A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3197 Complaint

Guan Haishan is so depressed!

In just one day, Mr. Guan's mouth was filled with big blisters. Why, of course he was angry!

Guan Haishan has never deceived anyone for most of his life. You can imagine how upset he must be if he accidentally does something wrong. But Guan Haishan has no choice. As the general consultant of archeology, he must be responsible for his team. At this time, he had no choice but to ignore his conscience.

Zhao Jinzhou was unhappy, and Guan Haishan was equally angry. He sent greetings to Zhao Jinzhou's relatives several times in his heart.

Damn Zhao Jinzhou, you are unreliable when I ask you to study other things. You are quite good at dealing with these crooked ways. What have you done wrong for eight years? What are you doing studying this stuff when you are full? This is not just looking for trouble. Well, it’s so special! !

After issuing the announcement, the mood of his subordinates temporarily stabilized, but Guan Haishan was restless all day long, fearing that Zhao Jinzhou would do something wrong again. As a result, what he was afraid of happened. As soon as the call from his immediate boss Pan Xingzhou came in, Guan Haishan's Cold sweat broke out. No need to ask, Zhao Jinzhou must have gone to the higher authorities to complain.

Sure enough, when the call was connected, Mr. Pan didn't give Guan Haishan any time to explain, and just started to complain. Fortunately, it was just a phone call. If they were face to face, Guan Haishan would be drooling on his face by now.

When Pan Xingzhou came up, he was tortured by his soul.

What's going on with Academician Zhao of the Academy of Sciences?

How did you contact the Academy of Sciences in the first place?

What happened to the announcement you sent out this morning?

The research project of the Academy of Sciences is very meaningful. Why did you reject it? Why didn’t you report it to me before rejecting it?

Facing the leader's torture, Guan Haishan sweated profusely. He turned off the air conditioner and opened the window. Even though the sub-zero cold air blew in, he still couldn't stop Mr. Guan from sweating like a fountain.

That's how people are. If you have confidence in your heart, no matter what the leader says, you won't be nervous. But if you have a ghost in your heart, you must feel guilty when facing this situation. This is what Guan Haishan is like now. Listening to Pan Xingzhou's question, Guan Haishan I'm about to have a heart attack.

Guan Haishan felt aggrieved. In the final analysis, it had nothing to do with him. But now that the teacher was gone, and he was the general counsel, of course he would be pulled out as cannon fodder. He couldn't blame all the problems on his late mentor. On your body?

After a full minute, Pan Xingzhou's questioning finally died down, but Mr. Pan did not hang up the phone. The question was thrown out. He still had to listen to Guan Haishan's explanation. Regarding Guan Haishan's explanation,

For Haishan, this is the real difficulty.

Fortunately, Guan Haishan had already thought of a countermeasure before Pan Xingzhou called. Now that the announcement has been sent out, he can only go to the dark side. He can't break his promise and get slapped in the face!

Gritting his teeth, Guan Haishan made up his mind: "Mr. Pan, please don't be angry. Listen to me explain slowly. I know that it must be Zhao Jinzhou who went to complain to you. Don't listen to his one-sided words!

Yes, we did refuse to cooperate with them because what they were studying was simply not feasible."

Before Guan Haishan could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Pan Xingzhou: "No?

I have read the news. So many experts and scholars from abroad have tried it. Facts have proved that Academician Zhao’s research results have withstood the test. Why can’t you say it won’t work? "

Guan Haishan curled his lips and greeted cousin Zhao Jinzhou one more time in his heart, and then said in a friendly manner: "Mr. Pan, look at the commotion on the Internet. In fact, it has no reference value at all. Foreigners may be great in other fields, but in the field of archeology , I am not exaggerating, they are too far apart, and that kind of low-level competition cannot explain the problem at all."

Guan Haishan said this with great confidence, but Pan Xingzhou was not that easy to fool.

"Laoguan, what's your level?"


Of course we are the best, and I can proudly tell you that in the field of archaeology, our Shenzhou Archaeological Team is unique. "Guan Haishan said proudly.

"I heard you say that the level of foreign experts is not good enough, and their conclusions are not authoritative. Have you personally investigated it?" Pan Xingzhou asked.

Guan Haishan had a cold war when he heard this. It's coming, it's coming, the key point is coming.

"Ahem, Mr. Guan, we really haven't verified it. I don't think it's necessary at all. Archeology is a rigorous science, isn't it?"


Before Guan Haishan finished speaking, Pan Xingzhou's furious voice came over the phone. Guan Haishan shrank his neck in fright and had goosebumps coming out.

"Laoguan, are you too proud? No, it's not pride, it's arrogance. Without understanding, you have no right to speak. You haven't personally verified it, so why do you say that other people's research results are not good?

It took eight years of hard work to develop an identification instrument for your archaeological team. You are lucky enough to reject it without even looking at it. What you rejected was not just an instrument, but eight years of hard work by Academician Zhao Jinzhou’s team. , why do you? "Guan Haishan is so depressed!

