A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3152 Taoist Master also has anger

It was useless to change his destiny against the will of heaven, and it was useless to be saved by Buddhism. Zhao Yuting was completely speechless. He was very curious about the aunt Lu Fei described, and was also a little scared.

But no matter what, the problem must be solved, right?

This doesn't work, that doesn't work. It completely subverted Kan Yu's rules. Zhao Yuting was at a loss. He didn't even understand. In this case, what was the meaning of Lu Fei's weird design?

Lu Fei's design had completely subverted his cognition. Faced with such a special situation, every cell of Zhao Yuting became excited.

"Jushi Lu, with your design like this, can you digest the hostility of the person you mentioned?" Zhao Yuting asked curiously.

Lu Fei took a heavy drag on his cigarette and replied simply: "No!"


Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng believed that Lu Fei must have his own reasons for posing in such a weird pose. Lu Fei was not an ordinary person. After many contacts, Zhao Yuting knew that Lu Fei's abilities were much better than his own. Lu Fei was Since I made this weird design, I must have a well-thought-out plan, but I just don’t understand it because of my lack of knowledge.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand. Even though Pindao is not young, Pindao has a tireless ambition to make progress and is equally willing to learn new things. The old sages have said that it is not shameful to ask questions without shame, right?

Therefore, Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng held a scholarly attitude and waited seriously and solemnly for Lu Fei to answer his questions. However, their nerves were tense and their ears were straightened. In the end, what they got was this answer. The two veteran Taoists had their noses crooked. , a mouthful of old blood surged into his throat and almost spurted out, not to mention how discouraged he was.

"Infinite Heavenly Lord, what are you doing?" Zhao Yuting asked with a red face.

Thinking of Liang Jiuyue's career and experience, Lu Fei gritted his teeth. To be honest, he didn't have a complete solution. For this, Lu Fei had been worried about it in the past two months. Finally, he racked his brains to think of a solution. This possibility, of course, is only a possibility. As for whether it works, you have to try it before you know. This is also the only feasible method at present, and you must try it. You cannot watch the dead souls of September go to the endless hell for eternity without being reincarnated. Just don’t ask!

In his last life, he had already felt sorry for her. In this life, even if there was a glimmer of hope, Lu Fei was not willing to give up.

To be honest, Lu Fei knows the Feng Shui layout of Mawei Mountain better than anyone else. Even if there are some minor problems, they are innocuous and will not destroy the foundation of the magnetic field.

The purpose of inviting people here is to listen to their opinions on this issue, learn from each other's strengths, and ultimately determine the most correct plan.

In fact, to solve such a problem, the knowledge of Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng is somewhat insufficient. The reason why Lu Fei came to them was mainly because of his trust in them. Regarding the matter of September, Lu Fei was considered a top secret. He never wanted to be known by outsiders. Lu Fei trusted Ma Qingfeng's character. He had been in contact with Ma Qingfeng many times and knew something about Zhao Yuting. Therefore, he invited them with confidence. This is why Lu Fei ignored Bai Leshan when he recommended himself. Reason.

As for whether they have the ability to help him solve the problem, Lu Fei actually doesn't have much hope. If he can't solve it himself, how can he count on others?

Looking for them is actually a kind of spiritual sustenance. Lu Fei can feel at ease when someone helps him come up with ideas.

After thinking for a while, Lu Fei came to the big screen, pointed at the three-dimensional picture of the ancestral hall and said: "Actually, the main hall facing the sky is not important to me. I don't expect that September and my ancestors will be able to get incense offerings."

When Lu Fei said this, Zhao Yuting became even more confused.

Chaotian main hall is not important, and incense is not important, so what does it mean to build an ancestral hall for such a grand occasion?

What about playing?

Before Zhao Yuting could ask, Lu Fei pointed to the west side hall of the ancestral hall and continued: "Master Zhao, look here, combined with the Bagua direction of the overall Feng Shui layout, which of the eight gates is this?"


At this time, Lu Fei stopped the two veterans.

Mawei Mountain and the surrounding Feng Shui bureau as a whole are the image of a yin and yang Tai Chi diagram. Tai Chi generates Bagua. According to this Tai Chi diagram, it is easy to deduce the Bagua diagram. However, if you want to determine a precise location in the deduced Bagua diagram, , that would be too difficult.

If you were on site, it would be more convenient to use a compass for positioning, but the one at the back corresponds to the TV screen, and the compass is not used at all. What's the point of making a fuss?

Moreover, such a large layout may not be possible even if you hold a compass on site without a day or two of effort. Now here, facing the big screen, Lu Fei asked him where among the eight gates this point was. First, isn’t this the case where the housekeeper wants to have a child and forces others to do something difficult?

Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng looked at each other. Both of them were flushed. They felt ashamed and ashamed, and even felt a little humiliated. This was the God of Wealth Lu. If it were anyone else, the two Taoist masters would have to give him some color. , let the other party know that Master Dao is also angry. It was useless to change his destiny against the will of heaven, and it was useless to be saved by Buddhism. Zhao Yuting was completely speechless. He was very curious about the aunt Lu Fei described, and was also a little scared.

But no matter what, the problem must be solved, right?

This doesn't work, that doesn't work. It completely subverted Kan Yu's rules. Zhao Yuting was at a loss. He didn't even understand. In this case, what was the meaning of Lu Fei's weird design?

Lu Fei's design had completely subverted his cognition. Faced with such a special situation, every cell of Zhao Yuting became excited.

"Jushi Lu, with your design like this, can you digest the hostility of the person you mentioned?" Zhao Yuting asked curiously.

Lu Fei took a heavy drag on his cigarette and replied simply: "No!"


Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng believed that Lu Fei must have his own reasons for posing in such a weird pose. Lu Fei was not an ordinary person. After many contacts, Zhao Yuting knew that Lu Fei's abilities were much better than his own. Since I made this weird design, I must have a well-thought-out plan, but I just don’t understand it because of my lack of knowledge.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand. Even though Pindao is not young, Pindao has a tireless ambition to make progress and is equally willing to learn new things. The old sages have said that it is not shameful to ask questions without shame, right?

Therefore, Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng held a scholarly attitude and waited seriously and solemnly for Lu Fei to answer his questions. However, their nerves were tense and their ears were straightened. In the end, what they got was this answer. The two veteran Taoists had their noses crooked. , a mouthful of old blood surged into his throat and almost spurted out, not to mention how discouraged he was.

"Infinite Heavenly Lord, what are you doing?" Zhao Yuting asked with a red face.

Thinking of Liang Jiuyue's career and experience, Lu Fei gritted his teeth. To be honest, he didn't have a complete solution. For this, Lu Fei had been worried about it in the past two months. Finally, he racked his brains to think of a solution. This possibility, of course, is only a possibility. As for whether it works, you have to try it before you know. This is also the only feasible method at present, and you must try it. You cannot watch the dead souls of September go to the endless hell for eternity without being reincarnated. Just don’t ask!

In his last life, he had already felt sorry for her. In this life, even if there was a glimmer of hope, Lu Fei was not willing to give up.

To be honest, Lu Fei knows the Feng Shui layout of Mawei Mountain better than anyone else. Even if there are some minor problems, they are innocuous and will not destroy the foundation of the magnetic field.

The purpose of inviting people here is to listen to their opinions on this issue, learn from each other's strengths, and ultimately determine the most correct plan.

In fact, to solve such a problem, the knowledge of Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng is somewhat insufficient. The reason why Lu Fei came to them was mainly because of his trust in them. Regarding the matter of September, Lu Fei was considered a top secret. He never wanted to be known by outsiders. Lu Fei trusted Ma Qingfeng's character. He had been in contact with Ma Qingfeng many times and knew something about Zhao Yuting. Therefore, he invited them with confidence. This is why Lu Fei ignored Bai Leshan when he recommended himself. Reason.

As for whether they have the ability to help him solve the problem, Lu Fei actually doesn't have much hope. If he can't solve it himself, how can he count on others?

Looking for them is actually a kind of spiritual sustenance. Lu Fei can feel at ease when someone helps him come up with ideas.

After thinking for a while, Lu Fei came to the big screen, pointed at the three-dimensional picture of the ancestral hall and said: "Actually, the main hall facing the sky is not important to me. I don't expect that September and my ancestors will be able to get incense offerings."

When Lu Fei said this, Zhao Yuting became even more confused.

Chaotian main hall is not important, and incense is not important, so what does it mean to build an ancestral hall for such a grand occasion?

What about playing?

Before Zhao Yuting could ask, Lu Fei pointed to the west side hall of the ancestral hall and continued: "Master Zhao, look here, combined with the Bagua direction of the overall Feng Shui layout, which of the eight gates is this?"


At this time, Lu Fei stopped the two veterans.

Mawei Mountain and the surrounding Feng Shui bureau as a whole are the image of a yin and yang Tai Chi diagram. Tai Chi generates Bagua. According to this Tai Chi diagram, it is easy to deduce the Bagua diagram. However, if you want to determine a precise location in the deduced Bagua diagram, , that would be too difficult.

If you were on site, it would be more convenient to use a compass for positioning, but the one at the back corresponds to the TV screen, and the compass is not used at all. What's the point of making a fuss?

Moreover, such a large layout may not be possible even if you hold a compass on site without a day or two of effort. Now here, facing the big screen, Lu Fei asked him where among the eight gates this point was. First, isn’t this the case where the housekeeper wants to have a child and forces others to do something difficult?

Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng looked at each other. Both of them were flushed. They felt ashamed and ashamed, and even felt a little humiliated. This was the God of Wealth Lu. If it were anyone else, the two Taoist masters would have to give him some color. , let the other party know that Master Dao is also angry.

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