He Wen's quality is definitely far better than that of ordinary businessmen, but what he saw and heard tonight still subverted his three views.

He never thought that his family would have so many secrets, let alone that he had two twin brothers. His father had concealed these secrets from him for more than forty years. Hearing these secrets unexpectedly, He Wen felt I was going crazy, my face was changing, my head was covered in cold sweat and I felt like I was sitting on pins and needles.

Lu Fei didn't think much about it at first, but out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of Kai Kai beside him, and an inspiration suddenly flashed through Lu Fei's mind. He looked at Kai Kai, and then at He Yuanshan, and he understood that he was inseparable.

All of Lu Fei's expressions were seen by He Yuanshan, and he couldn't help but laugh: "It is said that your kid is extremely smart, and I saw it with my own eyes today, and he is indeed well-deserved!

That's right, Zhang Zhang is my eldest son and the elder brother of the twin brothers. Zhang Zhang is just to hide his identity. His real name is He Yankai, and his twin brother's name is He Yanshun.

The two brothers are not only twins, but also one in a million identical twins. The characteristics of such twin brothers are almost identical in all aspects. Even the similarity of their DNA is more than 95%, and their personalities are also very similar. It can be said that they The two brothers can change their identities at any time. If they hadn't told them deliberately, even my biological father might not have recognized them. "


He is my biological brother? "

He Wen opened his mouth to the extreme and almost fainted in shock.

Although he had just heard his father say that he had a pair of twin brothers, he really didn't expect that one of the brothers was far away in the horizon and right in front of his eyes.

Of course He Wen knew about Zhang Zhang. He had been living with them for decades, but Zhang Zhang had never reflected his identity as the young master of the He family. In the eyes of the He family, Zhang Zhang was just the most loyal subordinate of his father. Ma Zai, usually as his father's assistant, bodyguard and driver, his main task is to help his father solve a series of troubles. Although his father showed a lot of love for Zhang Kai, but no matter what, He Wen always regarded him as his next child. people.

But the servant he thought he was turned into his own brother, and he was also the eldest son of the family. What was even worse was that this brother had been hanging around him for decades without him noticing at all. At this moment, He Wen even felt that he was dreaming, but when he pinched his thigh hard, the excruciating pain instantly brought him to reality, and He Wen was confused.

He Yuanshan didn't explain to He Wen at all, and kept looking at Lu Fei.

Lu Fei stared at Zhang Zhang for more than ten seconds and suddenly laughed: "Haha, my brother, you hide it well enough!

If I guess correctly, the person taking care of my mother in Hong Kong Island must be your brother He Yanshun? "

Zhang Kai's old face was slightly red, with a slightly embarrassed expression: "Brother, you are indeed smart, it is true, but please don't misunderstand me, brother."


Just as Zhang Zhang was about to explain, Lu Fei suddenly stood up and kicked the plate away from the dining table. The plate flew towards the window, smashed the glass and fell to pieces in the courtyard. In the quiet night, the sound of the plate and glass breaking was particularly harsh.

"Open up, what do you want to do?

Do you brothers want to rebel when you shuttle around my mother? "

Lu Fei is famous for going crazy.

He Yuanshan is telling himself this here. It is obvious that his mother Xiao Tingfang definitely does not know this. So, Zhang Zhang, that is, the special situation of He Yankai and his brother He Yanshun hiding their names and using identical twins to shuttle back and forth to their mother is definitely special. the goal of.

If they wanted to attack my mother, she would probably be in dire straits if she was unprepared.

However, this is only a possibility. Based on Lu Fei's experience, He Yuanshan should not attack his mother with such an attitude. However, there are no absolutes in the world. Lu Fei is testing He Yuanshan and the bottom line of opening. At the same time, there is another The good thing is, in terms of momentum, Lu Fei wants to take back the initiative.

Of course He Yuanshan and Kai Zhang understood Lu Fei's intentions, but He Wen next to them was deceived.

He Wen was born in such a wealthy family, and his decades of experience have also cultivated an extraordinary character. Whether it is wisdom or experience, he is much higher than ordinary businessmen. However, what He Yuanshan said tonight shocked He Wen early. Already numb.

My father's true identity, the Xiao family I have never heard of, his twin brother who has been hidden for decades, and even Lu Fei is his relative. These secrets are like poisonous thorns one after another. On his most sensitive nerves, even if he was in a high state of mind, hearing this had already completely ruined Lei's outlook on the outside and inside.

Therefore, when he saw Lu Fei getting angry, he didn't think much about it. He instinctively thought that Lu Fei was going to do something bad to his father. He subconsciously jumped up to protect his father. At the same time, he reached out and pulled out his pistol, preparing to aim at Lu Fei. Flying, but as soon as he took out the pistol, before he could raise his wrist, his father slapped him firmly on the face. He Wen's quality is definitely far better than that of ordinary businessmen, but what he saw and heard tonight still subverted his three views.

