A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2971 Exchange of treasures

Lu Fei didn't mean to deceive them when he said these words. Everything a person gets in life is inseparable from the word fate.

The baby who was born is destined to this family.

Whatever you eat is related to these foods.

Which school you go to is a matter of fate between you and the school. .??.

Marriage is your fate with this woman.

If you are born into this world successfully, but die in infancy later, it means that your fate with this family has come to an end.

The same principle applies to marrying a wife and not getting divorced later in life.

In short, it is a sentence, there is a time in life that must be there, and there is no time in life, don’t force it. Fate is something that cannot be obtained by forcing it.

The same goes for the Ge family's wine vat. If it hadn't been for Lu Fei today, their family would never have known it was a treasure. This means that this treasure has no connection with their family. If they force it to stay, sooner or later the treasure will be broken and have nothing. That would be counterproductive. The gain outweighs the loss.

The same was true when Lu Fei first got the Jun kiln bowl from the Ge family. If Lu Fei hadn't discovered and taken it away, the treasure would have been buried underground forever. Such treatment was also very unfair to the treasure. That's why Lu Fei took it away.

The same is true for this wine vat. The Ge family does not recognize it, but Lu Fei does. This is the fate between Lu Fei and this wine vat. Otherwise, Lu Fei would not have met the wine vat by chance at this time.

Ge Changshan couldn't help but click his tongue after hearing what Lu Fei said.

Lu Fei was right. This thing had been neglected in their family for decades. No, it should be more than a few decades. After all, this wine vat had existed when he was very young.

The wine jar may have been obtained by his father, or his grandfather, or even his ancestors from the Ming Dynasty who still use it today, and this possibility is very high.

So, this thing has been in their family for hundreds of years. It has been passed down from generation to generation for hundreds of years, and they have not regarded this thing as a family heirloom. Is it true that the Ge family has nothing to do with this wine vat?

If others said it, he might not believe it, but who is Lu Fei?

That was not only his good friend, but also his former master. That was such a real skill that he couldn't help but not believe it!

Thinking of this, Ge Changshan frowned slightly: "Brother, are you telling the truth?"

Lu Fei nodded seriously: "Yes, this thing really has no fate with your family.

Furthermore, no matter how rare this wine jar is and how valuable it is, it is still a piece of folk kiln. It can be collected, but if it is used as a family heirloom, it is really difficult to be considered a refined item.

Although your Ge family is not a famous family, it is still a middle-class family, and it has

With a glorious history passed down for hundreds of years, don’t you think it’s awkward for a family like yours to have a folk kiln as a family heirloom?

Think about your descendants. One day, people ask about your family heirlooms. What do you want your descendants to tell them?

Just tell them that my family’s heirloom is a Ming Dynasty folk kiln wine jar?

Aren't you embarrassed to say that?

Even if you don't care, you still have to consider the face and dignity of your Ge family! ! "


Lu Fei's explanation shocked Ge Changshan.


Our Ge family is also a well-known family in the local area. The folk kiln porcelain does not match the Ge family's style. If word spreads, it will be ridiculed. If so, the coffin boards of his ancestors may not be able to be covered.

"Brother, I understand when you say that, brother. Although this thing is somewhat valuable, it is really not suitable to be a family heirloom!"

Seeing that his father was persuaded by Lu Fei, the most excited person was Ge Zhipeng.

"Dad, did you promise to sell the wine vat to me, Uncle Lu?"

Ge Changshan was still a little entangled in his heart, but in the end he nodded and agreed. Ge Zhipeng screamed excitedly and jumped up.

"Hahaha, my dad agreed, Uncle Lu, now my start-up capital is enough." Ge Zhipeng shouted.

Ge Zhipeng was so excited, but Lu Fei ignored him, took out a cigarette and handed it to the Ge brothers: "Brother, what you just said makes sense.

Heirlooms are a symbol of a family. It is indeed a good thing to pass down a treasure to future generations. If you really leave an heirloom, your name will occupy a very high position in the family tree in the future, but this wine vat really does not work. However, if you are interested in keeping heirlooms, I have a good way to get the best of both worlds. "

Hearing this, Ge Changshan's eyes suddenly flashed brightly.

Lu Fei's words spoke to his heart. He indeed thought so too, and he had been thinking about it for more than a day or two.

"Brother, what can you do?" Ge Changshan said seriously.

Lu Fei smiled: "It's simple, can't I just exchange a treasure with you?

This thing is worth about 15 million. I will exchange it for you with a Northern Song Dynasty celadon-glazed official kiln jade vase, and I will give you 6 million as Yu Zhipeng's start-up capital.

The celadon-glazed official kilns of the Northern Song Dynasty are among the top ones even in the collection world. As a family heirloom, it’s definitely pretty cool, how about it? "

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Ge Changshan was extremely excited, but in an instant, Brother Ge calmed down again and stared at Lu Fei seriously. Lu Fei didn't mean to deceive them when he said these words. Everything a person gets in life is inseparable from the word fate.

