A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3315 I lost

The instrument identification results came out, but the atmosphere in the studio was a little strange.

Yes, it's weird.

This kind of scene makes those experienced elite reporters a little confused.

At the beginning, the two parties involved, Zhao Jinzhou and Guan Haishan, were at loggerheads. The atmosphere was quite heated, as if a war would break out between the two sides if an unexpected factor intervened. It was full of gunpowder.

But what makes everyone confused is that now that the appraisal results have come out, the two parties have kept silent in a tacit agreement, so that no one can understand who is the winner. This is really strange.

What made the reporters even more speechless was that the expressions of the two men were quite synchronized. Their faces were pale and they were sweating profusely. Their heavy breathing could be heard two meters away.

What's happening here?

Did these two big guys get sick at the same time? .??.

It doesn’t look like it!

If you were sick, you should have lied down long ago!

Isn't it an illness? Could it be kidney deficiency?


The reporters' eyes suddenly lit up when they thought of this answer.

It's very possible that you have kidney deficiency. At your age, it's normal to be a little deficient. However, looking at how sweaty you are, you must be so deficient to be like this!

The reporters complained in their hearts, but no one dared to laugh in person.

Although they are uncrowned kings, these two old men are not ordinary people. If they catch their work mistakes, the reporters will have no problem beating up the lost dog, but if they are looking for trouble, they will be dead. With the status of these two old men, Even if it's a little weak, it's not something they can afford to offend.

Reporters can't afford to offend Guan Haishan and Guan Haishan, but some people can!

Pan Xingzhou is the highest-ranking leader here, and he will not take it easy. When he asked a question just now, these two old guys dared to treat him like nothing and refused to answer. Pan Xingzhou was already a little angry, and of course he would not give them a good look now.

Pan Xingzhou shouted calmly: "What are you two doing? Who is winning?"

Pan Xingzhou stared at Zhao Jinzhou intently. The latter looked at the leader and wanted to say something, but in the end he mouthed and lowered his head.


Mr. Pan was so angry. If there weren't reporters here, he would have gone crazy on the spot.

Damn it, what's going on, you're talking?

He lowered his head and said nothing. What do you mean, you pretended to be confused and asked me to play riddles?

Okay, you are really good, damn old thing, just wait for me, wait until I have my hands free, see what I do

I'm going to deal with you, huh!

Pan Xingzhou scolded Zhao Jinzhou in his heart, then turned around and looked at Guan Haishan again.

"Lao Guan, don't expect me to pretend to be confused. Tell me clearly what's going on!"

Guan Haishan was even more weak than Zhao Jinzhou. Zhao Jinzhou was just unsure, but Guan Haishan knew clearly that he had lost.

Now facing Pan Xingzhou, Mr. Guan was extremely nervous. The fine cold sweat on his forehead instantly accelerated the rate of secretion, and large beads of sweat flowed rapidly down his cheeks.

Taking a peek at Zhao Jinzhou, Guan Haishan also wanted to pretend to be dead like him, but seeing Mr. Pan's sharp eyes, he knew that he had no chance to pretend to be dead. How should I answer if he couldn't pretend to be dead?

Guan Haishan is dying of anxiety.

He thought about being shameless and refusing to admit his fault, insisting that the instrument identification result was wrong. This would solve the immediate problem, but it would treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.

He is not the only one who knows the secret of "Seven Joys". If he tells this secret from other people later, he will not only deceive the leader, but also lose his character, and the consequences will be quite serious.

The most terrifying thing is that Guan Haishan saw the power of this broken instrument. Even the "Seven Happiness Pictures" were easily deciphered by the instrument, and the rest could get away with it?

Obviously, now Guan Haishan no longer takes chances. Guan Haishan, who has recognized the reality, feels exhausted mentally and physically. He feels embarrassed if he loses the game. He doesn't care, but he really can't bear it when hundreds of thousands of his employees are implicated.

If one day comes, he, Guan Haishan, will be the sinner of the archaeological team. Mr. Kong is the general consultant. The archaeological business is booming. The team of employees continues to grow, and various benefits and benefits are rising. But when he comes to his place, not only is there no development, but also special There are going to be layoffs, and there may be hundreds of thousands of people laid off. These people have lost their jobs, and their anger will inevitably be vented on him. Even if he doesn't commit assassinations or dig up ancestral graves, hundreds of thousands of people curse him every day. I can't stand it!

Thinking of these, Guan Haishan lost all energy and energy in an instant, as if he had aged more than ten years and lost all his strength.

This is the feeling of powerlessness that comes with trying every possible means to change the situation. This feeling of powerlessness can make people despair and find it difficult to even survive.

I was exhausted mentally and physically, unwilling to give up in every possible way, but there was nothing I could do.

Guan Haishan slowly raised his head, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and forced a helpless smile towards Pan Xingzhou: "Mr. Pan, Lao Zhao's instrument identification is very accurate. I lost the first round!"


Guan Haishan surrendered, Pan Xingzhou frowned, and the reporters around him were in a commotion. Zhao Jinzhou suddenly raised his head and stared at Guan Haishan, his eyes full of disbelief. The instrument identification results came out, but the atmosphere in the studio was a little strange.

