A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3108 Change of plan

"Junior brother, you must remember your identity. You are not only the master of Yanqing Temple, but also the great master of Quanzhen. Your words and deeds represent our Quanzhen. When doing things, you must consider the interests of Quanzhen as a whole. , rather than your own selfish interests in Yanqing Temple, so you must never mention this kind of words again in the future. This kind of thinking is very dangerous, and it is absolutely forbidden!"

Hearing Bai Le Shan Gang go online, Zhao Yuting groaned angrily and gritted his teeth: "Senior brother, your words are a bit irresponsible. When did Pindao say that he was not a Quanzhen disciple?

Our Quanzhen Temple has a clear rule that each Taoist temple will hand over 30% of its total profits to the headquarters every year, and the headquarters is not allowed to interfere with the operation of the Taoist temples in any form. Our Yanqing temple always operates in accordance with the rules. What is wrong with this?

Senior brother, you and I have known each other for many years. There is no need for you to give Pindao a riddle. What do you think? Pindao knows very well that Lu Jushi is a high-quality customer of our Yanqing Temple. Other branches, including the headquarters, have no right to interfere.

This time, layman Lu asked our Yanqing Temple for help. This is a sign of trust in us, and our Yanqing Temple is also confident that we can do the job. Therefore, Pindao hopes that the senior brother will not interfere. Otherwise, don’t blame the junior brother for falling out with you. " Zhao Yuting said forcefully. ??

Bai Leshan also knew that what he was doing was somewhat against the rules. If it was a normal business, he would never interfere. However, Jushi Lu was not an ordinary pilgrim. He was a super-large customer who could double the number of chickens in a Taoist temple by himself. For such a happy big customer, Bai Leshan would not hesitate to fall out with Zhao Yuting.

"Junior Brother, what you said is too serious. When did Senior Brother say that he wanted to snatch your business? How could Senior Brother, as the head of Quanzhen, be so narrow-minded?

But the key point is that the business risk this time is too high. If there is a mistake, not only the reputation of your Yanqing Temple will be lost, but even our reputation of Quanzhen will be greatly affected. Senior brother, I have to seriously consider it. !

Therefore, senior brother has decided that your business in Yanqing Guan will still be the main business this time. Brother Wei and junior brother Gu Ping will go to help you. Don’t worry, this performance is all yours in Yanqing Guan. Brother Wei will never take advantage of you. . Bai Leshan said.

Zhao Yuting sneered in his heart, this damn Niubi is really evil!

If you want to take advantage of us, you have to take advantage of us. On the surface, Ya seems to be righteous and helps us for free. In fact, he just wants to become familiar with Lu Fei and discuss his identity as the master of Quanzhen in the future. After contacting Lu Fei, if Lu Fei takes a fancy to his identity, he will definitely give priority to cooperation with Baiyunguan in future business. In this way, Bai Leshan can legitimately succeed in leveraging, damn it

Niubi, why on earth do you think Pindao is a fool?

"Thank you for your kindness, senior brother, but Pindao thinks it's better to do it without having to worry about senior brother. Pindao is confident that he has the absolute ability to complete it, so let's do it. Pindao is very busy here, so I won't talk to senior brother for now. See you later."

Before Bai Leshan could finish speaking, Zhao Yuting snorted and hung up the phone.

In Baiyun Temple, the face of Baile Mountain is as sinking as water, and the fat round face keeps twitching.

"Asshole, you don't know how to appreciate things."


Pindao, as the head master's senior brother, how dare Zhao Yuting not give him face? How can he do that?

You don't want Pindao to get involved, but Pindao wants to intervene. What can you do to Pindao?

"Come here, invite Junior Brother Gu Ping to me. Also, ask the finance department to book five tickets to Hong Kong Island tonight. Pindao is going there today."

Bai Leshan made arrangements here, but on the other side, after hanging up the phone, Zhao Yuting also became nervous.

He knew his senior brother's aggressive nature very well. If Bai Leshan made up his mind, he would usually not change it, so he had to be prepared.

Originally, Zhao Yuting planned to make plans with Ma Qingfeng at home and then go to Hong Kong Island to meet Lu Fei two days later. However, due to the call from Bai Leshan, he felt a strong sense of crisis and discussed it with his junior brother Ma Qingfeng. I believe that Baileshan will never give up.

In order to avoid long nights and unnecessary complications, the two decided to go there tonight. It would be best to meet Lu Fei tonight and make plans with Lu Fei.

Before, Zhao Yuting's goal was to successfully complete this mission, but now he had to change his goal. Not only did he have to complete it, but he also had to complete it beautifully. He had to let Lu Fei see his strength and sincerity. Only in this way, Lu Fei will not be easily shaken.

After making up his mind, Zhao Yuting immediately contacted Lu Fei. Lu Fei always had a good attitude towards him. Zhao Yuting didn't feel much pressure when talking to Lu Fei.

After telling Lu Fei about his plan, Lu Fei happened to have nothing to do tonight and immediately agreed. Not only that, Lu Fei also said that he would send someone to pick him up. Zhao Yuting was overjoyed.

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Yuting instantly felt emboldened. He even felt that he was too allergic?

