A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3124 Old Thief

The little milk dog's words played right into Bai Leshan's wish, and he couldn't help but feel elated.

"What Jushi Di said is absolutely true. Jushi Lu is good at charity and his merits are immeasurable. He has donated many times to Yanqing Garden, and also presented the Taoist treasure Tiangang copper coin sword. It can be said that Jushi Lu is the most distinguished guest of Yanqing Temple and Quanzhen. As a Master Quanzhen, Pindao had long wanted to pay a visit to Master Lu and express his gratitude in person, but Master Lu usually lived in seclusion and had no chance.

This time, Master Lu invited Yanqing Guan to participate in the overall situation of Feng Shui. This was a top priority for Yanqing Guan and Quanzhen, and no mistakes were allowed.

Therefore, Pindao decided to come forward in person to assist his junior brother Yu Tingzhenren to ensure that the task was successfully completed. " Bai Leshan said firmly.


Zhao Yuting gave Bai Leshan a fierce look. If it weren't for Young Master Di here, he would have sprayed Bai Leshan with sticky phlegm. This damn cow nose is so shameless, even worse than the old bald donkey Huixian. Too much. .??.

Huixian was his mortal enemy, and Zhao Yuting had no scruples about him, but Baileshan was his fellow sect and his senior brother. In front of outsiders, Zhao Yuting had a hard time speaking, and it was really aggrieved.

The little naughty dog ​​didn't know about the filth between their senior brothers. Hearing Bai Leshan speak so righteously, this guy was a little touched in his heart. You know, he was the master of Quanzhen, the great master of Baiyun Temple in Tiandu. His status is much higher than that of Zhao Yuting. Among the entire Taoist sect, he is second only to the contemporary Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain. Such a big shot actually comes to flatter his brother uninvited. His brother Lu Fei is absolutely Have a face.

If you are good to your brother Lu Fei, you are good to him. Therefore, the little milk dog is also very polite to Bai Leshan.

"Hey, Master Dao, you are too polite. In that case, please invite Master Dao to get in the car and go together!"

Bai Leshan was overjoyed and so satisfied that he got into the car.

Bai Leshan and his accompanying disciples got into the car behind, while Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng continued to get into Di Ruilong's car.

The convoy started again, but the little naughty dog ​​found that Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng's faces were gloomy and scary, and he couldn't help but be startled.

"Two Taoists, are you feeling unwell?" Little Dog asked casually, not knowing the dirty talk between them.

Zhao Yuting said in his heart, I am so depressed that I am going to die, so I need to be more comfortable!

But Zhao Yuting knew that it was not the young master Di who was to blame for this, but the blame was Bai Leshan's shameless bullying of the young lady.

"Blessed Lord, thank you very much for your concern, Master Di.

The Tao is very good! " Zhao Yuting said aggrievedly.

"Master Dao, I see you don't look good. If you feel uncomfortable, don't endure it!

My brother's matter is indeed urgent, but his health is more important. "The little milk dog said.

"Thank you, thank you Master Di for your concern, Pindao knows it well."

Although Zhao Yuting remained polite in front of the little nanny, due to the appearance of Bai Leshan, he felt very upset. He thought that taking over Lu Fei's business would bring Yanqing Guanhe's reputation to a higher level. And once again narrowed the distance with Lu Fei, thus firmly establishing the NO1 position in Bianliang City.

But this beautiful wish may be shattered at any time because of the appearance of Baileshan.

As a senior brother for decades, Zhao Yuting knew his senior brother Bai Leshan very well. Once this damn naughty thing happened to him, he would definitely go all the way to the dark side, and he would use any means to achieve his goal.

This time, Bai Leshan personally chased him to Hong Kong Island and arrived earlier than him. In order to see Lu Fei, he even lost his face and intercepted Young Master Di's motorcade on the street. Judging from these actions, Bai Leshan was determined. He was about to pry off his business, which was a threat to him that was ten times or a hundred times greater than that of Huixian.

Bai Leshan is the leader of Quanzhen, with outstanding abilities and a status that is several heads higher than his own. Moreover, there is the Taoist holy land of Tiandu Baiyun Temple, which is much higher than his own.

After meeting Lu Fei, once Lu Fei takes a fancy to Bai Leshan's status, where will his chance come from?

What's even more damning is that once Bai Leshan and Lu Fei hook up, Zhao Yuting will definitely lose more than just this cooperation opportunity. Due to Bai Leshan's status, it is very likely that all the resources Lu Fei has invested in Yanqing Guan will be lost. Transferred to Baiyun Guan, without the support of the God of Wealth in Lu, Yanqing Guan will be beaten back to its original shape before long. By that time, Zhao Yuting cannot even imagine what kind of situation he will face.

As the saying goes, it is easy to move from simplicity to luxury, but if you are used to living a lavish life, and suddenly return to before liberation, even if he is a Taoist man with a firm heart, he may not be able to accept it!

Damn Bai Leshan, you are so shameless and bullying. For the sake of profit, you completely ignore the feelings of fellow disciples and even turn a deaf ear to Quanzhen's rules. You are not worthy of being the headmaster of Quanzhen at all.

Thinking of the possible serious consequences, Zhao Yuting's eyes were splitting and he wished he could kill Bai Leshan, an old thief.

Zhao Yuting clenched his fists, having a fierce ideological struggle in his heart, gritting his teeth and making a difficult decision. The little milk dog's words played right into Bai Leshan's wish, and he couldn't help but feel elated.

