A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3027 Chen Honggang’s decision

"Get out of my way!"

Lu Fei pulled Chen Yaobin away, really dumbfounding.

"I didn't say anything, why are you anxious?" Lu Fei scolded with a smile.

"Instructor, let me tell you, this grandson of Cheng Ye is a bitch and deserves to be scolded. You can't continue his bad habits."

Lu Fei smiled and waved his hand: "Whatever you said, we are all brothers. We must remember to unite. It is not easy for the R\u0026D team. It is normal for me to support them.

Cheng Ye, I do have urgent needs. One million is no problem. Give me an account and I will transfer it to you immediately, but you must guarantee the quality. "

"Thank you, instructor!"

After the call ended, Chen Yaobin was still furious. However, after getting a signal from the Dragon King's eyes, Chen Yaobin temporarily suppressed his anger, turned on the jammer with his own hands, and left.

The uncle and nephew were the only two people left in the conference room. Lu Fei took out a cigarette and handed it to Chen Honggang and lit it for him. Chen Honggang took a deep breath and let out a sigh. .??.

"The Qinglong scientific research team has invented a lot of practical equipment in recent years. It is a combat-effective team. The jammer developed this time is very unique and easy to operate by individual soldiers. After the experiment is successful, it will become a first-class force in our army. A secret weapon.

If they had reported it earlier, I would personally take credit for them, what a pity! "

Chen Honggang's voice was very soft, and there was a trace of reluctance in his expression.

Lu Fei pushed the tea cup in front of him and said with a smile: "Second uncle, listening to what you said, you have already made your decision?"

Chen Honggang nodded seriously: "I have thought about it. After working in the army for more than 20 years, it's time for a change of environment."

What Chen Honggang meant by changing the environment was to transfer from the military to government and return to local work. This is what the old man Chen Yunfei has always wanted to see the most.

In recent years, the old man has persuaded Chen Honggang to transfer to the local area more than once. After all, there is still a big gap between the army and the local area.

Although the work of the army is sacred and solemn, in terms of real power, it is completely incomparable with local governments.

Chen Yunfei only has two sons. The eldest, Chen Hongyi, was not born to be in politics. The old man gave up decades ago. Therefore, the second son, Chen Honggang, is the Chen family's only hope and the old man's hope. The foundation of a generation.

During the decades that the old man has been in power, his style has been tough and decisive, which has really offended many people. Now that the old man is still alive, those enemies dare not make mistakes. If the old man dies, these people will definitely come out to take revenge and complain. , this is a characteristic of China’s official career, and it is inevitable.


In order to maintain the status of the Chen family, Chen Yunfei has tried his best to cultivate his confidants in the past twenty years. But no matter what, they are outsiders. Since they are outsiders, they are unstable factors. Therefore, to forge iron, you need to be tough yourself, so the old man advised Chen Honggang more than once. Return to the place and help him onto the horse as much as possible while he still has some residual heat. If he still has the ability, give him a ride. The farther Chen Honggang goes, the safer the Chen family will be.

But unfortunately, Chen Honggang's personality is very similar to that of the old man. They are both the kind of iron-blooded characters who would rather bend than bend. As long as they are right, Nine Cows can't pull him back. After many times of persuasion, the old man can only give up.

Fortunately, when the old man was most disappointed, Lu Fei appeared and rose up strongly. In less than three years, he established a firm foothold in China.

Therefore, on the day when Lu Fei and Chen Xi received their certificates, the old man took Lu Fei's hand and said the helpless words of entrusting the Chen family to Lu Fei.

Lu Fei agreed without any hesitation at that time, because Lu Fei believed that with his status in China, even if he could not bring the Chen family to a higher level again, it should not be a problem to preserve the current status.

But after this incident, Lu Fei realized that his thinking was too simple.

Lu Fei is rich, and his wealth can make any Chinese people compare to him. Lu Fei also has connections. Looking at China, Lu Fei can get anywhere. In terms of power, Lu Fei is the chief instructor of the Five Dragons and can mobilize the Five Dragons. The special characteristics of any team in the brigade, especially Xuanlong, can scare most officials.

But these achievements that Lu Fei is proud of are simply vulnerable in front of the real top management.

The two bosses fought casually and brought Lu Fei out to talk about the issue in an understatement, which brought him endless trouble. If they were really serious, Lu Fei's achievements in China would be like a worm on a tree, and they could happen at any time. He might be crushed to death by others.

Lu Fei personally is not afraid of anyone, but now Lu Fei is not just a person, he has family and friends behind him, as well as the career he has worked hard for.

Lu Fei could withdraw from China at all costs and continue to live happily outside, but he had to think about the Chen family and the Wang family.

With these concerns, Lu Fei felt very guilty when he saw the true strength of the senior management, and his sworn promise to Chen Yunfei became feeble. Therefore, under the current situation, Lu Fei was in urgent need of support.

Therefore, in the past six months or so, Lu Fei and Chen Xiang have communicated with Chen Honggang many times, hoping that he can stand up. With his status in the military, he can still make a difference when he returns to the local area.

It was justifiable to push Chen Honggang to the front of the stage, and Lu Fei would provide financial and overseas support behind the scenes, so as to ensure that the Chen family would be safe. "Get out of my way!"

