A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3161 Problem

After Lu Fei made the call, he saw the serious faces of the two Taoists and was startled: "What's wrong with you two Taoists? What happened?"

Ma Qingfeng gave his senior brother a look and encouraged him to remind Lu Fei.

In fact, without Ma Qingfeng's look, Zhao Yuting was ready to speak out. He knew that speaking out might arouse Lu Fei's resentment. If Lu Fei was a narrow-minded person, he might regard their reminder as questioning him. Of course, I won't be happy if I have the ability.

With Zhao Zhenren's emotional intelligence, he would have never been talkative in the past, but the situation is different now. Now he not only regards Lu Fei as his super big customer, but also regards Lu Fei as his friend. , for the sake of friends, some words must be said.

Zhao Yuting thought for a while and then said to the editor: "Infinite Heavenly Lord, Master Lu, when you called just now, Pindao and his junior brother discovered some small problems and wanted to remind you whether it is right or wrong. Please don't worry too much."


Lu Fei's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this. Lu Fei was not a petty person. At this time, he wished that Zhao Yuting could find the problem for him. If there was a problem, it meant that what he did was not rigorous enough, and the most critical factor in the Feng Shui Bureau is rigor. , because there are too many rules here, and often if an inconspicuous little detail goes wrong, it will affect the whole body, and the success will be ruined.

Lu Fei spent so much time and money just to be foolproof and achieve the best results. Don't be afraid if there are problems, just raise them for everyone to study and then make corrections as soon as possible. Of course Lu Fei welcomes them with both hands.

"Master Zhao, please speak." Lu Fei sat down and said seriously.

Lu Fei's attitude made Zhao Yuting feel relieved: "It's like this. Pindao and his junior brother discussed it just now and found a problem. The overall Feng Shui layout is already perfect. At least, Pindao and I can't find any fault. What people are worried about are the two underground palaces of Qinglong and the ancestral hall.

Based on Layman Lu's status and ability, Pindao guessed that the palace treasures in these two underground palaces must be extraordinary. Pindao and Pindao were worried about the safety of the underground palace.

In our land of China, there are countless knowledgeable and knowledgeable people, but a large part of these people are definitely not good people. As the saying goes, a big tree attracts the wind. I believe that after the Linglong Tower and ancestral hall are built, it won’t be long before someone will miss this place. , Those people's methods are endless, making it difficult for people to guard against. If an accident occurs, the loss of treasure will be small, but the impact on the overall layout will be the most serious.

Your Feng Shui bureau is really too big. Counting the three kilometers of land around Mawei Mountain, the overall layout is nearly ten kilometers in diameter. For such a large site, the safety measures are

We must take it seriously! "

Lu Fei frowned as he listened. It was not that he disliked Zhao Yuting for talking too much. On the contrary, he really listened.

What Zhao Yuting was worried about was what Lu Fei had thought about more than once before. He was right, this was indeed a problem.

No one knows better than Lu Fei what unexpected methods the Chinese folk masters have. If Lu Fei is asked to do this job, he and his men will definitely be able to do it without anyone noticing. , without even showing a trace.

If Lu Fei can do it, others can do it. China's green forest road is most lacking in masters of special skills. Some masters are even more powerful than Lu Fei. As long as there is enough time, they can sneak into the underground palace without anyone noticing. Stealing a treasure is not to say easy, nor is it too strenuous.

If I were at the scene, I might be able to notice it, but I have too many things to do, so I can't stay there forever!

Even if he stays there, he is not safe. The tiger still has time to take a nap, let alone himself.

Lu Fei thought about ways to deal with these. He thought about making an all-metal underground palace similar to the underground vault of a museum. This would not only prevent fire and theft, but even nuclear explosions.

But in doing so, it violated the rules of the Five Elements, which was a taboo, so the idea only flashed in his mind and was immediately rejected.

Apart from this, Lu Fei really didn't think of a better way, so he could only put it aside for the time being and wait until later to study it slowly.

But now after hearing what Zhao Yuting said, Lu Fei realized that this matter could not be delayed any longer.

Zhao Yuting was right. Big trees attract the wind, and the Feng Shui strategy he created is too big. Not to mention building a landmark building like a nine-story exquisite pagoda. Experts all know that any nine-story pagoda must have an underground palace. Moreover, this It is even more eye-catching that the nine-story exquisite pagoda is built on such a sensitive Qinglong position.

Moreover, this is still a project built by Lu Fei. Who in the world doesn't know that Lu Fei has so many treasures in his hands. How can the nine-story pagoda and the treasures of the underground palace that he built be ordinary mortal objects? It is absolutely impossible.

Any treasure in Lu Fei's hand is worth tens of thousands of gold. In the eyes of those people who are crazy about poverty, these treasures are much more attractive than Tang Monk's meat.

I want to study the safety measures slowly. Will those bastards who covet the treasure give me time to study the countermeasures?

Of course it's impossible.

