A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3039 They are all good things

The thirteen-year-old girl, with her unyielding tenacity and the responsibility of raising her younger brother, came through hardships, and the pain is self-evident.

Hard work always pays off. Although it has been hard work over the years, Zhuo Feifei has paid off all her debts with her own hands, renovated her old house, and sent her younger brother Zhuo Yifan to Nankai University, where he is currently a sophomore.

At the beginning of the year, Jingya Lake was developed into a tourist attraction, and tourists came one after another. Although her family's business was average, it was much easier than before, and she was living a stable life.

Listening to Zhuo Feifei's narration, Lu Fei felt a sting in his heart. Looking at the strong woman in front of him, Lu Fei admired her from the bottom of his heart.

"Haha, I am very content to have enough to eat these years. My family's conditions are here, and I still have to support my younger brother in school. How can I have time to talk about love so lightly?" Zhuo Feifei wiped away her tears and laughed at herself.

Lu Fei gave a thumbs up and said: "Feifei, you are really amazing. I believe your life will get better. You are a good person, and good people should be rewarded!"

Lu Fei originally wanted to help her, but he knew the character of his old classmate very well and rashly suggested that Zhuo Feifei not only would not accept it, but might actually hurt her self-esteem.

As the saying goes, teaching a man to fish is worse than teaching him to fish. Lu Fei wanted to help her, but in a way that she could accept with peace of mind, so as not to harm the pure friendship between them.

Lu Fei stood up and touched the solid wood bedside and said, "Feifei, where did you get these furnishings in the room?"

There was no trace of contempt on Lu Fei's expression, and it was very natural. Zhuo Feifei's mood immediately relaxed.

“This bed, including the writing desk, was left behind by my father and is very strong.

I knitted the sofa myself. It looks pretty good, right? Zhuo Feifei smiled.

“It’s more than good!

Feifei, what did your ancestors do? Lu Fei asked.

Zhuo Feifei didn't understand why Lu Fei asked this question, but when talking to Lu Fei, she felt more relaxed than ever before, so there was no need to avoid anything.

"My family has been an old farmer for generations. Only my father became a teacher. Unfortunately, he did not die a good death."

"I'm sorry for mentioning your sadness." Lu Fei said apologetically.

"It doesn't matter. After all these years, I have long since given up."

"Well, a person's mentality determines his destiny. If you have a good mentality, you will definitely be in good health.

By the way, there has never been anyone in power in your family, especially in recent generations? Lu Fei asked.

Zhuo Feifei smoothed her disheveled hair and said with a smile: "Where does an old farmer get his power from digging in the soil?

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