A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3122 Locked in the toilet

Master Huixian left with great satisfaction.

Originally, he planned to wait for Zhao Yuting here, but unexpectedly he met his great benefactor Di Ruilong and got Young Master Di's promise. This was ten thousand times better than sticking to Zhao Yuting.

Huixian said goodbye, but the whole process of the meeting and communication between Huixian and the little puppy was all seen by Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng on the plane.

The two brothers had planned to stay in the first class cabin as long as possible and wait for Huixian to leave before going down. They might be able to avoid Huixian's entanglement, but they didn't expect that Huixian would chat with Young Master Di for so long, so they had no choice but to Keep dawdling on the plane.

After dawdling for five or six minutes, the flight crew who were preparing to get off the plane became a little impatient.

Well, this is the first time I meet someone who refuses to leave. What do you mean, have you never flown on a plane or flown first class?

Do you want to do a live show? .??.??

If it weren't for the fact that these people were all dressed up as Taoist priests, the captain would probably have ordered them to be kicked out.

Fortunately, Huixian left at this time, and Zhao Yuting was reluctant to leave and went straight to Young Master Di.

This was not the first time that they met Di Ruilong. They all knew that this was the spokesperson of the Lu God of Wealth. Needless to say, Lu Fei must have sent him to pick him up at the airport.

I thought that Lu Fei would send his two younger brothers over casually, but he didn't expect that it was Young Master Di who personally picked them up. This gave them enough face. Zhao Yuting was extremely satisfied and hurried up to greet them.

"Blessed by the Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, layman Di has always been kind and polite."

Originally, the relationship between the little nanny dog ​​and Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng was very good. After all, we were all old acquaintances. Besides, they came here to help their brother. If they don't look at the monk's face or the Buddha's face, even if they don't know each other, The little milk dog will also give them enough face, but at this moment, the little milk dog feels displeased.

I've been here for twenty minutes, and the passengers have already dispersed, but these guys are deliberately trying to show off their arrogance!

Damn it!

Too disrespectful.

Yes, you are indeed invited by my brother, but don’t forget that my brother is paying you for the invitation. What are you pretending to be?

With my brother's current status, as long as he waves, Taoist people from all over the world will line up to help. I am giving you face by asking you, but you deliberately take one. What does this mean?

Let's look at Master Huixian. In terms of status, he is definitely not inferior to you, Zhao Yuting. In terms of ability, I have personally evaluated him and he is absolutely awesome.

Such an awesome person is so polite to me, and even offers to help me for free, so what are you talking about?

It's really shameless.

This is the virtue of the little milk dog. If he feels unhappy, he will certainly not give them a good look.

"Master Dao, what's going on with you?

Could it be that he was locked in the bathroom and couldn't get out? "The little milk dog said angrily.

Young Master Di's words were a bit hurtful. They made Zhao Yuting and others blush with shame, but they were speechless. Zhao Yuting could see that they were being picky. No wonder they were unhappy. It was him. , will also have opinions, but the key point is that he didn't do it on purpose. Wasn't this all caused by that old bald ass Huixian!

However, of course, this could not be said to Young Master Di, as that would also appear to be too narrow-minded. Just as Young Master Di found a reason for them, Zhao Yuting simply abandoned his old face and got off the road.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, Master Di is really a master of magic, it's true!"

"Pfft, cough!"

This time it was the little puppy's turn to be surprised, his eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

"What, is it really locked in the toilet?" the little puppy asked curiously.

Zhao Yuting blushed and nodded awkwardly.

"Pfft. Hahaha."

The little puppy tried his best to restrain himself, but it was of no use and just burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, Master Dao, you are so awesome. You have encountered such evil things. You are worthy of being a great master!"

Zhao Yuting was so embarrassed after being teased by the little naughty dog ​​that Ma Qingfeng and others wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in. It was so embarrassing.

Fortunately, this time the misunderstanding was covered up, and Young Master Di suddenly became enthusiastic.

"Hey, Master Dao, don't be embarrassed. In fact, it's not a big deal. There are many people who have encountered this situation, and you are definitely not the first one.

To tell you the truth, this has happened to me before, but my situation is slightly different from yours. "

Hearing the little puppy say that he had also been locked in the toilet, Zhao Yuting felt much happier and asked curiously: "What's the difference?"

"Hehe, you are locked in there alone, but I am not. There is a beautiful stewardess beside me. Speaking of it, it is really a wonderful memory. Master Dao, I tell you, it is definitely the most beautiful flight attendant I have ever seen. A beautiful flight attendant, of mixed Asian and European descent, with amber eyes, fair skin, that figure, and that kind of work."

The little naughty dog ​​talked incessantly, and Zhao Yuting and others blushed, even redder than the big red cloth. Later, Ma Qingfeng couldn't listen anymore and quickly changed the topic, but the little Taoist priests behind him could hear it. Mouth watering with relish. Master Huixian left with great satisfaction.

