A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3019 Something is wrong with the tea

Regarding Chen Honggang's matter, Lu Fei and Chen Xiang discussed it more than once. Today, when they talked to his second uncle, Chen Xiang also keenly felt the changes in his second uncle. He was very excited and immediately asked Lu Fei for confirmation.

"I'm not sure yet, but I guess it's similar to what you think. Don't worry, I will try my best to help you with your own affairs.

Don't worry about these things. Your most important task now is to take care of yourself, and nothing else matters. "

Hearing Lu Fei's caring words, Chen Xiang felt extremely sweet and couldn't help but squirm while holding the phone.

"I know, I will pay attention. I have gained more than ten pounds now and my figure is out of shape." Chen Xiang said coquettishly.

Lu Fei laughed loudly and said: "It doesn't matter, being fatter makes you sexier. I like it!"

The couple chatted for a while, and before ending the call, Chen Xiang asked again: "By the way, do you want to tell grandpa about this?

Grandpa is still very energetic at the top. As long as he speaks, those people will give him some face. "

Lu Fei shook his head slightly and said: "Let's forget it!

Things are not clear yet, so don't tell him yet. The old man is not in good health, so don't let him worry about these things. Trust me, I have a way! "

"Yeah, yeah, I believe you, bye!"


The days in Jincheng are very short in winter. Before half past five, it was already completely dark.

In the luxurious living room, Lu Fei was reading the newspaper quietly, but there was a lively scene in the kitchen.

Xing Shuya was in a very good mood today. She was wearing a set of comfortable home clothes, wearing slippers and headphones, humming a ditty and happily preparing her signature side dishes.

Xing Shuya is from Bianliang. Although she can cook, she doesn’t know much about Sichuan cuisine.

After arriving at Jincheng to work, almost all three meals a day were taken care of by the company, and she didn't need to do it herself at all. However, she still took some time out of her busy schedule to learn six authentic traditional Sichuan dishes from a top Sichuan cuisine master, not for any other reason but because of Lu Fei She is from Jincheng, and these six dishes are Lu Fei's favorite, so she thinks she must learn them.

Unfortunately, she put a lot of effort into learning Sichuan cuisine, but never had the opportunity to showcase it. After waiting for nearly two years, she finally had the opportunity to showcase it. Xing Shuya was extremely excited.

An hour later, six delicacies and a pot of Yang were brought to the table. I opened a bottle of 75-year-old Moutai, filled up a glass for Lu Fei, and opened a bottle of Romanée-Conti to reward myself.

"My big boss, please try my craftsmanship and give me your professional evaluation." Xing Shuya said with a smile, holding her chin in her hands.

Lu Fei smiled slightly and said: "You don't need to taste it, it looks very good. I didn't expect you to cook Sichuan cuisine. It surprised me."

"Hehe, I fell in love with Sichuan cuisine when I came to Jincheng. I learned it from professional chefs. All the steps are absolutely authentic. When I have time, I also like to cook a few dishes to reward myself." Xing Shuya wanted to say that she was specially made for He learned it, but he took it back when the words came to his lips.

He knew Lu Fei's attitude. If he spoke too frankly, the two of them might be embarrassed.

Lu Fei picked up a piece of twice-cooked pork and tasted it. To his surprise, it tasted really good. He couldn't help but nodded frequently: "Not bad, it's really good. Thank you for your hard work, chef. I'd like to toast you."

The atmosphere tonight was quite good. At the dinner table, both of them deliberately avoided embarrassing questions and did not talk about work. They just reminisced about the past and some interesting things, and laughed constantly during the period.

The atmosphere was relaxed and the appetite was greatly increased. The two of them worked together to finish the six dishes, which was considered a success.

After dinner, Lu Fei looked at his watch and said goodbye.

"It's still early, I just finished eating and had some tea before leaving."

After saying that, Xing Shuya didn't give Lu Fei a chance to refuse and went straight to make tea. Lu Fei had no choice but to sit down in the living room.

"By the way, doesn't your mother live with you? Why haven't you seen her?" Lu Fei asked.

After the fragrant tea was brewed, Xing Shuya shook her head slightly and said, "My mother has rheumatoid arthritis and is not used to living in Jincheng. In addition, she also misses her relatives and friends in her hometown, so she often goes back to her hometown to stay for a while."

Lu Fei responded, slowly picked up the tea cup, blew in the hot air and was about to taste it, but his sensitive sense of smell caught a strange smell, and he couldn't help but feel a little thump in his heart, there was something wrong with this tea.

Lu Fei is not only a master treasure appraiser and philanthropist, but also has a very impressive status as a contemporary miracle doctor. With Lu Fei's medical attainments, he immediately judged that there was medicine in the tea, although he could not tell what medicine it was for the time being. , but he was shocked and felt incredible.

Xing Shuya can be said to be one of the people he trusts most, and he has given her everything. Since contacting her, Lu Fei has never doubted her loyalty, but now that the person he trusts the most has drugged her tea, he feels five emotions in his heart. It’s a mixed bag, but I can’t tell what it tastes like.

Lu Fei wanted to question her right away, but he couldn't.

First of all, he wasn't sure whether she did it intentionally, and he didn't know what kind of medicine was in the tea. More importantly, Lu Fei didn't believe that Xing Shuya would harm him, so he was unhappy but couldn't question him, otherwise there would be a misunderstanding. It will affect the relationship between the two people and even bring trauma to their friendship that can never be healed. This is definitely not what Lu Fei wants to see. Regarding Chen Honggang's matter, Lu Fei and Chen Xiang discussed it more than once. Today, when they talked to his second uncle, Chen Xiang also keenly felt the changes in his second uncle. He was very excited and immediately asked Lu Fei for confirmation.

