A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3091 Incentive


You said I was ill just now? "

Chen Yunfei himself was not aware of what just happened. In his memory, he was just sleepy and closed his eyes for a nap. He never imagined that he had walked away from the gate of hell!

Lu Fei smiled faintly and said, "It's not just an illness. If Lao Xue hadn't been by your side, you would have burst into tears right now."

Everyone else was very cautious and nervous when speaking in front of Chen Yunfei. Only Lu Fei was not afraid of meat and vegetables, and was even more straightforward and vulgar than when talking to others. But the strange thing is that the old man did this, and Lu Fei became more like this. The more comfortable I feel.

For this reason, Wang Wujia Ming's jaw dropped, and the Chen brothers could only shake their heads and smile bitterly, but they never dared to imitate Lu Fei. They did not have such a status in the old man's mind. If they were to blame, they would blame the old man for being too partial. Too indulgent to Lu Fei.

Chen Yunfei was not angry as expected, but frowned tightly: "So suspenseful?"

"No, if it hadn't been discovered earlier, you would be cold right now." Lu Fei nodded.

Chen Yunfei stared at Lu Fei, making sure that Lu Fei was not lying again, and felt a sense of fear in his heart.

"Be good! ??

That's all thanks to that kid Xiao Xue. At this time, I can't die.

It's not that I'm afraid of death. When I was young, I killed hundreds of Japanese with my own hands and slept with six girls.

I have enjoyed everything that I can enjoy. I have lived a wonderful life and will not complain when I die. However, seeing that my great-grandson is about to be born, and I am only eight months away, I am really unwilling to do so. . "

Chen Yunfei's voice was slow and low, but his eyes were shining brightly, and the unyielding tenacity in his bones was revealed. Lu Fei was very happy.

"The old man is right, but you can't just think about your great-grandson. There are more important things than that right now."

Lu Fei poured a glass of water for Chen Yunfei, sat next to him, and carefully told him the detailed process of his negotiation with No. 3.

The old man sometimes frowned, sometimes smiled, and said he was talking to Fang Wenyuan. His expression was extremely serious.

"Xiao Fei, you did a great job. I won't say thank you. We are a family. It's just hypocritical to say that.

I have lived for one hundred and nine years. In the first half of my life, what I am most proud of is that I killed hundreds of Japanese with my own hands, slashed Major General Kameda with my own hands, and tore off the turtle's head and fed it to the dogs.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, horses and swords and guns were put into storage in Nanshan. In the past few decades, the old

I always felt a little aggrieved. It wasn't until Xiang'er grew up and your son appeared that I realized that my greatest pride in this life is not those things, but having such an outstanding grandson-in-law like you. I am proud of you.

I can rest assured that you are with the Chen family. "

Chen Yunfei looked relaxed and natural, holding Lu Fei's hand with genuine affection, and his kind eyes were full of appreciation.

This was the first time that Chen Yunfei praised Lu Fei in person, so sincerely that even though he had been a man for two generations, Lu Fei's eyes were a little moist at this moment.

Lu Fei gently patted Chen Yunfei's withered hand and said seriously: "Don't worry, old man, I won't let you down."


Chen Yunfei nodded and said: "I also know a little about Xiao Fang. This person has no principle issues, but his official career is too smooth, he is too pretentious, and he is a little too aloof.

In the past, our family didn't have much contact with the Fang family, but this time we have completely offended the Fang family, but you don't have to worry too much. Our Chen family is not afraid of anyone, but we must be wary of others.

The second child's ability to stand out this time is all due to you. To be honest, even though the second child is more than 20 years older than you, he has too little experience at the grassroots level and his temperament in dealing with people is much worse. He has been here for the first half of his life. In the military, his character is too upright, which is his biggest weakness. If someone is taking advantage of him, he may be in trouble.

Therefore, you kid can't let go. You have to keep an eye on every move of the top management. At critical moments, you have to help your second uncle make decisions. Don't have any scruples. I believe in you, and your second uncle also believes in you. "

"Don't worry, old man, I won't leave it alone. I believe in my second uncle's ability. He can handle ordinary problems.

What I am worried about now is that although No. 3 made a promise, it has not been implemented after all. This is full of variables. During this critical period, any mistake may affect the final outcome.

At this time, not only my second uncle and I, but our old members of the Chen family must also unite to build up momentum so that no one dares to underestimate us.

Therefore, at this time, your old body is very important. With you here, everyone will have a backbone, and my uncle's work will go much smoother.

If you die, the old Chen family will inevitably become a mess, and the attitude of the senior officials towards the second uncle and the Chen family will take a turn for the worse. The final outcome may be that the bamboo basket is in vain, and the wedding dress is made in vain. Do you think so? ? "

Chen Yunfei nodded seriously, his deep eyes becoming a little firmer.

"You're right, I can't die at this time. With my tone like this, they won't dare to show their hair." "What?

