A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3224 Public Opinion

After losing the game, Fatty Wang and everyone doubted his life.

Think about yourself, from studying, apprenticeship, entering the industry, working day and night, and decades of accumulation, you have achieved today's achievements. In this process, you have experienced countless ups and downs.

There is no need for anything else in this profession. If you learn to make steamed buns and noodles, you can start an apprenticeship and open a shop in a few days. If you learn to be a chef, which is more difficult, you can start your own business in three to five years at most. But in the archaeological profession, there is really no shortcut, except for tatters. Not counting that monster like Flying, who hasn't worked hard for half a lifetime before he can achieve a small amount of success? Even a genius needs to be at least 40 years old if he wants to achieve results.

As a result, after decades of hard work, it turned out to be inferior to a cold machine without a soul. For a while, everyone really couldn't accept this fact.

But no matter what, the archaeological team lost. They had to stand upright when they were beaten. If they lost, they had no right to speak. At this time, the ordinary people of the Academy of Sciences, headed by Zhao Jinzhou, started to sneer, ridicule, sarcastically, and ridicule to their heart's content. Everyone in the archaeological team was itching with hatred, but they There is nothing they can do. If there is a crack in the ground that can accommodate them, everyone will not hesitate to get in and poke it here. It is really embarrassing.

Seeing everyone in the archaeological team looking depressed and melancholy, Pan Xingzhou couldn't bear it. He scolded Zhao Jinzhou and others to calm down and immediately announced the end of the competition. As for other matters, everyone would sit down and discuss them later.

Pan Xingzhou made the final decision. As if they had been granted amnesty, several members of the archaeological team did not want to stay for a second. They lowered their heads and ran away quickly. But others were easy to say. For Guan Haishan, the general consultant of China's history and archeology, the reporters present did not intend to do it so easily. Let him go, rush forward immediately, and instantly surround Guan Haishan.

"Mr. Guan, tell me what you think now!"

"Mr. Guan, were you mentally prepared before losing the game?"

"Mr. Guan, as far as we know, the competition between you and Academician Zhao tonight seems to be a winner. Can you tell us in detail?"

"Mr. Guan, if you lose tonight, does it mean that the hundreds of thousands of employees of the archaeological team will soon face widespread layoffs?"

"Mr. Guan"

The questions asked by reporters were all heart-breaking, like poisoned daggers inserted into Guan Haishan's heart, sealing his throat with blood and making it impossible to breathe.

At this moment, Guan Haishan's face was pale and haggard, like a deceased heir, with no energy or spirit, as if he were a walking corpse, which was unbearable to look at.

But the reporters present were not compassionate at all.

I realized that it doesn’t matter to them whether Guan Haishan is dead or alive. If Guan Haishan has his hair cut off tonight, someone will take over his job tomorrow. The earth will continue to rotate no matter who leaves it. Whether Guan Haishan dies or not, what does it have to do with them? ?

They only pay attention to news hot spots. The greater the excitement, the higher the status of the people involved, and the more gimmicks they use. Only when such news reports are published can they attract more people's attention. The more people follow, the greater their profits. Many, they only care about interests, nothing else matters.

Guan Haishan always kept silent in response to the reporters' questions, but he wanted to escape from the scene, but he couldn't do it. Later, Mr. Pan couldn't stand it anymore and called security guards to help Guan Haishan rescue him.

Guan Haishan escaped. The reporters didn't ask anything, but it didn't matter. Guan Haishan didn't answer. They could help Guan Haishan organize his language. They were the best at this.

Anyway, Guan Haishan and the archaeological team lost. This is a fact witnessed by everyone. No one can rely on it. The rest is simple. Use this result as the main line. The remaining side details can be freely based on this main line. Well, they have done this kind of thing too much, so they have a lot of experience.

As a result, the next day, the news from China's major official mainstream media swept the entire China and even overseas, and the reporters' various free expressions caused a huge sensation in the society.

[Shocking news: The elite of the Chinese archaeological team completely defeated the identification machine]

"Yesterday evening, Guan Haishan, the general consultant of China's history and archeology, led Zhang Yanhe, director of the National Museum, and Wang Shun, director of the former museum, to compete with the identification instrument developed by academician Zhao Jinzhou. I thought both sides had their own advantages, but the result was eye-popping. With rich experience, The elites of the archaeological team, whose experience was powerless in the face of precision instruments, were completely defeated."