"What Jushi Di said is absolutely true. Jushi Lu is good at charity and his merits are immeasurable. He has donated many times to Yanqing Garden, and also presented the Taoist treasure Tiangang copper coin sword. It can be said that Jushi Lu is the most distinguished guest of Yanqing Temple and Quanzhen. As a Master Quanzhen, Pindao had long wanted to pay a visit to Master Lu and express his gratitude in person, but Master Lu usually lived in seclusion and had no chance.

This time, Master Lu invited Yanqing Guan to participate in the overall situation of Feng Shui. This was a top priority for Yanqing Guan and Quanzhen, and no mistakes were allowed.

Therefore, Pindao decided to come forward in person to assist his junior brother Yu Tingzhenren to ensure that the task was successfully completed. " Bai Leshan said firmly.


Zhao Yuting gave Bai Leshan a fierce look. If it weren't for Young Master Di here, he would have sprayed Bai Leshan with sticky phlegm. This damn cow nose is so shameless, even worse than the old bald donkey Huixian. Too much.

Huixian was his mortal enemy, and Zhao Yuting had no scruples about him, but Baileshan was his fellow sect and his senior brother. In front of outsiders, Zhao Yuting had a hard time speaking, and it was really aggrieved.

The little naughty dog ​​didn't know about the filth between their senior brothers. Hearing Bai Leshan speak so righteously, this guy was a little touched in his heart. You know, he was the master of Quanzhen, the great master of Baiyun Temple in Tiandu. His status is much higher than that of Zhao Yuting. Among the entire Taoist sect, he is second only to the contemporary Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain. Such a big shot actually comes to flatter his brother uninvited. His brother Lu Fei is absolutely Have a face.

If you are good to your brother Lu Fei, you are good to him. Therefore, the little milk dog is also very polite to Bai Leshan.

"Hey, Master Dao, you are too polite. In that case, please invite Master Dao to get in the car and go together!" .??.

Bai Leshan was overjoyed and so satisfied that he got into the car.

Bai Leshan and his accompanying disciples got into the car behind, while Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng continued to get into Di Ruilong's car.

The convoy started again, but the little naughty dog ​​found that Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng's faces were gloomy and scary, and he couldn't help but be startled.

"Two Taoists, are you feeling unwell?" Little Dog asked casually, not knowing the dirty talk between them.

Zhao Yuting said in his heart, I am so depressed that I am going to die, so I need to be more comfortable!

But Zhao Yuting knew that it was not the young master Di who was to blame for this, but the blame was Bai Leshan's shameless bullying of the young lady.

"Blessed Lord, thank you very much for your concern, Master Di.

The Tao is very good! " Zhao Yuting said aggrievedly.

"Master Dao, I see you don't look good. If you feel uncomfortable, don't endure it!

My brother's matter is indeed urgent, but his health is more important. "The little milk dog said.

"Thank you, thank you Master Di for your concern, Pindao knows it well."

Although Zhao Yuting remained polite in front of the little nanny, due to the appearance of Bai Leshan, he felt very upset. He thought that taking over Lu Fei's business would bring Yanqing Guanhe's reputation to a higher level. And once again narrowed the distance with Lu Fei, thus firmly establishing the NO1 position in Bianliang City.

But this beautiful wish may be shattered at any time because of the appearance of Baileshan.

As a senior brother for decades, Zhao Yuting knew his senior brother Bai Leshan very well. Once this damn naughty thing happened to him, he would definitely go all the way to the dark side, and he would use any means to achieve his goal.

This time, Bai Leshan personally chased him to Hong Kong Island and arrived earlier than him. In order to see Lu Fei, he even lost his face and intercepted Young Master Di's motorcade on the street. Judging from these actions, Bai Leshan was determined. He was about to pry off his business, which was a threat to him that was ten times or a hundred times greater than that of Huixian.

Bai Leshan is the leader of Quanzhen, with outstanding abilities and a status that is several heads higher than his own. Moreover, there is the Taoist holy land of Tiandu Baiyun Temple, which is much higher than his own.

After meeting Lu Fei, once Lu Fei takes a fancy to Bai Leshan's status, where will his chance come from?

What's even more damning is that once Bai Leshan and Lu Fei hook up, Zhao Yuting will definitely lose more than just this cooperation opportunity. Due to Bai Leshan's status, it is very likely that all the resources Lu Fei has invested in Yanqing Guan will be lost. Transferred to Baiyun Guan, without the support of the God of Wealth in Lu, Yanqing Guan will be beaten back to its original shape before long. By that time, Zhao Yuting cannot even imagine what kind of situation he will face.

As the saying goes, it is easy to move from simplicity to luxury, but if you are used to living a lavish life, and suddenly return to before liberation, even if he is a Taoist man with a firm heart, he may not be able to accept it!

Damn Bai Leshan, you are so shameless and bullying. For the sake of profit, you completely ignore the feelings of fellow disciples and even turn a deaf ear to Quanzhen's rules. You are not worthy of being the headmaster of Quanzhen at all.

Thinking of the possible serious consequences, Zhao Yuting's eyes were splitting and he wished he could kill Bai Leshan, an old thief.

Zhao Yuting clenched his fists, having a fierce ideological struggle in his heart, gritting his teeth and making a difficult decision.

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