A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3131 People are lost

The two foreign security guards sent by An Rushan are not simple. David Richardson once served in the Sea Dog Commandos of the US Army and has rich practical experience. During his service, he was the best investigator in the team.

There is another black man named Bobby Ellington. This one is even more awesome. He was once the chief instructor of the Sirius Mercenary Regiment in North Africa and has more experience.

These two people are both capable men carefully selected by Kai Zhang. They came to China a year ago to cooperate with An Rushan to stay in the small foreign building. After Lu Fei took over, he sent away more than a dozen servants and security guards. It was An Rushan who supported these two people. Lu Fei wanted them to stay. This was the first time the new boss assigned a task. David and Bobby were very excited and started working immediately.

It has to be said that the efficiency of these two people is not very high. In just one day, they figured out all the social relationships between Lu Yong and his family under absolutely unfamiliar circumstances. The next thing to do is to smooth the relationship between Lu Yong and Lu Fei. Investigate the social relations and find the manipulator behind it.

But unfortunately, Lu Yong's company suddenly calmed down recently, and the troublemaker did not take action again. David and Bobby have no way to start for the time being. If they investigate clues from past incidents, the workload will be too much. It couldn't be found out in a short while, so they had to wait and watch in secret while analyzing past cases.

At this time, Lu Yong received an invitation from his peers. Changan Yutong Logistics Center opened the day after tomorrow, and major shareholder Zhang Yuliang invited Lu Yong to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Lu Yong had dined with Zhang Yuliang several times and was quite familiar with them. The newly established Yutong Company was quite large, and Lu Yong also hoped to cooperate with them, so he agreed without hesitation.

Although Lu Fei had told him to be careful in the recent period, it was best to stay here at the head office and let others handle matters. There was a museum next to the head office and there were enough manpower, so no one dared to mess around. Lu Yong, who was obedient to Lu Fei, felt that his elder brother was making a fuss this time.

Some time ago, those who came to the company to cause trouble were all extortion gangsters. Although it was a headache, Lu Yong did not take these gangsters seriously. Some time ago, the museum cooperated with the head office and Qu Yang to deal with more than ten people at once. , the gangsters suddenly became more honest. Lu Yong believed that this was the case for these gangsters. The shock of the last action was enough to scare these gangsters. The fact that there has been no trouble in the recent period is the best proof. , Therefore, Lu Yong was paralyzed and did not discuss it with anyone. He contacted the public relations manager of Yutong Company according to the content on the invitation letter, and that night he took his assistant Xiao Li alone and boarded the

Got the train to Chang'an.

By the time David and Bobby received the news, Lu Yong's high-speed train was already on the road. An Rushan also frowned when he received the news, thinking that the boss's cousin was too careless. Although he had not been in contact with Lu Fei for a long time, But An Rushan has no doubts about his boss's experience and insight. If the boss were an ordinary person, how could he have achieved what he has achieved today in just over two years?

Lao An believes that the boss must be so cautious for a reason, but Lu Yong doesn't listen to the boss's advice and still goes his own way, which makes people's heads hurt!

Lao An wanted to report to Lu Fei immediately, but he hesitated and gave up. What should he do to report to the boss?

To be honest, it was taboo to be suspected of instigating a relationship between the boss and the brothers, but he couldn't just sit idly by and ignore it. If something happened, he wouldn't be able to explain it to Lu Fei. After thinking about it, An Rushan decided to let Bao Bi went to Chang'an to secretly protect Lu Yong's personal safety.

Lao An specifically told Bobby that China's national conditions are different from those of any other country, and he must keep a low profile in China. His mission is to protect Lu Yong's safety, and he must not take the initiative to cause trouble.

Lu Yong's train left at 7:30 pm, and Bobby's train was an hour and a half later than Lu Yong. When they arrived in Chang'an, Bobby could not find Lu Yong.

It stands to reason that Lu Yong is a distinguished guest invited by Yutong Company. When he arrives in Chang'an, someone will definitely pick him up and arrange board and lodging in the name of the company. Therefore, if he finds the hotel where Yutong Company is responsible for hosting, he will definitely find Lu Yong.

But Bobby was dumbfounded when he found it. Chang'an did have a Yutong Logistics Center to be opened, but the opening was next week, and there was no reception desk at all.

There was an error in time, but Lu Yong received an invitation letter in advance and came to Chang'an, but now he can't find the person. The experienced Bobby immediately realized that something might have happened and immediately contacted An Rushan.

When Lao An received the news, his head was buzzing, and he slapped his thigh in anxiety. He drank some water and forced himself to calm down. After thinking about it, he asked Bobby to find Zhang Yuliang's contact information. Lao An personally called Zhang Yuliang. .

The call was successfully connected, and Zhang Yuliang was confused. He said that he did not know about Lu Yong's arrival. He was indeed planning to invite Lu Yong. The invitation letter was also ready, but it had not been sent out yet. He planned to join other guests tomorrow. issued.

Besides, Lu Yong is not only a fellow traveler, but also Lu Fei's cousin. His status is quite special. Inviting Lu Yong cannot be sent with just an invitation letter. He will definitely call Lu Yong personally! The two foreign security guards sent by An Rushan are not simple. David Richardson once served in the Sea Dog Commandos of the US Army and has rich practical experience. During his service, he was the best investigator in the team.

