A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3011 Meeting an acquaintance

Kaifeng's stern words showed his determination, and his expression was extremely serious. Compared to He Yuanshan, Lu Fei believed in Kaifeng's words more.

After summarizing and analyzing the words of the father and son, Lu Fei had an idea in his mind.

First of all, He Yuanshan has a relatively stable personality and is very afraid of the current head of the Xiao family. If He Wen, a playboy, hadn't caused trouble, He Yuanshan would never have taken the initiative to ask him to act as a lobbyist.

Secondly, although Zhang Zhang and He Yuanshan have a father-son relationship, there is no affection between the two. In Zhang Zhang's eyes, there is even more resentment towards He Yuanshan. The so-called father-son relationship may be just using each other.

Kaifeng took advantage of this relationship and used the He family as his foundation and even his retreat.

Due to He Wen's unbearable situation, He Yuanshan needs the capable Zhang Zhang brothers to support the entire family in the future, but it is also possible that He Yuanshan is more interested in the status of Zhang Zhang brothers in front of the head of the Xiao family, which can bring security to the He family.

But after all, these are only one-sided words from Kai Zhang and He Yuanshan. It is difficult for Lu Fei to comment for the time being, let alone make any guarantees. Therefore, a private investigation must be conducted.

Now, Lu Fei is most concerned about his mother's safety.

Lu Fei was basically certain that Xiao Yifeng was definitely going to cause trouble. There was a high possibility that the three-party meeting would be the Hongmen Banquet. This point had to be taken seriously. Although he already had a plan, he wanted to make it foolproof and had to deploy it carefully.

Lu Fei was relieved to have Zhang Kai by his mother's side.

Lu Fei could see that Zhang Zhang had no ill intentions towards his mother. Moreover, Lu Fei guessed that his mother should have known Zhang Zhang's true identity for a long time. Based on his scheming, she should have been aware of it and stayed with her. With more than one person, the safety factor is still guaranteed.

After bringing up this topic, both of them relaxed and chatted casually in the car. There was still a lot of time when they arrived at the airport, so Zhang Zhang was not in a hurry to get out of the car and continued chatting with Lu Fei.

"Brother, the tripartite meeting in May will definitely be a Hongmen Banquet. The plan you formulated is very unfavorable to you and the boss. Although He Yuanshan and I have plans, we cannot guarantee that they are foolproof. Therefore, we need to formulate a few more sets of preparatory measures. ." Zhang Kai said.

"What do you think, Brother Zhang?"

He opened his eyes like a torch and frowned slightly: "To be honest, the specific location cannot be determined and it is difficult to deploy.

In addition, the Robert family has some power in Africa. It is difficult for us to mobilize our forces on a large scale in private, so it is difficult to avoid their eyes, so everything is very unfavorable to us.

I have an idea. Now that Wade is at the top of his game and has a very high status in the family, he has become the leader of the new generation. The Robert family also has high hopes for him.

\u003e You have a close relationship with Wade. I think you can ask Wade out, and we will quietly control Wade as a hostage. With Wade in hand, their family will definitely put the trap in their hands, which will make it easier for us to do things. . "

Lu Fei shook his head slightly after hearing this: "If the Robert family is really unkind, Wade will definitely not meet with me alone at this time."

Lu Fei thought for a while and continued: "However, we can give it a try. At least we can test their intentions."

With that said, Lu Fei took out his cell phone and dialed Wade in front of Zhang Zhang.

The call was quickly connected, and Wade's distinctive Chinese dialect came out immediately.

"Hi my friend, you haven't contacted me in a long time!"

Lu Fei chuckled and said: "Yes, we are both busy, but it seems that I am busier than you, so we haven't contacted you. The responsibility should be yours!"


"Fei, you're right, it's all my fault, I apologize to you.

Dear friend, you must have something you need me to arrange when you come to me, right? Wade asked with a smile.

"Yes, my mother-in-law's winery is doing very well. The supply of high-end goods has been a little tight recently. Please help me arrange a batch of them as soon as possible. Well, it's best if you come in person. There is also a very good project here. Let's meet and talk!"

Lu Fei asked for something directly, and his tone was very direct, even too direct. But Lu Fei understood Wade, and because of his directness, he was able to dispel Wade's doubts. However, Wade still refused directly.

"Fei, I'm really sorry. There have been some situations in America recently that need to be solved by me personally. I can't get away for the time being.

But don’t worry, I’ll contact you right away. Within a week, I’ll send someone to deliver the wine to you. As for the project you mentioned, we can only discuss it next time. "

Lu Fei turned his face to Zhang Kai and smiled and said, "That's a pity. When you come over to me after your work, I haven't toasted with you for a long time."

"Okay, I'll go over as soon as I finish this work. To express my apology, I will bring you a special gift. I guarantee you will like it."

"OK, thanks!"

The conversation between the two was brief. After hanging up, Lu Fei spread his hands to Zhang Kai and said, "It seems that your guess is correct."

Wade's attitude was expected by the two of them, so they were not too surprised, but his expression was very solemn.

"It seems that we have to think of a more secure method, otherwise the consequences will be serious."

