Jiang Hefeng did not pat his chest and make promises, but told the truth frankly, which won Lu Fei's favor even more.

Lu Fei wanted to give him a chance, but of course he didn't care whether he had the ability in this area.

Lu Fei bluntly said that in a few months, the development project of the old city of Shanghai will be fully launched. Although it is an in-house project, the amount of work is extremely huge.

Lu Fei's original intention was that his Ascendas Building and its hardware facilities would be developed and constructed by a development company under the Ascendas Group, while the rest of the old city renovation project and surrounding greening facilities would be left to a group of his brothers.

Although Jiang Hefeng lacks experience in this area, he can invest in cash and let everyone play together. Since Jiang Hefeng has just joined, Lu Fei is prepared to give him the maximum amount of money and give priority to his shareholding ratio within his ability. Jiang Hefeng burst into tears of gratitude.

Although the project is in Magic City, he can be sure that after the completion of this project, the strength of the Jiang family will definitely reach a higher level. However, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that through this project, the Jiang family will Will be completely recognized by Lu Fei. This is a great thing that countless Chinese businessmen dream of but have no chance to do, but the Jiang family has achieved it.

With Lu Fei, a towering tree, as a backer, the Jiang family's status will definitely improve in the future.

Not long after the call ended, Guan Haishan called.

The last conversation with Lu Fei in Xiaoyanglou shocked Mr. Guan. After returning to Tiandu, he immediately started to operate. In the past week, he had hardly slept a sound sleep. Finally, it was prescribed by Lu Fei. Within the time range, the statistics were calculated.

Lu Fei's plan had given him a huge shock before. According to Lu Fei's plan, the face of the China Archaeological Team will undergo earth-shaking changes in the next one or two years. As the top general advisor, this is all his direct political achievements. , thinking of these, Guan Haishan's heart surged with excitement.

But when all the statistics came out, Mr. Guan was dumbfounded.

During the conversation with Lu Fei, he deliberately sounded serious. The figure reported to Lu Fei was that more than 4 billion in funds are needed every year. He thought what he said was quite serious, but when all the data were compiled, Guan Haishan was still Gasped.

The real data is much larger than the number he deliberately exaggerated. According to Lu Fei's plan, next year, the funds required for the special projects of the archaeological team and the team in extremely poor areas will exceed 8 billion, which is fully double the number he exaggerated. , seeing this number, Guan Haishan felt chills running down his spine.

In the past, he and the top management of the archaeological team focused on areas with high-quality resources and teams with outstanding performance, but they did not know that there were so many hardest-hit areas below.

Eight billion, this number is simply mind-numbing. If Lu Fei is told the truth, will Shasha Fei still be as tough as before?

It was twice as different as what he had expected. Would that guy Baoshaifei think that he was blackmailing him, or would he misunderstand him?

Damn it, I deliberately said it was serious, but I didn't expect that the truth was much more serious than I thought. How could I explain this to Baoshaifei!

Guan Haishan paced back and forth in his office, his head hurting with worry but still hesitant. Later, Guan Haishan called his secretary in for discussion. After understanding the situation, the secretary felt that his boss was a person in power and had too much imagination.

Since Lu Fei took the initiative to propose this plan, he wanted to fundamentally solve the problem. Since he dared to make such an opening, what is the difference between four billion and eight billion?

Therefore, the secretary believes that the boss should communicate with Lu Fei truthfully.

After sending the secretary out, Guan Haishan thought for a long time and thought that what the secretary said made sense. Finally, he gritted his teeth and dialed Lu Fei's number.

In the past, no matter what the occasion, Guan Haishan talked with Lu Fei very casually, but this time, Mr. Guan was obviously guilty and spoke carefully, even with a hint of guilt and flattery. Even Lu Fei found it funny.

"Okay, you don't have to explain. This result is completely within my expectation. In the past, you paid insufficient attention to resource-poor areas and allowed them to develop naturally. You paid little attention to the grassroots and even allowed them to fend for themselves. This is your concept. It's a serious mistake.

Because you don't pay enough attention, the ratio of policies and funds to those with abundant resources is seriously out of balance. Because of this, the strong areas are getting stronger and the weak areas are getting worse. The strength is not proportional, forming two An extreme.

What's more serious is that because you leaders don't pay enough attention, the grassroots teams after get off work are distracted and have no morale. How can they still work? Do you still expect them to produce good results?

Those resource-rich regions have indeed produced results, but have you ever thought about whether the strong development of these dozen regions alone can drive the overall situation?

There are dozens or hundreds of resource-poor areas that are lagging behind. No matter how high their scores are, how much will they have left on average?

In Laoguan, some grassroots archaeological resources are indeed lacking, but it does not mean that they cannot make achievements. If there are few archaeological resources, they can work hard on cultural preservation, culture and even tourism. As long as there is a plan, ideas and confidence, no matter where they are, All can produce results. Only by developing in an all-round way can the Shenzhou Archaeological Team take off quickly. I think that after the beginning of the new year, it is best for you to go out often and sit in the office. What you see is only data. The data may not be real. If you want to To grasp the real situation, you can only trust your own eyes. "Jiang Hefeng did not pat his chest and make promises, but told the truth frankly, which won Lu Fei's favor even more.

