A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3110 Shameless

At 6:20 in the evening, Zhao Yuting and his junior brother Ma Qingfeng came to the airport with their three apprentices and some necessary equipment.

When preparing to board the plane, Zhao Yuting suddenly discovered several old enemies, Master Huixian.

Abbot Hui Xian is wearing a cassock and walking steadily. The resolution is unusually high in the crowded waiting hall. It is definitely a super alternative scenery. It is difficult not to notice it.

That's right, for the survival and development of Xiangguo Temple, Master Huixian decided to take advantage of this opportunity to meet Lu Fei shamelessly. It doesn't matter whether he can get Lu Fei's forgiveness or not. The most important thing is to ensure a Good attitude.

Master Huixian also knew that Zhao Yuting and others were on this flight, but since he was brave enough, there was no need for him to deliberately avoid it. Yanqingguan was the protagonist this time, and following Zhao Yuting was the most direct way to see Lu Fei. The way, without Zhao Yuting "leading the way", he would not be sure to see Lu Fei, not even the person, let alone other things.

Huixian didn't mind, but seeing them made Zhao Yuting disgusted.


It's pure bullshit.

As a rival in the same city, Zhao Yuting also has spies around Xiangguo Temple. It can be said that he can keep track of every move of Xiangguo Temple at any time. He has not heard that Xiangguo Temple has been on business recently, so this old bald donkey appears. Here, it is definitely Sima Zhao's heart.

Although they are rivals in the same city, since they "encounter" by chance, the etiquette must be acceptable. After all, they are all people with status!

Zhao Yuting bowed his head and said, "Long time no see, Master Huixian, Heavenly Lord of Infinite Blessings!"

Huixian raised her big, plump eyelids, clasped her hands and returned the greeting with a smile: "Amitabha, Master Yuting has always been kind, I am so polite."

Meeting a group of monks at the airport was already special. Now several Taoist priests appeared. Moreover, the monks and Taoists were standing together, which immediately attracted the curious eyes of many tourists.

"Thanks to Master, I am in good health. Master Huixian, are you preparing to go out?" Zhao Yuting asked.

"Amitabha, it is exactly that." Master Huixian said with a smile.

"Where are you going, Master?"

"Hong Kong Island." Master Huixian said without any hesitation.


Zhao Yuting snorted coldly, raised his beard to Lao Gao, and felt countless mythical beasts galloping past in his heart.

"Damn it, I know this is the case." Zhao Yuting cursed in his heart.

Huixian's purpose of going to Hong Kong Island was obvious, and Zhao Yuting was so angry!

In the morning, he was disgusted by his senior brother Bai Leshan, and now he met Huixian, an old bald donkey with impure intentions. The fire of ignorance in Zhao Yuting's heart suddenly rose.

Compared with Bai Leshan, Zhao Yuting was more afraid of the fat monk in front of him.

Although Bai Leshan is the master of Quanzhen, there is a clear stipulation in the sect that the headquarters cannot interfere with local operations in any form. Yanqing Temple and Baiyun Temple are on the same side. If Bai Leshan dares to violate the rules, Zhao Yuting can fight with him regardless of feelings. After breaking up, even if Bai Leshan uses conspiracy and tricks, it will not be that easy for the other party to achieve his goal based on his decades of interaction with Bai Leshan.

But the master Huixian in front of him is different. The two can be said to be mortal enemies in the same city. They have been competing with each other for decades. It can be said to be a life-and-death struggle. In the process of many struggles, both sides have already figured out the details of the other party. Chu, so Huixian bluntly said that he was going to Hong Kong Island, and Zhao Yuting immediately guessed the other party's intention.

Thanks to Lu Fei's influence and blessing, Yanqing Temple has become very famous in recent months. Ji Didi has formed a crushing trend against Xiangguo Temple. The old bald donkey can't sit still anymore and wants to walk away with his sword. This is definitely the case for Pian Feng to follow him to find Lu Fei to gain benefits.

Zhao Yuting also knew what happened at the Jinling Treasure Fighting Conference. He knew that Huixian offended Lu Fei at the Treasure Fighting Conference, so that since then, Lu Fei had never entered the gate of Xiangguo Temple again. This pair of It is undoubtedly a disaster for Xiangguo Temple, but it is a great blessing for Yanqingguan, the sworn enemy in the same city. However, Zhao Yuting does not dare to be careless at all.

Because Zhao Yuting knew that the great monk in front of him had an advantage that many people did not have, which was his thick skin.

Moreover, Huixian's face is not ordinary thick-skinned. The thickness is definitely beyond the understanding of ordinary people.

To give an example, when Zhang Huaizhi passed away, layman Lu originally asked Yanqing Temple to perform a consecration ceremony and did not go to Xiangguo Temple at all. However, Huixian, a shameless old guy, took the initiative to come to the door, and the battle was even worse than that of Yanqing Temple. It's much bigger, and it even claims to offer free services.

They used the slogan of free service with compassion. As the boss, Lu Fei certainly couldn't offend Hui Xian for no reason. As a result, this shameless old bald ass was left to steal the limelight as a matter of course.

It was said to be a free service, but in fact, this old guy had already understood Lu Fei's temper, and the result was really predicted by him. After the funeral, Lu Fei personally came to thank him. Huixian not only got to know this super rich man, but also Obtaining one million Shenzhou coins for incense money can be said to be an exhaustive strategy. At 6:20 in the evening, Zhao Yuting and his junior brother Ma Qingfeng came to the airport with their three apprentices and some necessary equipment.

