A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3093 Too Shameless

When Lu Fei came back, the atmosphere at home seemed to be more lively. Lu Fei was laughing and chatting with everyone. Everything was as usual. Chen Hongyi's mood also calmed down. He was chatting and laughing with several elders, but most people didn't know, or even didn't know. I dare to imagine that just a few hours ago, a big situation almost happened in this manor.

After sitting down and chatting, Ji Yong gave Lu Fei a rough report on the progress in Chang'an. Lu Fei just nodded without making any comments.

Lu Fei himself had no intention of getting involved in Chang'an's project. His main purpose was to train these brothers, hunt rabbits, and secretly support the Jiang family's mother and daughter.

Now, Ji Yong's brothers are no longer the dudes who drive cars, drink, and get into trouble with girls. They are all bosses to the outside world. After being with him for so long, no one is short of money, but only needs experience.

Although these guys may look glamorous on the surface, their characters still need to be further polished. Only in this way can they stand on their own as soon as possible.

Lu Fei hopes that his brothers will all be giants in the future, instead of just enjoying themselves under his protection. In that case, there will be big problems sooner or later.

Fortunately, these brothers are very motivated and perform well.

Reporting the situation to Lu Fei was not the main purpose of Ji Yong. Lu Fei asked him and Lao Fang to stay without saying why. In the past few days, Ji Yong has always been unsure of the truth and did not dare to ask, so he could only test it quietly. However, his behavior was obviously a bit childish in front of Lu Fei.

"Don't talk nonsense, just tell me if you have any ideas." Lu Fei said.


Ji Yong smiled awkwardly: "Hey, Brother Fei still understands me, that's it. I want to ask Brother Fei, what's the point of letting me and Lao Fang stay?

Chang'an is very busy. If there is nothing special, I will go back tomorrow. "

Lu Fei glanced at Ji Yong and smiled: "It's good to be motivated, but you can't go back yet. There are some things in the magic city that you and Lao Fang need to deal with."

When Lu Fei mentioned the Magic City, Ji Yong guessed it.

"Brother Fei, are you talking about the houses in the shanty towns?

Don't be polite to me. Just make the decision. Those I bought will be given to you. As for Lao Fang, I won't get involved. "

Lu Fei rolled his eyes and said, "Do you think I'm taking advantage?"

"Uh, Brother Fei, don't get me wrong. You know I didn't mean it that way. How about you give me a cost price?" Ji Yong said with a smile.

"Haha, Ji Yong, you are becoming more and more cunning, are you playing tricks on me?"

Ji Yong shrank his neck in fright and quickly waved his hand: "Brother Fei, please don't

Scared me, how dare I! "

"Huh, I guess you wouldn't dare!

Okay, I won’t talk nonsense to you anymore. The thing is like this. Excellent Era and the Magic City authorities couldn’t stand it any longer. The leaders above complained to me. They were really sincere!

You also know me, I am a soft-hearted person, and I don’t want my leaders to worry and suffer the most. Therefore, in order to help the leaders solve their problems, I took the initiative to ask Ying to let our company take over the business. The leaders expressed that they were very satisfied and had reached a verbal agreement with me. "

"Pfft hahaha!!"

Seeing Lu Fei's serious look, Ji Yong and Fang Mingliang couldn't listen anymore and started laughing.

Lu Fei glared at these two guys and said, "You guys are just laughing your ass off. What's so funny?"


Ji Yong wanted to remain serious in front of Lu Fei, but they really couldn't do it!

"Brother Fei, hello my dear brother!

Could you be more shameless?

It’s okay to just pretend to be with the boss, but do you need to do that in front of our brothers? "Ji Yong laughed.

Fang Mingliang also nodded repeatedly: "That's right, Brother Fei, you are somewhat shameless this time!"


It’s not that the two brothers don’t give Lu Fei face, they really can’t hold it in anymore!

Others don't know what's going on, but they two know it best. Why can't Excellent Era survive? Isn't it because of your brother Fei?

It’s not that I don’t have strength, nor that I don’t have determination, but if you create a house with 8,000 nails in one go, who can stand it?

You use despicable means to kick Excellent Era out of the game, and then you still show off and show off. Isn't this shameless?

Of course Lu Fei knew what these two guys meant, and couldn't help but blush slightly, but he still pretended to be calm: "Shut up, you two are the only ones who are smart, right?

Let me tell you, this matter is of great importance. No matter what the occasion is, please don't let me tell you anything. If word gets out, let alone the higher-ups disapproving, the reputation of our brothers will be seriously affected. Do you understand? "

Of course Ji and Yong knew the seriousness of the problem, so they immediately stopped smiling.

In the eyes of everyone, Lu Fei is a famous entrepreneur and philanthropist. No matter what Lu Fei does, he is right and always stands on the side of justice.

