A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3208 Can’t afford to offend

Seeing a group of reporters outside the studio door, Guan Haishan's face suddenly darkened.

Several of these reporters were familiar to Guan Haishan. Although he had never seen the others, he could recognize the LOGOs on their equipment. These were not entertainment gossip media or local tabloid media, but real China's official mainstream mouthpiece, any piece of news released through these media can cause a sensation across the country, or even the world, and its influence is simply unparalleled.

Normally, these mainstream media would often go to the archaeological team to interview him. In the past, Guan Haishan was proud to appear in these media, but on this occasion, Guan Haishan was not happy to see them.

Obviously, these media were invited by Zhao Jinzhou, but Guan Haishan was sure that Zhao Jinzhou was definitely not holding back when he invited these reporters.

No need to ask, Guan Haishan also understood that Zhao Jinzhou wanted to ask these media to supervise the whole process. With media supervision, no matter what the result of today's competition is, neither party will have a chance to regret it.

Damn it!

Zhao Jinzhou, this damn bastard, how much does he not believe in me? This is simply an insult to my character and credibility. Mr. Guan is very angry.

Guan Haishan was really angry. He had thought before that if he lost today, he would be shameless and shameless. Even with General Supervisor Pan, he would not be afraid. At worst, he would be dragged down for a year and a half, and Yu Wen would be just a drag. It gradually calmed down. Although it was a bit unkind to do so, for the livelihood of the hundreds of thousands of archaeological team members under his command and the prestige of the Shenzhou Archaeological Team, Guan Haishan, as the general consultant, did not mind sacrificing his personal reputation.

But due to the appearance of reporters, Guan Haishan's plan went bankrupt. With these reporters watching, they would not give him a chance to cheat. This was equivalent to blocking all his escape routes. How could Guan Haishan not be angry?

Originally, Guan Haishan was very relaxed on the way here, but seeing these reporters, Mr. Guan became nervous again.

Damn it, this grandson of Zhao Jinzhou is so insidious!

Guan Haishan glared at Zhao Jinzhou, who was indifferent to his sharp gaze and said with a bad smile: "Mr. Guan, our competition this time is the first friendly interaction between the Academy of Sciences and the archaeological team in more than ten years. For this reason, I made it my own choice." I suggest inviting journalist friends to come over and bear witness, you won’t have any objections, right?”

Your uncle!

Guan Haishan really wanted to punch Zhao Jinzhou in the face with evil intentions. This damn bitch obviously looked like he didn't deserve a beating, but he could only think about this idea, and of course he didn't dare to act on it.

By Zhao Jinzhou

After defeating an entire army, everyone in Guanhaishan gnashed their teeth in hatred, but they could only hold their noses and bear the loss of being dumb.

Guan Haishan waved his hand, forced out an awkward smile, gritted his back teeth and said: "Old Zhao, you are doing the right thing, of course I won't mind."

"Hey, as long as you don't mind, I was worried that you would be angry if I didn't say hello to you in advance. In this case, let's go in. Mr. Pan is already here, let's start right away!"

Both parties were familiar with each other, so the greetings were omitted and everyone filed into the venue following Zhao Jinzhou. During the process, several reporters who were familiar with the reporter interviewed Guan Haishan while walking.

"Mr. Guan, I heard that you don't agree with the instrument set studied by Academician Zhao, right?"

Guan Haishan nodded: "That's right."

"What's the basis for your doubt?"

Guan Haishan stood with his hands on his hands and smiled slightly: "I'm here today to show you the basis. Don't be impatient. I will let you see the difference between machines and humans."

Reporter: "Mr. Guan, we heard that your internal competition has a strong purpose. The outcome of both sides is even related to the survival of hundreds of thousands of employees of the archaeological team. Is that true?"

Recently, Guan Haishan was most annoyed by hearing this, and his face suddenly turned ugly: "I have no comment for the time being."

Reporter: "Mr. Guan, you are the general consultant of China's historical archaeology. As the leader of the archaeological team, you should be responsible for your employees. But now, you are deciding the fate of your employees in this way. Don't you think it is too much? Is it child’s play?”

The reporters were aggressive and Guan Haishan was so angry that he even hated these uncrowned kings.

What the hell, these damn reporters are all in the same group as Zhao Jinzhou, they all want me to make a fool of myself!

As the official mouthpiece, shouldn't you report truthfully from a fair and impartial perspective? Why don't you stand so shamelessly on Zhao Jinzhou's side? Where's your integrity? !

Guan Haishan greeted the relatives of these reporters several times in his heart, but he did not dare to really get angry with the reporters. Although these reporters are annoying, they really control the direction of public opinion. If they want to praise you, they can If you praise someone to the heavens, the most gorgeous words in the world can be used on you. That kind of bottomless flattery can even make the person involved feel ashamed.

Similarly, if they are interested in blackmailing you, you will be dead. They mobilize the power of the masses and work together to try every means to send you to the eighteenth level of hell, so that you will never be reincarnated. Therefore, he really cannot mess with these people. rise. Seeing a group of reporters outside the studio door, Guan Haishan's face suddenly darkened.