When preparing to board the plane, Zhao Yuting suddenly discovered several old enemies, Master Huixian.

Abbot Hui Xian is wearing a cassock and walking steadily. The resolution is unusually high in the crowded waiting hall. It is definitely a super alternative scenery. It is difficult not to notice it.

That's right, for the survival and development of Xiangguo Temple, Master Huixian decided to take advantage of this opportunity to meet Lu Fei shamelessly. It doesn't matter whether he can get Lu Fei's forgiveness or not. The most important thing is to ensure a Good attitude.

Master Huixian also knew that Zhao Yuting and others were on this flight, but since he was brave enough, there was no need for him to deliberately avoid it. Yanqingguan was the protagonist this time, and following Zhao Yuting was the most direct way to see Lu Fei. The way, without Zhao Yuting "leading the way", he would not be sure to see Lu Fei, not even the person, let alone other things.

Huixian didn't mind, but seeing them made Zhao Yuting disgusted.


It's pure bullshit.

As a rival in the same city, Zhao Yuting also has spies around Xiangguo Temple. It can be said that he can keep track of every move of Xiangguo Temple at any time. He has not heard that Xiangguo Temple has been on business recently, so this old bald donkey appears. Here, it is definitely Sima Zhao's heart.

Although they are rivals in the same city, since they "encounter" by chance, the etiquette must be acceptable. After all, they are all people with status!

Zhao Yuting bowed his head and said, "Long time no see, Master Huixian, Heavenly Lord of Infinite Blessings!"

Huixian raised her big, plump eyelids, clasped her hands and returned the greeting with a smile: "Amitabha, Master Yuting has always been kind, I am so polite."

Meeting a group of monks at the airport was already special. Now several Taoist priests appeared. Moreover, the monks and Taoists were standing together, which immediately attracted the curious eyes of many tourists.

"Thanks to Master, I am in good health. Master Huixian, are you preparing to go out?" Zhao Yuting asked.

"Amitabha, it is exactly that." Master Huixian said with a smile.

"Where are you going, Master?"

"Hong Kong Island." Master Huixian said without any hesitation.


Zhao Yuting snorted coldly, raised his beard to Lao Gao, and felt countless mythical beasts galloping past in his heart.

"Damn it, I know this is the case." Zhao Yuting cursed in his heart.

Huixian's purpose of going to Hong Kong Island was obvious, and Zhao Yuting was so angry!

In the morning, he was disgusted by his senior brother Bai Leshan, and now he met Huixian, an old bald donkey with impure intentions. The fire of ignorance in Zhao Yuting's heart suddenly rose.

Compared with Bai Leshan, Zhao Yuting was more afraid of the fat monk in front of him.

Although Bai Leshan is the master of Quanzhen, there is a clear stipulation in the sect that the headquarters cannot interfere with local operations in any form. Yanqing Temple and Baiyun Temple are on the same side. If Bai Leshan dares to violate the rules, Zhao Yuting can fight with him regardless of feelings. After breaking up, even if Bai Leshan uses conspiracy and tricks, it will not be that easy for the other party to achieve his goal based on his decades of interaction with Bai Leshan.

But the master Huixian in front of him is different. The two can be said to be mortal enemies in the same city. They have been competing with each other for decades. It can be said to be a life-and-death struggle. In the process of many struggles, both sides have already figured out the details of the other party. Chu, so Huixian bluntly said that he was going to Hong Kong Island, and Zhao Yuting immediately guessed the other party's intention.

Thanks to Lu Fei's influence and blessing, Yanqing Temple has become very famous in recent months. Ji Didi has formed a crushing trend against Xiangguo Temple. The old bald donkey can't sit still anymore and wants to walk away with his sword. This is definitely the case for Pian Feng to follow him to find Lu Fei to gain benefits.

Zhao Yuting also knew what happened at the Jinling Treasure Fighting Conference. He knew that Huixian offended Lu Fei at the Treasure Fighting Conference, so that since then, Lu Fei had never entered the gate of Xiangguo Temple again. This pair of It is undoubtedly a disaster for Xiangguo Temple, but it is a great blessing for Yanqingguan, the sworn enemy in the same city. However, Zhao Yuting does not dare to be careless at all.

Because Zhao Yuting knew that the great monk in front of him had an advantage that many people did not have, which was his thick skin.

Moreover, Huixian's face is not ordinary thick-skinned. The thickness is definitely beyond the understanding of ordinary people.

To give an example, when Zhang Huaizhi passed away, layman Lu originally asked Yanqing Temple to perform a consecration ceremony and did not go to Xiangguo Temple at all. However, Huixian, a shameless old guy, took the initiative to come to the door, and the battle was even worse than that of Yanqing Temple. It's much bigger, and it even claims to offer free services.

They used the slogan of free service with compassion. As the boss, Lu Fei certainly couldn't offend Hui Xian for no reason. As a result, this shameless old bald ass was left to steal the limelight as a matter of course.

It was said to be a free service, but in fact, this old guy had already understood Lu Fei's temper, and the result was really predicted by him. After the funeral, Lu Fei personally came to thank him. Huixian not only got to know this super rich man, but also Obtaining one million Shenzhou coins for incense money can be said to be an exhaustive strategy.

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