A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3087 Will you still help?

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Chen Honggang's heart sank to the bottom, and the joy of promotion may have disappeared in an instant.

But Chen Honggang knew that this was the fact.

The old man is too old. To be honest, if Lu Fei hadn't used all his genius and earth treasures in the past two years to recuperate, the old man would definitely not be alive now. It stands to reason that the old man will live to be one hundred and nine years old, no matter what happens. , as a family, we can accept it, but at this juncture, it is a pity.

He is facing promotion, Xiang'er and his wife will give birth one after another, good news comes one after another. Seeing that the Chen family is about to burst into vitality, it is the best time for the Chen family. Chen Honggang wants the old man to live for a few more years. Let the father see his proud son become his real pride, and let his grandson and great-grandson accompany him, so that he can enjoy a few years of family happiness!

But the truth is often so cruel, and it is difficult to be perfect.

Wiping away the tears that had not spilled for decades, Chen Honggang took a deep breath and finally decided to go back to Hong Kong Island with Lu Fei to visit the old man.

Not only him, but after receiving the call, the boss Chen Hongyi, who was negotiating business in Yangcheng, was also in chaos. He immediately left for Hong Kong Island to wait for Lu Fei and Chen Honggang.

After everything was arranged, Lu Fei looked at the Xue family medicine garden and sighed in his heart, it's really hard work!

He originally planned to take this opportunity to go to Changsheng Valley to inspect it in person. Qin Rong is indeed an expert, but the treasure here is extremely large and dangerous, and there must be no mistakes. Therefore, Lu Fei still has to confirm it in person before proceeding. Intend.

But the old man suddenly fell ill, disrupting all plans. As a result, this place had to be shelved indefinitely. However, Lu Fei quickly let go. Born in a Taoist sect, Lu Fei valued fate and cause and effect the most. Since he could discover this place, This is one's own cause and effect. Such good things are hard to come by. Maybe it is because fate is not there. Even if you force it, it will be useless. Maybe it will be unsightly and unsightly. It should be yours and no one can take it away. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

Xuanlong's helicopter arrived so quickly that Lu Fei boarded the plane and left directly without going to the medicine garden to meet Xue Meimei.

After getting on the plane, Lu Fei hesitated and sent a WeChat message to Xing Shuya. Whatever should have happened has already happened. To say anything else is nonsense. No matter what the reason is for Xing Shuya, Lu Fei is proud of himself for holding up his pants and not admitting it. Can't do it yet.

Lu Fei may not be able to give Xing Shuya a status, but it is still necessary to comfort her.

【I am leaving! 】

Xing Shuya replied quickly and concisely.

【Um! 】

Lu Fei was holding his cell phone and wanted to write something, but

After scratching several times, I couldn't type out a word in the end. I was about to put away the phone when Xing Shuya sent another message.

[If it doesn’t work this time, will you still help? 】


Lu Fei almost choked to death on his own saliva.

this reason

Damn you, Liang Guanxing, this bastard who deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors, I will have to settle the score with you when I am done with this!

After taking a few deep breaths, Lu Fei gritted his teeth and finally replied with the word "ok".

After the message was sent, Lu Fei didn't know what Xing Shuya's expression was at this moment, but Lu Fei found that his old face was burning.

Lu Fei always acted steadily and strategically, but looking back on the ridiculous scene that night, Lu Fei himself felt a little baffled.

I originally discovered that there was medicine in the water. According to my own style of doing things, I could have made an excuse not to drink and left immediately, so that nothing would happen later. But I didn't do that. Instead, I somehow cooperated with the performance.

If he said that he cooperated with Xing Shuya in order to find out why she drugged him, then after knowing the truth, it would be even more unexplainable for him to take the initiative.

Maybe, I pity this lonely woman?

Or maybe he always has ridiculous thoughts about Xing Shuya?

Or maybe it was because the two ladies were pregnant at the same time, and the fire in their hearts had been suppressed for too long and needed to be vented?

Until the plane landed at Tiandu Airport, Lu Fei was still struggling with this problem, and he never found a clear answer.

Seeing Chen Honggang with a sad face, Lu Fei shook his head and put away these distracting thoughts.

Love it as you like, in the final analysis, it is your preference and my preference. Avoidance has always been Lu's style. Since it has happened, you must face it bravely. There is nothing wrong with letting Xing Shuya help you give birth to a child. Take a step back. Wan Bu said that he had already married two people anyway, and it was really not working out. What could one more person do to him?


Uncle Chen Hongyi is definitely an alternative to the Chen family.

Chen Hongyi is definitely a good person, but his character is cowardly and he has no independent opinion in doing things. In the past, Chen Yunfei always looked down on him. The old man even said to Lu Fei more than once that the boss is not like his son. If it weren't for Chen Xiang's existence , this uncle’s status in the Chen family is almost zero.

Even though the old man didn't want to see him, Chen Hongyi was absolutely filial to him. When he saw Lu Fei and Chen Honggang at the airport, Chen Hongyi's face was full of tears and his eyes were already red and swollen. After hearing what Lu Fei said, Chen Honggang's heart sank to the bottom, and the joy of promotion may have disappeared in an instant.