So, this is definitely an immediate problem. After Lu Fei made the call, he saw the serious faces of the two Taoists and was startled: "What's wrong with you two Taoists? What happened?"

Ma Qingfeng gave his senior brother a look and encouraged him to remind Lu Fei.

In fact, without Ma Qingfeng's look, Zhao Yuting was ready to speak out. He knew that speaking out might arouse Lu Fei's resentment. If Lu Fei was a narrow-minded person, he might regard their reminder as questioning him. Of course, I won't be happy if I have the ability.

With Zhao Zhenren's emotional intelligence, he would have never been talkative in the past, but the situation is different now. Now he not only regards Lu Fei as his super big customer, but also regards Lu Fei as his friend. , for the sake of friends, some words must be said.

Zhao Yuting thought for a while and then said to the editor: "Infinite Heavenly Lord, Master Lu, when you called just now, Pindao and his junior brother discovered some small problems and wanted to remind you whether it is right or wrong. Please don't worry too much."


Lu Fei's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this. Lu Fei was not a petty person. At this time, he wished that Zhao Yuting could find the problem for him. If there was a problem, it meant that what he did was not rigorous enough, and the most critical factor in the Feng Shui Bureau is rigor. , because there are too many rules here, and often if an inconspicuous little detail goes wrong, it will affect the whole body, and the success will be ruined.

Lu Fei spent so much time and money just to be foolproof and achieve the best results. Don't be afraid if there are problems, just raise them for everyone to study and then make corrections as soon as possible. Of course Lu Fei welcomes them with both hands.

"Master Zhao, please speak." Lu Fei sat down and said seriously.

Lu Fei's attitude made Zhao Yuting feel relieved: "It's like this. Pindao and his junior brother discussed it just now and found a problem. The overall Feng Shui layout is already perfect. At least, Pindao and I can't find any fault. What people are worried about are the two underground palaces of Qinglong and the ancestral hall.

Based on Layman Lu's status and ability, Pindao guessed that the palace treasures in these two underground palaces must be extraordinary. Pindao and Pindao were worried about the safety of the underground palace.

In our land of China, there are countless knowledgeable and knowledgeable people, but a large part of these people are definitely not good people. As the saying goes, a big tree attracts the wind. I believe that after the Linglong Tower and ancestral hall are built, it won’t be long before someone will miss this place. , Those people's methods are endless, making it difficult for people to guard against. If an accident occurs, the loss of treasure will be small, but the impact on the overall layout will be the most serious.

Your Feng Shui bureau is really too big. Counting the three kilometers of land around Mawei Mountain, the overall layout is nearly ten kilometers in diameter. For such a large site, the safety measures are

We must take it seriously! "

Lu Fei frowned as he listened. It was not that he disliked Zhao Yuting for talking too much. On the contrary, he really listened.

What Zhao Yuting was worried about was what Lu Fei had thought about more than once before. He was right, this was indeed a problem.

No one knows better than Lu Fei what unexpected methods the Chinese folk masters have. If Lu Fei is asked to do this job, he and his men will definitely be able to do it without anyone noticing. , without even showing a trace.

If Lu Fei can do it, others can do it. China's Green Forest Road is full of masters who are not lacking in special skills. Some masters are even more powerful than Lu Fei. As long as there is enough time, they can sneak into the underground palace without anyone noticing. Stealing a treasure is not to say easy, nor is it too strenuous.

If I were at the scene, I might be able to notice it, but I have too many things to do, so I can't stay there forever!

Even if he stays there, he is not safe. The tiger still has time to take a nap, let alone himself.

Lu Fei thought about ways to deal with these. He thought about making an all-metal underground palace similar to the underground vault of a museum. This would not only prevent fire and theft, but even nuclear explosions.

But in this way, it violated the rules of the Five Elements, which was a taboo, so the idea only flashed in his mind and was immediately rejected.

Apart from this, Lu Fei really didn't think of a better way, so he could only put it aside for the time being and wait until later to study it slowly.

But now after hearing what Zhao Yuting said, Lu Fei realized that this matter could not be delayed any longer.

Zhao Yuting was right. Big trees attract the wind, and the Feng Shui bureau he created is really big. Not to mention building a landmark building like the nine-story exquisite pagoda. Everyone knows that any nine-story pagoda must have an underground palace. Moreover, this It is even more eye-catching that the nine-story exquisite pagoda is built on such a sensitive Qinglong position.

Moreover, this is a project built by Lu Fei. Who in the world does not know that Lu Fei has many treasures in his hands. How can the nine-story pagoda and the treasures of the underground palace that he built be ordinary mortal objects? It is absolutely impossible.

Any of the treasures in Lu Fei's hands are worth tens of thousands of gold. In the eyes of those people who are crazy about poverty, these treasures are much more attractive than Tang Monk's meat.

I want to study the safety measures slowly. Will those bastards who covet the treasure give me time to study the countermeasures?

Of course it's impossible.

So, this is definitely an immediate problem.

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