A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3095 There is a story

Speaking of Lu Fei and Tianyu's hair, Chen Xiang's delicate body trembled, and mist filled her beautiful eyes.

Wang Xinyi was shocked. Chen Xiang was a pregnant woman who was about to give birth. During this period, her emotions were particularly important.

"Xiang'er, what's wrong with you?" Wang Xinyi asked nervously.

Chen Xiang wiped the corners of his eyes, smiled sweetly and said, "I'm fine, I just have some feelings.

Xinyi, do you still remember what Lu Fei’s hair shape was when you first met him? "

Seeing that Chen Xiang's mood didn't fluctuate much, Wang Xinyi patted her chest and felt relieved.

"Remember, of course I remember. At that time, Lu Fei had a big bald head. He was thin and had a bald head, and there were several scars on his head. He didn't look like a good person at first impression!" Wang Xinyi She said with a sweet smile.


Chen Xiang smiled jokingly: "I remember it so clearly. To be honest, did you fall in love with my husband at first sight?"

Wang Xinyi's face turned red with embarrassment, she gently pinched Chen Xiang's calf, and said coquettishly: "Nonsense, with the way he looked at that time, you only regarded him as a treasure. If it weren't for your guarantee, I would have I don’t dare to let him see me!”

Chen Xiang also laughed. After laughing, he couldn't help but sigh: "Xinyi, do you know why he had a bald head at that time?"

Wang Xinyi was slightly startled, she really didn't know this.

"I don't know, I'm also confused. I even complained to him at that time, but he didn't listen at all. Not only didn't he listen, he kept that look for more than a year.

You don’t even know that when I went to Fengtian with him to perform a mission, I would always get strange looks when walking with him. I guess those people regarded me as his wife! "

Chen Xiang smiled and shook his head: "You don't know, there is a reason why Lu Fei has a bald head, and I designed that look for him!"


Have a story? Wang Xinyi asked excitedly.

Chen Xiang nodded and told Wang Xinyi in detail the situation when Lu Fei received the news of his father's death and half of his hair turned gray overnight. Wang Xinyi was stunned when he heard that, and even Lu Fei outside the door fell into memories.

"That incident may have been the first turning point in Lu Fei's life.

At that time, Lu Fei had very little wings. Even though everyone was not optimistic about it, he resolutely returned to Jincheng to avenge his father. In a way that everyone expected, he cheated the Liu family of more than 6 billion and made the Liu family lose money. While suffering huge losses, they also

It laid a solid foundation for his career, and it was precisely because of that auction that Lu Fei officially entered Mr. Kong's sight.

In the eyes of many people, Lu Fei is arrogant, has a bad temper, and is impulsive. But I know in my heart that people with these prejudices don't understand Lu Fei at all.

From the first time I came into contact with Lu Fei, I knew that he was a real and aboveboard man, with great talent, great wisdom, prudent behavior, step by step, strategizing, and winning thousands of miles. Because of this, no matter what he does, I will do it unconditionally. Trust and fully support every decision he makes. Facts have proved that although Lu Fei has experienced countless hardships, he has never failed.

However, Lu Fei also has many shortcomings. His biggest shortcoming is that he is too heavy-hearted. Even in front of me, he always reports good things but not bad things. Even if there are huge difficulties, he will bury them in his heart and find a way to solve them himself.

Xinyi, this is a real man, an absolutely excellent pure man, worthy of our lifelong love and companionship with him. "

Wang Xinyi couldn't help but nodded, tears streaming down her face.

"Xiang'er, you are right. To be honest, you and I are best friends. Even if I like Lu Fei again, I should not compete with you for him, let alone interfere in your lives. I have struggled with this for a long time. But I really can't do it.

For me, this man is my life and my soul. From the moment he desperately jumped into the glacier to save me, my soul has been imprinted with him, and I can’t hear his voice for a while. If I hear the sound, I will lose my mind, and if I can't see his person, I will lose my mind, like a walking corpse. That feeling, life is worse than death! "

Lu Fei outside the door couldn't help but trembled when he heard the two women's heart-to-heart words. He looked up at the sky and was inexplicably moved in his heart.

Chen Xiang, a lady from one of Tiandu's top wealthy families, could risk everything for herself, even despite the huge pressure and criticism from the outside world, to accept Wang Xinyi. This requires a strong emotional foundation and great courage.

Wang Xinyi, one of the heirs to the trillion-dollar conglomerate in the Magic City, is recognized as the sweet girl of heaven, but she is willing to give up everything, even her life, for herself.

What more can a husband ask for when he has such a wife?

After taking a look through the crack in the door, Lu Fei finally left silently.

This is a good opportunity for the two ladies to have a heart-to-heart talk, and Lu Fei doesn't want to ruin this beautiful atmosphere.

Before that, although the two women had a tacit understanding, Lu Fei knew that there would always be a little gap between them. Tonight, the two ladies opened their hearts completely. Perhaps, after tonight, he With the two ladies, we are a real family. Speaking of Lu Fei and Tianyu's hair, Chen Xiang's delicate body trembled, and mist filled her beautiful eyes.

