A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3156 The five elements lack soil

Zhao Yuting and his junior brother Ma Qingfeng looked at each other and saw excitement in each other's eyes.

What Lu Fei said seemed to have reopened a window for them. It was unheard of, but it was extremely feasible.

Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng have never been pedantic people. They dare to pursue new things. As long as they are correct, they can certainly accept them.

It is true that Lu Fei has never been exposed to what he said before, but what does it matter?

Isn’t it true that all the culture in China today has been accumulated bit by bit from scratch? As long as it is correct, as long as it can withstand the test of history, it is correct. Not only that, but it is also very likely to be remembered throughout the ages. , this is a great thing to create an invention. If it succeeds, the name Lu Fei will definitely be recorded in history. Even a few years later, it will be talked about by everyone, and the two of them can serve as witnesses of history. , what an honor!

Not only that, they can also learn a new knowledge, and there is no teaching fee, which is a great deal.

After the excitement, the three of them sat down again and followed Lu Fei's ideas step by step to eliminate various loopholes.

As they deliberated, Zhao Yuting and Zhao Yuting became more and more excited. Generally speaking, although Lu Fei's idea went beyond their previous knowledge, it was very feasible. However, of course, there were also unreasonable aspects in it. Ma Qingfeng He raised his own doubts.

"Infinite Heavenly Lord, layman Lu, your idea is very clever. However, as far as I know, it is auspicious to be born in a good family, which is good for seeking wealth. It is also auspicious for war, travel, marriage and construction, but it is not good for burial and funeral."

Before Lu Fei could say anything, Zhao Yuting waved his hand and interrupted his junior brother's question.

"Junior brother, I think your worries are not a problem at all.

You are right, the Shengmen is indeed not conducive to funerals and burials, but don't forget that Layman Lu planned to build a tomb in the first place.

Although the tomb can be regarded as a ghost house, this problem can be easily solved. We do not need to build a tomb in the tomb at all. We can avoid these problems by directly worshiping it in an ancestral hall. "

Lu Fei gave Zhao Yuting a thumbs up and said with a smile: "Zhenzhen Zhao is right, I think so too. Otherwise, building an ancestral hall at this location would be unnecessary."

Lu Fei was very satisfied with Zhao Yuting's flexibility, but Ma Qingfeng blushed slightly and felt a little embarrassed.

"Brother, your method can indeed avoid this problem. However, what we in China talk about is burial in the grave. This is respect for the deceased. Even if they are buried in the grave, they will not be buried in the grave."

Some of them are unjustifiable!

The purpose of enshrining spiritual tablets and horoscopes in the ancestral hall is to enshrine incense. This is completely different from being buried in the ground for peace. Besides, if you don't be buried for peace, you will inevitably lose the five elements. This is a big taboo! Ma Qingfeng said with a serious face.

Zhao Yuting chuckled and said: "Fu Sheng Boundless Heavenly Lord, junior brother, you are still the same as before, too rigid. Pindao often tells you that you have to use your brain in everything you do, and you have to use it flexibly according to different situations. For so many years, you have never been able to Breakthrough, that's why.

You are right, missing one of the five elements is indeed a taboo, but this problem is easy to solve. "

"How to deal with it?"

Being taught a lesson by his senior brother, Ma Qingfeng was very depressed and frowned.

Zhao Yuting did not answer him immediately, but turned to look at Lu Fei.

Lu Fei smiled slightly and made a "please" gesture, indicating that he should continue.

In front of Lu Fei, Zhao Yuting was not easy to show off, but he was very good at teaching his junior brother. Facing Ma Qingfeng again, the aura of the senior brother and Da Zhenren suddenly emerged, and they looked like they hated iron but could not make steel. He sighed and said: "The five elements are lacking soil. If we fill up the missing piece, won't we be able to live together?"

"Uh, how do I make up for it?"

Ma Qingfeng is indeed a good person, warm-hearted, and very down-to-earth, but he also has shortcomings, that is, he is a bit stubborn. Unless he has a sudden inspiration, he doesn't know how to adapt most of the time.

Logically speaking, based on his years of practice and experience in Yanqing Temple, even if his status is not as good as that of Zhao Yuting, it will not be much different. However, after so many years, the gap between the two has become wider and wider. It is mainly due to this reason. Therefore, , he had no idea what Zhao Yuting meant.

Zhao Yuting knew that his junior brother had got into trouble again, but this was not the time to compete with him. The layman Lu was still waiting. It would not be good to delay others' business. Moreover, he was also anxious to see Huangquan Supreme. Where could he have free time to talk to his junior brother? Be serious!

"Infinite Heavenly Lord, junior brother, if we build an underground palace under the ancestral hall, look at it."


It's hard to think hard, but this doesn't mean that Ma Qingfeng doesn't have real talent and learning. He just can't get around that corner. Now that the senior brother has given a little advice, Ma Qingfeng immediately reacted.

"Underground palace?


Building an underground palace is tantamount to breaking the ground. Doesn’t this mean the five elements are complete?