But if everyone knew that the perfect entrepreneur and philanthropist in their eyes had resorted to such despicable means to get the land in the shantytown, Lu Fei's image in everyone's minds would be greatly reduced in the future, and even more seriously. Pushing Lu Fei to the forefront, the consequences are quite serious. When Lu Fei came back, the atmosphere at home seemed to be more lively. Lu Fei was laughing and chatting with everyone. Everything was as usual. Chen Hongyi's mood also calmed down. He was chatting and laughing with several elders, but most people didn't know, or even didn't know. I dare to imagine that just a few hours ago, a big situation almost happened in this manor.

After sitting down and chatting, Ji Yong gave Lu Fei a rough report on the progress in Chang'an. Lu Fei just nodded without making any comments.

Lu Fei himself had no intention of getting involved in Chang'an's project. His main purpose was to train these brothers, hunt rabbits, and secretly support the Jiang family's mother and daughter.

Now, Ji Yong's brothers are no longer the dudes who drive cars, drink, and get into trouble with girls. They are all bosses to the outside world. After being with him for so long, no one is short of money, but only needs experience.

Although these guys may look glamorous on the surface, their characters still need to be further polished. Only in this way can they stand on their own as soon as possible.

Lu Fei hopes that his brothers will all be giants in the future, instead of just enjoying themselves under his protection. In that case, there will be big problems sooner or later.

Fortunately, these brothers are very motivated and perform well.

Reporting the situation to Lu Fei was not the main purpose of Ji Yong. Lu Fei asked him and Lao Fang to stay without saying why. In the past few days, Ji Yong has always been unsure of the truth and did not dare to ask, so he could only test it quietly. However, his behavior was obviously a bit childish in front of Lu Fei.

"Don't talk nonsense, just tell me if you have any ideas." Lu Fei said.


Ji Yong smiled awkwardly: "Hey, Brother Fei still understands me, that's the way it is. I want to ask Brother Fei, what's the point of letting me and Lao Fang stay?

Chang'an is very busy. If there is nothing special, I will go back tomorrow. "

Lu Fei glanced at Ji Yong and smiled: "It's good to be motivated, but you can't go back yet. There are some things in the magic city that you and Lao Fang need to deal with."

When Lu Fei mentioned the Magic City, Ji Yong guessed it.

"Brother Fei, are you talking about the houses in the shanty towns?

Don't be polite to me. Just make the decision. Those I bought will be given to you. As for Lao Fang, I won't get involved. "

Lu Fei rolled his eyes and said, "Do you think I'm taking advantage?"

"Uh, Brother Fei, don't get me wrong. You know I didn't mean it that way. How about you give me a cost price?" Ji Yong said with a smile.

"Haha, Ji Yong, you are becoming more and more cunning, are you playing tricks on me?"

Ji Yong shrank his neck in fright and quickly waved his hand: "Brother Fei, please don't

Scared me, how dare I! "

"Huh, I guess you wouldn't dare!

Okay, I won’t talk nonsense to you anymore. The thing is like this. Excellent Era and the Magic City authorities couldn’t stand it any longer. The leaders above complained to me. They were really sincere!

You also know me, I am a soft-hearted person, and I don’t want my leaders to worry and suffer the most. Therefore, in order to help the leaders solve their problems, I took the initiative to ask Ying to let our company take over the business. The leaders expressed that they were very satisfied and had reached a verbal agreement with me. "

"Pfft hahaha!!"

Seeing Lu Fei's serious look, Ji Yong and Fang Mingliang couldn't listen anymore and started laughing.

Lu Fei glared at these two guys and said, "You guys are just laughing your ass off. What's so funny?"


Ji Yong wanted to remain serious in front of Lu Fei, but they really couldn't do it!

"Brother Fei, hello my dear brother!

Could you be more shameless?

It’s okay to just pretend to be with the boss, but do you need to do that in front of our brothers? "Ji Yong laughed.

Fang Mingliang also nodded repeatedly: "That's right, Brother Fei, you are somewhat shameless this time!"


It’s not that the two brothers don’t give Lu Fei face, they really can’t hold it in anymore!

Others don't know what's going on, but they two know it best. Why can't Excellent Era survive? Isn't it because of your brother Fei?

It’s not that I don’t have strength, nor that I don’t have determination, but if you create a house with 8,000 nails in one go, who can stand it?

You use despicable means to kick Excellent Era out of the game, and then you still show off and show off. Isn't this shameless?

Of course Lu Fei knew what these two guys meant, and couldn't help but blush slightly, but he still pretended to be calm: "Shut up, you two are the only ones who are smart, right?

Let me tell you, this matter is of great importance. No matter what the occasion is, please don't let me tell you anything. If word gets out, let alone the higher-ups disapproving, the reputation of our brothers will be seriously affected. Do you understand? "

Of course Ji and Yong knew the seriousness of the problem, so they immediately stopped smiling.

In the eyes of everyone, Lu Fei is a famous entrepreneur and philanthropist. No matter what Lu Fei does, he is right and always stands on the side of justice.

But if everyone knew that the perfect entrepreneur and philanthropist in their eyes had resorted to such despicable means to get the land in the shantytown, Lu Fei's image in everyone's minds would be greatly reduced in the future, and even more seriously. Pushing Lu Fei to the forefront, the consequences are quite serious.

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