A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3163 Lucky General

Everyone knows that everyone has a different view on the same thing, but the so-called difference means that everyone has a different attitude towards the matter, while the starting point and general direction are generally the same.

But the facts are not absolute. There is another kind of person in the world. This kind of person treats things from a very different starting point from ordinary people, and the way he uses logic is even more special. People have a general term for this kind of person - "alternative" .

That's right, Little Dog Di is an alternative among alternatives. This guy thinks about things differently from normal people. When he considers things, he doesn't think about other people's thinking in a complicated way. In his opinion, it's simple, rough and direct. It's the best way. If it works, it works. If it doesn't, it doesn't work. Therefore, he never knows what it means to worry.

It was the same today. This guy felt a little distressed when he saw his brother worried, so he asked Ma Qingfeng about the situation.

Ma Qingfeng explained it again, and Young Master Di was even more puzzled.

Is this why my brother is worried?

This thing doesn't seem that troublesome, right?

Most people can't stand those lowlifes, so why don't they just find people who are not ordinary people?

Taoist Master Ma said that he was sure to keep an eye on those treasures, so it would be even simpler. Just build a Taoist temple for Ma Qingfeng and let him come here to be the boss and take care of the treasures. It wouldn't cost a lot of money anyway. How simple. !

As for whether Ma Qingfeng will agree, Young Master Di thinks that is not a problem at all. Ma Laodao is Zhao Yuting's younger brother in Yanqingguan. Although he has some qualifications, he cannot be the master of the family after all.

But if he agrees to come to his side, then he will be the number one who responds to everything, and will arrange dozens or hundreds of subordinates for him to dispatch. How majestic!

It would be no problem if he had other requests. With Young Master Di, there was no problem that money couldn't solve.

If you need funds, I will give you funds. If you need people, I will arrange people for you. Even if you want a girl, I will help you. Asia, America, Ukraine, Africa, it is not a problem. If there are more You have a special hobby. At worst, I will go to Thailand for a trip and I will ensure that everything is properly arranged for you. What else is there to be dissatisfied about?

Thinking about it from his perspective, the little dog believed that Ma Qingfeng had absolutely no reason to refuse.

If Zhao Yuting dares not to release him, he will cut off all contact with Yanqing Temple from tomorrow, ensuring that he will return to before liberation in less than half a year. Young Master Di believes that Zhao Yuting can see clearly what is more important.

So simple, so crude, so direct.

When the little milk dog said this, Ma Qingfeng and Zhao Yuting were stunned on the spot, because they had never expected that Young Master Di could come up with this idea, and they were somewhat confused.

Although the little nanny lowered his voice when he said this, Lu Fei on the sofa could hear it clearly. Different from the reactions of the two veterans, Lu Fei's eyes suddenly lit up after hearing this. He felt as if what this guy said was true. That makes sense!

Taoist temples are different from modern high-rise buildings. They are built in Mawei Mountain and are not inconsistent at all. Not only that, if you build a Taoist temple, there will be incense lingering around, and it will also add spirituality to the Feng Shui magnetic field of the overall layout. It will definitely be beneficial. One harm.

As for the large number of tourists and too much noise in the future, that won't be a problem. Just don't allow him to receive outsiders. Anyway, with its own funding, the Taoist temple is not short of extra income.

The total investment doesn't take much. When the Taoist priests are doing their homework, they can also be blessed by Taoism and incense, and they can also protect the safety of the underground palace. Damn it, it's perfect!

Lu Fei had to admit that Di Ruilong was usually not in good shape, but he was definitely his lucky general. The weird ideas he came up with often helped him, and this was not the first time!

At this time, Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng also woke up from their dazed state. Ma Qingfeng had no other thoughts in his mind, but he was worried that Young Master Di's words would arouse his senior brother's disgust, so he did not answer immediately after he woke up. He was secretly looking at Zhao Yuting's face.

Zhao Yuting was really shocked at first. Di Ruilong actually dared to seduce his junior brother Ma Qingfeng in front of him. This was because he didn't take him seriously at all. It was wrong to say that he had no other ideas in his mind. possible.

However, Zhao Yuting returned to normal immediately. After many contacts, he also had some understanding of Di Ruilong. He knew that this man never kept a secret on his lips. He said whatever came to his mind and never had any scruples about going straight. Maybe, Was this just what he said casually?

What's more, on this occasion, he, Di Ruilong, had no decision-making power at all. No matter what he said, Lu Fei would still have to make the final decision. Lu Fei didn't express his position, and whatever he said was nonsense. Therefore, he automatically ignored Di Ruilong. , looked at Lu Fei.

But when he saw this, Zhao Yuting suddenly felt bad, because he saw Lu Fei's eyes shining brightly, and Lu Fei didn't look at him at all, but focused all the flashing brilliance of his eyes on Junior Brother Ma Qingfeng couldn't help but look up and down, Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, it seems like he's going to be a bad dish! Everyone knows that everyone has a different view on the same thing, but the so-called difference means that everyone has a different attitude towards the matter, while the starting point and general direction are generally the same.