Lu Fei pulled Chen Yaobin away, really dumbfounding.

"I didn't say anything, why are you anxious?" Lu Fei scolded with a smile.

"Instructor, let me tell you, this grandson of Cheng Ye is a bitch and deserves to be scolded. You can't continue his bad habits."

Lu Fei smiled and waved his hand: "Whatever you said, we are all brothers. We must remember to unite. It is not easy for the R\u0026D team. It is normal for me to support them.

Cheng Ye, I do have urgent needs. One million is no problem. Give me an account and I will transfer it to you immediately, but you must guarantee the quality. "

"Thank you, instructor!"

After the call ended, Chen Yaobin was still furious. However, after getting a signal from the Dragon King's eyes, Chen Yaobin temporarily suppressed his anger, turned on the jammer with his own hands, and left.

The uncle and nephew were the only two people left in the conference room. Lu Fei took out a cigarette and handed it to Chen Honggang and lit it for him. Chen Honggang took a deep breath and let out a sigh. ??

"The Qinglong scientific research team has invented a lot of practical equipment in recent years. It is a combat-effective team. The jammer developed this time is very unique and easy to operate by individual soldiers. After the experiment is successful, it will become a first-class force in our army. A secret weapon.

If they had reported it earlier, I would personally take credit for them, what a pity! "

Chen Honggang's voice was very soft, and there was a trace of reluctance in his expression.

Lu Fei pushed the tea cup in front of him and said with a smile: "Second uncle, listening to what you said, you have already made your decision?"

Chen Honggang nodded seriously: "I have thought about it. After working in the army for more than 20 years, it's time for a change of environment."

What Chen Honggang meant by changing the environment was to transfer from the military to government and return to local work. This is what the old man Chen Yunfei has always wanted to see the most.

In recent years, the old man has persuaded Chen Honggang to transfer to the local area more than once. After all, there is still a big gap between the army and the local area.

Although the work of the army is sacred and solemn, in terms of real power, it is completely incomparable with local governments.

Chen Yunfei only has two sons. The eldest, Chen Hongyi, was not born to be in politics. The old man gave up decades ago. Therefore, the second son, Chen Honggang, is the Chen family's only hope and the old man's hope. The foundation of a generation.

During the decades that the old man has been in power, his style has been tough and decisive, which has really offended many people. Now that the old man is still alive, those enemies dare not make mistakes. If the old man dies, these people will definitely come out to take revenge and complain. , this is a characteristic of China’s official career, and it is inevitable.


In order to maintain the status of the Chen family, Chen Yunfei has tried his best to cultivate his confidants in the past twenty years. But no matter what, they are outsiders. Since they are outsiders, they are unstable factors. Therefore, to forge iron, you need to be tough yourself, so the old man advised Chen Honggang more than once. Return to the place and help him onto the horse as much as possible while he still has some residual heat. If he still has the ability, give him a ride. The farther Chen Honggang goes, the safer the Chen family will be.

But unfortunately, Chen Honggang's personality is very similar to that of the old man. They are both the kind of iron-blooded characters who would rather bend than bend. As long as they are right, Nine Cows can't pull him back. After many times of persuasion, the old man can only give up.

Fortunately, when the old man was most disappointed, Lu Fei appeared and rose up strongly. In less than three years, he established a firm foothold in China.

Therefore, on the day when Lu Fei and Chen Xi received their certificates, the old man took Lu Fei's hand and said the helpless words of entrusting the Chen family to Lu Fei.

Lu Fei agreed without any hesitation at that time, because Lu Fei believed that with his status in China, even if he could not bring the Chen family to a higher level again, it should not be a problem to preserve the current status.

But after this incident, Lu Fei realized that his thinking was too simple.

Lu Fei is rich, and his wealth can make any Chinese people compare to him. Lu Fei also has connections. Looking at China, Lu Fei can get anywhere. In terms of power, Lu Fei is the chief instructor of the Five Dragons and can mobilize the Five Dragons. The special characteristics of any team in the brigade, especially Xuanlong, can scare most officials.

But these achievements that Lu Fei is proud of are simply vulnerable in front of the real top management.

The two bosses fought casually and brought Lu Fei out to talk about the issue in an understatement, which brought him endless trouble. If they were really serious, Lu Fei's achievements in China would be like a worm on a tree, and they could happen at any time. He might be crushed to death.

Lu Fei personally is not afraid of anyone, but now Lu Fei is not just a person, he has family and friends behind him, as well as the career he has worked hard for.

Lu Fei could withdraw from China at all costs and continue to live happily outside, but he had to think about the Chen family and the Wang family.

With these concerns, Lu Fei felt very guilty when he saw the true strength of the senior management, and his sworn promise to Chen Yunfei became feeble. Therefore, under the current situation, Lu Fei was in urgent need of support.

Therefore, in the past six months or so, Lu Fei and Chen Xiang have communicated with Chen Honggang many times, hoping that he can stand up. With his status in the military, he can still make a difference when he returns to the local area.

It was justifiable to push Chen Honggang to the front of the stage, and Lu Fei would provide financial and overseas support behind the scenes, so as to ensure that the Chen family would be safe.

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