A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2948: I treasure my broom

Lu Fei's words made Lao Mengmao suddenly enlightened. The depression caused by Lu Fei's teasing disappeared in an instant. He felt like a spring breeze, admiring him from the bottom of his heart, and stretched his neck to humbly ask for advice.

Lu Fei lit a cigarette and continued: "As for cherishing my broom, this is easier to understand.

Although you, Lao Meng, and those so-called experts are not quite as good as you are, the experience accumulated over the past few decades is quite valuable.

There is also the fact that you, the apprentices, learned the skills later, and you more or less have your own skills. Unfortunately, you use this skill as the capital of showing off, and no one is willing to share it with others, which leads to these experiences. The inability to integrate knowledge and skills into an effective set of professional procedures is the greatest tragedy and the greatest loss to China’s archeology and collection culture.

For thousands of years, it is absolutely impossible for a company as large as a dynasty or as small as an enterprise to develop and grow by relying solely on its own capabilities.

Because no matter how powerful you are and how profound your knowledge is, you are just a drop in the ocean in the world. Only by letting go of all pride, absorbing the essence and discarding the dross, and constantly improving and sublimating yourself can you reach a new height.

Confucius said, "Three people must have my teacher. Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones."

Even saints must humbly learn to improve themselves, but you are holding on to your trivial skills as a source of pride and standing still. Who gave you the courage?

If you all can communicate regularly, exchange all aspects of experience without reservation, and learn from each other's strengths, I can guarantee that your achievements will definitely not be more than one level higher than what you are now.

By pooling everyone's experience together, we will be able to develop a complete and perfect appraisal program. This is the most proud thing.

Unfortunately, you are all too selfish.

If you have a somewhat decent object in your hand, it will be so awesome that you will even be reluctant to take it out for others to appreciate.

But the things you have in your hands are nothing compared to me, Lu Fei. The value of any of the objects in my hands, if you pick one at random, is much higher than yours. But apart from the fragile things like calligraphy, calligraphy and painting, I Except for objects, all treasures are open to the public. If there are professionals, you can even let them get started. I, Lu Fei, can do this. Why can't you old guys with a few pieces of junk in your hands?

Also, when others humbly ask you for advice, you always put on a superior attitude and act like a big-tailed wolf. When it comes to critical moments, you also deliberately conceal and pretend to be pretentious. I want to ask, is that the case?

The little skills you have mastered are nothing!

Where do you get the confidence to show off like this? \u003c


I, Lu Fei, am not bragging, but the old guys of your generation, including the so-called experts, are all rubbish, not bullshit.

Don't be dissatisfied when I say this. With your level, you are not even as good as my nine-year-old apprentice. I really don't know where you get the confidence to be so proud. "

Lu Fei's voice got louder and louder, and eventually it was just roaring. Lu Fei was really angry.

Each of these old guys is not very capable. It is so shameless to pretend that they are more experienced than the other.

If this continues, the various inheritances passed down by the older generations will sooner or later cease to exist, and their group of pretentious criminals are all criminals of history.

Normally, if Lu Fei yells like this, Lao Meng will definitely get angry. He is different from other people. After being together with Lu Fei for so long, Lao Meng and Lu Fei have long become best friends. In normal quarrels, no matter who is right or wrong, Lao Meng would have to retort a few words, but not today.

Lao Meng listened to everything Lu Fei said word for word, and listened attentively. After careful review, Lao Meng found that every word Lu Fei said was a wise saying, and he spoke from the bottom of his heart. admire.

Not only that, Lao Meng even figured out a lot of things that he usually couldn't figure out without breaking his head. His whole mood and realm were sublimated, as if a bottleneck had been broken, and he suddenly became enlightened like a enlightenment.

At this moment, Lao Mengdu felt that he was more than one level stronger than before.


Lao Meng took a deep breath and looked at Lu Fei again, feeling more pleasing to the eye than usual.

"Bao Bao Fei, you are so right, we are not just a broomstick, but compared to you, we are more like a frog in a well.

But why the hell did you just tell me these words today? Are you worried that it’s too early and that I’m more capable than you? "



Lu Fei laughed angrily at this shameless guy, looked at Lao Meng up and down, and sneered: "Old guy, you are already an old coffin half-buried in loess. Where did you get the courage to talk to me?" Did I say this?

Don't talk about you now, even if I give you another fifty years, you won't be able to achieve my achievements.

What I just talked about is the correct learning channels and methods. Only in this way can you learn true skills, but there is another thing that transcends learning methods, and that is talent.

