A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3072 A generous move

Demon City is a municipality directly under the Central Government and the largest economic city in China. It has an unparalleled special status in China, even more special than Tiandu City.

The first leader of the Demon City is not only half a level higher than the ordinary provincial leaders, but also the fastest ladder to heaven. The first two leaders in the world both came from the position of the first leader of the Demon City. , including No. 3 himself, has also been in the Demon City. If he can win this time, it will be the cradle of No. 1 in the Three Realms. With such a sensitive position, countless people are eyeing it. Unexpectedly, Lu Fei also I have a huge appetite for coveting this place!

After No. 3 was slightly surprised, he smiled and said: "Xiao Fei, just now you said that I was unfair, but your conditions seem to be more harsh and overbearing, right?

When the military transfers to the local area, it will usually be used down one level. With Honggang's level, even if it is raised one level now, it can be considered an exception to use it in the magic city.

At this time, giving Honggang a one-level promotion would have aroused doubts, and then giving him the position in the Magic City would be even more difficult to convince the public!

There are no rules, and there is nothing wrong with being slightly tilted, but if it goes too far, trouble will occur.

In this term, there are several comrades who meet the requirements and are eagerly looking forward to this position. First, Honggang has no experience and second, he has no political achievements. If this position is given to him, what will those comrades think?

Are you making things difficult for me? "

Lu Fei Gujing was calm and said calmly: "Leader, I don't think so.

The so-called transfer of military units to local areas for downgraded use has no basis at all, so it cannot be established at all. .??.

As for experience, my second uncle is the captain of the Wulong Brigade. Each of the five teams under the Wulong Team is responsible for serious tasks. From domestic to foreign countries, from high-level to local governments, they handle all problems in detail. Inventory and overall management are skills in themselves, and more importantly, experience. Moreover, these experiences are far beyond what those local big guys can compare with.

As for political performance, that is no longer a problem. After my second uncle takes office, I can move the headquarters of Ascendas Group to Shanghai, which is number one.

I paid attention and found that the current renovation project in the old city of Shanghai has encountered a bottleneck. Due to insufficient funds, the infrastructure is progressing slowly. Moreover, the authorities are temporarily unable to meet some serious demands of residents due to funding issues, so the demolition issue has been shelved. The people were dissatisfied.

If my second uncle can take this position, I will set up Tengfei Development Co., Ltd.

The company has initially invested 100 billion Shenzhou dollars to take over the entire old city renovation project. I can assure you here that our company will meet all the reasonable demands of the residents and guarantee to complete the demolition project within three months and completely complete the old city renovation project in one and a half years. Urban renewal projects will definitely not cause any trouble to the government. "

Speaking of these two points, No. 3 was deeply touched.

Lu Fei is right. The renovation project of the old city of Magic City has encountered many problems, which have had a very bad impact. The top management has supervised it several times, but it is not ideal. The main problem is that some of the demands of the people have greatly exceeded the expectations. If the planning scope is resolved according to the opinions of the people, it will exceed the budget by at least six billion Shenzhou coins. No one can afford this responsibility with such a large sum of money, so the project is forced to be shelved.

If Lu Fei is willing to take over, all the problems will be solved at once. Lu Fei is not short of money. The reason why he takes over is just to increase Chen Honggang's political achievements. Therefore, after taking over, Lu Fei will definitely complete the project successfully at any cost. In this way , not only solves the trouble for the high-level officials, but also satisfies the people. This is a great thing!

Coupled with Lu Fei's promise to move the headquarters of Ascendas Group to the Magic City, No. 3 has already agreed in his heart. However, the old man has rich experience after all, and does not show it at all on his expression. He continues to stare at Lu Fei to see if he can come back from Lu Fei squeezed out some oil and water from his body.

Of course Lu Fei understood what No. 3 was thinking, but Lu Fei really didn't care. He had already thought about how to negotiate before coming and what weight to use to lure the other party into submission.

"Leader, these are not enough?

Well, in order not to embarrass you, I will add another fire.

If my second uncle can sit in this position and successfully become a member of the permanent council, I am willing to donate the Kong Fanlong Archaeological Foundation to the Shanghai Municipal Government, and inject no less than 200 million into the foundation every year. This is interesting, right? ? "


At this time, even No. 3, who had experienced countless big scenes, felt inexplicably shocked.

Lu Fei wants to set up a development company to take over the renovation project of the old city. It seems that the initial investment will be very large. However, after the renovation is completed, the benefits will be considerable. Generally speaking, he will make a steady profit without losing money. He is just helping the Magic City side. Solve trouble quickly.

But the last condition is different. The Archaeological Foundation currently holds more than 100 billion in funds, and the foundation itself is well-known in China. Donating such a large amount of wealth at once, this courage is really compelling. I admire you! Demon City is a municipality directly under the Central Government and the largest economic city in China. It has an unparalleled special status in China, even more special than Tiandu City.