Yes, it's weird.

This kind of scene makes those experienced elite reporters a little confused.

At the beginning, the two parties involved, Zhao Jinzhou and Guan Haishan, were at war with each other. The atmosphere was quite heated, as if a war would break out if an unexpected factor intervened, and the atmosphere was full of gunpowder.

But what makes everyone confused is that now that the appraisal results have come out, the two parties have kept silent in a tacit agreement, so that no one can understand who is the winner. This is really strange.

What made the reporters even more speechless was that the expressions of the two men were quite synchronized. Their faces were pale and they were sweating profusely. Their heavy breathing could be heard two meters away.

What's happening here?

Did these two big guys get sick at the same time?

It doesn’t look like it!

If you were sick, you should have lied down long ago!

Isn't it an illness? Could it be kidney deficiency?


The reporters' eyes suddenly lit up when they thought of this answer.

It's very possible that you have kidney deficiency. At your age, it's normal to be a little deficient. However, looking at how sweaty you are, you must be so deficient to be like this!

The reporters complained in their hearts, but no one dared to laugh in person.

Although they are uncrowned kings, these two old men are not ordinary people. If they catch their work mistakes, the reporters will have no problem beating up the lost dog, but if they are looking for trouble, they will be dead. With the status of these two old men, Even if it's a little weak, it's not something they can afford to offend.

Reporters can't afford to offend Guan Haishan and Guan Haishan, but some people can!

Pan Xingzhou is the highest-ranking leader here, and he will not take it easy. When he asked a question just now, these two old guys dared to treat him like nothing and refused to answer. Pan Xingzhou was already a little angry, and of course he would not give them a good look now.

Pan Xingzhou shouted calmly: "What are you two doing? Who is winning?"

Pan Xingzhou stared at Zhao Jinzhou intently. The latter looked at the leader and wanted to say something, but in the end he mouthed and lowered his head.


Mr. Pan was so angry. If there weren't reporters here, he would have gone crazy on the spot.

Damn it, what's going on, you're talking?

He lowered his head and said nothing. What do you mean, you pretended to be confused and asked me to play riddles?

Okay, you are really good, damn old thing, just wait for me, wait until I have my hands free, see what I do

I'm going to deal with you, huh!

Pan Xingzhou scolded Zhao Jinzhou in his heart, then turned around and looked at Guan Haishan again.

"Lao Guan, don't expect me to pretend to be confused. Tell me clearly what's going on!"

Guan Haishan was even more weak than Zhao Jinzhou. Zhao Jinzhou was just unsure, but Guan Haishan knew clearly that he had lost.

Now facing Pan Xingzhou, Mr. Guan was extremely nervous. The fine cold sweat on his forehead instantly accelerated the rate of secretion, and large beads of sweat flowed rapidly down his cheeks.

Taking a peek at Zhao Jinzhou, Guan Haishan also wanted to pretend to be dead like him, but seeing Mr. Pan's sharp eyes, he knew that he had no chance to pretend to be dead. How should I answer if he couldn't pretend to be dead?

Guan Haishan is dying of anxiety.

He thought about being shameless and refusing to admit his fault, insisting that the instrument identification result was wrong. This would solve the immediate problem, but it would treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.

He is not the only one who knows the secret of "Seven Joys". If he tells this secret from other people later, he will not only deceive the leader, but also lose his character, and the consequences will be quite serious.

The most terrifying thing is that Guan Haishan saw the power of this broken instrument. Even the "Seven Happiness Pictures" were easily deciphered by the instrument, and the rest could get away with it?

Obviously, now Guan Haishan no longer takes chances. Guan Haishan, who has recognized the reality, feels exhausted mentally and physically. He feels embarrassed if he loses the game. He doesn't care, but he really can't bear it when hundreds of thousands of his employees are implicated.

If one day comes, he, Guan Haishan, will be the sinner of the archaeological team. Mr. Kong is the general consultant. The archaeological business is booming. The team of employees continues to grow, and various benefits and benefits are rising. But when he comes to his place, not only is there no development, but also special There are going to be layoffs, and there may be hundreds of thousands of people laid off. These people have lost their jobs, and their anger will inevitably be vented on him. Even if he doesn't commit assassinations or dig up ancestral graves, hundreds of thousands of people curse him every day. I can't stand it!

Thinking of these, Guan Haishan lost all energy and energy in an instant, as if he had aged more than ten years and lost all his strength.

This is the feeling of powerlessness that comes with trying every possible means to change the situation. This feeling of powerlessness can make people despair and find it difficult to even survive.

I was exhausted mentally and physically, unwilling to give up in every possible way, but there was nothing I could do.

Guan Haishan slowly raised his head, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and forced a helpless smile towards Pan Xingzhou: "Mr. Pan, Lao Zhao's instrument identification is very accurate. I lost the first round!"


Guan Haishan surrendered, Pan Xingzhou frowned, and the reporters around him were in a commotion. Zhao Jinzhou suddenly raised his head and stared at Guan Haishan, his eyes full of disbelief.

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