A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3183 Take care of yourself

Lu Yong took the initiative to apologize to Lu Fei. He regretted it from the bottom of his heart.

At that time, Lu Yong didn't take Lu Fei's warning seriously at all. When he first graduated, Lu Yong didn't have a job, so he dragged a few close friends around to cause mischief. To put it bluntly, he was also a little gangster. , I have been around for more than two years and have seen some of the world.

Later, thanks to the blessing of his elder brother, he switched to business. With his funds and connections, his business was booming. Thanks to his care, he was considered a person who could live well in both black and white, not to mention that in his hometown of Jincheng , what could happen?

Even if you don't give face to yourself, you should give face to your eldest brother Lu Fei. At the very least, in the past two years of doing business, Lu Yong has never encountered anyone so unkind.

I have indeed encountered some minor troubles recently. Lu Yong believes that it is just because some business enemies dare not confront him head-on and find some gangsters to use dirty tricks to disgust him. At first, Lu Yong was indeed angry, but later , with the help of Qu Yang, they killed all the gangsters who came to cause trouble, and everything has been peaceful ever since. Lu Yong believes that catching these dozen gangsters has served as a warning to the monkeys, and it is estimated that no one will dare to follow them in the future. You did something right.

It was precisely because of this feeling that Lu Yong turned a deaf ear to Lu Fei's warning. On the surface, he was obedient, but in fact, he didn't care at all.

However, Lu Yong regretted being kidnapped this time, he was really scared.

Although the kidnappers did not abuse them, they were locked in a room and isolated from the rest of the world, and there were always two vicious men staring at them. Even when they went to the toilet, they were accompanied by two people. It was really unbearable!

At the moment, I am not suffering any trouble, and my food and drink are of good quality, but who knows what they will do with me after they achieve their goal?

Lu Yong has seen too many scenes like this in TV dramas. The reason why he didn't do anything to himself is because he has value. When he loses his value, he may be in danger. He will tear up the votes, kill people and silence them, and destroy the corpses and traces. Think about it. All creepy.

During the time when his freedom was restricted, Lu Yong besides being afraid, what he thought about most was regret. He regretted not listening to his elder brother. He really deserved death!

Fortunately, he was quickly rescued by Zhang Zhang. Lu Yong felt that if Zhang Zhang and the others were a few days later, he would have collapsed. Therefore, now he sincerely regrets and sincerely apologizes to his elder brother.

Lu Fei waved his hand and said slightly disappointedly: "Listening to what you said, you don't even know where you went wrong."

Lu Yong raised his head and looked at Lu Fei in astonishment. Lu Fei snorted: "Lu Yong, I'm your brother, do you think I can

Will it harm you? "

Before Lu Yong could answer, Lu Fei continued: "You are different from before. You are not the naughty little gangster you were before. You are the boss now, and you can't afford to play with those gangsters.

There is a kind of people in this world called desperadoes. This kind of people regard life as nothing. They have earned every extra second they live in this world.

As long as someone gives you money, they can do whatever they want. Do they care that you are the boss? Do they worry that you are my brother?

People like this only have money in their eyes. As long as the increase is appropriate, they will dare to assassinate the head of state. Do you think this kind of people will care about you and me?

One of them can eat enough and the whole family is not hungry, but you can't. You are not only responsible for yourself, but also for your parents. Have you ever thought about what your parents will do if something happens to you? Have you ever thought about it? No? "

At this point, Lu Fei's voice suddenly rose in pitch, and Lu Yong shivered in fright: "Brother, I was wrong."


Although Lu Yong admitted his mistake, Lu Fei still didn't give him a good look.

"You think you are doing well in Jincheng, but in my eyes, you are nothing but shit. Even I have to be more careful when doing things outside. Who gave you the courage to be so arrogant?

I advised you so earnestly, but you turned a deaf ear to my words. If it weren't for the efficiency of Brother Zhang's people, would you be able to come back with all the trouble?

If you have three advantages and two disadvantages, how will you let your second uncle and second aunt live?

You are such a bastard! Lu Fei shouted.

Lu Fei's saliva was sprayed all over his face, but Lu Yong didn't dare to wipe it away. This time, he really realized his mistake.

"Brother, please stop talking. I really know that I was wrong. I promise, I will never dare to mess around again."

Lu Fei took a long breath, put out the cigarette butt, nodded and said: "You are no longer a child. I'm going to say this. It's up to you whether you listen or not. I can fish you out this time, but I can't guarantee that you will get it out every time." You are so lucky, take care of yourself!

Recently, you have been living here with your second uncle and second aunt. The person who kidnapped you has been caught, but the real culprit behind it has not been found yet. I will find someone to help you take care of Jincheng's business. When will this matter be completely resolved? When will you go back? Are there any questions? "

Lu Yong's head was shaking like a rattle. This time, even if Lu Fei chased him away, he wouldn't go back.

"You don't need to be too nervous. No one can hurt you here. You should keep everything in your mind from me so that your uncle and aunt will not worry about you." Lu Yong took the initiative to apologize to Lu Fei. I regret it from the bottom of my heart.

