A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3054 Scum is everywhere

When his father-in-law, Li Heyan, suddenly called him to ask about the large bamboo woven dragon chair, Hou Weidong did not have any doubts. He only thought that his father-in-law got the news from the business department of the unit, and he was proudly preparing to take credit for it!

"Dad, oh no, curator, it's true that something happened for a while. I was about to report to you, but it's a pity that you are not at home on a business trip." Hou Weidong said.


What is the specific situation? "

In order to clear up the suspicion, Li Heyan turned on the speakerphone in front of everyone. When his son-in-law confessed, Li Heyan almost gritted his molars to talk to him.

"It's like this. I also discovered this work by a bamboo weaving craftsman by chance. It gave me a very shocking feeling at the time. At the same time, I thought this work was very in line with the requirements of the headquarters, so I took it upon myself to collect some information. I reported it to the Business Department, who was also very satisfied with the work. After my mediation, the other party finally agreed to reluctantly part with it and sell it to us for five million. In fact, this was the joint effort of all departments. In the end, I was just a matchmaker, and I would never dare to take credit." Hou Weidong said that he did not dare to take credit, but his tone was full of pride.

But he never imagined what kind of situation his father-in-law would face, let alone who was around Li Heyan at this time.

Now, Hou Weidong's multiple charges of deceiving superiors and subordinates, abusing power for personal gain, and violently amassing money were completely proven. Not to mention his father-in-law, even if God came, he would not be able to save him.

This could be seen from the angry expressions of Guan Haishan and others. Li Heyan was extremely disappointed and his mood sank to the bottom. .??.??

In this studio, the saddest person at the moment is Zhuo Feifei.

Before, she was still excusing Hou Weidong in her heart, but the reality was that she was clearly regarded as a fool in the well.

People are poor but have short ambitions, and horses are skinny and have long hair!

Once upon a time, Zhuo Feifei was also a good student with excellent academic performance and good yearning for future life.

But all this changed dramatically with the sudden death of her father. From then on, her hopes, visions, ambitions and ideals completely deviated from the track. For this family and for her brother, she had worked hard to make a living over the years. Now, although the family is somewhat Things are getting better, and her younger brother has also been admitted to the university of her dreams. However, at such a young age, she has gradually become out of touch with this rapidly developing society and has become a frog in the well in the eyes of outsiders. This is a great sadness, and the true nature of this matter is also It was a huge blow to the perseverant Zhuo Feifei.

Zhuo Feifei was secretly sad and burst into tears. Lu Fei gently patted her back to comfort her, but the latter became even more sad and angry and broke down in tears.


Lu Fei pulled Zhuo Feifei to one side and sat down. On the other side, Li Heyan and others also agreed to handle the matter.

Li Heyan asked Hou Weidong what happened, but did not make any statement, which temporarily stabilized him.

After hanging up the phone, Li Heyan immediately admitted his mistake to Guan Haishan.

If we say that Li Heyan used power for personal gain and favored others for personal gain, Guan Haishan could have turned a blind eye because of his long-term relationship, but what Hou Weidong violated was the law, and the nature of it was particularly serious. No matter how good his relationship with Li Heyan was, this matter Nor can it be accommodating.

Guan Haishan made a decisive decision to ask the cultural protection, supervision, disciplinary inspection commission and police to take immediate action to investigate the matter. No matter who was involved, he would never tolerate it. As for Li Heyan's issue, he had to go back for a meeting to study it.

A simple order decided the fate of Hou Weidong. He was Li Heyan's only son-in-law. Although he hated iron, it was impossible to say that he was not worried.

The serious nature of Hou Weidong's vicious incident, which started at least ten years ago, means that his daughter's family may be broken up, and it will have a far-reaching impact on the child. However, Li Heyan could only witness all this with his own eyes but was powerless to do anything about it. Not only that, but even Even he himself will face severe punishment. This blow is not a big one!

After the order was issued, Jia Yuan took the first step to leave and make arrangements. Guan Haishan saw that Li He looked very bad and was worried about his health, so he asked a few old guys to send him to the hospital for treatment.

In the blink of an eye, most of the old men were gone, leaving only a few people who had the best relationship with Lu Fei. Everyone relaxed for a while and asked again about the ownership of the dragon chair.

These old guys were very shrewd and knew that Zhuo Feifei was the rightful owner, so they immediately threw off the stumbling block and gathered around Zhuo Feifei to greet her with a smile.

"Miss Zhuo, don't take it too seriously. This kind of scum exists in every industry, and it can never be eradicated."

"Yes, you have been wronged this time, but don't worry, I, Lao Zhang, will make the decision for you. I declare that the contract you signed is suspected of fraud and has no legal effect."

"Lao Zhang, you are so boastful. You don't have to say whether there will be any legal effects.

Hehe, but you don’t have to worry, Girl Zhuo, I can help you take care of it. I really didn’t expect that you would be so ingenious at such a young age, and your future would be limitless!

Well, I like this work of yours very much. I am Fu Yuliang, the curator of the Zhongzhou Provincial Museum. On behalf of the Zhongzhou Provincial Museum, I would like to sincerely express to you that if you have any idea of ​​selling it, our Provincial Museum is willing to pay a high price of 6 million to purchase it. And we will promote you personally, and we can continue to cooperate in the future. What do you think? "My father-in-law, Li Heyan, suddenly called me to ask about the large bamboo dragon chair. Hou Weidong didn't have any doubts at all. He only thought that my father-in-law got the news from the business department of the unit, and he was proudly preparing to take credit for it!"

