A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3212 Why is it?

Agreeing to Guan Haishan's help means that the secret of "Seven Happiness Pictures" is likely to be exposed. If it were before, Zhen Jialin would not agree to it even if she was beaten to death.

However, things are different now.

Zhen Jialin is a few years older, and her mentality and state of mind are not the same as before. At his age, he is more concerned about the happiness of his two daughters and his own health. The rest is just a cloud, and face is of course not that important.

In addition, Zhen Jialin always felt a little awkward keeping this secret in the past few years. No matter what others said or not, he knew that the "Seven Joys" in his hand, no matter how well restored it was, was still a defective product, so he continued to hide it like this It's just self-deception.

Now, he doesn't care about this secret very much. Instead, he hopes that someone will reveal this secret. Sometimes he always wonders what kind of reaction the outside world will have if they suddenly know that this painting has been damaged for a long time.




Thinking of the possible expressions of those people and the various pretentious promotions from the media, Zhen Jialin became very excited. This may be his little bad taste!

Another point is that Guan Haishan's invitation to him this time is of great significance. To put it more seriously, it is even related to the development and destiny of the archaeological team and the collection industry. Zhen Jialin has been collecting for decades. It can be said that collecting is his biggest hobby. He does not He hoped and would not allow anyone to ruin his hobby, so he agreed to help without hesitation.

When Guan Haishan took "Seven Joys" and unfolded it, the effect was obvious. Everyone except Gong Xiuliang was shocked. Before coming, Guan Haishan and Zhen Jialin had not communicated with everyone, so except for Gong Xiuliang, who was an insider , even the fat man Jia Yuanwang was kept in the dark.

All of them were confused, but Zhao Jinzhou was really surprised. He stared at the painting for a long time, then looked at Zhen Jialin. Zhao Jinzhou frowned.

"Mr. Guan, will you use this painting in the first game?"

"Why, can't it be done?" Guan Haishan snorted coldly.

Zhao Jinzhou curled his lips and said with a stern face: "Mr. Guan, we are competing today. Although friendship comes first and competition comes second, after all, so many reporters and friends are here, and Mr. Pan is still here despite his busy schedule. Everyone is interested in If you attach so much importance to this place, it’s not interesting for you to do this, right?”

Guan Haishan smiled and said: "Old Zhao, what do you mean, why don't I understand?"


"Mr. Guan, do you really not understand, or are you pretending to be confused?

Although I am not a collector, I have gained a certain understanding of the archeology and collection circles since establishing this project. As far as I know, this painting is called "Seven Joys".

It comes from Bailihang. It is the authentic work of Master Xu Beihong that Mr. Zhen Jialin spent 27 million to photograph. In the collection world, this is a well-known fact.

Now, you use a 100% authentic painting to test my equipment. Isn’t this making everyone happy?

No matter how bad my instrument is, it's not like I can't tell the difference between true and false. Isn't it too much for you to do this? "

Zhao Jinzhou is really angry. Everyone knows that this painting is real and knows where it comes from. You, Lao Guan, took this thing out to compete with me. Isn't this sincere and disgusting?

Seeing Zhao Jinzhou's reaction, Guan Haishan was not only not angry, but actually very happy. Seeing the reporter's nervousness, he instantly relaxed.

The fact that he had such a reaction showed that Zhao Jinzhou didn't know the problems in "Seven Joys" at all. If he didn't know, it would be impossible to prepare, and Guan Haishan would be more confident.

Thinking of this, Guan Haishan smiled: "Old Zhao, you are judging a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart. This is not good.

What happened to me with this painting?

Didn't we agree that any object can be used?

Besides, why am I disgusted with you? Your instrument detected it easily, and I was the loser. I didn’t even complain. Why are you beeping? "


Zhao Jinzhou was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was indeed true!

No, something is still wrong.

If you compete with me with a well-known authentic work, isn't this obviously giving me a free hand?

Would Guan Haishan, an old man, be so kind?

Impossible, absolutely impossible, there must be something fishy in this.

As the saying goes, not knowing the outcome is the scariest thing. This is how Zhao Jinzhou feels now.

He knew something was wrong, but he just didn't know what was wrong. Old man Guan Haishan was obviously well prepared. There were five rounds of competition, and each round was crucial. Guan Haishan could not and would never be polite to him. Could it be that this picture Is there anything special about "Seven Joys" that no one knows about?

Facing those pseudo-experts from abroad, Zhao Jinzhou was full of confidence, but facing Guan Haishan, the recognized great master, he did not dare to say that he was 100% sure.

When researching the instrument, although he considered all aspects and various factors, after all, this instrument group had never competed with a real master. This was his only worry, so he was a little nervous.