But Chen Honggang knew that this was the fact.

The old man is too old. To be honest, if Lu Fei hadn't used all his genius and earth treasures in the past two years to recuperate, the old man would definitely not be alive now. It stands to reason that the old man will live to be one hundred and nine years old, no matter what happens. , as a family, we can accept it, but at this juncture, it is a pity.

He is facing promotion, Xiang'er and his wife will give birth one after another, good news comes one after another. Seeing that the Chen family is about to burst into vitality, it is the best time for the Chen family. Chen Honggang wants the old man to live for a few more years. Let the father see his proud son become his real pride, and let his grandson and great-grandson accompany him, so that he can enjoy a few years of family happiness!

But the truth is often so cruel, and it is difficult to be perfect.

Wiping away the tears that had not spilled for decades, Chen Honggang took a deep breath and finally decided to go back to Hong Kong Island with Lu Fei to visit the old man.

Not only him, but after receiving the call, the boss Chen Hongyi, who was negotiating business in Yangcheng, was also in chaos. He immediately left for Hong Kong Island to wait for Lu Fei and Chen Honggang.

After everything was arranged, Lu Fei looked at the Xue family medicine garden and sighed in his heart, it's really hard work!

He originally planned to take this opportunity to go to Changsheng Valley to inspect it in person. Qin Rong is indeed an expert, but the treasure here is extremely large and dangerous, and there must be no mistakes. Therefore, Lu Fei still has to confirm it in person before proceeding. Intend.

But the old man suddenly fell ill, disrupting all plans. As a result, this place had to be shelved indefinitely. However, Lu Fei quickly let go. Born in a Taoist sect, Lu Fei valued fate and cause and effect the most. Since he could discover this place, This is one's own cause and effect. Such good things are hard to come by. Maybe it is because fate is not there. Even if you force it, it will be useless. Maybe it will be unsightly and unsightly. It should be yours and no one can take it away. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

Xuanlong's helicopter arrived so quickly that Lu Fei boarded the plane and left directly without going to the medicine garden to meet Xue Meimei.

After getting on the plane, Lu Fei hesitated and sent a WeChat message to Xing Shuya. Whatever should have happened has already happened. To say anything else is nonsense. No matter what the reason is for Xing Shuya, Lu Fei is proud of himself for holding up his pants and not admitting it. Can't do it yet.

Lu Fei may not be able to give Xing Shuya a status, but it is still necessary to comfort her.

【I am leaving! 】

Xing Shuya replied quickly and concisely.

【Um! 】

Lu Fei was holding his cell phone and wanted to write something, but

After scratching several times, I couldn't type out a word in the end. I was about to put away the phone when Xing Shuya sent another message.

[If it doesn’t work this time, will you still help? 】


Lu Fei almost choked to death on his own saliva.

this reason

Damn you, Liang Guanxing, this bastard who deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors, I will have to settle the score with you when I am done with this!

After taking a few deep breaths, Lu Fei gritted his teeth and finally replied with the word "ok".

After the message was sent, Lu Fei didn't know what Xing Shuya's expression was at this moment, but Lu Fei found that his old face was burning.

Lu Fei has always done things steadily and strategically, but looking back on the ridiculous scene that night, Lu Fei himself felt a little baffled.

I originally discovered that there was medicine in the water. According to my own style of doing things, I could have made an excuse not to drink and left immediately, so that nothing would happen later. But I didn't do that. Instead, I somehow cooperated with the performance.

If he said that he cooperated with Xing Shuya in order to find out why she drugged him, then after knowing the truth, it would be even more unexplainable for him to take the initiative.

Maybe, I pity this lonely woman?

Or maybe he always has ridiculous thoughts about Xing Shuya?

Or maybe it was because the two ladies were pregnant at the same time, and the fire in their hearts had been suppressed for too long and needed to be vented?

Until the plane landed at Tiandu Airport, Lu Fei was still struggling with this problem, and he never found a clear answer.

Seeing Chen Honggang with a sad face, Lu Fei shook his head and put away these distracting thoughts.

Love it as you like, in the final analysis, it is your preference and my preference. Avoidance has always been Lu's style. Since it has happened, you must face it bravely. There is nothing wrong with letting Xing Shuya help you give birth to a child. Take a step back. Wan Bu said that he had already married two people anyway, and it was really not working out. What could one more person do to him?


Uncle Chen Hongyi is definitely an alternative to the Chen family.

Chen Hongyi is definitely a good person, but his character is cowardly and he has no independent opinion in doing things. In the past, Chen Yunfei always looked down on him. The old man even said to Lu Fei more than once that the boss is not like his son. If it weren't for Chen Xiang's existence , this uncle’s status in the Chen family is almost zero.

Even though the old man didn't want to see him, Chen Hongyi was absolutely filial to him. When he saw Lu Fei and Chen Honggang at the airport, Chen Hongyi's face was full of tears and his eyes were already red and swollen.

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