A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2969 Eight Million

Listening to Lu Fei's words, even if his own wine vat is larger in size, its value is limited, at best it's worth a million.

Ge Zhipeng is not crazy, one million is definitely a huge sum of money for his family, but the situation is different now. He wants to open a winery, and the funding gap is several million. This thing is obviously not enough!

Lu Fei saw Ge Zhipeng's disappointment, smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, just listen to what I have to say. This wine jar in your house is not only a fine product of the folk kiln in Shengfu Mountain and an individual advantage, it also has other special values. "

When Ge Zhipeng heard this, his eyes were much brighter than before: "Uncle Lu, what other special value do you think?"

Lu Fei smiled, kicked the soles of the wine vat with his toes and said, "Did you see what was written in the bottom payment?

The Hongxi year system of the Ming Dynasty. Do you know what the special significance of this Hongxi year is? "

Hearing this, even Ge Zhipeng almost rolled his eyes at Lu Fei.

You are a professional, and our family is a brewer. If you ask me how much distiller’s yeast is put in a hundred pounds of sorghum, I know. But if you ask me about Hong Xinian, isn’t this embarrassing me?

Lu Fei didn't expect them to know, so he paused and continued: "Hong Xi is the reign name of Ming Renzong Zhu Gaochi. This Zhu Gaochi is very famous in history.

He, my father, was the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty and the most comprehensive emperor, Zhu Di, the founder of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Di, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, is indeed awesome, but his son Zhu Gaochi, Renzong of the Ming Dynasty, is miserable. The second year after Zhu Di ascended the throne, that is, the second year of Yongle, he announced to the world that Zhu Gaochi was canonized as the prince. But Zhu Gaochi himself probably did not expect that this prince He actually held the title of emperor for twenty years. It was not until Zhu Gaochi was forty-eight years old that he finally ascended the throne and became emperor. He was also honored to become the longest-serving prince in the Ming Dynasty.

What's even more unfortunate is that after twenty years of hard work, Zhu Gaochi finally ascended the throne as Dabao and became emperor. However, he only sat on the throne for ten months before he died of illness. "

After hearing what Lu Fei said, even the three brothers of the Ge family sympathized with this miserable emperor.

"Damn it, this Ming Renzong is so unlucky!

But what does this have to do with our wine vat? Ge Zhipeng asked.

"Haha, don't be anxious first, listen to me slowly.

The Ming Dynasty is not too long ago, so there are still a lot of porcelain antiques handed down from the Ming Dynasty. However, among the seventeen dynasties of the Ming Dynasty, the porcelain of Yongle and Xuande has the highest collection value.

Zhu Di reigned for twenty-two years, during which the political situation was relatively stable, so he had a lot of money.

It can be said that the entire Ming Dynasty was the most prosperous when Zhu Di was in power.

During Zhu Di's reign, the porcelain industry also reached its peak, especially Yongle's blue and white and red glazes, where the technical level reached its peak. However, in just a few years after Zhu Di's death, the level of porcelain management began to decline significantly. It did not rise again until the Xuande period, so porcelain from Yongle and Xuande was the most valuable porcelain in the Ming Dynasty.

Although Zhu Gaochi, Renzong of the Ming Dynasty, only reigned for ten months, he took advantage of it, because in Zhu Di's later years, blue and white porcelain reached the highest level, and these shadows also fell directly on Zhu Gaochi, so during the Hongxi period, Porcelain still represents the highest level of the Ming Dynasty. As for technological degradation, it cannot be attributed to him. "

Having said this, Lu Fei looked at the confused eyes of the three men and couldn't help laughing.

"You may not understand what I said, so let me be more straightforward!

If nothing else, you understand the principle that things are rare and valuable!

This vocabulary is the most prominent in the antique collection industry.

Regardless of whether something is good or bad, as long as it exists in small quantities, its value must be high. This is an eternal truth.

And Zhu Gaochi is the best interpretation of this word.

During his reign, the level of porcelain management reached an unprecedented height. However, he only reigned for ten months, which resulted in extremely low porcelain production during the Hongxi period. The output was small, and the surviving quantity must be even less. In modern times, the porcelain production during the Hongxi period was extremely low. Porcelain is already extremely rare, not only in official kilns, but also in private kilns, because the Hongxi era existed for too short a time.

To talk about how low the number of porcelains from the Hongxi period is in the world, as far as I know, the total number of known porcelains from the Hongxi period in the world does not exceed one hundred pieces. The number is only a little higher than that of the Ru kiln. In fact, To be honest, even my museum does not have a piece of porcelain from the Hongxi period. As for the value of your wine jar from the Hongxi period, although it is not an official kiln, the estimated value will not be less than 8 million. With this Eight million, I think it’s enough to invest in Zhipeng! "

"Eight, eight million?"

At first, after hearing Lu Fei's introduction, the Ge family thought that the value of their wine vat was at most a little higher than that of ordinary folk kilns. Even if Lu Fei said that porcelain from the Hongxi period was rare, they did not dare to imagine that it would be so high.

The wine vat, which had been kept in the wine cellar for decades and had not seen the light of day, was actually worth more than the Ge family pot that they had inherited for more than five hundred years. They couldn't believe it. The three men looked at each other in confusion. I saw shock in the other party's eyes, especially Ge Zhipeng. When he heard the number eight million, his eyes widened with disbelief on his face. Listening to Lu Fei's words, even if his own wine vat is larger in size, its value is limited, at best it's worth a million.

