A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3056 They are all petty

Whether it's five million or eight million, these old guys are not petty, but if Lu Fei opens his mouth to compare money, it means that the Taigong is here and the gods abdicate.

What Lu Fei said directly shattered everyone's good wishes. Several old men rolled their eyes. It was a bit of resentment, but no one dared to speak out.

The embellishment on the front of Ba Shaan Fei is too sharp. Zhuo Feifei’s large bamboo dragon chair is indeed very good, but compared with the hundreds of millions of annual sponsorship allocations, it is far behind. Ba Shao Fei used this as an excuse to threaten everyone. Although it's a bit shameless, it definitely works.

Lu Fei was not in the mood to pay attention to their helpless and resentful looks, but Zhang Yanhe was so happy that he almost applauded their friendship.

What a pleasure!

The broken flying is awesome, I have no chance, and none of you can even think of it, hahaha.

Zhuo Feifei felt mixed emotions when she heard that Lu Fei wanted to take away the large dragon chair that she knitted.

After nearly two years of hard work, she certainly hopes that her work will be recognized by others, and she hopes to sell it at a high price to improve her family's living conditions. However, if this person is Lu Fei, she will feel very uncomfortable.

Although the Zhuo family is poor, they are very poor and have backbone. She supports the family through her own hard work and never needs charity from anyone. Dignity is her bottom line.

These old men boasted about their works, but in the end it was Lu Fei who wanted to acquire them. She always felt that this made her feel a little uncomfortable. She always felt that this was Lu Fei's disguised help to her. To put it crudely, it was still Giving alms made her feel very conflicted.

Lu Fei could see her worries at a glance and said with a slight smile: "Don't think too much. These old guys are industry authorities. The valuations they give represent market conditions, and they are conservative market conditions. In addition, You have to have more confidence in your craftsmanship. Your work itself is worth the price.

You just heard that Hou Weidong quoted five million to their unit. Do you think the people in the Fengtian Gubo Business Department are all fools?

Such a large expenditure must be determined by the department through strict review. The final approval of his quotation is also a recognition of your craftsmanship, so you should not have any psychological burden.

You know, I like collecting myself, and I also have a museum in Jincheng. If we were classmates, you wouldn't rather give away these shameless old things than sell them to me, would you? "


As soon as Lu Fei explained with a playful smile, Zhuo Feifei burst into laughter, and the little hesitation disappeared.

"Okay, I agreed to sell it to you, but after all, I still have a contract with Hou Weidong. Look at this."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it." Lu Fei said.

Zhuo Feifei nodded and stopped being pretentious: "Then I'll be relieved. However, don't give me too much. Just give me some symbolically."

"That's not okay. Friends are friends and business is business. Let's break it off first and then don't mess with it. This is the rule.

I'm not being taken advantage of. Let's just follow the market conditions. Is five million okay? "

To be honest, even now that she hears the number five million, Zhuo Feifei's heart is still beating fast. Once upon a time, her brother wanted to eat a few dollars a pound of pork, which made her cry with sadness, even though her life now is much better than a few years ago. The savings at home were only a few thousand yuan, and she couldn't even imagine a huge sum of five million yuan before. Therefore, after being excited for a while, she couldn't let go.

"Lu Fei, is this work of mine really worth that much?" Zhuo Feifei asked with a guilty conscience.

Lu Fei nodded seriously: "Of course it's worth it!

I have to say that Hou Weidong does have some brains. The first reason why this work of yours is so valuable is because of its large size. Among bamboo artworks, such a large work is extremely rare. Things are rare and everything is valuable. Same thing, because it's rare, it's worth more.

Another more critical point is the theme design. This large dragon chair is the only one in the world that belongs to the Hall of Supreme Harmony. So far, no replica has appeared.

It's not that artists can't copy it, it's because they don't have detailed drawings as a reference. It just so happens that you encountered this opportunity. Although you were cheated, it can also be said to be a blessing in disguise. I can tell you for sure that this work was completed and exhibited. It will definitely cause a sensation, and you, the author, will also become famous. This is an important opportunity for you and your family, so don't hesitate anymore. "

Lu Fei patiently analyzed and explained to her, and Zhuo Feifei breathed a sigh of relief and was completely relieved.

At this moment, the tension disappeared immediately, and he playfully punched Lu Fei in the chest, with a smile like a flower on his face: "Okay, I'll listen to you!

Hee hee hee, now I will become a rich man too!

Don't worry, Lu Fei, I will complete it as soon as possible and deliver this work to you with guaranteed quality and quantity. However, you have to tell them that I will use the drawings for a while and will return them to them when they are finished. "

Zhuo Feifei also heard that this drawing was very important, so she was worried about it.

"Haha, you don't have to worry about this. I'll make ten or eight copies later and just give them the set on the wall. These old guys are all petty and thieves. There's no need to accept their favor. "


A group of old men suddenly vomited three liters of blood. Whether it's five million or eight million, these old guys are not petty, but if Lu Fei opens his mouth to compare money, it means that the Taigong is here and the gods abdicate.

