. After all, this body comes from Lu Tianlin and Xiao Tingfang, who are serious Lu family members. Therefore, Lu Fei is very confused, but he can't bear to deceive the ghosts without conscience, so he tells the truth. inform.

In the past, Lu Fei would have been fine, but it is different now. Lu Fei has descendants, and Tianyu is nominally a descendant of the Lu family. To recognize his ancestors and return to the clan, Tianyu needs the blessing of the ancestors of the Lu family.

Lu Fei told them truthfully that whether they were willing to protect Tianyu or not would depend on what they thought, but no matter what, Lu Fei felt that he was worthy of it.

The ancestors of the Lu family.

Avenging Lu Tianlin, improving the tense relationship between the descendants of the Lu family, repairing the ancestral graves, and setting up the source gathering formation regardless of the cost, it can be said that Lu Fei has done his utmost to benevolent and righteous to the ancestors of the Lu family, and Lu Fei is worthy of his heart.

Lu Fei is grateful for being able to protect Tianyu. If he cannot be protected, Lu Fei has follow-up preparations.

The next day, the sky was clear and cloudless. Looking at the ancestral graves in Beishan, which was a kilometer away, the white mist was shrouded like a fairyland on earth. It was in sharp contrast with the surrounding environment. This huge contrast caused the villagers to talk about it. They all said that it was the Lu family. Ancestor fairy, Lu Fei laughed it off.

Everything was ready, and Lu Fei's family of more than ten people were ready to go up the mountain. Just as Lu Fei was about to get in the car, a call came from the museum's Lao Meng.

"Hey, Mr. Meng!"

"Lu Fei, have you returned to Jincheng?" Lao Meng asked.

"Haha, you are quite well informed!

Are you sending someone to follow me? "

Lao Meng smiled proudly and said: "That's not the case, but the day before yesterday I had tea with your brother Lu Yong. Lu Yong said that he would go back to his hometown to worship his ancestors today. For such a big thing, I expected you to come back."

Lu Fei smiled: "Yes, I'm back and I'm getting ready to go up the mountain. Are you okay?"

In the museum, Lu Fei arranged various helpers for Lao Meng. It can be said that there is nothing they can't solve. Therefore, Lao Meng rarely calls him in person. Today's call must be about something important.

"Yes, I really have something big to do with you.

A few days ago, through the introduction of Ye Wenxuan, the director of Jincheng Museum, an overseas boss came to our museum and said that he had a treasure that he wanted you to identify. "

"Overseas boss?"

Lu Fei was stunned when he heard this.

"What do foreigners want me to identify?

You don’t need to notify me about this kind of thing in the future, just take a look at it and that’s it. "

Lu Fei didn't take it seriously at all.

Ask yourself to judge, it is really baffling that you are so busy that you have no time to talk nonsense with foreigners.

Lao Meng smiled awkwardly: "I want to do it myself, but people don't look down on me at all, what do you think I should do?

People named them and insisted on letting you do it in person, and even offered a lot of appraisal fees.

I also told them that you are too busy and have no time, but they just accepted it as a dead end. This boss has been waiting for you in Jincheng for more than 20 days. He comes here every day. This is called persistence, and his attitude is quite good. I I was really embarrassed to refuse. "After the inspection, Lu Fei was quite satisfied with Lu Yong's work.

Generally speaking, the cemetery has begun to take shape, the general framework has been developed, and the rest is continuous improvement.

What satisfied Lu Fei the most was that the Juyuan Formation was perfectly placed and started to operate.

Currently, a light white mist has appeared in the woods. After the greening is completed next year, the place will be more vibrant and the mist will gather more and more, thus achieving the most perfect effect.

After walking around for a while, the two brothers returned to their second uncle's house with the villagers who helped. When they learned that Lu Fei was back, many people came to the village to greet them. They had no choice but to sit at the table at home. Now it was lively, starting from the luncheon. It was changed to running water mats, and it wasn’t until after 8 o’clock in the evening that the villagers gradually dispersed.

After the villagers left, Lu Fei's family sat together and went over the details of tomorrow's ancestor worship. After that, everyone dispersed and went back to rest.

Back in the room, Lu Fei made a pot of tea and rested for a while. Then he took out a piece of yellow paper, grinded out the cinnabar, thought for a moment, and then started writing with a brush.