But the facts are not absolute. There is another kind of person in the world. This kind of person treats things from a very different starting point from ordinary people, and the way he uses logic is even more special. People have a general term for this kind of person - "alternative" .

That's right, Little Dog Di is an alternative among alternatives. This guy thinks about things differently from normal people. When he considers things, he doesn't think about other people's thinking in a complicated way. In his opinion, it's simple, rough and direct. It's the best way. If it works, it works. If it doesn't, it doesn't work. Therefore, he never knows what it means to worry.

It was the same today. This guy felt a little distressed when he saw his brother worried, so he asked Ma Qingfeng about the situation.

Ma Qingfeng explained it again, and Young Master Di was even more puzzled.

Is this why my brother is worried?

This thing doesn't seem that troublesome, right?

Most people can't stand those lowlifes, so why don't they just find people who are not ordinary people?

Taoist Master Ma said that he was sure to keep an eye on those treasures, so it would be even simpler. Just build a Taoist temple for Ma Qingfeng and let him come here to be the boss and take care of the treasures. It wouldn't cost a lot of money anyway. How simple. !

As for whether Ma Qingfeng will agree, Young Master Di thinks that is not a problem at all. Ma Laodao is Zhao Yuting's younger brother in Yanqingguan. Although he has some qualifications, he cannot be the master of the family after all.

But if he agrees to come to his side, then he will be the number one who responds to everything, and will arrange dozens or hundreds of subordinates for him to dispatch. How majestic!

It would be no problem if he had other requests. With Young Master Di, there was no problem that money couldn't solve.

If you need funds, I will give you funds. If you need people, I will arrange people for you. Even if you want a girl, I will help you. Asia, America, Ukraine, Africa, it is not a problem. If there are more You have a special hobby. At worst, I will go to Thailand for a trip and I will ensure that everything is properly arranged for you. What else is there to be dissatisfied about?

Thinking about it from his perspective, the little dog believed that Ma Qingfeng had absolutely no reason to refuse.

If Zhao Yuting dares not to release him, he will cut off all contact with Yanqing Temple from tomorrow, ensuring that he will return to before liberation in less than half a year. Young Master Di believes that Zhao Yuting can see clearly what is more important.

So simple, so crude, so direct.

When the little milk dog said this, Ma Qingfeng and Zhao Yuting were stunned on the spot, because they had never expected that Young Master Di could come up with this idea, and they were somewhat confused.

Although the little nanny lowered his voice when he said this, Lu Fei on the sofa could hear it clearly. Different from the reactions of the two veterans, Lu Fei's eyes suddenly lit up after hearing this. He felt as if what this guy said was true. That makes sense!

Taoist temples are different from modern high-rise buildings. They are built in Mawei Mountain and are not inconsistent at all. Not only that, if you build a Taoist temple, there will be incense lingering around, and it will also add spirituality to the Feng Shui magnetic field of the overall layout. It will definitely be beneficial. One harm.

As for the large number of tourists and too much noise in the future, that won't be a problem. Just don't allow him to receive outsiders. Anyway, with its own funding, the Taoist temple is not short of extra income.

The total investment doesn't take much. When the Taoist priests are doing their homework, they can also be blessed by Taoism and incense, and they can also protect the safety of the underground palace. Damn it, it's perfect!

Lu Fei had to admit that Di Ruilong was usually not in good shape, but he was definitely his lucky general. The weird ideas he came up with often helped him, and this was not the first time!

At this time, Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng also woke up from their dazed state. Ma Qingfeng had no other thoughts in his mind, but he was worried that Young Master Di's words would arouse his senior brother's disgust, so he did not answer immediately after he woke up. He was secretly looking at Zhao Yuting's face.

Zhao Yuting was really shocked at first. Di Ruilong actually dared to seduce his junior brother Ma Qingfeng in front of him. This was because he didn't take him seriously at all. It was wrong to say that he had no other ideas in his mind. possible.

However, Zhao Yuting returned to normal immediately. After many contacts, he also had some understanding of Di Ruilong. He knew that this man never kept a secret on his lips. He said whatever came to his mind and never had any scruples about going straight. Maybe, Was this just what he said casually?

What's more, on this occasion, he, Di Ruilong, had no decision-making power at all. No matter what he said, Lu Fei would still have to make the final decision. Lu Fei didn't express his position, and whatever he said was nonsense. Therefore, he automatically ignored Di Ruilong. , looked at Lu Fei.

But when he saw this, Zhao Yuting suddenly felt bad, because he saw Lu Fei's eyes shining brightly, and Lu Fei didn't look at him at all, but focused all the flashing brilliance of his eyes on Junior Brother Ma Qingfeng couldn't help but look up and down, Immeasurable Heavenly Lord, it seems like he's going to be a bad dish!

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