Ge Zhipeng is not crazy. One million is definitely a huge sum of money for his family, but the situation is different now. He wants to open a winery, and the funding gap is several million. This thing is obviously not enough!

Lu Fei saw Ge Zhipeng's disappointment, smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, just listen to what I have to say. This wine jar in your house is not only the exquisite work of the folk kiln in Shengfu Mountain and its individual advantages, it also has other special values. "

When Ge Zhipeng heard this, his eyes were much brighter than before: "Uncle Lu, what other special value do you think?"

Lu Fei smiled, kicked the soles of the wine vat with his toes and said, "Did you see what was written in the bottom payment?

The Hongxi year system of the Ming Dynasty. Do you know what the special significance of this Hongxi year is? "

Hearing this, even Ge Zhipeng almost rolled his eyes at Lu Fei.

You are a professional, and our family is a brewer. If you ask me how much distiller’s yeast is put in a hundred pounds of sorghum, I know. But if you ask me about Hong Xinian, isn’t this embarrassing me?

Lu Fei didn't expect them to know, so he paused and continued: "Hong Xi is the reign name of Ming Renzong Zhu Gaochi. This Zhu Gaochi is very famous in history.

He, my father, was the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty and the most comprehensive emperor, Zhu Di, the founder of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Di, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, is indeed awesome, but his son Zhu Gaochi, Renzong of the Ming Dynasty, is miserable. The second year after Zhu Di ascended the throne, that is, the second year of Yongle, he announced to the world that Zhu Gaochi was canonized as the prince. But Zhu Gaochi himself probably did not expect that this prince He actually held the title of emperor for twenty years. It was not until Zhu Gaochi was forty-eight years old that he finally ascended the throne and became emperor, and he was also honored to become the longest-serving prince in the Ming Dynasty.

What's even more unfortunate is that after twenty years of hard work, Zhu Gaochi finally ascended the throne as Dabao and became emperor. However, he only sat on the throne for ten months before he died of illness. "

After hearing what Lu Fei said, even the three brothers of the Ge family sympathized with this miserable emperor.

"Damn it, this Ming Renzong is so unlucky!

But what does this have to do with our wine vat? Ge Zhipeng asked.

"Haha, don't be anxious first, listen to me slowly.

The Ming Dynasty is not too long ago, so there are still a lot of porcelain antiques handed down from the Ming Dynasty. However, among the seventeen dynasties of the Ming Dynasty, the porcelain of Yongle and Xuande has the highest collection value.

Zhu Di reigned for twenty-two years, during which the political situation was relatively stable, so he had a lot of money.

It can be said that the entire Ming Dynasty was the most prosperous when Zhu Di was in power.

During Zhu Di's reign, the porcelain industry also reached its peak, especially Yongle's blue and white and red glazes, where the technical level reached its peak. However, in just a few years after Zhu Di's death, the level of porcelain management began to decline significantly. It did not rise again until the Xuande period, so porcelain from Yongle and Xuande was the most valuable porcelain in the Ming Dynasty.

Although Zhu Gaochi, Renzong of the Ming Dynasty, only reigned for ten months, he took advantage of it, because in Zhu Di's later years, blue and white porcelain reached the highest level, and these shadows also fell directly on Zhu Gaochi, so during the Hongxi period, Porcelain still represents the highest level of the Ming Dynasty. As for technological degradation, it cannot be attributed to him. "

Having said this, Lu Fei looked at the confused eyes of the three men and couldn't help laughing.

"You may not understand what I said, so let me be more straightforward!

If nothing else, you understand the principle that things are rare and valuable!

This vocabulary is the most prominent in the antique collection industry.

Regardless of whether something is good or bad, as long as it exists in small quantities, its value must be high. This is an eternal truth.

And Zhu Gaochi is the best interpretation of this word.

During his reign, the level of porcelain management reached an unprecedented height. However, he only reigned for ten months, which resulted in extremely low porcelain production during the Hongxi period. The output was small, and the surviving quantity must be even less. In modern times, the porcelain production during the Hongxi period was extremely low. Porcelain is already extremely rare, not only in official kilns, but also in private kilns, because the Hongxi era existed for too short a time.

To talk about how low the number of porcelains from the Hongxi period is in the world, as far as I know, the total number of known porcelains from the Hongxi period in the world does not exceed one hundred pieces. The number is only a little higher than that of the Ru kiln. In fact, To be honest, even my museum does not have a piece of porcelain from the Hongxi period. As for the value of your wine jar from the Hongxi period, although it is not an official kiln, the estimated value will not be less than 8 million. With this Eight million, I think it’s enough to invest in Zhipeng! "

"Eight, eight million?"

At first, after hearing Lu Fei's introduction, the Ge family thought that the value of their wine vat was at most a little higher than that of ordinary folk kilns. Even if Lu Fei said that porcelain from the Hongxi period was rare, they did not dare to imagine that it would be so high.

The wine vat, which had been kept in the wine cellar for decades and had not seen the light of day, was actually worth more than the Ge family pot that they had inherited for more than five hundred years. They couldn't believe it. The three men looked at each other in confusion. I saw shock in the other party's eyes, especially Ge Zhipeng. When he heard the number eight million, his eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

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