A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3048 Shocking Price

Zhang Yanhe's face turned red, and she almost choked to death at Lu Fei's words.

In the past six months or so, Lu Fei has been busy traveling overseas and getting married, and has hardly contacted Zhang Yanhe. Perhaps it has been so long that Zhang Yanhe has forgotten Lu Fei's principle, but now think about it, it is too difficult for him to be a big boss of the National Expo. I'm so wronged. Isn't this an unreasonable disaster?

"Baolanfei, you are no longer interested. In any case, I, Zhang Yanhe, have never offended you. Even if you have a misunderstanding with the National Museum, it is still a matter left over from history. What does it have to do with me? Besides, Gao Fengdu."

Zhang Yanhe realized that he had made a slip of the tongue, and quickly stopped and looked at Guan Haishan. Sure enough, Lao Guanzhan's face instantly darkened, and his eyes were full of sullenness.

Now the word Gao Feng is definitely a name that is strictly forbidden to be mentioned among the Kong family disciples.

Gao Feng has been missing for more than half a year, with no one alive or dead. Although Gao Feng's character is open to question, no matter what, he is Kong Fanlong's top disciple, and the relationship between the senior brothers for decades is not something that others can compare to.

Especially seeing his sister-in-law getting haggard day by day, Guan Haishan felt very uncomfortable. Now that Zhang Yanhe had brought Gao Feng out to talk about the matter in public, Guan Haishan would have given Lu Fei face by not getting angry on the spot.

Others also saw that Guan Haishan was angry, and they all secretly scolded Zhang Yan for not blocking the river mouth. Fatty Wang had the best relationship with Zhang Yanhe in private. In order to avoid everyone's embarrassment, they quickly changed the subject.

"Old Zhang, shut up first. I just heard what Baolan Fei said. This work seems to have something to do with him. Bao Lanfei, what do you say?"

When Fatty Wang said this, everyone's attention turned to Lu Fei. Even Guan Haishan's brows relaxed. Zhang Yanhe took a deep breath and cast a grateful look at Wang Shun.

Lu Fei smiled faintly and said: "Ignoring whether it has anything to do with me, you are all experts. Use your professional eyes to estimate the price of this work. How much do you think this bamboo dragon chair is worth?"

These old guys, Guan Mao, are definitely smarter than Sun Monkey. They listen to the instructions and understand immediately.

Fu Yuliang was ahead of everyone, grabbed Lu Fei and said, "Bao Bao Fei, we have a good relationship as buddies, and we are definitely worthy of you."

"Don't talk nonsense. I said before, use a professional eye to objectively evaluate the price and don't mix any personal feelings." Lu Fei said.

"Well, although this dragon chair is not yet finished, the overall structure has been completed, and all that's left is to polish the details.

Just now, Lao Zhang also gave the target

According to Ken's evaluation, the technique is a little immature, but the momentum and charm are not bad at all. It is definitely an excellent work, especially for this subject, which is a lot of extra points. If I were to estimate it, we in Zhongzhou would be willing to give it three Purchased for a million dollars. "

Hearing Fu Yuliang's high price of three million, Zhuo Feifei, who had just stabilized her emotions, opened her eyes wide again and covered her mouth tightly with her hands for fear of screaming, but she didn't expect that this was just the beginning.

Bo Mu Xianglin of Suzhou Province was not to be left alone. He pointed at Fu Yuliang's nose and yelled indignantly: "Old Fu, you have such a dark heart. You only paid three million for such a perfect work. You are simply a profiteer.

Lu Fei, you know, our Suzhou is a big province of bamboo weaving. This work will have extraordinary significance in our place. Our Suzhou Provincial Museum is willing to pay 5 million, and I can promise to set up a separate place for this work. booth. "

five million?

Zhuo Feifei's face was red and her eyeballs were bloodshot.

Li Heyan, the newly promoted boss of Fengtian Provincial University, said: "Mu Xianglin, no matter how loud you shout, it's useless. In my opinion, it would be a waste of natural resources to put this dragon chair in your Suzhou.

This dragon chair is only the main body. After polishing and polishing, the most critical part is the hundreds of gems inlaid on it. I am not looking down on you, but do you have any gems in Suzhou Province?

Broken Fei, you know that there are a lot of gems in our Fengtian Gubo warehouse. According to the actual objects in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, we are sure to completely copy them. Only by completely restoring them can we give this dragon chair a soul. If you agree, We, Fengtian Gubo, are willing to pay 6 million for the purchase and promise to complete the gem inlay project within one year. "

The big guys quoted higher and higher prices, and in the end, Zhuo Feifei was completely numb. The old men didn't notice Zhuo Feifei's expression. They all looked at Lu Fei, waiting for him to make his final statement.

Lu Fei took out his cigarette and played around with it. Everyone took it but did not light it. This is a studio and it is a fire prevention area. They still have this quality, but Lu Fei ignored it and lit it and took a long puff. When he got up, the old guys watched eagerly, but it was difficult to urge him, but the eager eyes said everything.

After finishing smoking a cigarette, Lu Fei said: "Your valuations are all from the heart, and are not mixed with other factors?"

"I don't care about others, but I don't have it anyway. In my eyes, this work is worth six million." Li Heyan said.

Others also expressed their opinions, and what they said was true. With such a magnificent bamboo weaving art and the design theme being the best in the world, the estimate of five to six million is completely reasonable. Zhang Yanhe's face turned red, and she almost choked to death at Lu Fei's words.