Lu Fei nodded and was about to answer when he noticed a familiar figure appearing at the exit. Kaifeng's stern words showed his determination, and his expression was extremely serious. Compared to He Yuanshan, Lu Fei believed in Kaifeng's words more.

After summarizing and analyzing the words of the father and son, Lu Fei had an idea in his mind.

First of all, He Yuanshan has a relatively stable personality and is very afraid of the current head of the Xiao family. If He Wen, a playboy, hadn't caused trouble, He Yuanshan would never have taken the initiative to ask him to act as a lobbyist.

Secondly, although Zhang Zhang and He Yuanshan have a father-son relationship, there is no affection between the two. In Zhang Zhang's eyes, there is even more resentment towards He Yuanshan. The so-called father-son relationship may be just using each other.

Kaifeng took advantage of this relationship and used the He family as his foundation and even his retreat.

Due to He Wen's unbearable situation, He Yuanshan needs the capable Zhang Zhang brothers to support the entire family in the future, but it is also possible that He Yuanshan is more interested in the status of Zhang Zhang brothers in front of the head of the Xiao family, which can bring security to the He family.

But after all, these are only one-sided words from Kai Zhang and He Yuanshan. It is difficult for Lu Fei to comment for the time being, let alone make any guarantees. Therefore, a private investigation must be conducted.

Now, Lu Fei is most concerned about his mother's safety.

Lu Fei was basically certain that Xiao Yifeng was definitely going to cause trouble. There was a high possibility that the three-party meeting would be the Hongmen Banquet. This point had to be taken seriously. Although he already had a plan, he wanted to make it foolproof and had to deploy it carefully.

Lu Fei was relieved to have Zhang Kai by his mother's side.

Lu Fei could see that Zhang Zhang had no ill intentions towards his mother. Moreover, Lu Fei guessed that his mother should have known Zhang Zhang's true identity for a long time. Based on his scheming, she should have been aware of it and stayed with her. With more than one person, the safety factor is still guaranteed.

After bringing up this topic, both of them relaxed and chatted casually in the car. There was still a lot of time when they arrived at the airport, so Zhang Zhang was not in a hurry to get out of the car and continued chatting with Lu Fei.

"Brother, the tripartite meeting in May will definitely be a Hongmen Banquet. The plan you formulated is very unfavorable to you and the boss. Although He Yuanshan and I have plans, we cannot guarantee that they are foolproof. Therefore, we need to formulate a few more sets of preparatory measures. ." Zhang Kai said.

"What do you think, Brother Zhang?"

He opened his eyes like a torch and frowned slightly: "To be honest, the specific location cannot be determined and it is difficult to deploy.

In addition, the Robert family has some power in Africa. It is difficult for us to mobilize our forces on a large scale in private, so it is difficult to avoid their eyes, so everything is very unfavorable to us.

I have an idea. Now that Wade is at the top of his game and has a very high status in the family, he has become the leader of the new generation. The Robert family also has high hopes for him.

\u003e You have a close relationship with Wade. I think you can ask Wade out, and we will quietly control Wade as a hostage. With Wade in hand, their family will definitely put the trap in their hands, which will make it easier for us to do things. . "

Lu Fei shook his head slightly after hearing this: "If the Robert family is really unkind, Wade will definitely not meet with me alone at this time."

Lu Fei thought for a while and continued: "However, we can give it a try. At least we can test their intentions."

With that said, Lu Fei took out his cell phone and dialed Wade in front of Zhang Zhang.

The call was quickly connected, and Wade's distinctive Chinese dialect came out immediately.

"Hi my friend, you haven't contacted me in a long time!"

Lu Fei chuckled and said: "Yes, we are both busy, but it seems that I am busier than you, so we haven't contacted you. The responsibility should be yours!"


"Fei, you're right, it's all my fault, I apologize to you.

Dear friend, you must have something you need me to arrange when you come to me, right? Wade asked with a smile.

"Yes, my mother-in-law's winery is doing very well. The supply of high-end goods has been a little tight recently. Please help me arrange a batch of them as soon as possible. Well, it's best if you come in person. There is also a very good project here. Let's meet and talk!"

Lu Fei asked for something directly, and his tone was very direct, even too direct. But Lu Fei understood Wade, and because of his directness, he was able to dispel Wade's doubts. However, Wade still refused directly.

"Fei, I'm really sorry. There have been some situations in America recently that need to be solved by me personally. I can't get away for the time being.

But don’t worry, I’ll contact you right away. Within a week, I’ll send someone to deliver the wine to you. As for the project you mentioned, we can only discuss it next time. "

Lu Fei turned his face to Zhang Kai and smiled and said, "That's a pity. When you come over to me after your work, I haven't toasted with you for a long time."

"Okay, I'll go over as soon as I finish this work. To express my apology, I will bring you a special gift. I guarantee you will like it."

"OK, thanks!"

The conversation between the two was brief. After hanging up, Lu Fei spread his hands to Zhang Kai and said, "It seems that your guess is correct."

Wade's attitude was expected by the two of them, so they were not too surprised, but his expression was very solemn.

"It seems that we have to think of a more secure method, otherwise the consequences will be serious."

Lu Fei nodded and was about to answer when he noticed a familiar figure appearing at the exit.

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