Damn it, why didn't Pindao think of such a simple truth? "Zhao Yuting and his junior brother Ma Qingfeng looked at each other and saw excitement in each other's eyes.

What Lu Fei said seemed to have reopened a window for them. It was unheard of, but it was extremely feasible.

Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng have never been pedantic people. They dare to pursue new things. As long as they are correct, they can certainly accept them.

It is true that Lu Fei has never been exposed to what he said before, but what does it matter?

Isn’t it true that all the culture in China today has been accumulated bit by bit from scratch? As long as it is correct, as long as it can withstand the test of history, it is correct. Not only that, but it is also very likely to be remembered throughout the ages. , this is a great thing to create an invention. If it succeeds, the name Lu Fei will definitely be recorded in history. Even a few years later, it will be talked about by everyone, and the two of them can serve as witnesses of history. , what an honor!

Not only that, they can also learn a new knowledge, and there is no teaching fee, which is a great deal.

After the excitement, the three of them sat down again and followed Lu Fei's ideas step by step to eliminate various loopholes.

As they deliberated, Zhao Yuting and Zhao Yuting became more and more excited. Generally speaking, although Lu Fei's idea went beyond their previous knowledge, it was very feasible. However, of course, there were also unreasonable aspects in it. Ma Qingfeng He raised his own doubts.

"Infinite Heavenly Lord, layman Lu, your idea is very clever. However, as far as I know, it is auspicious to be born in a good family, which is good for seeking wealth. It is also auspicious for war, travel, marriage and construction, but it is not good for burial and funeral."

Before Lu Fei could say anything, Zhao Yuting waved his hand and interrupted his junior brother's question.

"Junior brother, I think your worries are not a problem at all.

You are right, the Shengmen is indeed not conducive to funerals and burials, but don't forget that Layman Lu planned to build a tomb in the first place.

Although the tomb can be regarded as a ghost house, this problem can be easily solved. We do not need to build a tomb in the tomb at all. We can avoid these problems by directly worshiping it in an ancestral hall. "

Lu Fei gave Zhao Yuting a thumbs up and said with a smile: "Zhenzhen Zhao is right, I think so too. Otherwise, building an ancestral hall at this location would be unnecessary."

Lu Fei was very satisfied with Zhao Yuting's flexibility, but Ma Qingfeng blushed slightly and felt a little embarrassed.

"Brother, your method can indeed avoid this problem. However, what we in China talk about is burial in the grave. This is respect for the deceased. Even if they are buried in the grave, they will not be buried in the grave."

Some of them are unjustifiable!

The purpose of enshrining spiritual tablets and horoscopes in the ancestral hall is to offer incense. This is completely different from being buried in the ground. Besides, if you don't be buried in the ground, you will inevitably lose the five elements. This is a big taboo! Ma Qingfeng said with a serious face.

Zhao Yuting chuckled and said: "Fu Sheng Boundless Heavenly Lord, junior brother, you are still the same as before, too rigid. Pindao often tells you that you must use your brain in everything you do, and you must use it flexibly according to different situations. After so many years, you have never been able to Breakthrough, that's why.

You are right, missing one of the five elements is indeed a taboo, but this problem is easy to solve. "

"How to deal with it?"

Being taught a lesson by his senior brother, Ma Qingfeng felt very depressed and frowned.

Zhao Yuting did not answer him immediately, but turned to look at Lu Fei.

Lu Fei smiled slightly and made a "please" gesture, indicating that he should continue.

In front of Lu Fei, Zhao Yuting was not easy to show off, but he was very good at teaching his junior brother. Facing Ma Qingfeng again, the aura of the senior brother and Da Zhenren suddenly emerged, and they looked like they hated iron but could not make steel. He sighed and said: "The five elements are lacking soil. If we fill up the missing piece, won't we be able to live together?"

"Uh, how do I make up for it?"

Ma Qingfeng is indeed a good person, warm-hearted, and very down-to-earth, but he also has shortcomings, that is, he is a bit stubborn. Unless he has a sudden inspiration, he doesn't know how to adapt most of the time.

Logically speaking, based on his years of practice and experience in Yanqing Temple, even if his status is not as good as that of Zhao Yuting, it will not be much different. However, after so many years, the gap between the two has become wider and wider. It is mainly due to this reason. Therefore, , he had no idea what Zhao Yuting meant.

Zhao Yuting knew that his junior brother had got into trouble again, but this was not the time to compete with him. The layman Lu was still waiting. It would not be good to delay others' business. Moreover, he was also anxious to see Huangquan Supreme. Where could he have free time to talk to his junior brother? Be serious!

"Infinite Heavenly Lord, junior brother, if we build an underground palace under the ancestral hall, look at it."


It's hard to think hard, but this doesn't mean that Ma Qingfeng doesn't have real talent and learning. He just can't get around that corner. Now that the senior brother has given a little advice, Ma Qingfeng immediately reacted.

"Underground palace?


Building an underground palace is tantamount to breaking the ground. Doesn’t this mean the five elements are complete?

Damn it, why didn't Pindao think of such a simple truth? "

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