In the past six months or so, Lu Fei has been busy traveling overseas and getting married, and has hardly contacted Zhang Yanhe. Perhaps it has been so long that Zhang Yanhe has forgotten Lu Fei's principle, but now think about it, it is too difficult for him to be a big boss of the National Expo. I'm so wronged. Isn't this an unreasonable disaster?

"Baolanfei, you are no longer interested. In any case, I, Zhang Yanhe, have never offended you. Even if you have a misunderstanding with the National Museum, it is still a matter left over from history. What does it have to do with me? Besides, Gao Fengdu."

Zhang Yanhe realized that he had made a slip of the tongue, and quickly stopped and looked at Guan Haishan. Sure enough, Lao Guanzhan's face instantly darkened, and his eyes were full of sullenness.

Now the word Gao Feng is definitely a name that is strictly forbidden to be mentioned among the Kong family disciples.

Gao Feng has been missing for more than half a year, and neither his body nor his body has been seen alive. Although Gao Feng's character is open to question, no matter what, he is Kong Fanlong's top disciple, and the relationship between the brothers for decades is not something that others can compare to. .??.

Especially seeing his sister-in-law getting haggard day by day, Guan Haishan felt very uncomfortable. Now that Zhang Yanhe had brought Gao Feng out to talk about the matter in public, Guan Haishan would have given Lu Fei face by not getting angry on the spot.

Others also saw that Guan Haishan was angry, and they all secretly scolded Zhang Yan for not blocking the river mouth. Fatty Wang had the best relationship with Zhang Yanhe in private. In order to avoid everyone's embarrassment, they quickly changed the subject.

"Old Zhang, shut up first. I just heard what Baolan Fei said. This work seems to have something to do with him. Bao Lanfei, what do you say?"

When Fatty Wang said this, everyone's attention turned to Lu Fei. Even Guan Haishan's brows relaxed. Zhang Yanhe took a deep breath and cast a grateful look at Wang Shun.

Lu Fei smiled lightly and said: "Ignoring whether it has anything to do with me, you are all experts. Use your professional eyes to estimate the price of this work. How much do you think this bamboo dragon chair is worth?"

These old guys, Guan Mao, are definitely smarter than Sun Monkey. They listen to the instructions and understand immediately.

Fu Yuliang was ahead of everyone, grabbed Lu Fei and said, "Bao Bao Fei, we have a good relationship as buddies, and we are definitely worthy of you."

"Don't talk nonsense. I said before, use a professional eye to objectively evaluate the price and don't mix any personal feelings." Lu Fei said.

"Well, although this dragon chair is not yet finished, the overall structure has been completed, and all that's left is to polish the details.

Just now, Lao Zhang also gave the target

According to Ken's evaluation, the technique is a little immature, but the momentum and charm are not bad at all. It is definitely an excellent work, especially for this subject, which is a lot of extra points. If I were to estimate it, we in Zhongzhou would be willing to give it three Purchased for a million dollars. "

Hearing Fu Yuliang's high price of three million, Zhuo Feifei, who had just stabilized her emotions, opened her eyes wide again and covered her mouth tightly with her hands for fear of screaming, but she didn't expect that this was just the beginning.

Bo Mu Xianglin of Suzhou Province was not to be left alone. He pointed at Fu Yuliang's nose and yelled indignantly: "Old Fu, you have such a dark heart. You only paid three million for such a perfect work. You are simply a profiteer.

Lu Fei, you know, our Suzhou is a big province of bamboo weaving. This work will have extraordinary significance in our place. Our Suzhou Provincial Museum is willing to pay 5 million, and I can promise to set up a separate place for this work. booth. "

five million?

Zhuo Feifei's face was red and her eyeballs were bloodshot.

Li Heyan, the newly promoted boss of Fengtian Provincial University, said: "Mu Xianglin, no matter how loud you shout, it's useless. In my opinion, it would be a waste of natural resources to put this dragon chair in your Suzhou.

This dragon chair is only the main body. After polishing and polishing, the most critical part is the hundreds of gems inlaid on it. I am not looking down on you, but do you have any gems in Suzhou Province?

Broken Fei, you know that there are a lot of gems in our Fengtian Gubo warehouse. According to the actual objects in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, we are sure to completely copy them. Only by completely restoring them can we give this dragon chair a soul. If you agree, We, Fengtian Gubo, are willing to pay 6 million for the purchase and promise to complete the gem inlay project within one year. "

The big guys quoted higher and higher prices, and in the end, Zhuo Feifei was completely numb. The old men didn't notice Zhuo Feifei's expression. They all looked at Lu Fei, waiting for him to make his final statement.

Lu Fei took out his cigarette and played around with it. Everyone took it but did not light it. This is a studio and it is a fire prevention area. They still have this quality, but Lu Fei ignored it and lit it and took a long puff. When he got up, the old guys watched eagerly, but it was difficult to urge him, but the eager eyes said everything.

After finishing smoking a cigarette, Lu Fei said: "Your valuations are all from the heart, and are not mixed with other factors?"

"I don't care about others, but I don't have it anyway. In my eyes, this work is worth six million." Li Heyan said.

Others also expressed their opinions, and what they said was true. With such a magnificent bamboo weaving art and the design theme being the best in the world, the estimate of five to six million is completely reasonable.

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