At that time, Lu Yong didn't take Lu Fei's warning seriously at all. When he first graduated, Lu Yong didn't have a job, so he dragged a few close friends around to cause mischief. To put it bluntly, he was also a little gangster. , I have been around for more than two years and have seen some of the world.

Later, thanks to the blessing of his elder brother, he switched to business. With his funds and connections, his business was booming. Thanks to his care, he was considered a person who could live well in both black and white, not to mention that in his hometown of Jincheng , what could happen?

Even if you don't give face to yourself, you should give face to your eldest brother Lu Fei. At the very least, in the past two years of doing business, Lu Yong has never encountered anyone so unkind. ??

I have indeed encountered some minor troubles recently. Lu Yong believes that it is just because some business enemies dare not confront him head-on and find some gangsters to use dirty tricks to disgust him. At first, Lu Yong was indeed angry, but later , with the help of Qu Yang, they killed all the gangsters who came to cause trouble, and everything has been peaceful ever since. Lu Yong believes that catching these dozen gangsters has served as a warning to the monkeys, and it is estimated that no one will dare to follow them in the future. You did something right.

It was precisely because of this feeling that Lu Yong turned a deaf ear to Lu Fei's warning. On the surface, he was obedient, but in fact, he didn't care at all.

However, Lu Yong regretted being kidnapped this time, he was really scared.

Although the kidnappers did not abuse them, they were locked in a room and isolated from the rest of the world, and there were always two vicious men staring at them. Even when they went to the toilet, they were accompanied by two people. It was really unbearable!

At the moment, I am not suffering any trouble, and my food and drink are of good quality, but who knows what they will do with me after they achieve their goal?

Lu Yong has seen too many scenes like this in TV dramas. The reason why he didn't do anything to himself is because he has value. When he loses his value, he may be in danger. He will tear up the votes, kill people and silence them, and destroy the corpses and traces. Think about it. All creepy.

During the time when his freedom was restricted, Lu Yong besides being afraid, what he thought about most was regret. He regretted not listening to his elder brother. He really deserved death!

Fortunately, he was quickly rescued by Zhang Zhang. Lu Yong felt that if Zhang Zhang and the others were a few days later, he would have collapsed. Therefore, now he sincerely regrets and sincerely apologizes to his elder brother.

Lu Fei waved his hand and said slightly disappointedly: "Listening to what you said, you don't even know where you went wrong."

Lu Yong raised his head and looked at Lu Fei in astonishment. Lu Fei snorted: "Lu Yong, I'm your brother, do you think I can

Will it harm you? "

Before Lu Yong could answer, Lu Fei continued: "You are different from before. You are not the naughty little gangster you were before. You are the boss now, and you can't afford to play with those gangsters.

There is a kind of people in this world called desperadoes. This kind of people regard life as nothing. They have earned every extra second they live in this world.

As long as someone gives you money, they can do whatever they want. Do they care that you are the boss? Do they worry that you are my brother?

People like this only have money in their eyes. As long as the increase is appropriate, they will dare to assassinate the head of state. Do you think this kind of people will care about you and me?

One of them can eat enough and the whole family is not hungry, but you can't. You are not only responsible for yourself, but also for your parents. Have you ever thought about what your parents will do if something happens to you? Have you ever thought about it? No? "

At this point, Lu Fei's voice suddenly rose in pitch, and Lu Yong shivered in fright: "Brother, I was wrong."


Although Lu Yong admitted his mistake, Lu Fei still didn't give him a good look.

"You think you are doing well in Jincheng, but in my eyes, you are nothing but shit. Even I have to be more careful when doing things outside. Who gave you the courage to be so arrogant?

I advised you so earnestly, but you turned a deaf ear to my words. If it weren't for the efficiency of Brother Zhang's people, would you be able to come back with all the trouble?

If you have three advantages and two disadvantages, how will you let your second uncle and second aunt live?

You are such a bastard! Lu Fei shouted.

Lu Fei's saliva was sprayed all over his face, but Lu Yong didn't dare to wipe it away. This time, he really realized his mistake.

"Brother, please stop talking. I really know that I was wrong. I promise, I will never dare to mess around again."

Lu Fei took a long breath, stubbed out the cigarette butt and nodded: "You are no longer a child. I'm telling you this. It's up to you whether you listen or not. I can fish you out this time, but I can't guarantee that you will do it every time." You are so lucky, take care of yourself!

Recently, you have been living here with your second uncle and second aunt. The person who kidnapped you has been caught, but the real culprit behind it has not been found yet. I will find someone to help you take care of Jincheng's business. When will this matter be completely resolved? When will you go back? Are there any questions? "

Lu Yong's head was shaking like a rattle. This time, even if Lu Fei chased him away, he wouldn't go back.

"You don't have to be too nervous. No one can hurt you here. You should keep everything in your mind from me so that your uncle and aunt won't worry about you."

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