A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3046 A group of old scoundrels

Qu Yang's people arrived and quickly maintained order at the scene. At the same time, they ordered the network supervisor to block all videos about Jingya Lake and Lu Fei to avoid causing disturbances as much as possible.

But Guan Haishan and others were obviously not concerned about that. After getting out of the car, Guan Haishan patted Qu Yang on the shoulder and asked with a smile: "Xiao Qu, do you understand, who first put Lu Fei's video on the Internet?"

Hearing this, Qiao Chunfeng, who was more than ten meters away, had a buzzing head and cold sweat flowing down uncontrollably.


Just kidding, can this matter be kept hidden? Even if the Internet supervisor checks it casually, he will not be able to hide. When the time comes, he will be even more guilty. Rather than doing this, it is better to admit it on his own initiative and be frank and lenient. The most important thing is attitude.

Before Qu Yang could order an investigation, Qiao Chunfeng stood up in fear.

"Reporting to the leader, I am Qiao Chunfeng from the Jinghu Town Office!" ??

Although Qiao Chunfeng didn't know these old guys, looking at the attitude of Qu Yang and the city leaders towards them, he knew they must be big shots. He called them leaders and there was nothing wrong with their custody.

When Qiao Chunfeng reported his family name, Qu Yang and several city leaders frowned and thought to themselves, this guy is too ignorant. You are an office employee in this town, do you have a role to speak here?

A leader glared and was about to explode, but Qiao Chunfeng immediately continued: "Leader, the original video was sent by me!"

Qiao Chunfeng did not dare to hide anything and told the story in detail. When he finished speaking, he realized that countless murderous auras had completely locked onto him, especially the local leaders in Jincheng, whose eyes were as if they wanted to swallow him alive. .

Several leaders in Jincheng are indeed angry. They know best how great Lu Fei's prestige is. They originally planned to come here to play quietly, but they were disrupted by this blind little brat. If Lu Fei If you are angry, you will definitely not vent to Qiao Chunfeng. It must be them as leaders who take the blame. It would be strange if they don't get angry!

But what was unexpected was that Guan Haishan not only didn't get angry after hearing this, but actually burst into laughter. He strode over to hold Qiao Chunfeng's hand and shook it vigorously: "Young man, you did a good job. You have made a great contribution today, ha." Ha ha!!"

Zhang Yanhe and several old guys also laughed heartily, but in the eyes of Qu Yang and others, the smiles of these old guys seemed a bit wretched, full of villains' success.

These old guys are really happy. In their eyes, Qiao Chunfeng has established great achievements. If it weren't for him, they wouldn't know that this damn rag collector is hiding here!

They don't care if the video posted online will cause trouble to Lu Fei.

Finding Lu Fei was the most important thing to them, and Qiao Chunfeng undoubtedly helped them a lot.

Now not only Qiao Chunfeng, but also Qu Yang and other leaders were stunned on the spot.

After laughing, Guan Haishan asked Qu Yang and others to wait outside and try to evacuate the crowd if possible. After the explanation, he took the lead and entered Zhuoyue's house, followed by Zhang Yanhe and others happily.

After the figures of the old men disappeared, Qu Yang and others took a deep breath. Qiao Chunfeng was already soaked with sweat, and the cold wind was freezing to the bone. Although Guan Haishan had a good attitude towards him, he was still uneasy and hesitated. , but still had the courage to ask Qu Yang.

"Qu Ju, what are the backgrounds of these old men?"

Qu Yang also didn't understand why Guan Haishan and others were so polite to Qiao Chunfeng, so he didn't dare to exaggerate and told him the truth in a low voice. After learning the identities of these old men, Qiao Chunfeng's legs became weak and he almost collapsed on the ground.

In the front yard, Guan Haishan and others did not find Lu Fei. When they arrived at the door of the backyard workshop, they heard Lu Fei swearing and yelling at Zhuo Feifei to get lost.

After confirming that it was Lu Fei's voice, Guan Haishan and others were so excited that they pushed the door open and barged in unceremoniously.

"The rags are flying like crazy, let me see where you are going to hide, you..."

Guan Haishan yelled and cursed while forcing his way in, but when he opened the door and stepped in, he was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him, his eyes widened, his voice suddenly stopped, and he stood frozen on the spot.

Then came Zhang Yanhe, Fatty Wang, Fu Yuliang, Huang Licheng, Gao Henian and others. These people had one thing in common. They were all smiles before they came in. But when they entered the studio, one after another, they seemed to have been cast a restraining spell. Nailed in place.

Their eyes were wide open, their mouths were open, they were drooling, they were trembling, and their expressions were more exaggerated than the others, but without realizing it, everyone's eyes were focused on one place, which was the large bamboo dragon chair.

Seeing the sudden intrusion of these old guys, Lu Fei frowned. Then seeing their reaction, Lu Fei relaxed his brows and was quite satisfied with their exaggerated expressions.

Zhuo Feifei didn't recognize these uninvited guests, so she was startled. She hid behind Lu Fei, pulled his clothes and asked nervously in a low voice: "Lu Fei, who are they?"

Lu Fei pursed his lips and smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, they are just a bunch of old scoundrels."