You said I was ill just now? "

Chen Yunfei himself was not aware of what just happened. In his memory, he was just sleepy and closed his eyes for a nap. He never imagined that he had walked away from the gate of hell!

Lu Fei smiled faintly and said, "It's not just an illness. If Lao Xue hadn't been by your side, you would have burst into tears right now."

Everyone else was very cautious and nervous when speaking in front of Chen Yunfei. Only Lu Fei was not afraid of meat and vegetables, and was even more straightforward and vulgar than when talking to others. But the strange thing is that the old man did this, and Lu Fei became more like this. The more comfortable I feel.

For this reason, Wang Wujia Ming's jaw dropped, and the Chen brothers could only shake their heads and smile bitterly, but they never dared to imitate Lu Fei. They did not have such a status in the old man's mind. If they were to blame, they would blame the old man for being too partial. Too indulgent to Lu Fei.

Chen Yunfei was not angry as expected, but frowned tightly: "So suspenseful?"

"No, if it hadn't been discovered earlier, you would be cold right now." Lu Fei nodded.

Chen Yunfei stared at Lu Fei, making sure that Lu Fei was not lying again, and felt a sense of fear in his heart.

"Be good!

That's all thanks to that kid Xiao Xue. At this time, I can't die.

It's not that I'm afraid of death. When I was young, I killed hundreds of Japanese with my own hands and slept with six girls.

I have enjoyed everything that I can enjoy. I have lived a wonderful life and will not complain when I die. However, seeing that my great-grandson is about to be born, and I am only eight months away, I am really unwilling to do so. . "

Chen Yunfei's voice was slow and low, but his eyes were shining brightly, and the unyielding tenacity in his bones was revealed. Lu Fei was very happy.

"The old man is right, but you can't just think about your great-grandson. There are more important things than that right now."

Lu Fei poured a glass of water for Chen Yunfei, sat next to him, and carefully told him the detailed process of his negotiation with No. 3.

The old man sometimes frowned, sometimes smiled, and said he was talking to Fang Wenyuan. His expression was extremely serious.

"Xiao Fei, you did a great job. I won't say thank you. We are a family. It's just hypocritical to say that.

I have lived for one hundred and nine years. In the first half of my life, what I was most proud of was that I killed hundreds of Japanese with my own hands, killed General Kameda with my own hands, and tore off the turtle's head and fed it to the dogs.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, horses and swords and guns were put into storage in Nanshan. In the past few decades, the old

I always felt a little aggrieved. It wasn't until Xiang'er grew up and your son appeared that I realized that my greatest pride in this life is not those things, but having such an outstanding grandson-in-law like you. I am proud of you.

I can rest assured that you are with the Chen family. "

Chen Yunfei looked relaxed and natural, holding Lu Fei's hand with genuine affection, and his kind eyes were full of appreciation.

This was the first time that Chen Yunfei praised Lu Fei in person, so sincerely that even though he had been a man for two generations, Lu Fei's eyes were a little moist at this moment.

Lu Fei gently patted Chen Yunfei's withered hand and said seriously: "Don't worry, old man, I won't let you down."


Chen Yunfei nodded and said: "I also know a little about Xiao Fang. This person has no principle issues, but his official career is too smooth, he is too pretentious, and he is a little too aloof.

In the past, our family didn't have much contact with the Fang family, but this time we have completely offended the Fang family, but you don't have to worry too much. Our Chen family is not afraid of anyone, but we must be wary of others.

The second child's ability to stand out this time is all due to you. To be honest, even though the second child is more than 20 years older than you, he has too little experience at the grassroots level and his temperament in dealing with people is much worse. He has been here for the first half of his life. In the military, his character is too upright, which is his biggest weakness. If someone is taking advantage of him, he may be in trouble.

Therefore, you kid can't let go. You have to keep an eye on every move of the top management. At critical moments, you have to help your second uncle make decisions. Don't have any scruples. I believe in you, and your second uncle also believes in you. "

"Don't worry, old man, I won't leave it alone. I believe in my second uncle's ability. He can handle ordinary problems.

What I am worried about now is that although No. 3 made a promise, it has not been implemented after all. This is full of variables. During this critical period, any mistake may affect the final outcome.

At this time, not only my second uncle and I, but our old members of the Chen family must also unite to build up momentum so that no one dares to underestimate us.

Therefore, at this time, your old body is very important. With you here, everyone will have a backbone, and my uncle's work will go much smoother.

If you die, the old Chen family will inevitably become a mess, and the attitude of the senior officials towards the second uncle and the Chen family will take a turn for the worse. The final outcome may be that the bamboo basket is in vain, and the wedding dress is made in vain. Do you think so? ? "

Chen Yunfei nodded seriously, his deep eyes becoming a little firmer.

"You're right. I can't die at this time. With my tone like this, they won't dare to show off their hair."

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