Compared with me, your talent is really rubbish, so you will never reach the height that I am today, do you understand? "

"Pfft!" Lu Fei's words made Old Meng Maocai suddenly enlightened. The depression caused by Lu Fei's teasing disappeared in an instant. He felt like a spring breeze, admired from the bottom of his heart, and stretched out his neck to humbly ask for advice.

Lu Fei lit a cigarette and continued: "As for cherishing my broom, this is easier to understand.

Although you, Lao Meng, and those so-called experts are not quite as good as you are, the experience accumulated over the past few decades is quite valuable.

There is also the fact that you, the apprentices, learned the skills later, and you more or less have your own skills. Unfortunately, you use this skill as the capital of showing off, and no one is willing to share it with others, which leads to these experiences. The inability to integrate knowledge and skills into an effective set of professional procedures is the greatest tragedy and the greatest loss to China’s archeology and collection culture.

For thousands of years, it is absolutely impossible for a company as large as a dynasty or as small as an enterprise to develop and grow by relying solely on its own capabilities.

Because no matter how powerful you are and how profound your knowledge is, you are just a drop in the ocean in the world. Only by letting go of all pride, absorbing the essence and discarding the dross, and constantly improving and sublimating yourself can you reach a new height.

Confucius said, "Three people must have my teacher. Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones."

Even saints must humbly learn to improve themselves, but you are holding on to your trivial skills as a source of pride and standing still. Who gave you the courage?

If you all can communicate regularly, exchange all aspects of experience without reservation, and learn from each other's strengths, I can guarantee that your achievements will definitely not be more than one level higher than what you are now.

By pooling everyone's experience together, we will be able to develop a complete and perfect appraisal program. This is the most proud thing.

Unfortunately, you are all too selfish.

If you have a somewhat decent object in your hand, it will be so awesome that you will even be reluctant to take it out for others to appreciate.

But the things you have in your hands are nothing compared to me, Lu Fei. The value of any of the objects in my hands, if you pick one at random, is much higher than yours. But apart from the fragile things like calligraphy, calligraphy and painting, I Except for objects, all treasures are open to the public. If there are professionals, you can even let them get started. I, Lu Fei, can do this. Why can't you old guys with a few pieces of junk in your hands?

Also, when others humbly ask you for advice, you always put on a superior attitude and act like a big-tailed wolf. When it comes to critical moments, you also deliberately conceal it and pretend to be pretentious. I want to ask, is that the case?

The little skills you have mastered are nothing!

Where do you get the confidence to show off like this? \u003c


I, Lu Fei, am not bragging, but the old guys of your generation, including the so-called experts, are all rubbish, not bullshit.

Don't be dissatisfied when I say this. With your level, you are not even as good as my nine-year-old apprentice. I really don't know where you get the confidence to be so proud. "

Lu Fei's voice got louder and louder, and eventually it was just roaring. Lu Fei was really angry.

Each of these old guys is not very capable. It is so shameless to pretend that they are more experienced than the other.

If this continues, the various inheritances passed down by the older generations will sooner or later cease to exist, and their group of pretentious criminals are all criminals of history.

Normally, if Lu Fei yells like this, Lao Meng will definitely get angry. He is different from other people. After being together with Lu Fei for so long, Lao Meng and Lu Fei have long become best friends. In normal quarrels, no matter who is right or wrong, Lao Meng would have to retort a few words, but not today.

Lao Meng listened to everything Lu Fei said word for word, and listened attentively. After careful review, Lao Meng found that every word Lu Fei said was a wise saying, and he spoke from the bottom of his heart. admire.

Not only that, Lao Meng even figured out a lot of things that he usually couldn't figure out without breaking his head. His whole mood and realm were sublimated, as if a bottleneck had been broken, and he suddenly became enlightened like a enlightenment.

At this moment, Lao Mengdu felt that he was more than one level stronger than before.


Lao Meng took a deep breath and looked at Lu Fei again, feeling more pleasing to the eye than usual.

"Bao Bao Fei, you are so right, we are not just a broomstick, but compared to you, we are more like a frog in a well.

But why the hell did you just tell me these words today? Are you worried that it’s too early and that I’m more capable than you? "



Lu Fei laughed angrily at this shameless guy, looked at Lao Meng up and down, and sneered: "Old guy, you are already an old coffin half-buried in loess. Where did you get the courage to talk to me?" Did I say this?

Don't talk about you now, even if I give you another fifty years, you won't be able to achieve my achievements.

What I just talked about is the correct learning channels and methods. Only in this way can you learn true skills, but there is another thing that transcends learning methods, and that is talent.

Compared with me, your talent is really rubbish, so you will never reach the height that I am today, do you understand? "


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