He never thought that his family would have so many secrets, let alone that he had two twin brothers. His father had concealed these secrets from him for more than forty years. Hearing these secrets unexpectedly, He Wen felt I was going crazy, my face was changing, my head was covered in cold sweat and I felt like I was sitting on pins and needles.

Lu Fei didn't think much about it at first, but out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of Kai Kai beside him, and an inspiration suddenly flashed through Lu Fei's mind. He looked at Kai Kai, and then at He Yuanshan, and he understood that he was inseparable.

All of Lu Fei's expressions were seen by He Yuanshan, and he couldn't help but laugh: "It is said that your kid is extremely smart, and I saw it with my own eyes today, and he is indeed well-deserved!

That's right, Zhang Zhang is my eldest son and the elder brother of the twin brothers. Zhang Zhang is just to hide his identity. His real name is He Yankai, and his twin brother's name is He Yanshun.

The two brothers are not only twins, but also one in a million identical twins. The characteristics of such twin brothers are almost identical in all aspects. Even the similarity of their DNA is more than 95%, and their personalities are also very similar. It can be said that they The two brothers can change their identities at any time. If they hadn't told them deliberately, even my biological father might not have recognized them. "


He is my biological brother? "

He Wen opened his mouth to the extreme and almost fainted in shock.

Although he had just heard his father say that he had a pair of twin brothers, he really didn't expect that one of the brothers was far away in the horizon and right in front of his eyes.

Of course He Wen knew about Zhang Zhang. He had been living with them for decades, but Zhang Zhang had never reflected his identity as the young master of the He family. In the eyes of the He family, Zhang Zhang was just the most loyal subordinate of his father. Ma Zai, usually as his father's assistant, bodyguard and driver, his main task is to help his father solve a series of troubles. Although his father showed a lot of love for Zhang Kai, but no matter what, He Wen always regarded him as his next child. people.

But the servant he thought he was turned into his own brother, and he was also the eldest son of the family. What was even worse was that this brother had been hanging around him for decades without him noticing at all. At this moment, He Wen even felt that he was dreaming, but when he pinched his thigh hard, the excruciating pain instantly brought him to reality, and He Wen was confused.

He Yuanshan didn't explain to He Wen at all, and kept looking at Lu Fei.

Lu Fei stared at Zhang Zhang for more than ten seconds and suddenly laughed: "Haha, my brother, you hide it well enough!

If I guess correctly, the person taking care of my mother in Hong Kong Island must be your brother He Yanshun? "

Zhang Kai's old face was slightly red, with a slightly embarrassed expression: "Brother, you are indeed smart, it is true, but please don't misunderstand me, brother."


Just as Zhang Zhang was about to explain, Lu Fei suddenly stood up and kicked the plate away from the dining table. The plate flew towards the window, smashed the glass and fell to pieces in the courtyard. In the quiet night, the sound of the plate and glass breaking was particularly harsh.

"Open up, what do you want to do?

Do you brothers want to rebel when you shuttle around my mother? "

Lu Fei is famous for going crazy.

He Yuanshan is telling himself this here. It is obvious that his mother Xiao Tingfang definitely does not know this. So, Zhang Zhang, that is, the special situation of He Yankai and his brother He Yanshun hiding their names and using identical twins to shuttle back and forth to their mother is definitely special. the goal of.

If they wanted to attack my mother, she would probably be in dire straits if she was unprepared.

However, this is only a possibility. Based on Lu Fei's experience, He Yuanshan should not attack his mother with such an attitude. However, there are no absolutes in the world. Lu Fei is testing He Yuanshan and the bottom line of opening. At the same time, there is another The good thing is, in terms of momentum, Lu Fei wants to take back the initiative.

Of course He Yuanshan and Kai Zhang understood Lu Fei's intentions, but He Wen next to them was deceived.

He Wen was born in such a wealthy family, and his decades of experience have also cultivated an extraordinary character. Whether it is wisdom or experience, he is much higher than ordinary businessmen. However, what He Yuanshan said tonight shocked He Wen early. Already numb.

My father's true identity, the Xiao family I have never heard of, his twin brother who has been hidden for decades, and even Lu Fei is his relative. These secrets are like poisonous thorns one after another. On his most sensitive nerves, even if he was in a high state of mind, hearing this had already completely ruined Lei's outlook on the outside and inside.

Therefore, when he saw Lu Fei getting angry, he didn't think much about it. He instinctively thought that Lu Fei was going to do something bad to his father. He subconsciously jumped up to protect his father. At the same time, he reached out and pulled out his pistol, preparing to aim at Lu Fei. Flying, but as soon as he took out the pistol, before he could raise his wrist, his father slapped him firmly on the face.

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