A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3128 People from outside the country

The monks and Taoists all belong to outsiders. The so-called outsiders are people whose words and deeds are beyond the secular ethics. However, it is not that easy to truly transcend the secular world.

Throughout the ages, there have been very few people who can achieve transcendence from the secular world. Even Lu Fei's teacher in the previous life could not do it. As for the monks and Taoists, it is even less possible.

Today's temples and Taoist temples have become tourist attractions, and everything is based on profit. Otherwise, Hui Xian, Zhao Yuting and others would not work so hard.

However, there are some differences between Bai Leshan and Huixian Zhao Yuting, because Bai Leshan's status is much higher than Huixian and the others. He is a real leader. Anyone who can interact with Bai Leshan is from the business world. Giants or high-ranking people, even these people, would lower their stature in front of Bai Leshan to please him. Therefore, Bai Leshan did have the capital to be arrogant, but he never expected that he was proud of it. Lu Fei's capital was completely useless here, and even people didn't want to talk nonsense to him. This made Bai Leshan feel deeply frustrated, and his expression was quite embarrassing.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, layman Lu, I have such good intentions, why do you reject people thousands of miles away?" Bai Leshan said with some displeasure.


Lu Fei sneered and said: "Lu Fei appreciates the Taoist Priest's kindness and just wants to help. If the Taoist Priest wants to spend a few days in Hong Kong Island, I can arrange it."

Xiaolong, please go to the hotel to rest. All expenses incurred by the Taoist on Hong Kong Island are ours. "

"this." .??.

The anger in Bai Leshan's heart surged sharply, and he was about to be unable to suppress it.

It is said that Lu Fei has an arrogant character. This time Pindao has learned a lesson. This guy is too direct. He doesn't care about Pindao's identity at all. He directly issues an order to expel guests. He really doesn't leave anything for Pindao. Face, you really deserve to die.

Baileshan was so angry that his orifices were filled with smoke, his heart was beating wildly, and his teeth were clenching, but he didn't dare to have an attack.

Yes, his status is indeed transcendent in the Taoist sect, and he also has good connections in the government and business circles of China. But who can compare these resources with Lu Fei? Well, there is no comparison at all. He is completely different from Lu Fei , he can only humiliate himself.

Bai Leshan was angry, but even more depressed because, until now, he still didn't understand why Lu Fei was so cold to him. Before this, he and Lu Fei had never had any contact, let alone any enmity.

Having said that, even if there is some misunderstanding, Lu Fei's current status should be at least polite in front of outsiders. Why is this?

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he ignored him. When he turned around and came to Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng, he immediately put on a kind smile.

"The Taoist priests have worked hard all the way. The rooms have been arranged. Let us take a short rest. Later, Lu Fei will prepare a banquet for the Taoist priests. I hope you will have a happy life in Hong Kong Island in the next few days."

Hey! !

Lu Fei's attitude was so friendly that Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng felt so light all over that they almost flew up.

All the gloom before coming instantly disappeared, and all that was left was satisfaction and emotion.

Looking at Bai Leshan's stinky face as if he were mourning for his heir, the two brothers and sisters couldn't be more comfortable. To sum it up in one word, it's great!

"Thank you, Master Lu, for your enthusiasm. I am an outsider like this. You can just do whatever you want. However, Master Lu's mission is important. Let's get down to business first!" Zhao Yuting said respectfully.

Lu Fei waved his hand: "I'm not busy, I have plenty of time. I'll take some rest first, and we'll talk about the rest later."

"That poor Taoist would be disrespectful."

Zhao Yuting couldn't resist, so he had to do as he pleased. He turned around and looked at the depressed Bai Leshan with pride, straightened his waist a little more, and followed Lu Fei into the building.

The little naughty dog ​​came to Bai Leshan with a smile and said: "Master Tao, please come with me. I will arrange for you to rest in other hotels. My brother has told us that all the expenses you and your friends have spent on Hong Kong Island will be borne by us." Yes, please!"

To Bai Leshan's ears, these kind words from the little milk dog were even more difficult to accept than scolding his eight generations of ancestors.

As the great master of Quanzhen and the master of Dabaiyun Temple, his status is extremely noble. Not to mention the past few years, since he debuted, he has never encountered such a situation today. It is so embarrassing. Moreover, The shame has been brought to Hong Kong Island. Fortunately, apart from Lu Fei's people, there are only a few of his own subordinates here. If this spreads out, I am afraid that I will not be able to see anyone in the future, and I will have to stay in seclusion.

"Hmph, thank you Master Di for your kindness. I'm very busy, so I'll say goodbye."

Seeing that the situation could not be restored, Bai Leshan snorted and left with his people in frustration. Looking at the backs of Bai Leshan and others, the little girl sighed softly and thought: "My dear brother, why is this necessary?

Even if you don't want to see others, you won't be like this. Isn't this making enemies for yourself? "

The little naughty dog ​​knew that his brother had a bad temper, but he really didn't expect Lu Fei to have such an attitude towards Bai Leshan. However, after thinking about it, with his brother's current status and strength, it seems that many enemies like Bai Leshan would also It’s nothing, you are crushing with strength, are you still worried about Baileshan’s rebound? The monks and Taoists all belong to outsiders. The so-called outsiders are people whose words and deeds are beyond the secular ethics. However, it is not that easy to truly transcend the secular world.