As soon as Lu Fei opened his mouth, the old guys suddenly woke up. They all looked at each other coldly, gritted their teeth, and glared angrily. Qu Yang's people arrived and quickly maintained order at the scene. At the same time, they ordered the network supervisor to block all videos about Jingya Lake and Lu Fei to avoid causing disturbances as much as possible.

But Guan Haishan and others were obviously not concerned about that. After getting out of the car, Guan Haishan patted Qu Yang on the shoulder and asked with a smile: "Xiao Qu, do you understand, who first put Lu Fei's video on the Internet?"

Hearing this, Qiao Chunfeng, who was more than ten meters away, had a buzzing head and cold sweat flowing down uncontrollably.


Just kidding, can this matter be kept hidden? Even if the Internet supervisor checks it casually, he will not be able to hide. When the time comes, he will be even more guilty. Rather than doing this, it is better to admit it on his own initiative and be frank and lenient. The most important thing is attitude.

Before Qu Yang could order an investigation, Qiao Chunfeng stood up in fear.

"Reporting to the leader, I am Qiao Chunfeng from the Jinghu Town Office!"

Although Qiao Chunfeng didn't know these old guys, looking at the attitude of Qu Yang and the city leaders towards them, he knew they must be big shots. He called them leaders and there was nothing wrong with their custody.

When Qiao Chunfeng reported his family name, Qu Yang and several city leaders frowned and thought to themselves, this guy is too ignorant. You are an office employee in this town, do you have a role to speak here?

A leader glared and was about to explode, but Qiao Chunfeng immediately continued: "Leader, the original video was sent by me!"

Qiao Chunfeng did not dare to hide anything and told the story in detail. When he finished speaking, he realized that countless murderous auras had completely locked onto him, especially the local leaders in Jincheng, whose eyes were as if they wanted to swallow him alive. .

Several leaders in Jincheng were indeed angry. They knew best how great Lu Fei's prestige was. He originally planned to come here to play quietly, but was disturbed by this blind little brat. If Lu Fei If you are angry, you will definitely not vent to Qiao Chunfeng. It must be them as leaders who take the blame. It would be strange if they don't get angry!

But what was unexpected was that Guan Haishan not only didn't get angry after hearing this, but actually burst into laughter. He strode over to hold Qiao Chunfeng's hand and shook it vigorously: "Young man, you did a good job. You have made a great contribution today, ha." Ha ha!!"

Zhang Yanhe and several old guys also laughed heartily, but in the eyes of Qu Yang and others, the smiles of these old guys seemed a bit wretched, full of villains' success.

These old guys are really happy. In their eyes, Qiao Chunfeng has established great achievements. If it weren't for him, they wouldn't know that this damn rag collector is hiding here!

They don't care if the video posted online will cause trouble to Lu Fei.

Finding Lu Fei was the most important thing to them, and Qiao Chunfeng undoubtedly helped them a lot.

Now not only Qiao Chunfeng, but also Qu Yang and other leaders were stunned on the spot.

After laughing, Guan Haishan asked Qu Yang and others to wait outside and try to evacuate the crowd if possible. After the explanation, he took the lead and entered Zhuoyue's house, followed by Zhang Yanhe and others happily.

After the figures of the old men disappeared, Qu Yang and others took a deep breath. Qiao Chunfeng was already soaked with sweat, and the cold wind was freezing to the bone. Although Guan Haishan had a good attitude towards him, he was still uneasy and hesitated. , but still had the courage to ask Qu Yang.

"Qu Ju, what are the backgrounds of these old men?"

Qu Yang also didn't understand why Guan Haishan and others were so polite to Qiao Chunfeng, so he didn't dare to exaggerate and told him the truth in a low voice. After learning the identities of these old men, Qiao Chunfeng's legs became weak and he almost collapsed on the ground.

In the front yard, Guan Haishan and others did not find Lu Fei. When they arrived at the door of the backyard workshop, they heard Lu Fei swearing and yelling at Zhuo Feifei to get lost.

After confirming that it was Lu Fei's voice, Guan Haishan and others were so excited that they pushed the door open and barged in unceremoniously.

"The rags are flying like crazy, let me see where you are going to hide, you..."

Guan Haishan yelled and cursed while forcing his way in, but when he opened the door and stepped in, he was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him, his eyes widened, his voice suddenly stopped, and he stood frozen on the spot.

Then came Zhang Yanhe, Fatty Wang, Fu Yuliang, Huang Licheng, Gao Henian and others. These people had one thing in common. They were all smiles before they came in. But when they entered the studio, one after another, they seemed to have been cast a restraining spell. Nailed in place.

Their eyes were wide open, their mouths were open, they were drooling, they were trembling, and their expressions were more exaggerated than the others, but without realizing it, everyone's eyes were focused on one place, which was the large bamboo dragon chair.

Seeing the sudden intrusion of these old guys, Lu Fei frowned. Then seeing their reaction, Lu Fei relaxed his brows and was quite satisfied with their exaggerated expressions.

Zhuo Feifei didn't recognize these uninvited guests, so she was startled. She hid behind Lu Fei, pulled his clothes and asked nervously in a low voice: "Lu Fei, who are they?"

Lu Fei pursed his lips and smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, they are just a bunch of old scoundrels."


As soon as Lu Fei opened his mouth, the old guys suddenly woke up. They all looked at each other coldly, gritted their teeth, and glared angrily.

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