Originally, he planned to wait for Zhao Yuting here, but unexpectedly he met his great benefactor Di Ruilong and got Young Master Di's promise. This was ten thousand times better than sticking to Zhao Yuting.

Huixian said goodbye, but the whole process of the meeting and communication between Huixian and the little puppy was all seen by Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng on the plane.

The two brothers had planned to stay in the first class cabin as long as possible and wait for Huixian to leave before going down. They might be able to avoid Huixian's entanglement, but they didn't expect that Huixian would chat with Young Master Di for so long, so they had no choice but to Keep dawdling on the plane.

After dawdling for five or six minutes, the flight crew who were preparing to get off the plane became a little impatient.

Well, this is the first time I meet someone who refuses to leave. What do you mean, have you never flown on a plane or flown first class?

Do you want to do a live show?

If it weren't for the fact that these people were all dressed up as Taoist priests, the captain would probably have ordered them to be kicked out.

Fortunately, Huixian left at this time, and Zhao Yuting was reluctant to leave and went straight to Young Master Di.

This was not the first time that they met Di Ruilong. They all knew that this was the spokesperson of the Lu God of Wealth. Needless to say, Lu Fei must have sent him to pick him up at the airport.

I thought that Lu Fei would send his two younger brothers over casually, but he didn't expect that it was Young Master Di who personally picked them up. This gave them enough face. Zhao Yuting was extremely satisfied and hurried up to greet them.

"Blessed by the Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, layman Di has always been kind and polite."

Originally, the relationship between the little nanny dog ​​and Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng was very good. After all, we were all old acquaintances. Besides, they came here to help their brother. If they don't look at the monk's face or the Buddha's face, even if they don't know each other, The little milk dog will also give them enough face, but at this moment, the little milk dog feels displeased.

I've been here for twenty minutes, and the passengers have already dispersed, but these guys are deliberately trying to show off their arrogance!

Damn it!

Too disrespectful.

Yes, you are indeed invited by my brother, but don’t forget that my brother is paying you for the invitation. What are you pretending to be?

With my brother's current status, as long as he waves, Taoist people from all over the world will line up to help. I am giving you face by asking you, but you deliberately take one. What does this mean?

Let's look at Master Huixian. In terms of status, he is definitely not inferior to you, Zhao Yuting. In terms of ability, I have personally evaluated him and he is absolutely awesome.

Such an awesome person is so polite to me, and even offers to help me for free, so what are you talking about?

It's really shameless.

This is the virtue of the little milk dog. If he feels unhappy, he will certainly not give them a good look.

"Master Dao, what's going on with you?

Could it be that he was locked in the bathroom and couldn't get out? "The little milk dog said angrily.

Young Master Di's words were a bit hurtful. They made Zhao Yuting and others blush with shame, but they were speechless. Zhao Yuting could see that they were being picky. No wonder they were unhappy. It was him. , will also have opinions, but the key point is that he didn't do it on purpose. Wasn't this all caused by that old bald ass Huixian!

However, of course, this could not be said to Young Master Di, as that would also appear to be too narrow-minded. Just as Young Master Di found a reason for them, Zhao Yuting simply abandoned his old face and got off the road.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, Master Di is really a master of magic, it's true!"

"Pfft, cough!"

This time it was the little puppy's turn to be surprised, his eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

"What, is it really locked in the toilet?" the little puppy asked curiously.

Zhao Yuting blushed and nodded awkwardly.

"Pfft. Hahaha."

The little puppy tried his best to restrain himself, but it was of no use and just burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, Master Dao, you are so awesome. You have encountered such evil things. You are worthy of being a great master!"

Zhao Yuting was so embarrassed after being teased by the little naughty dog ​​that Ma Qingfeng and others wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in. It was so embarrassing.

Fortunately, this time the misunderstanding was covered up, and Young Master Di suddenly became enthusiastic.

"Hey, Master Dao, don't be embarrassed. In fact, it's not a big deal. There are many people who have encountered this situation, and you are definitely not the first one.

To tell you the truth, this has happened to me before, but my situation is slightly different from yours. "

Hearing the little puppy say that he had also been locked in the toilet, Zhao Yuting felt much happier and asked curiously: "What's the difference?"

"Hehe, you are locked in there alone, but I am not. There is a beautiful stewardess beside me. Speaking of it, it is really a wonderful memory. Master Dao, I tell you, it is definitely the most beautiful flight attendant I have ever seen. A beautiful flight attendant, of mixed Asian and European descent, with amber eyes, fair skin, that figure, and that kind of work."

The little naughty dog ​​talked incessantly, and Zhao Yuting and others blushed, even redder than the big red cloth. Later, Ma Qingfeng couldn't listen anymore and quickly changed the topic, but the little Taoist priests behind him could hear it. Mouth watering with relish.

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