A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3041 The best chair in the world

The sudden windfall was too tempting for Zhuo Feifei, who had always lived in poverty.

The impact of this force made Zhuo Feifei dizzy and almost flew up, but this feeling only lasted for a moment. Her strong mind allowed her to calm down quickly.

After getting excited, Zhuo Feifei shook her head slightly and said: "Forget it, my current life can still be maintained.

Just now you asked if anyone in our family has ever been in power. I probably understand. My father once told me that these things were all inherited from my grandfather.

My family has been farmers for generations. Where did we get so many good things?

I thought for a moment, and it must have been taken back by my grandfather by taking advantage of the convenience of the deputy director. It should be said that these things are all ill-gotten gains. It was passed to me. It’s okay to think about it. If it can be cashed out, I I can't bear it. " ??

Lu Fei agreed with her sharp thinking, and Lu Fei only judged this way. In that era, many people like her grandfather could not control their own hands and feet. Strictly speaking, these things were indeed ill-gotten gains. But Lu Fei disagreed with Zhuo Feifei's point of view.

"Feifei, your idea is wrong. Times have changed. Now these things are yours. You can keep those calligraphy and painting pieces and the writing desk for your thoughts, but these porcelain collections are of little significance. Taking advantage of the current good market, cashing in can also improve your situation. There is no need for you to be stubborn in your life." Lu Fei said.

Zhuo Feifei smiled faintly, still firm in her belief: "Lu Fei, please stop trying to persuade me, I have already decided.

I have persevered through these hard years. Now that Jingya Lake is being developed, our life is much better than before, and I am very contented.

I believe that our lives will get better after Yifan graduates and starts working. "

Lu Fei knew that Zhuo Feifei was an extremely principled person. She had made a decision and would not change it easily. In this case, Lu Fei could not persuade her. However, seeing that his good friend lived such a hard life, Lu Fei still felt a little unhappy. happy.

Zhuo Feifei saw Lu Fei's slight displeasure and knew that Lu Fei was sincerely doing good for her. She was very moved and patted Lu Fei's shoulder and said with a nonchalant smile: "Hey, don't worry about me anymore. I’m really good. By the way, I took a big order a while ago and it’s about to be completed. After the order is completed, I will make a net profit of 5,000 yuan!”

Five thousand yuan is not enough for Lu Fei to pay for a bottle of wine, but for Zhuo Feifei, it is enough to make her proud. Lu Fei is also very cooperative, pretending to be surprised and asking: "So powerful?

Earn so much

Duo, what kind of list is it? "

Zhuo Feifei was very satisfied with Lu Fei's performance. She smiled proudly, pulled Lu Fei up and said, "Come with me and let you see my girl's skills!"

Lu Fei could see that Zhuo Feifei's happiness was not fake, so Lu Fei felt relieved and followed Zhuo Feifei to the backyard with a smile. Only then did Lu Fei discover that there was a brick house in the backyard.

The house is relatively low, but the area is quite large. Judging from the appearance, it is at least fifty square meters.

"This is my workshop and my forbidden area. You are the first one invited to enter!" Zhuo Feifei said with a proud smile.

"Then I should be deeply honored?"

"Hehe, you can talk!"

Zhuo Feifei took out the key mysteriously, and while unlocking the door, she looked around to make sure it was safe before opening the door.

Lu Fei followed her into the workroom. When he looked up, Lu Fei's footsteps froze instantly, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he was shocked in his heart. He couldn't help but take a breath of air.

The workshop is surrounded by some bamboo crafts and materials. On the wall opposite the door hangs a huge drawing and more than a dozen photos. In the open space in the middle of the drawing, there is a huge guy. This big guy It is also a bamboo handicraft. Not only is it extremely large and beautiful, but it is also as powerful as a rainbow.

What shocked Lu Fei was that this big thing turned out to be a Ming and Qing style bamboo dragon chair.

Moreover, based on the drawings and the scale and shape of the bamboo dragon chair, Lu Fei recognized at a glance that this handmade bamboo craft was a one-to-one reproduction of the "No. 1 chair in the world" in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, a large chair with carved dragons and gold paint.

"Dragon chair" is a general term. In fact, in the feudal era, all chairs where the emperor sat belonged to the dragon chair. It represented the supreme authority and was also the emperor's patent.

"History of the Ming Dynasty" records that during the reign of Emperor Shenzong of the Ming Dynasty, the eunuch Feng Bao stole power and "in the imperial palace, Bao was always on the side." The officials at that time all told Luo Zun about the matter: "How dare you stand on the throne of the emperor with only one servant? The civil and military workers worship the emperor, but do you want to pay homage to the middle official?" It is considered a violation of the imperial power to stand the eunuch next to the throne. disrespectful behavior.

In fact, not to mention officials and ministers, even the empress and empress dowager are not qualified to enjoy the dragon chair. In the TV series, the empress dowager lost her temper and drove the emperor aside with a face, and sat on the emperor's seat with her own golden sword. It is sheer nonsense to arrogantly accuse the emperor. The palace has palace rules and the majesty of the emperor. No one is allowed to defy, let alone provoke, under any circumstances. The dragon chair is exclusive to the emperor. Even if it is empty, any People are not qualified to try sitting. If you sit down, it is the crime of deceiving the emperor! The sudden windfall was too tempting for Zhuo Feifei, who had always lived in poverty.