There is another black man named Bobby Ellington. This one is even more awesome. He was once the chief instructor of the Sirius Mercenary Regiment in North Africa and has more experience.

These two people are both capable men carefully selected by Kai Zhang. They came to China a year ago to cooperate with An Rushan to stay in the small foreign building. After Lu Fei took over, he sent away more than a dozen servants and security guards. It was An Rushan who supported these two people. Lu Fei wanted them to stay. This was the first time the new boss assigned a task. David and Bobby were very excited and started working immediately.

It has to be said that the efficiency of these two people is not very high. In just one day, they figured out all the social relationships between Lu Yong and his family under absolutely unfamiliar circumstances. The next thing to do is to smooth the relationship between Lu Yong and Lu Fei. Investigate the social relations and find the manipulator behind it.

But unfortunately, Lu Yong's company suddenly calmed down recently, and the troublemaker did not take action again. David and Bobby have no way to start for the time being. If they investigate clues from past incidents, the workload will be too much. It couldn't be found out in a short while, so they had to wait and watch in secret while analyzing past cases.

At this time, Lu Yong received an invitation from his peers. Changan Yutong Logistics Center opened the day after tomorrow, and major shareholder Zhang Yuliang invited Lu Yong to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Lu Yong had dined with Zhang Yuliang several times and was quite familiar with them. The newly established Yutong Company was quite large, and Lu Yong also hoped to cooperate with them, so he agreed without hesitation.

Although Lu Fei had told him to be careful in the recent period, it was best to stay here at the head office and let others handle matters. There was a museum next to the head office and there were enough manpower, so no one dared to mess around. Lu Yong, who was obedient to Lu Fei, felt this time that his elder brother was making a fuss out of a molehill.

Some time ago, those who came to the company to cause trouble were all extortion gangsters. Although it was a headache, Lu Yong did not take these gangsters seriously. Some time ago, the museum cooperated with the head office and Qu Yang to deal with more than ten people at once. , the gangsters suddenly became more honest. Lu Yong believed that this was the case for these gangsters. The shock of the last action was enough to scare these gangsters. The fact that there has been no trouble in the recent period is the best proof. , Therefore, Lu Yong was paralyzed and did not discuss it with anyone. He contacted the public relations manager of Yutong Company according to the content on the invitation letter, and that night he took his assistant Xiao Li alone and boarded the

Got the train to Chang'an.

By the time David and Bobby received the news, Lu Yong's high-speed train was already on the road. An Rushan also frowned when he received the news, thinking that the boss's cousin was too careless. Although he had not been in contact with Lu Fei for a long time, But An Rushan has no doubts about his boss's experience and insight. If the boss were an ordinary person, how could he have achieved what he has achieved today in just over two years?

Lao An believes that the boss must be so cautious for a reason, but Lu Yong doesn't listen to the boss's advice and still goes his own way, which makes people's heads hurt!

Lao An wanted to report to Lu Fei immediately, but he hesitated and gave up. What should he do to report to the boss?

To be honest, it was taboo to be suspected of instigating a relationship between the boss and the brothers, but he couldn't just sit idly by and ignore it. If something happened, he wouldn't be able to explain it to Lu Fei. After thinking about it, An Rushan decided to let Bao Bi went to Chang'an to secretly protect Lu Yong's personal safety.

Lao An specifically told Bobby that China's national conditions are different from those of any other country, and he must keep a low profile in China. His mission is to protect Lu Yong's safety, and he must not take the initiative to cause trouble.

Lu Yong's train left at 7:30 pm, and Bobby's train was an hour and a half later than Lu Yong. When they arrived in Chang'an, Bobby could not find Lu Yong.

It stands to reason that Lu Yong is a distinguished guest invited by Yutong Company. When he arrives in Chang'an, someone will definitely pick him up and arrange board and lodging in the name of the company. Therefore, if he finds the hotel where Yutong Company is responsible for hosting, he will definitely find Lu Yong.

But Bobby was dumbfounded when he found it. Chang'an did have a Yutong Logistics Center to be opened, but the opening was next week, and there was no reception desk at all.

There was an error in time, but Lu Yong received an invitation letter in advance and came to Chang'an, but now he can't find the person. The experienced Bobby immediately realized that something might have happened and immediately contacted An Rushan.

When Lao An received the news, his head was buzzing, and he slapped his thigh in anxiety. He drank some water and forced himself to calm down. After thinking about it, he asked Bobby to find Zhang Yuliang's contact information. Lao An personally called Zhang Yuliang. .

The call was successfully connected, and Zhang Yuliang was confused. He said that he did not know about Lu Yong's arrival. He was indeed planning to invite Lu Yong. The invitation letter was also ready, but it had not been sent out yet. He planned to join other guests tomorrow. issued.

Besides, Lu Yong is not only a fellow traveler, but also Lu Fei's cousin. His status is quite special. Inviting Lu Yong cannot be sent with just an invitation letter. He will definitely call Lu Yong personally!

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