The baby who was born is destined to this family.

Whatever you eat is related to these foods.

Which school you go to is a matter of fate between you and the school.

Marriage is your fate with this woman.

If you are born into this world successfully, but die in infancy later, it means that your fate with this family has come to an end.

The same principle applies to marrying a wife and not getting divorced later in life.

In short, it is a sentence, there is a time in life that must be there, and there is no time in life, don’t force it. Fate is something that cannot be obtained by forcing it.

The same goes for the Ge family's wine vat. If it hadn't been for Lu Fei today, their family would never have known it was a treasure. This means that this treasure has no connection with their family. If they force it to stay, sooner or later the treasure will be broken and have nothing. That would be counterproductive. The gain outweighs the loss.

The same was true when Lu Fei first got the Jun kiln bowl from the Ge family. If Lu Fei hadn't discovered and taken it away, the treasure would have been buried underground forever. Such treatment was also very unfair to the treasure. That's why Lu Fei took it away.

The same is true for this wine vat. The Ge family does not recognize it, but Lu Fei does. This is the fate between Lu Fei and this wine vat. Otherwise, Lu Fei would not have met the wine vat by chance at this time.

Ge Changshan couldn't help but click his tongue after hearing what Lu Fei said.

Lu Fei was right. This thing had been neglected in their family for decades. No, it should be more than a few decades. After all, this wine vat had existed when he was very young.

The wine jar may have been obtained by his father, or his grandfather, or even his ancestors from the Ming Dynasty who still use it today, and this possibility is very high.

So, this thing has been in their family for hundreds of years. It has been passed down from generation to generation for hundreds of years. They do not regard this thing as a family heirloom. Is it true that the Ge family has nothing to do with this wine vat?

If others said it, he might not believe it, but who is Lu Fei?

That was not only his good friend, but also his former master. That was such a real skill that he couldn't help but not believe it!

Thinking of this, Ge Changshan frowned slightly: "Brother, are you telling the truth?"

Lu Fei nodded seriously: "Yes, this thing really has no fate with your family.

Furthermore, no matter how rare and valuable this wine jar is, it is still a folk kiln and can be collected, but as a family heirloom, it is really difficult to be considered elegant.

Although your Ge family is not a famous family, it is still a middle-class family, and it has

With a glorious history passed down for hundreds of years, don’t you think it’s awkward for a family like yours to have a folk kiln as a family heirloom?

Think about your descendants. One day, people ask about your family heirlooms. What do you want your descendants to tell them?

Just tell them that my family’s heirloom is a Ming Dynasty folk kiln wine jar?

Aren't you embarrassed to say that?

Even if you don't care, you still have to consider the face and dignity of your Ge family! ! "


Lu Fei's explanation shocked Ge Changshan.


Our Ge family is a well-known family in the local area. The folk kiln porcelain does not match the Ge family's style. If word spreads, it will be ridiculed. If so, the coffin boards of his ancestors may not be able to be covered.

"Brother, I understand when you say that, brother. Although this thing is somewhat valuable, it is really not suitable to be a family heirloom!"

Seeing that his father was persuaded by Lu Fei, the most excited person was Ge Zhipeng.

"Dad, did you promise to sell the wine vat to me, Uncle Lu?"

Ge Changshan was still a little entangled in his heart, but in the end he nodded and agreed. Ge Zhipeng screamed excitedly and jumped up.

"Hahaha, my dad agreed, Uncle Lu, now my start-up capital is enough." Ge Zhipeng shouted.

Ge Zhipeng was so excited, but Lu Fei ignored him, took out a cigarette and handed it to the Ge brothers: "Brother, what you just said makes sense.

An heirloom is a symbol of a family, and it is indeed a good thing to pass on a treasure to future generations. If you really leave an heirloom, your name will occupy a very high position in the family tree in the future, but this wine jar is really not good. However, if you are interested in keeping heirlooms, I have a good way to get the best of both worlds. "

Hearing this, Ge Changshan's eyes suddenly flashed brightly.

Lu Fei's words spoke to his heart. He indeed thought so too, and he had been thinking about it for more than a day or two.

"Brother, what can you do?" Ge Changshan said seriously.

Lu Fei smiled: "It's simple, can't I just exchange a treasure with you?

This thing is worth about 15 million. I will exchange it for you with a Northern Song Dynasty celadon-glazed official kiln jade vase, and I will give you 6 million as Yu Zhipeng's start-up capital.

The celadon-glazed official kilns of the Northern Song Dynasty are among the top ones even in the collection world. As a family heirloom, it’s definitely pretty cool, how about it? "

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Ge Changshan was extremely excited, but in an instant, Brother Ge calmed down again and stared at Lu Fei seriously.

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