In just one day, Mr. Guan's mouth was filled with big blisters. Why, of course he was angry!

Guan Haishan has never deceived anyone for most of his life. You can imagine how upset he must be if he accidentally does something wrong. But Guan Haishan has no choice. As the general consultant of archeology, he must be responsible for his team. At this time, he had no choice but to ignore his conscience.

Zhao Jinzhou was unhappy, and Guan Haishan was equally angry. He sent greetings to Zhao Jinzhou's relatives several times in his heart.

Damn Zhao Jinzhou, you are unreliable when I ask you to study other things. You are quite good at dealing with these crooked ways. What have you done wrong in these eight years? What are you doing studying this stuff when you are full? This is not just looking for trouble. Well, it’s so special! !

After issuing the announcement, the mood of his subordinates temporarily stabilized, but Guan Haishan was restless all day long, fearing that Zhao Jinzhou would do something wrong again. As a result, what he was afraid of happened. As soon as the call from his immediate boss Pan Xingzhou came in, Guan Haishan's Cold sweat broke out. No need to ask, Zhao Jinzhou must have gone to the higher authorities to complain.

Sure enough, when the call was connected, Mr. Pan didn't give Guan Haishan any time to explain, and just started to complain. Fortunately, it was just a phone call. If they were face to face, Guan Haishan would be drooling on his face by now.

When Pan Xingzhou came up, he was tortured by his soul.

What's going on with Academician Zhao of the Academy of Sciences?

How did you contact the Academy of Sciences in the first place?

What happened to the announcement you sent out this morning?

The research project of the Academy of Sciences is very meaningful. Why did you reject it? Why didn’t you report it to me before rejecting it?

Facing the leader's torture, Guan Haishan sweated profusely. He turned off the air conditioner and opened the window. Even though the sub-zero cold air blew in, it still couldn't stop Mr. Guan from sweating profusely.

That's how people are. If you have confidence in your heart, no matter what the leader says, you won't be nervous. But if you have a ghost in your heart, you must feel guilty when facing this situation. This is what Guan Haishan is like now. Listening to Pan Xingzhou's question, Guan Haishan I'm about to have a heart attack.

Guan Haishan felt aggrieved. In the final analysis, it had nothing to do with him. But now that the teacher was gone and he was the general counsel, of course he would be pulled out as cannon fodder. He couldn't blame all the problems on his late mentor. On your body?

After a full minute, Pan Xingzhou's questioning finally died down, but Mr. Pan did not hang up the phone. The question was thrown out. He still had to listen to Guan Haishan's explanation. Regarding Guan Haishan's explanation,

For Haishan, this is the real difficulty.

Fortunately, Guan Haishan had already thought of a countermeasure before Pan Xingzhou called. Now that the announcement has been sent out, he can only go to the dark side. He can't break his promise and get slapped in the face!

Gritting his teeth, Guan Haishan made up his mind: "Mr. Pan, please don't be angry. Listen to me explain slowly. I know that it must be Zhao Jinzhou who went to complain to you. Don't listen to his one-sided words!

Yes, we did refuse to cooperate with them because what they were studying was simply not feasible."

Before Guan Haishan could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Pan Xingzhou: "No?

I have read the news. So many experts and scholars from abroad have tried it. Facts have proved that Academician Zhao’s research results have withstood the test. Why can’t you say it won’t work? "

Guan Haishan curled his lips and greeted cousin Zhao Jinzhou one more time in his heart, and then said in a friendly manner: "Mr. Pan, look at the commotion on the Internet. In fact, it has no reference value at all. Foreigners may be great in other fields, but in the field of archeology , I am not exaggerating, they are too far apart, and that kind of low-level competition cannot explain the problem at all."

Guan Haishan said this with great confidence, but Pan Xingzhou was not that easy to fool.

"Laoguan, what's your level?"


Of course we are the best, and I can proudly tell you that in the field of archaeology, our Shenzhou Archaeological Team is unique. "Guan Haishan said proudly.

"I heard you say that the level of foreign experts is not good enough, and their conclusions are not authoritative. Have you personally investigated it?" Pan Xingzhou asked.

Guan Haishan had a cold war when he heard this. It's coming, it's coming, the key point is coming.

"Ahem, Mr. Guan, we really haven't verified it. I don't think it's necessary at all. Archeology is a rigorous science, isn't it?"


Before Guan Haishan finished speaking, Pan Xingzhou's furious voice came over the phone. Guan Haishan shrank his neck in fright and had goosebumps coming out.

"Laoguan, are you too proud? No, it's not pride, it's arrogance. Without understanding, you have no right to speak. You haven't personally verified it, so why do you say that other people's research results are not good?

It took eight years of hard work to develop an identification instrument for your archaeological team. You are lucky enough to reject it without even looking at it. What you rejected was not just an instrument, but eight years of hard work by Academician Zhao Jinzhou’s team. , why do you? "

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