The first leader in the Demon City is not only half a level higher than the ordinary provincial leaders, but also the fastest ladder to heaven. The first two leaders in the world both came from the position of the first leader in the Demon City. , including No. 3 himself, has also been in the Demon City. If he can win this time, it will be the cradle of No. 1 in the Three Realms. Countless people are eyeing such a sensitive position. Unexpectedly, Lu Fei also I have a huge appetite for coveting this place!

After No. 3 was slightly surprised, he smiled and said: "Xiao Fei, just now you said that I was unfair, but your conditions seem to be more harsh and overbearing, right?

When the military transfers to the local area, it will usually be used down one level. With Honggang's level, even if it is raised one level now, it can be considered an exception to use it in the magic city. .??.

At this time, giving Honggang a one-level promotion would have aroused doubts, and then giving him the position in the Magic City would be even more difficult to convince the public!

There are no rules, and there is nothing wrong with being slightly tilted, but if it goes too far, trouble will occur.

In this term, there are several comrades who meet the requirements and are eagerly looking forward to this position. First, Honggang has no experience and second, he has no political achievements. If this position is given to him, what will those comrades think?

Are you making things difficult for me? "

Lu Fei Gujing was calm and said calmly: "Leader, I don't think so.

The so-called transfer of military units to local areas for downgraded use has no basis at all, so it cannot be established at all.

As for experience, my second uncle is the captain of the Wulong Brigade. Each of the five teams under the Wulong Team is responsible for serious tasks. From domestic to foreign countries, from high-level to local governments, they handle all problems in detail. Inventorying and overall management are skills in themselves, and more importantly, experience. Moreover, these experiences are far beyond what those local bosses can compare with.

As for political performance, that is no longer a problem. After my second uncle takes office, I can move the headquarters of Ascendas Group to Shanghai, which is number one.

I paid attention and found that the current renovation project in the old city of Shanghai has encountered a bottleneck. Due to insufficient funds, the infrastructure is progressing slowly. Moreover, the authorities are temporarily unable to meet some serious demands of residents due to funding issues, so the demolition issue has been shelved. The people were dissatisfied.

If my second uncle can take this position, I will set up Tengfei Development Co., Ltd.

The company has initially invested 100 billion Shenzhou dollars to take over the entire old city renovation project. I can assure you here that our company will meet all the reasonable demands of the residents and guarantee to complete the demolition project within three months and completely complete the old city renovation project in one and a half years. Urban renewal projects will definitely not cause any trouble to the government. "

Speaking of these two points, No. 3 was deeply touched.

Lu Fei is right. The renovation project of the old city of Magic City has encountered many problems, which have had a very bad impact. The top management has supervised it several times, but it is not ideal. The main problem is that some of the demands of the people have greatly exceeded the expectations. If the planning scope is resolved according to the opinions of the people, it will exceed the budget by at least six billion Shenzhou coins. No one can afford this responsibility with such a large sum of money, so the project is forced to be shelved.

If Lu Fei is willing to take over, all the problems will be solved at once. Lu Fei is not short of money. The reason why he takes over is just to increase Chen Honggang's political achievements. Therefore, after taking over, Lu Fei will definitely complete the project successfully at any cost. In this way , not only solves the trouble for the high-level officials, but also satisfies the people. This is a great thing!

Coupled with Lu Fei's promise to move the headquarters of Ascendas Group to the Magic City, No. 3 has already agreed in his heart. However, the old man has rich experience after all, and does not show it at all on his expression. He continues to stare at Lu Fei to see if he can come back from Lu Fei squeezed out some oil and water from his body.

Of course Lu Fei understood what No. 3 was thinking, but Lu Fei really didn't care. He had already thought about how to negotiate before coming and what weight to use to lure the other party into submission.

"Leader, these are not enough?

Well, in order not to embarrass you, I will add another fire.

If my second uncle can sit in this position and successfully become a member of the permanent council, I am willing to donate the Kong Fanlong Archaeological Foundation to the Shanghai Municipal Government, and inject no less than 200 million into the foundation every year. This is interesting, right? ? "


At this time, even No. 3, who had experienced countless big scenes, felt inexplicably shocked.

Lu Fei wants to set up a development company to take over the renovation project of the old city. It seems that the initial investment will be very large. However, after the renovation is completed, the benefits will be considerable. Generally speaking, he will make a steady profit without losing money. He is just helping the Magic City side. Solve trouble quickly.

But the last condition is different. The Archaeological Foundation currently holds more than 100 billion in funds, and the foundation itself is well-known in China. Donating such a large amount of wealth at once, this courage is really compelling. I admire you!

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