"Dad, oh no, curator, it's true that something happened for a while. I was about to report to you, but it's a pity that you are not at home on a business trip." Hou Weidong said.


What is the specific situation? "

In order to clear up the suspicion, Li Heyan turned on the speakerphone in front of everyone. When his son-in-law confessed, Li Heyan almost gritted his molars to talk to him.

"It's like this. I also discovered this work by a bamboo weaving craftsman by chance. It gave me a very shocking feeling at the time. At the same time, I thought this work was very in line with the requirements of the headquarters, so I took it upon myself to collect some information. I reported it to the Business Department, who was also very satisfied with the work. After my mediation, the other party finally agreed to reluctantly part with it and sell it to us for five million. In fact, this was the joint effort of all departments. In the end, I was just a matchmaker, and I would never dare to take credit." Hou Weidong said that he did not dare to take credit, but his tone was full of pride.

But he never imagined what kind of situation his father-in-law would face, let alone who was around Li Heyan at this time.

Now, Hou Weidong's multiple charges of deceiving superiors and subordinates, abusing power for personal gain, and violently amassing money were completely proven. Not to mention his father-in-law, even if God came, he would not be able to save him.

This could be seen from the angry expressions of Guan Haishan and others. Li Heyan was extremely disappointed and his mood sank to the bottom.

In this studio, the saddest person at the moment is Zhuo Feifei.

Before, she was still excusing Hou Weidong in her heart, but the reality was that she was clearly regarded as a fool in the well.

People are poor but have short ambitions, and horses are skinny but have long hair!

Once upon a time, Zhuo Feifei was also a good student with excellent academic performance and good yearning for future life.

But all this changed dramatically with the sudden death of her father. From then on, her hopes, visions, ambitions and ideals completely deviated from the track. For this family and for her brother, she had worked hard to make a living over the years. Now, although the family is somewhat Things are getting better, and her younger brother has also been admitted to the university of her dreams. However, at such a young age, she has gradually become out of touch with this rapidly developing society and has become a frog in the well in the eyes of outsiders. This is a great sadness, and the true nature of this matter is also It was a huge blow to the perseverant Zhuo Feifei.

Zhuo Feifei was secretly sad and burst into tears. Lu Fei gently patted her back to comfort her, but the latter became even more sad and angry and broke down in tears.


Lu Fei pulled Zhuo Feifei to one side and sat down. On the other side, Li Heyan and others also agreed to handle the matter.

Li Heyan asked Hou Weidong what happened, but did not make any statement, which temporarily stabilized him.

After hanging up the phone, Li Heyan immediately admitted his mistake to Guan Haishan.

If we say that Li Heyan used power for personal gain and favored others for personal gain, Guan Haishan could have turned a blind eye because of his long-term relationship, but what Hou Weidong violated was the law, and the nature of it was particularly serious. No matter how good his relationship with Li Heyan was, this matter Nor can it be accommodating.

Guan Haishan made a decisive decision to ask the cultural protection, supervision, disciplinary inspection commission and police to take immediate action to investigate the matter. No matter who was involved, he would never tolerate it. As for Li Heyan's issue, he had to go back for a meeting to study it.

A simple order decided the fate of Hou Weidong. He was Li Heyan's only son-in-law. Although he hated iron, it was impossible to say that he was not worried.

The serious nature of Hou Weidong's vicious incident, which started at least ten years ago, means that his daughter's family may be broken up, and it will have a far-reaching impact on the child. However, Li Heyan could only witness all this with his own eyes but was powerless to do anything about it. Not only that, but even Even he himself will face severe punishment. This blow is not a big one!

After the order was issued, Jia Yuan took the first step to leave and make arrangements. Guan Haishan saw that Li He looked very bad and was worried about his health, so he asked a few old guys to send him to the hospital for treatment.

In the blink of an eye, most of the old men were gone, leaving only a few people who had the best relationship with Lu Fei. Everyone relaxed for a while and asked again about the ownership of the dragon chair.

These old guys were very shrewd and knew that Zhuo Feifei was the rightful owner, so they immediately threw off the stumbling block and gathered around Zhuo Feifei to greet her with a smile.

"Miss Zhuo, don't take it too seriously. This kind of scum exists in every industry, and it can never be eradicated."

"Yes, you have been wronged this time, but don't worry, I, Lao Zhang, will make the decision for you. I declare that the contract you signed is suspected of fraud and has no legal effect."

"Lao Zhang, you are so boastful. You don't have to say whether there will be any legal effects.

Hehe, but you don’t have to worry, Girl Zhuo, I can help you take care of it. I really didn’t expect that you would be so ingenious at such a young age, and your future would be limitless!

Well, I like this work of yours very much. I am Fu Yuliang, the curator of the Zhongzhou Provincial Museum. On behalf of the Zhongzhou Provincial Museum, I would like to sincerely express to you that if you have any idea of ​​selling it, our Provincial Museum is willing to pay a high price of 6 million to purchase it. And we will promote you personally, and we can continue to cooperate in the future. What do you think? "

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