Lu Fei wanted to give him a chance, but of course he didn't care whether he had the ability in this area.

Lu Fei bluntly said that in a few months, the development project of the old city of Shanghai will be fully launched. Although it is an in-house project, the amount of work is extremely huge.

Lu Fei's original intention was that his Ascendas Building and its hardware facilities would be developed and constructed by a development company under the Ascendas Group, while the rest of the old city renovation project and surrounding greening facilities would be left to a group of his brothers.

Although Jiang Hefeng lacks experience in this area, he can invest in cash and let everyone play together. Since Jiang Hefeng has just joined, Lu Fei is prepared to give him the maximum amount of money and give priority to his shareholding ratio within his ability. Jiang Hefeng burst into tears of gratitude.

Although the project is in Magic City, he can be sure that after the completion of this project, the strength of the Jiang family will definitely reach a higher level. However, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that through this project, the Jiang family will Will be completely recognized by Lu Fei. This is a great thing that countless Chinese businessmen dream of but have no chance to do, but the Jiang family has achieved it.

With Lu Fei, a towering tree, as a backer, the Jiang family's status will definitely improve in the future.

Not long after the call ended, Guan Haishan called.

The last conversation with Lu Fei in Xiaoyanglou shocked Mr. Guan. After returning to Tiandu, he immediately started to operate. In the past week, he had hardly slept a sound sleep. Finally, it was prescribed by Lu Fei. Within the time range, the statistics were calculated.

Lu Fei's plan had given him a huge shock before. According to Lu Fei's plan, the face of the China Archaeological Team will undergo earth-shaking changes in the next one or two years. As the top general advisor, this is all his direct political achievements. , thinking of these, Guan Haishan's heart surged with excitement.

But when all the statistics came out, Mr. Guan was dumbfounded.

During the conversation with Lu Fei, he deliberately sounded serious. The figure reported to Lu Fei was that more than 4 billion in funds are needed every year. He thought what he said was quite serious, but when all the data were compiled, Guan Haishan was still Gasped.

The real data is much larger than the number he deliberately exaggerated. According to Lu Fei's plan, next year, the funds required for the special projects of the archaeological team and the team in extremely poor areas will exceed 8 billion, which is fully double the number he exaggerated. , seeing this number, Guan Haishan felt chills running down his spine.

In the past, he and the top management of the archaeological team focused on areas with high-quality resources and teams with outstanding performance, but they did not know that there were so many hardest-hit areas below.

Eight billion, this number is simply mind-numbing. If Lu Fei is told the truth, will Shasha Fei still be as tough as before?

It was twice as different as what he had expected. Would that guy Baoshaifei think that he was blackmailing him, or would he misunderstand him?

Damn it, I deliberately said it was serious, but I didn't expect that the truth was much more serious than I thought. How could I explain this to Baoshaifei!

Guan Haishan paced back and forth in his office, his head hurting with worry but still hesitant. Later, Guan Haishan called his secretary in for discussion. After understanding the situation, the secretary felt that his boss was a person in power and had too much imagination.

Since Lu Fei took the initiative to propose this plan, he wanted to fundamentally solve the problem. Since he dared to make such an opening, what is the difference between four billion and eight billion?

Therefore, the secretary believes that the boss should communicate with Lu Fei truthfully.

After sending the secretary out, Guan Haishan thought for a long time and thought that what the secretary said made sense. Finally, he gritted his teeth and dialed Lu Fei's number.

In the past, no matter what the occasion, Guan Haishan talked with Lu Fei very casually, but this time, Mr. Guan was obviously guilty and spoke cautiously, even with a hint of guilt and flattery. Even Lu Fei found it funny.

"Okay, you don't have to explain. This result is completely within my expectation. In the past, you paid insufficient attention to resource-poor areas and allowed them to develop naturally. You paid little attention to the grassroots and even allowed them to fend for themselves. This is your concept. It's a serious mistake.

Because you don't pay enough attention, the ratio of policies and funds to those with abundant resources is seriously out of balance. Because of this, the strong areas are getting stronger and the weak areas are getting worse. The strength is not proportional, forming two An extreme.

What's more serious is that because you leaders don't pay enough attention, the grassroots teams after get off work are distracted and have no morale. How can they still work? Do you still expect them to produce good results?

Those resource-rich regions have indeed produced results, but have you ever thought about whether the strong development of these dozen regions alone can drive the overall situation?

There are dozens or hundreds of resource-poor areas that are lagging behind. No matter how high their scores are, how much will they have left on average?

In Laoguan, some grassroots archaeological resources are indeed lacking, but it does not mean that they cannot make achievements. If there are few archaeological resources, they can work hard on cultural preservation, culture and even tourism. As long as there is a plan, ideas and confidence, no matter where they are, All can produce results. Only by developing in an all-round way can the Shenzhou Archaeological Team take off quickly. I think that after the beginning of the new year, it is best for you to go out often and sit in the office. What you see is only data. The data may not be real. If you want to To grasp the real situation, you can only trust your own eyes. "

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