The impact of this force made Zhuo Feifei dizzy and almost flew up. However, this feeling only lasted for a moment. Her strong mind allowed her to calm down quickly.

After getting excited, Zhuo Feifei shook her head slightly and said: "Forget it, my current life can still be maintained.

Just now you asked if anyone in our family has ever been in power. I probably understand. My father once told me that these things were all inherited from my grandfather.

My family has been farmers for generations. Where did we get so many good things?

I thought for a moment, and it must have been taken back by my grandfather by taking advantage of the convenience of the deputy director. It should be said that these things are all ill-gotten gains. If they were passed to me, it would be a good idea. If they can be cashed in, I I can't bear it. "

Lu Fei agreed with her sharp thinking, and Lu Fei only judged this way. In that era, many people like her grandfather could not control their own hands and feet. Strictly speaking, these things were indeed ill-gotten gains. But Lu Fei disagreed with Zhuo Feifei's point of view.

"Feifei, your idea is wrong. Times have changed. Now these things are yours. You can keep those calligraphy and painting pieces and the writing desk for your thoughts, but these porcelain collections are of little significance. Taking advantage of the current good market, cashing in can also improve your situation. There is no need for you to be stubborn in your life." Lu Fei said.

Zhuo Feifei smiled faintly, still firm in her belief: "Lu Fei, please stop trying to persuade me, I have already decided. ??

I have persevered through these hard years. Now that Jingya Lake is being developed, our life is much better than before, and I am very contented.

I believe that our lives will get better after Yifan graduates and starts working. "

Lu Fei knew that Zhuo Feifei was an extremely principled person. She had made a decision and would not change it easily. In this case, Lu Fei could not persuade her. However, seeing that his good friend lived such a hard life, Lu Fei still felt a little unhappy. happy.

Zhuo Feifei saw Lu Fei's slight displeasure and knew that Lu Fei was sincerely doing good for her. She was very moved and patted Lu Fei's shoulder and said with a nonchalant smile: "Hey, don't worry about me anymore. I’m really good. By the way, I took a big order a while ago and it’s about to be completed. After the order is completed, I will make a net profit of 5,000 yuan!”

Five thousand yuan is not enough for Lu Fei to pay for a bottle of wine, but for Zhuo Feifei, it is enough to make her proud. Lu Fei is also very cooperative, pretending to be surprised and asking: "So powerful?

Earn so much

Duo, what kind of list is it? "

Zhuo Feifei was very satisfied with Lu Fei's performance. She smiled proudly, pulled Lu Fei up and said, "Come with me and let you see my girl's skills!"

Lu Fei could see that Zhuo Feifei's happiness was not fake, so Lu Fei felt relieved and followed Zhuo Feifei to the backyard with a smile. Only then did Lu Fei discover that there was a brick house in the backyard.

The house is relatively low, but the area is quite large. Judging from the appearance, it is at least fifty square meters.

"This is my workshop and my forbidden area. You are the first one invited to enter!" Zhuo Feifei said with a proud smile.

"Then I should be deeply honored?"

"Hehe, you can talk!"

Zhuo Feifei took out the key mysteriously, and while unlocking the door, she looked around to make sure it was safe before opening the door.

Lu Fei followed her into the workroom. When he looked up, Lu Fei's footsteps froze instantly, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he was shocked in his heart. He couldn't help but take a breath of air.

The workshop is surrounded by some bamboo crafts and materials. On the wall opposite the door hangs a huge drawing and a dozen photos. In the open space in the middle of the drawing, there is a huge guy. This big guy It is also a bamboo handicraft. Not only is it extremely large and beautiful, but it is also as powerful as a rainbow.

What shocked Lu Fei was that this big thing turned out to be a Ming and Qing style bamboo dragon chair.

Moreover, based on the drawings and the scale and shape of the bamboo dragon chair, Lu Fei recognized at a glance that this handmade bamboo craft was a one-to-one reproduction of the "No. 1 chair in the world" in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, a large chair with carved dragons and gold paint.

"Dragon chair" is a general term. In fact, in the feudal era, all chairs where the emperor sat belonged to the dragon chair. It represented the supreme authority and was also the emperor's patent.

"History of the Ming Dynasty" records that during the reign of Emperor Shenzong of the Ming Dynasty, the eunuch Feng Bao stole power and "in the imperial palace, Bao was always on the side." The officials at that time all told Luo Zun about the matter: "How dare you stand on the throne of the emperor with only one servant? The civil and military workers worship the emperor, but do you want to pay homage to the middle official?" It is considered a violation of the imperial power to stand the eunuch next to the throne. disrespectful behavior.

In fact, not to mention officials and ministers, even the empress and empress dowager are not qualified to enjoy the dragon chair. In the TV series, the empress dowager lost her temper and drove the emperor aside with a face, and sat on the emperor's seat with her own golden sword. It is sheer nonsense to arrogantly accuse the emperor. The palace has palace rules and the majesty of the emperor. No one is allowed to defy, let alone provoke, under any circumstances. The dragon chair is exclusive to the emperor. Even if it is empty, any People are not qualified to try sitting. If you sit down, it is the crime of deceiving the emperor!

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