Although Bai Leshan's status is higher than his own, and his reputation in the Taoist sect is much greater than his own, Lu Fei may not value these things. Lay Master Lu is a righteous person and has always maintained a good relationship with Yanqing Temple. Lay Master Lu's character should be I won't be fooled by Bai Leshan's bull nose. "Junior brother, you must remember your identity. You are not only the master of Yanqing Temple, but also the great master of Quanzhen. Your words and deeds represent our Quanzhen. When doing things, you must consider the interests of Quanzhen as a whole. , rather than your own selfish interests in Yanqing Temple, so you must never mention this kind of words again in the future. This kind of thinking is very dangerous, and it is absolutely forbidden!"

Hearing Bai Le Shan Gang go online, Zhao Yuting groaned angrily and gritted his teeth: "Senior brother, your words are a bit irresponsible. When did Pindao say that he was not a Quanzhen disciple?

Our Quanzhen Temple has a clear rule that each Taoist temple will hand over 30% of its total profits to the headquarters every year, and the headquarters is not allowed to interfere with the operation of the Taoist temples in any form. Our Yanqing temple always operates in accordance with the rules. What is wrong with this?

Senior brother, you and I have known each other for many years. There is no need for you to give Pindao a riddle. What do you think? Pindao knows very well that Lu Jushi is a high-quality customer of our Yanqing Temple. Other branches, including the headquarters, have no right to interfere.

This time, layman Lu asked our Yanqing Temple for help. This is a sign of trust in us, and our Yanqing Temple is also confident that we can do the job. Therefore, Pindao hopes that the senior brother will not interfere. Otherwise, don’t blame the junior brother for falling out with you. " Zhao Yuting said forcefully.

Bai Leshan also knew that what he was doing was a bit unruly. If it was a normal business, he would never interfere. However, Jushi Lu was not an ordinary pilgrim. He was a super-large customer who could double the number of chickens in a Taoist temple by himself. For such a happy big customer, Bai Leshan would not hesitate to fall out with Zhao Yuting.

"Junior Brother, what you said is too serious. When did Senior Brother say that he wanted to snatch your business? How could Senior Brother, as the head of Quanzhen, be so narrow-minded?

But the key point is that the business risk this time is too high. If there is a mistake, not only the reputation of your Yanqing Temple will be lost, but even our reputation of Quanzhen will be greatly affected. Senior brother, I have to seriously consider it. !

Therefore, senior brother has decided that your business in Yanqing Guan will still be the main business this time. Brother Wei and junior brother Gu Ping will go to help you. Don’t worry, this performance is all yours in Yanqing Guan. Brother Wei will never take advantage of you. . Bai Leshan said.

Zhao Yuting sneered in his heart, this damn Niubi is really evil!

If you want to take advantage of us, you have to take advantage of us. On the surface, Ya seems to be righteous and helps us for free. In fact, he just wants to become familiar with Lu Fei and discuss his identity as the master of Quanzhen in the future. After contacting Lu Fei, if Lu Fei takes a fancy to his identity, he will definitely give priority to cooperation with Baiyunguan in future business. In this way, Bai Leshan can legitimately succeed in leveraging, damn it

Niubi, why on earth do you think Pindao is a fool?

"Thank you for your kindness, senior brother, but Pindao thinks it's better to do it without having to worry about senior brother. Pindao is confident that he has the absolute ability to complete it, so let's do it. Pindao is very busy here, so I won't talk to senior brother for now. See you later."

Before Bai Leshan could finish speaking, Zhao Yuting snorted and hung up the phone.

In Baiyun Temple, the face of Baile Mountain is as sinking as water, and the fat round face keeps twitching.

"Asshole, you don't know how to appreciate things."


Pindao, as the head master's senior brother, how dare Zhao Yuting not give him face? How can he do that?

You don't want Pindao to get involved, but Pindao wants to intervene. What can you do to Pindao?

"Come here, invite Junior Brother Gu Ping to me. Also, ask the finance department to book five tickets to Hong Kong Island tonight. Pindao is going there today."

Bai Leshan made arrangements here, but on the other side, after hanging up the phone, Zhao Yuting also became nervous.

He knew his senior brother's aggressive nature very well. If Bai Leshan made up his mind, he would usually not change it, so he had to be prepared.

Originally, Zhao Yuting planned to make plans with Ma Qingfeng at home and then go to Hong Kong Island to meet Lu Fei two days later. However, due to the call from Bai Leshan, he felt a strong sense of crisis and discussed it with his junior brother Ma Qingfeng. I believe that Baileshan will never give up.

In order to avoid long nights and unnecessary complications, the two decided to go there tonight. It would be best to meet Lu Fei tonight and make plans with Lu Fei.

Before, Zhao Yuting's goal was to successfully complete this mission, but now he had to change his goal. Not only did he have to complete it, but he also had to complete it beautifully. He had to let Lu Fei see his strength and sincerity. Only in this way, Lu Fei will not be easily shaken.

After making up his mind, Zhao Yuting immediately contacted Lu Fei. Lu Fei always had a good attitude towards him. Zhao Yuting didn't feel much pressure when talking to Lu Fei.

After telling Lu Fei about his plan, Lu Fei happened to have nothing to do tonight and immediately agreed. Not only that, Lu Fei also said that he would send someone to pick him up. Zhao Yuting was overjoyed.

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Yuting instantly felt emboldened. He even felt that he was too allergic?

Although Bai Leshan's status is higher than his own, and his reputation in the Taoist sect is much greater than his own, Lu Fei may not value these things. Layman Lu is a righteous person and has always maintained a good relationship with Yanqing Temple. Layman Lu's character should be I won't be fooled by Bai Leshan's bull nose.

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