Nervous as he was, Zhao Jinzhou was more excited. Worrying now was completely unnecessary. What the result would be, whether Guan Haishan's skill was higher or his own instrument was more stable, he could only know after the competition. Agreeing to Guan Haishan's help means that the secret of "Seven Happiness Pictures" is likely to be exposed. If it were before, Zhen Jialin would not agree to it even if she was beaten to death.

However, things are different now.

Zhen Jialin is a few years older, and her mentality and state of mind are not the same as before. At his age, he is more concerned about the happiness of his two daughters and his own health. The rest is just a cloud, and face is of course not that important.

In addition, Zhen Jialin always felt a little awkward keeping this secret in the past few years. No matter what others said or not, he knew that the "Seven Joys" in his hand, no matter how well restored it was, was still a defective product, so he continued to hide it like this It's just self-deception.

Now, he doesn't care about this secret very much. Instead, he hopes that someone will reveal this secret. Sometimes he always wonders what kind of reaction the outside world will have if they suddenly know that this painting has been damaged for a long time.




Thinking of the possible expressions of those people and the various pretentious promotions from the media, Zhen Jialin became very excited. This may be his little bad taste! .??.

Another point is that Guan Haishan's invitation to him this time is of great significance. To put it more seriously, it is even related to the development and destiny of the archaeological team and the collection industry. Zhen Jialin has been collecting for decades. It can be said that collecting is his biggest hobby. He does not He hoped and would not allow anyone to ruin his hobby, so he agreed to help without hesitation.

When Guan Haishan took "Seven Joys" and unfolded it, the effect was obvious. Everyone except Gong Xiuliang was shocked. Before coming, Guan Haishan and Zhen Jialin had not communicated with everyone, so except for Gong Xiuliang, who was an insider , even the fat man Jia Yuanwang was kept in the dark.

All of them were confused, but Zhao Jinzhou was really surprised. He stared at the painting for a long time, then looked at Zhen Jialin. Zhao Jinzhou frowned.

"Mr. Guan, will you use this painting in the first game?"

"Why, can't it be done?" Guan Haishan snorted coldly.

Zhao Jinzhou curled his lips and said with a stern face: "Mr. Guan, we are competing today. Although friendship comes first and competition comes second, after all, so many reporters and friends are here, and Mr. Pan is still here despite his busy schedule. Everyone is interested in If you attach so much importance to this place, it’s not interesting for you to do this, right?”

Guan Haishan smiled and said: "Old Zhao, what do you mean, why don't I understand?"


"Mr. Guan, do you really not understand, or are you pretending to be confused?

Although I am not a collector, I have gained a certain understanding of the archeology and collection circles since establishing this project. As far as I know, this painting is called "Seven Joys".

It comes from Bailihang. It is the authentic work of Master Xu Beihong that Mr. Zhen Jialin spent 27 million to photograph. In the collection world, this is a well-known fact.

Now, you use a 100% authentic painting to test my equipment. Isn’t this making everyone happy?

No matter how bad my instrument is, it's not like I can't tell the difference between true and false. Isn't it too much for you to do this? "

Zhao Jinzhou was really angry. Everyone knew that this painting was real and knew where it came from. You, Lao Guan, took this thing out to compete with me. Isn't this sincere and disgusting?

Seeing Zhao Jinzhou's reaction, Guan Haishan was not only not angry, but actually very happy. Seeing the reporter's nervousness, he instantly relaxed.

The fact that he had such a reaction showed that Zhao Jinzhou didn't know the problems in "Seven Joys" at all. If he didn't know, it would be impossible to prepare, and Guan Haishan would be more confident.

Thinking of this, Guan Haishan smiled: "Old Zhao, you are judging a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart. This is not good.

What happened to me with this painting?

Didn't we agree that any object can be used?

Besides, why am I disgusted with you? Your instrument detected it easily, and I was the loser. I didn’t even complain. Why are you beeping? "


Zhao Jinzhou was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was indeed true!

No, something is still wrong.

If you compete with me with a well-known authentic work, isn't this obviously giving me a free hand?

Would Guan Haishan, an old man, be so kind?

Impossible, absolutely impossible, there must be something fishy in this.

As the saying goes, not knowing the outcome is the scariest thing. This is how Zhao Jinzhou feels now.

He knew something was wrong, but he just didn't know what was wrong. Old man Guan Haishan was obviously well prepared. There were five rounds in total, and each round was crucial. Guan Haishan could not and would never be polite to him. Could it be that this picture Is there anything special about "Seven Joys" that no one knows about?

Facing those pseudo-experts from abroad, Zhao Jinzhou was full of confidence, but facing Guan Haishan, the recognized great master, he did not dare to say that he was 100% sure.

When researching the instrument, although he considered all aspects and various factors, after all, this instrument group had never competed with a real master. This was his only worry, so he was a little nervous.

Nervous as he was, Zhao Jinzhou was more excited. Worrying now was completely unnecessary. What the result would be, whether Guan Haishan's skill was higher or his own instrument was more stable, he could only know after the competition.

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