Throughout the ages, there have been very few people who can achieve transcendence from the secular world. Even Lu Fei's teacher in the previous life could not do it. As for the monks and Taoists, it is even less possible.

Today's temples and Taoist temples have become tourist attractions, and everything is based on profit. Otherwise, Hui Xian, Zhao Yuting and others would not work so hard.

However, there are some differences between Bai Leshan and Huixian Zhao Yuting, because Bai Leshan's status is much higher than Huixian and the others. He is a real leader. Anyone who can interact with Bai Leshan is from the business world. Giants or high-ranking people, even these people, would lower their stature in front of Bai Leshan to please him. Therefore, Bai Leshan did have the capital to be arrogant, but he never expected that he was proud of it. Lu Fei's capital was completely useless here, and even people didn't want to talk nonsense to him. This made Bai Leshan feel deeply frustrated, and his expression was quite embarrassing.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, layman Lu, I have such good intentions, why do you reject people thousands of miles away?" Bai Leshan said with some displeasure.


Lu Fei sneered and said: "Lu Fei appreciates the Taoist Priest's kindness and just wants to help. If the Taoist Priest wants to spend a few days in Hong Kong Island, I can arrange it."

Xiaolong, please go to the hotel to rest. All expenses incurred by the Taoist on Hong Kong Island are ours. "


The anger in Bai Leshan's heart surged sharply, and he was about to be unable to suppress it.

It is said that Lu Fei has an arrogant character. This time Pindao has learned a lesson. This guy is too direct. He doesn't care about Pindao's identity at all. He directly issues an order to expel guests. He really doesn't leave anything for Pindao. Face, you really deserve to die.

Baileshan was so angry that his orifices were filled with smoke, his heart was beating wildly, and his teeth were clenching, but he didn't dare to have an attack.

Yes, his status is indeed transcendent in the Taoist sect, and he also has good connections in the government and business circles of China. But who can compare these resources with Lu Fei? Well, there is no comparison at all. He is completely different from Lu Fei , he can only humiliate himself.

Bai Leshan was angry, but even more depressed because, until now, he still didn't understand why Lu Fei was so cold to him. Before this, he and Lu Fei had never had any contact, let alone any enmity.

Having said that, even if there is some misunderstanding, Lu Fei's current status should be at least polite in front of outsiders. Why is this?

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he ignored him. When he turned around and came to Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng, he immediately put on a kind smile.

"The Taoist priests have worked hard all the way. The rooms have been arranged. Let us take a short rest. Later, Lu Fei will prepare a banquet for the Taoist priests. I hope you will have a happy life in Hong Kong Island in the next few days."

Hey! !

Lu Fei's attitude was so friendly that Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng felt so light all over that they almost flew up.

All the gloom before coming instantly disappeared, and all that was left was satisfaction and emotion.

Looking at Bai Leshan's stinky face as if he were mourning for his heir, the two brothers and sisters couldn't be more comfortable. To sum it up in one word, it's great!

"Thank you, Master Lu, for your enthusiasm. I am an outsider like this. You can just do whatever you want. However, Master Lu's mission is important. Let's get down to business first!" Zhao Yuting said respectfully.

Lu Fei waved his hand: "I'm not busy, I have plenty of time. I'll take some rest first, and we'll talk about the rest later."

"That poor Taoist would be disrespectful."

Zhao Yuting couldn't resist, so he had to do as he pleased. He turned around and looked at the depressed Bai Leshan with pride, straightened his waist a little more, and followed Lu Fei into the building.

The little naughty dog ​​came to Bai Leshan with a smile and said: "Master Tao, please come with me. I will arrange for you to rest in other hotels. My brother has told us that all the expenses you and your friends have spent on Hong Kong Island will be borne by us." Yes, please!"

To Bai Leshan's ears, these kind words from the little milk dog were even more difficult to accept than scolding his eight generations of ancestors.

As the great master of Quanzhen and the master of Dabaiyun Temple, his status is extremely noble. Not to mention the past few years, since he debuted, he has never encountered such a situation today. It is so embarrassing. Moreover, The shame has been brought to Hong Kong Island. Fortunately, apart from Lu Fei's people, there are only a few of his own subordinates here. If this spreads out, I am afraid that I will not be able to see anyone in the future, and I will have to stay in seclusion.

"Hmph, thank you Master Di for your kindness. I'm very busy, so I'll say goodbye."

Seeing that the situation could not be restored, Bai Leshan snorted and left with his people in frustration. Looking at the backs of Bai Leshan and others, the little girl sighed softly and thought: "My dear brother, why is this necessary?

Even if you don't want to see others, you won't be like this. Isn't this making enemies for yourself? "

The little naughty dog ​​knew that his brother had a bad temper, but he really didn't expect Lu Fei to have such an attitude towards Bai Leshan. However, after thinking about it, with his brother's current status and strength, it seems that many enemies like Bai Leshan would also It’s nothing, you are crushing with strength, are you still worried about Baileshan’s rebound?

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