"I'm not sure yet, but I guess it's similar to what you think. Don't worry, I will try my best to help you with your own affairs.

Don't worry about these things. Your most important task now is to take care of yourself, and nothing else matters. "

Hearing Lu Fei's caring words, Chen Xiang felt extremely sweet and couldn't help but squirm while holding the phone.

"I know, I will pay attention. I have gained more than ten pounds now and my figure is out of shape." Chen Xiang said coquettishly.

Lu Fei laughed loudly and said: "It doesn't matter, being fatter makes you sexier. I like it!"

The couple chatted for a while, and before ending the call, Chen Xiang asked again: "By the way, do you want to tell grandpa about this?

Grandpa is still very energetic at the top. As long as he speaks, those people will give him some face. "

Lu Fei shook his head slightly and said: "Let's forget it!

Things are not clear yet, so don't tell him yet. The old man is not in good health, so don't let him worry about these things. Trust me, I have a way! "

"Yeah, yeah, I believe you, bye!"


The days in Jincheng are very short in winter. Before half past five, it was already completely dark.

In the luxurious living room, Lu Fei was reading the newspaper quietly, but there was a lively scene in the kitchen.

Xing Shuya was in a very good mood today. She was wearing a set of comfortable home clothes, wearing slippers and headphones, humming a ditty and happily preparing her signature side dishes.

Xing Shuya is from Bianliang. Although she can cook, she doesn’t know much about Sichuan cuisine.

After arriving at Jincheng to work, almost all three meals a day were taken care of by the company, and she didn't need to do it herself at all. However, she still took some time out of her busy schedule to learn six authentic traditional Sichuan dishes from a top Sichuan cuisine master, not for any other reason but because of Lu Fei She is from Jincheng, and these six dishes are Lu Fei's favorite, so she thinks she must learn them.

Unfortunately, she put a lot of effort into learning Sichuan cuisine, but never had the opportunity to showcase it. After waiting for nearly two years, she finally had the opportunity to showcase it. Xing Shuya was extremely excited.

An hour later, six delicacies and a pot of Yang were brought to the table. I opened a bottle of 75-year-old Moutai, filled up a glass for Lu Fei, and opened a bottle of Romanée-Conti to reward myself.

"My big boss, please try my craftsmanship and give me your professional evaluation." Xing Shuya said with a smile, holding her chin in her hands.

Lu Fei smiled slightly and said: "You don't need to taste it, it looks very good. I didn't expect you to cook Sichuan cuisine. It surprised me."

"Hehe, I fell in love with Sichuan cuisine when I came to Jincheng. I learned it from professional chefs. All the steps are absolutely authentic. When I have time, I also like to cook a few dishes to reward myself." Xing Shuya wanted to say that she was specially made for He learned it, but he took it back when the words came to his lips.

He knew Lu Fei's attitude. If he spoke too frankly, the two of them might be embarrassed.

Lu Fei picked up a piece of twice-cooked pork and tasted it. To his surprise, it tasted really good. He couldn't help but nodded frequently: "Not bad, it's really good. Thank you for your hard work, chef. I'd like to toast you."

The atmosphere tonight was quite good. At the dinner table, both of them deliberately avoided embarrassing questions and did not talk about work. They just reminisced about the past and some interesting things, and laughed constantly during the period.

The atmosphere was relaxed and the appetite was greatly increased. The two of them worked together to finish the six dishes, which was considered a success.

After dinner, Lu Fei looked at his watch and said goodbye.

"It's still early, I just finished eating and had some tea before leaving."

After saying that, Xing Shuya didn't give Lu Fei a chance to refuse and went straight to make tea. Lu Fei had no choice but to sit down in the living room.

"By the way, doesn't your mother live with you? Why haven't you seen her?" Lu Fei asked.

After the fragrant tea was brewed, Xing Shuya shook her head slightly and said, "My mother has rheumatoid arthritis and is not used to living in Jincheng. In addition, she also misses her relatives and friends in her hometown, so she often goes back to her hometown to stay for a while."

Lu Fei responded, slowly picked up the tea cup, blew in the hot air and was about to taste it, but his sensitive sense of smell caught a strange smell, and he couldn't help but feel a little thump in his heart, there was something wrong with this tea.

Lu Fei is not only a master treasure appraiser and philanthropist, but also has a very impressive status as a contemporary miracle doctor. With Lu Fei's medical attainments, he immediately judged that there was medicine in the tea, although he could not tell what medicine it was for the time being. , but he was shocked and felt incredible.

Xing Shuya can be said to be one of the people he trusts most, and he has given her everything. Since contacting her, Lu Fei has never doubted her loyalty, but now that the person he trusts most has drugged her tea, he feels five emotions in his heart. It’s a mixed bag, but I can’t tell what it tastes like.

Lu Fei wanted to question her right away, but he couldn't.

First of all, he wasn't sure whether she did it intentionally, and he didn't know what kind of medicine was in the tea. More importantly, Lu Fei didn't believe that Xing Shuya would harm him, so he was unhappy but couldn't question him, otherwise there would be a misunderstanding. It will affect the relationship between the two people and even bring trauma to their friendship that can never be healed. This is definitely not what Lu Fei wants to see.

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