Several of these reporters were familiar to Guan Haishan. Although he had never seen the others, he could recognize the LOGOs on their equipment. These were not entertainment gossip media or local tabloid media, but real China's official mainstream mouthpiece, any piece of news released through these media can cause a sensation across the country, or even the world, and its influence is simply unparalleled.

Normally, these mainstream media would often go to the archaeological team to interview him. In the past, Guan Haishan was proud to appear in these media, but on this occasion, Guan Haishan was not happy to see them.

Obviously, these media were invited by Zhao Jinzhou, but Guan Haishan was sure that Zhao Jinzhou was definitely not holding back when he invited these reporters.

No need to ask, Guan Haishan also understood that Zhao Jinzhou wanted to ask these media to supervise the whole process. With media supervision, no matter what the result of today's competition is, neither party will have a chance to regret it.

Damn it!

Zhao Jinzhou, this damn bastard, how much does he not believe in me? This is simply an insult to my character and credibility. Mr. Guan is very angry.

Guan Haishan was really angry. He had thought before that if he lost today, he would be shameless and shameless. Even with General Supervisor Pan, he would not be afraid. At worst, he would be dragged down for a year and a half, and Yu Wen would be just a drag. It gradually calmed down. Although it was a bit unkind to do so, for the livelihood of the hundreds of thousands of archaeological team members under his command and the prestige of the Shenzhou Archaeological Team, Guan Haishan, as the general consultant, did not mind sacrificing his personal reputation.

But due to the appearance of reporters, Guan Haishan's plan went bankrupt. With these reporters watching, they would not give him a chance to cheat. This was equivalent to blocking all his escape routes. How could Guan Haishan not be angry?

Originally, Guan Haishan was very relaxed on the way here, but seeing these reporters, Mr. Guan became nervous again. ??

Damn it, this grandson of Zhao Jinzhou is so insidious!

Guan Haishan glared hard at Zhao Jinzhou, who was indifferent to his sharp gaze and said with a bad smile: "Mr. Guan, our competition this time is the first friendly interaction between the Academy of Sciences and the archaeological team in more than ten years. For this reason, I made my own decision." I suggest inviting journalist friends to come over and bear witness, you won’t have any objections, right?”

Your uncle!

Guan Haishan really wanted to punch Zhao Jinzhou in the face with evil intentions. This damn bitch obviously looked like he didn't deserve a beating, but he could only think about this idea, and of course he didn't dare to act on it.

By Zhao Jinzhou

After defeating an entire army, everyone in Guanhaishan gnashed their teeth in hatred, but they could only hold their noses and bear the loss of being dumb.

Guan Haishan waved his hand, forced out an awkward smile, gritted his back teeth and said: "Old Zhao, you are doing the right thing, of course I won't mind."

"Hey, as long as you don't mind, I was worried that you would be angry if I didn't say hello to you in advance. In this case, let's go in. Mr. Pan is already here, let's start right away!"

Both parties were familiar with each other, so the greetings were omitted and everyone filed into the venue following Zhao Jinzhou. During the process, several reporters who were familiar with the reporter interviewed Guan Haishan while walking.

"Mr. Guan, I heard that you don't agree with the instrument set studied by Academician Zhao, right?"

Guan Haishan nodded: "That's right."

"What's the basis for your doubt?"

Guan Haishan stood with his hands on his hands and smiled slightly: "I'm here today to show you the basis. Don't be impatient. I will let you see the difference between machines and humans."

Reporter: "Mr. Guan, we heard that your internal competition has a strong purpose. The outcome of both sides is even related to the survival of hundreds of thousands of employees of the archaeological team. Is that true?"

Recently, Guan Haishan was most annoyed by hearing this, and his face suddenly turned ugly: "I have no comment for the time being."

Reporter: "Mr. Guan, you are the general consultant of China's historical archaeology. As the leader of the archaeological team, you should be responsible for your employees. But now, you are deciding the fate of your employees in this way. Don't you think it is too much? Is it child’s play?”

The reporters were aggressive and Guan Haishan was so angry that he even hated these uncrowned kings.

What the hell, these damn reporters are all in the same group as Zhao Jinzhou, they all want me to make a fool of myself!

As the official mouthpiece, shouldn't you report truthfully from a fair and impartial perspective? Why don't you stand so shamelessly on Zhao Jinzhou's side? Where's your integrity? !

Guan Haishan greeted the relatives of these reporters several times in his heart, but he did not dare to really get angry with the reporters. Although these reporters are annoying, they really control the direction of public opinion. If they want to praise you, they can If you praise someone to the heavens, the most gorgeous words in the world can be used on you. That kind of bottomless flattery can even make the person involved feel ashamed.

Similarly, if they are interested in blackmailing you, you will be dead. They mobilize the power of the masses and work together to try every means to send you to the eighteenth level of hell, so that you will never be reincarnated. Therefore, he really cannot mess with these people. rise.

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