A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2945: Sticking to the rules

Lao Meng questioned, but Lu Fei just smiled faintly.

"Lao Meng, you have been in the industry for decades. Over the decades, you have accumulated rich experience and have a wealth of knowledge about history and various aspects. But have you ever thought about how hard you have worked so hard and mastered so much knowledge? Why are you not as good as me?"


When Lao Meng heard this, his eyes suddenly burst into flames.

He has been struggling with this for more than a day or two. Maybe not only him, but also world-recognized industry masters such as Guan Haishan can't figure out why they are not as good as this young rag Fei.

It stands to reason that knowledge is slowly accumulated over a long period of time, and in the field of collection, not only knowledge but also rich practical experience are needed, both of which are indispensable.

However, it is not easy to achieve all these two points!

The history of past and present dynasties, professional knowledge of various antiques, etc., added together, what a huge amount of knowledge it is! ??

Not to mention thoroughly understanding it, just looking at it all, I'm afraid it won't be possible in just a few decades, and with practical experience, it will take a long time to explore and learn bit by bit, so in this field, There are almost no shortcuts.

Kong Fanlong sat at the top position of Chinese archeology for decades. He was still learning and exploring until his death. But even such a big boss felt ashamed in front of Lu Fei. As for Lu Fei, he was only two years old. When he was in his early teens, his family just ran an antique shop. As for the archeology major in college, to put it bluntly, it was just learning introductory knowledge, which was almost useless. But just like this, this young man achieved something that many great masters could not achieve in their lifetime. Even far beyond those so-called great masters, this is completely unscientific.

The same is true for Lao Meng. After decades of hard study, in the end he is not as good as a young boy. No, it should be said that he is far inferior to Lu Fei. If Lu Fei is a Bugatti Veyron, Lao Meng prides himself on being fast at most. The scrapped Tianjin Daihatsu has an old carburetor model, and the difference between them cannot be described as huge.

Lao Meng couldn't understand this, and he was even more dissatisfied, and even a little aggrieved. Lao Meng had asked Lu Fei more than once before, asking him how he achieved such an achievement, but Lu Fei never gave him a decent answer. But today, Lu Fei finally took the initiative to mention this key issue, and Lao Meng suddenly became excited.

"Speak, come on, I've wanted to know why I'm not as good as you for a long time."

At this moment, Lao Meng ignored his reserve and started swearing at his boss.

Lu Fei didn't mind either. He patted Lao Meng on the shoulder with a smile and said, "Actually, this question is very simple. You and those so-called experts have a common problem, which limits your upper limit."

"What's wrong?" Lao Meng asked anxiously.

"To put it all together, there are eight characters: I cherish myself and stick to the rules!" \u003c


"I cherish my own things and stick to the rules?

What's the meaning? "

Lao Meng was a little confused, and He Wen on the side also frowned.

“First of all, let’s talk about sticking to the rules!

If my guess is correct, the knowledge you learn should be orthodox history and various experiences passed down by experts from past generations, right? Lu Fei asked.

Lao Meng nodded confusedly: "Isn't this what you learn in this profession?

Is there anything else? "


Lu Fei sneered: "How can I say that you are stuck in a rut?

What you have learned is all orthodox history, ripped out from formal history books in one piece.

However, history is written by people after all. Neither you nor them have experienced it personally. So, who of you can guarantee that the so-called orthodox history you study is the real fact? "


Lao Meng gasped: "Is there any truth in history?"

Lu Fei shook his head slightly: "It may not be false, but many things must be inaccurate.

Over the years, with the rapid development of archeology, countless ancient tombs and ancient documents have been unearthed, and these documents and materials have overturned the original history more than once. This is a fact, and you still believe in history until now. Reliability, don’t you think it’s funny?

Let me tell you, history is not necessarily true, and true images are often history that is not history. "


Lao Meng almost spit out blood.

"Damn it, you kid is talking about tongue twisters?

Can you make it clearer? "Lao Meng hummed.

Lu Fei shook his head with a smile and said: "Is this difficult to understand?

Or say you are not as good as me, your brain is too slow and has been seriously polluted by stereotyped history.

Let me give you an analogy!

In the official history, Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng is simply described as the greatest tyrant in history, but is that really the case?

It is indeed Ying Zheng's fault to burn books and embarrass Confucianism, but who can be faultless if he is not a sage?

The Kangxi Dynasty also had three massacres in Jiading and Yangzhou in ten days. Is this a smaller crime than burning books and humiliating scholars?

But why did the official history praise Kangxi but blindly cast doubt on Yingzheng?

One general has achieved great success and unified the six countries. In order to consolidate his political power, he must do some extreme things to serve as a warning to others.

Kangxi’s Yangzhou Ten-Day Jiading Three Massacres had the same original intention as Ying Zheng’s. The reason why it did not leave a bad reputation was because the Qing Dynasty was still in its heyday and had to be inherited and developed. Under such circumstances, who among Kangxi’s descendants would dare to say Is he a tyrant? "Lao Meng questioned, but Lu Fei just smiled faintly.