Lu Fei's writing is smooth and flowing, but if there are outsiders here who see what Lu Fei writes, they will definitely be confused, because what Lu Fei writes is not the Chinese characters that everyone is familiar with, let alone traditional Chinese and seal script. But the authentic Yinwen.

It doesn't matter if ordinary people can't understand it. This thing is not for living people to read at all, but a letter written to ghosts. Yes, this is the letter written by Lu Fei to the ancestors of the Lu family.

In fact, Lu Fei had hesitated for a long time before, not knowing whether he should write it, but in the end he felt it was necessary to tell them the truth.

This sinister article explains the facts and some details about his two lives. It also explains the original intention and significance of naming his son Lu Tianyu.

The reason why he had to tell them truthfully was because Lu Fei didn't understand what his current situation was.

If he is considered a descendant of the current Lu family, this body clearly contains the memories of two Lu Fei, and as time goes by, the will of Lu Fei in the previous life has gradually taken over.

But it doesn't make sense to say that he doesn't belong to the Lu family. After all, this body comes from Lu Tianlin and Xiao Tingfang, who are serious Lu family members. Therefore, Lu Fei is very confused, but he can't bear to deceive ghosts out of conscience, so he stays true to the truth. inform.

In the past, Lu Fei would have been fine, but it is different now. Lu Fei has descendants, and Tianyu is nominally a descendant of the Lu family. To recognize his ancestors and return to the clan, Tianyu needs the blessing of the ancestors of the Lu family.

Lu Fei told them truthfully that whether they were willing to protect Tianyu or not would depend on what they thought, but no matter what, Lu Fei felt that he was worthy of it.

The ancestors of the Lu family.

Avenging Lu Tianlin, improving the tense relationship between the descendants of the Lu family, repairing the ancestral graves, and setting up the source gathering formation regardless of the cost, it can be said that Lu Fei has done his utmost to benevolent and righteous to the ancestors of the Lu family, and Lu Fei is worthy of his heart.

Lu Fei is grateful for being able to protect Tianyu. If he cannot be protected, Lu Fei has follow-up preparations.

The next day, the sky was clear and cloudless. Looking at the ancestral graves in Beishan, which was a kilometer away, the white mist was shrouded like a fairyland on earth. It was in sharp contrast with the surrounding environment. This huge contrast caused the villagers to talk about it. They all said that it was the Lu family. Ancestor fairy, Lu Fei laughed it off.

Everything was ready, and Lu Fei's family of more than ten people were ready to go up the mountain. Just as Lu Fei was about to get in the car, a call came from the museum's Lao Meng.

"Hey, Mr. Meng!"

"Lu Fei, have you returned to Jincheng?" Lao Meng asked.

"Haha, you are quite well informed!

Are you sending someone to follow me? "

Lao Meng smiled proudly and said: "That's not the case, but the day before yesterday I had tea with your brother Lu Yong. Lu Yong said that he would go back to his hometown to worship his ancestors today. For such a big thing, I expected you to come back."

Lu Fei smiled: "Yes, I'm back and I'm getting ready to go up the mountain. Are you okay?"

In the museum, Lu Fei arranged various helpers for Lao Meng. It can be said that there is nothing they can't solve. Therefore, Lao Meng rarely calls him in person. Today's call must be about something important.

"Yes, I really have something big to do with you.

A few days ago, through the introduction of Ye Wenxuan, the director of Jincheng Museum, an overseas boss came to our museum and said that he had a treasure that he wanted you to identify. "

"Overseas boss?"

Lu Fei was stunned when he heard this.

"What do foreigners want me to identify?

You don’t need to notify me about this kind of thing in the future, just take a look at it and that’s it. "

Lu Fei didn't take it seriously at all.

Ask yourself to judge, it is really baffling that you are so busy that you have no time to talk nonsense with foreigners.

Lao Meng smiled awkwardly: "I want to do it myself, but people don't look down on me at all, what do you think I should do?

People named them and insisted on letting you do it in person, and even offered a lot of appraisal fees.

I also told them that you are too busy and have no time, but they just accepted it as dead. This boss has been waiting for you in Jincheng for more than 20 days. He comes here every day. This is called persistence, and his attitude is quite good. I I was really embarrassed to refuse. "

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