Wang Xinyi was shocked. Chen Xiang was a pregnant woman who was about to give birth. During this period, her emotions were particularly important.

"Xiang'er, what's wrong with you?" Wang Xinyi asked nervously.

Chen Xiang wiped the corners of his eyes, smiled sweetly and said, "I'm fine, I just have some feelings.

Xinyi, do you still remember what Lu Fei’s hair shape was when you first met him? "

Seeing that Chen Xiang's mood didn't fluctuate much, Wang Xinyi patted her chest and felt relieved.

"Remember, of course I remember. At that time, Lu Fei had a big bald head. He was thin and had a bald head, and there were several scars on his head. He didn't look like a good person at first impression!" Wang Xinyi She said with a sweet smile.


Chen Xiang smiled jokingly: "I remember it so clearly. To be honest, did you fall in love with my husband at first sight?"

Wang Xinyi's face turned red with embarrassment, she gently pinched Chen Xiang's calf, and said coquettishly: "Nonsense, with the way he looked at that time, you only regarded him as a treasure. If it weren't for your guarantee, I would have I don’t dare to let him see me!”

Chen Xiang also laughed. After laughing, he couldn't help but sigh: "Xinyi, do you know why he had a bald head at that time?"

Wang Xinyi was slightly startled, she really didn't know this.

"I don't know, I'm also confused. I even complained to him at that time, but he didn't listen at all. Not only didn't he listen, he stayed in that look for more than a year.

You don’t even know that when I went to Fengtian with him to perform a mission, I would always get strange looks when walking with him. I guess those people regarded me as his wife! "

Chen Xiang smiled and shook his head: "You don't know, there is a reason why Lu Fei has a bald head, and I designed that look for him!"


Have a story? Wang Xinyi asked excitedly.

Chen Xiang nodded and told Wang Xinyi in detail the situation when Lu Fei received the news of his father's death and half of his hair turned gray overnight. Wang Xinyi was stunned when he heard that, and even Lu Fei outside the door fell into memories.

"That incident may have been the first turning point in Lu Fei's life.

At that time, Lu Fei had very little wings. Even though everyone was not optimistic about it, he resolutely returned to Jincheng to avenge his father. In a way that everyone expected, he cheated the Liu family of more than 6 billion and made the Liu family lose money. While suffering huge losses, they also

It laid a solid foundation for his career, and it was precisely because of that auction that Lu Fei officially entered Mr. Kong's sight.

In the eyes of many people, Lu Fei is arrogant, has a bad temper, and is impulsive. But I know in my heart that people with these prejudices don't understand Lu Fei at all.

From the first time I came into contact with Lu Fei, I knew that he was a real and aboveboard man, with great talent, great wisdom, prudent behavior, step by step, strategizing, and winning thousands of miles. Because of this, no matter what he does, I will do it unconditionally. Trust and fully support every decision he makes. Facts have proved that although Lu Fei has experienced countless hardships, he has never failed.

However, Lu Fei also has many shortcomings. His biggest shortcoming is that he is too heavy-hearted. Even in front of me, he always reports good things but not bad things. Even if there are huge difficulties, he will bury them in his heart and find a way to solve them himself.

Xinyi, this is a real man, an absolutely excellent pure man, worthy of our lifelong love and companionship with him. "

Wang Xinyi couldn't help but nodded, tears streaming down her face.

"Xiang'er, you are right. To be honest, you and I are best friends. Even if I like Lu Fei again, I should not compete with you for him, let alone interfere in your lives. I have struggled with this for a long time. But I really can't.

For me, this man is my life and my soul. From the moment he desperately jumped into the glacier to save me, my soul has been imprinted with him, and I can’t hear his voice for a while. If I hear the sound, I will lose my mind, and if I can't see his person, I will lose my mind, like a walking corpse. That feeling, life is worse than death! "

Lu Fei outside the door couldn't help but trembled when he heard the two women's heart-to-heart words. He looked up at the sky and was inexplicably moved in his heart.

Chen Xiang, a lady from one of Tiandu's top wealthy families, could risk everything for herself, even despite the huge pressure and criticism from the outside world, to accept Wang Xinyi. This requires a strong emotional foundation and great courage.

Wang Xinyi, one of the heirs to the trillion-dollar conglomerate in the Magic City, is recognized as the sweet girl of heaven, but she is willing to give up everything, even her life, for herself.

What more can a husband ask for when he has such a wife?

After taking a look through the crack in the door, Lu Fei finally left silently.

This is a good opportunity for the two ladies to have a heart-to-heart talk, and Lu Fei doesn't want to ruin this beautiful atmosphere.

Before that, although the two women had a tacit understanding, Lu Fei knew that there would always be a little gap between them. Tonight, the two ladies opened their hearts completely. Perhaps, after tonight, he With the two ladies, we are a real family.

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