What Lu Fei said directly shattered everyone's good wishes. Several old men rolled their eyes. It was a bit of resentment, but no one dared to speak out.

The embellishment on the front of Ba Shaan Fei is too sharp. Zhuo Feifei's large bamboo dragon chair is indeed very good, but compared with the hundreds of millions of sponsorship allocations every year, it is far behind. Ba Shao Fei uses this as an excuse to threaten everyone. Although it's a bit shameless, it definitely works.

Lu Fei was not in the mood to pay attention to their helpless and resentful looks, but Zhang Yanhe was so happy that he almost applauded their friendship.

What a pleasure! .??.

The broken flying is awesome, I have no chance, and none of you can even think of it, hahaha.

Zhuo Feifei felt mixed emotions when she heard that Lu Fei wanted to take away the large dragon chair that she knitted.

After nearly two years of hard work, she certainly hopes that her work will be recognized by others, and she hopes to sell it at a high price to improve her family's living conditions. However, if this person is Lu Fei, she will feel very uncomfortable.

Although the Zhuo family is poor, they are very poor and have backbone. She supports the family through her own hard work and never needs charity from anyone. Dignity is her bottom line.

These old men boasted about their works, but in the end it was Lu Fei who wanted to acquire them. She always felt that this made her feel a little uncomfortable. She always felt that this was Lu Fei's disguised help to her. To put it crudely, it was still Giving alms made her feel very conflicted.

Lu Fei could see her worries at a glance, and said with a slight smile: "Don't think too much, these old guys are industry authorities, and the valuations they give represent market conditions, and they are conservative market conditions. In addition, You have to have more confidence in your craftsmanship. Your work itself is worth the price.

You just heard that Hou Weidong quoted five million to their unit. Do you think the people in the Fengtian Gubo Business Department are all fools?

Such a large amount of expenditure must be determined by the department through strict review. The final agreement with his quotation is also a recognition of your craftsmanship, so you should not have any psychological burden.

You know, I like collecting myself, and I also have a museum in Jincheng. If we were classmates, you wouldn't rather buy these shameless old things for a cheap price than sell them to me, would you? "


As soon as Lu Fei explained with a playful smile, Zhuo Feifei burst into laughter, and the little hesitation disappeared.

"Okay, I agreed to sell it to you, but after all, I still have a contract with Hou Weidong. Look at this."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it." Lu Fei said.

Zhuo Feifei nodded and stopped being pretentious: "Then I'll be relieved. However, don't give me too much. Just give me some symbolically."

"That's not okay. Friends are friends and business is business. Let's break it off first and then don't mess with it. This is the rule.

I'm not being taken advantage of. Let's just follow the market conditions. Is five million okay? "

To be honest, even now that she hears the number five million, Zhuo Feifei's heart is still beating fast. Once upon a time, her brother wanted to eat a few dollars a pound of pork, which made her cry with sadness, even though her life now is much better than a few years ago. The savings at home were only a few thousand yuan, and she couldn't even imagine a huge sum of five million yuan before. Therefore, after being excited for a while, she couldn't let go.

"Lu Fei, is this work of mine really worth that much?" Zhuo Feifei asked with a guilty conscience.

Lu Fei nodded seriously: "Of course it's worth it!

I have to say that Hou Weidong does have some brains. The first reason why this work of yours is so valuable is because of its large size. Among bamboo artworks, such a large work is extremely rare. Things are rare and everything is expensive. Same thing, because it's rare, it's worth more.

Another more critical point is the theme design. This large dragon chair is the only one in the world that belongs to the Hall of Supreme Harmony. So far, no replica has appeared.

It's not that artists can't copy it, it's because they don't have detailed drawings as a reference. It just so happens that you encountered this opportunity. Although you were cheated, it can also be said to be a blessing in disguise. I can tell you for sure that this work was completed and exhibited. It will definitely cause a sensation, and you, the author, will also become famous. This is an important opportunity for you and your family, so don't hesitate anymore. "

Lu Fei patiently analyzed and explained to her, and Zhuo Feifei breathed a sigh of relief and was completely relieved.

At this moment, the tension disappeared immediately, and he playfully punched Lu Fei in the chest, with a smile like a flower on his face: "Okay, I'll listen to you!

Hee hee hee, now I will become a rich man too!

Don't worry, Lu Fei, I will complete it as soon as possible and deliver this work to you with guaranteed quality and quantity. However, you have to tell them that I will use the drawings for a while and will return them to them when they are finished. "

Zhuo Feifei also heard that this drawing was very important, so she was worried about it.

"Haha, you don't have to worry about this. I'll make ten or eight copies later and just give them the set on the wall. These old guys are all petty and thieves. There's no need to accept their favor. "


A group of old men suddenly vomited three liters of blood.

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