"Lao Meng, you have been in the industry for decades. Over the decades, you have accumulated rich experience and have a wealth of knowledge about history and various aspects. But have you ever thought about how hard you have worked so hard and mastered so much knowledge? Why are you not as good as me?"


When Lao Meng heard this, his eyes suddenly burst into flames.

He has been struggling with this for more than a day or two. Maybe not only him, but also world-recognized industry masters such as Guan Haishan can't figure out why they are not as good as this young rag Fei.

It stands to reason that knowledge is slowly accumulated over a long period of time, and in the field of collection, not only knowledge but also rich practical experience are needed, both of which are indispensable.

However, it is not easy to achieve all these two points! ??

The history of past and present dynasties, professional knowledge of various antiques, etc., added together, what a huge amount of knowledge it is!

Not to mention thoroughly understanding it, just looking at it all, I'm afraid it won't be possible in just a few decades, and with practical experience, it will take a long time to explore and learn bit by bit, so in this field, There are almost no shortcuts.

Kong Fanlong sat at the top position of Chinese archeology for decades. He was still learning and exploring until his death. But even such a big boss felt ashamed in front of Lu Fei. As for Lu Fei, he was only two years old. When he was in his early teens, his family just ran an antique shop. As for the archeology major in college, to put it bluntly, it was just learning introductory knowledge, which was almost useless. But just like this, this young man achieved something that many great masters could not achieve in their lifetime. Even far beyond those so-called great masters, this is completely unscientific.

The same is true for Lao Meng. After decades of hard study, in the end he is not as good as a young boy. No, it should be said that he is far inferior to Lu Fei. If Lu Fei is a Bugatti Veyron, Lao Meng prides himself on being fast at most. The scrapped Tianjin Daihatsu has an old carburetor model, and the difference between them cannot be described as huge.

Lao Meng couldn't understand this, and he was even more dissatisfied, and even a little aggrieved. Lao Meng had asked Lu Fei more than once before, asking him how he achieved such an achievement, but Lu Fei never gave him a decent answer. But today, Lu Fei finally took the initiative to mention this key issue, and Lao Meng suddenly became excited.

"Speak, come on, I've wanted to know why I'm not as good as you for a long time."

At this moment, Lao Meng ignored his reserve and started swearing at his boss.

Lu Fei didn't mind either. He patted Lao Meng on the shoulder with a smile and said, "Actually, this question is very simple. You and those so-called experts have a common problem, which limits your upper limit."

"What's wrong?" Lao Meng asked anxiously.

"To put it all together, there are eight characters: I cherish myself and stick to the rules!" \u003c


"I cherish my own things and stick to the rules?

What's the meaning? "

Lao Meng was a little confused, and He Wen on the side also frowned.

“First of all, let’s talk about sticking to the rules!

If my guess is correct, the knowledge you learn should be orthodox history and various experiences passed down by experts from past generations, right? Lu Fei asked.

Lao Meng nodded confusedly: "Isn't this what you learn in this profession?

Is there anything else? "


Lu Fei sneered: "How can I say that you are stuck in a rut?

What you have learned is all orthodox history, ripped out from formal history books in one piece.

However, history is written by people after all, and neither you nor them have experienced it personally. So, who of you can guarantee that the so-called orthodox history you study is the real fact? "


Lao Meng gasped: "Is there any truth in history?"

Lu Fei shook his head slightly: "It may not be false, but many things must be inaccurate.

Over the years, with the rapid development of archeology, countless ancient tombs and ancient documents have been unearthed, and these documents and materials have overturned the original history more than once. This is a fact, and you still believe in history until now. Reliability, don’t you think it’s funny?

Let me tell you, history is not necessarily true, and true images are often history that is not history. "


Lao Meng almost spit out blood.

"Damn it, you kid is talking about tongue twisters?

Can you make it clearer? "Lao Meng hummed.

Lu Fei shook his head with a smile and said: "Is this difficult to understand?

Or you are not as good as me, your brain is too slow and has been seriously polluted by stereotyped history.

Let me give you an analogy!

In the official history, Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng is simply described as the greatest tyrant in history, but is that really the case?

It is indeed Ying Zheng's fault to burn books and embarrass Confucians, but who is not a sage and sage?

The Kangxi Dynasty also had three massacres in Jiading and Yangzhou in ten days. Is this a smaller crime than burning books and humiliating scholars?

But why did the official history praise Kangxi but blindly cast doubt on Yingzheng?

One general has achieved great success and unified the six countries. In order to consolidate his political power, he must do some extreme things to serve as a warning to others.

Kangxi’s Yangzhou Ten-Day Jiading Three Massacres had the same original intention as Ying Zheng’s. The reason why it did not leave a bad reputation was because the Qing Dynasty was still in its heyday and had to be inherited and developed. Under such circumstances, who among Kangxi’s descendants would dare to say Is he a tyrant? "

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