[Focus: The significance behind a game]

"Last night, during the on-site PK between President Guan and Academician Zhao's instrument team, the instrument completely defeated the archaeological team. It is worth mentioning that this is not just an ordinary competition, but there is a shocking meaning behind it.

The two sides reached an agreement before the competition. If the instrument wins, the instrument group studied by Academician Zhao will be fully involved in the daily work of the archaeological team. This means that the archaeological team's hundreds of thousands of front-line staff will face fierce competition from precision instruments. , by then, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of front-line archaeological workers will face the dilemma of being laid off.

After three games of competition, in the end, the instrument defeated the experts. The frontline workers of the archaeological team may be ready to be laid off." After losing the game, Fatty Wang and everyone doubted their life.

Think about yourself, from studying, apprenticeship, entering the industry, working day and night, and decades of accumulation, you have achieved today's achievements. In this process, you have experienced countless ups and downs.

There is no need for anything else in this profession. If you learn to make steamed buns and noodles, you can start an apprenticeship and open a shop in a few days. If you learn to be a chef, which is more difficult, you can start your own business in three to five years at most. But in the archaeological profession, there is really no shortcut, except for tatters. Not counting that monster like Flying, who hasn't worked hard for half a lifetime before he can achieve a small amount of success? Even a genius needs to be at least 40 years old if he wants to achieve results.

As a result, after decades of hard work, it turned out to be inferior to a cold machine without a soul. For a while, everyone really couldn't accept this fact.

But no matter what, the archaeological team lost. They had to stand upright when they were beaten. If they lost, they had no right to speak. At this time, the ordinary people of the Academy of Sciences, headed by Zhao Jinzhou, started to sneer, ridicule, sarcastically, and ridicule to their heart's content. Everyone in the archaeological team was itching with hatred, but they There is nothing they can do. If there is a crack in the ground that can accommodate them, everyone will not hesitate to get in and poke it here. It is really embarrassing. .??.

Seeing everyone in the archaeological team looking depressed and melancholy, Pan Xingzhou couldn't bear it. He scolded Zhao Jinzhou and others to calm down and immediately announced the end of the competition. As for other matters, everyone would sit down and discuss them later.

Pan Xingzhou made the final decision. As if they had been granted amnesty, several members of the archaeological team did not want to stay for a second. They lowered their heads and ran away quickly. But others were easy to say. For Guan Haishan, the general consultant of China's history and archeology, the reporters present did not intend to do it so easily. Let him go, rush forward immediately, and instantly surround Guan Haishan.

"Mr. Guan, tell me what you think now!"

"Mr. Guan, were you mentally prepared before losing the game?"

"Mr. Guan, as far as we know, the competition between you and Academician Zhao tonight seems to be a winner. Can you tell us in detail?"

"Mr. Guan, if you lose tonight, does it mean that the hundreds of thousands of employees of the archaeological team will soon face widespread layoffs?"

"Mr. Guan"

The questions asked by reporters were all heart-breaking, like poisoned daggers inserted into Guan Haishan's heart, sealing his throat with blood and making it impossible to breathe.

At this moment, Guan Haishan's face was pale and haggard, like a deceased heir, with no energy or spirit, as if he were a walking corpse, which was unbearable to look at.

But the reporters present were not compassionate at all.

I realized that it doesn’t matter to them whether Guan Haishan is dead or alive. If Guan Haishan has his hair cut off tonight, someone will take over his job tomorrow. The earth will continue to rotate no matter who leaves it. Whether Guan Haishan dies or not, what does it have to do with them? ?

They only pay attention to news hot spots. The greater the excitement, the higher the status of the people involved, and the more gimmicks they use. Only when such news reports are published can they attract more people's attention. The more people follow, the greater their profits. Many, they only care about interests, nothing else matters.

Guan Haishan always kept silent in response to the reporters' questions, but he wanted to escape from the scene, but he couldn't do it. Later, Mr. Pan couldn't stand it anymore and called security guards to help Guan Haishan rescue him.

Guan Haishan escaped. The reporters didn't ask anything, but it didn't matter. Guan Haishan didn't answer. They could help Guan Haishan organize his language. They were the best at this.

Anyway, Guan Haishan and the archaeological team lost. This is a fact witnessed by everyone. No one can rely on it. The rest is simple. Use this result as the main line. The remaining side details can be freely based on this main line. Well, they have done this kind of thing too much, so they have a lot of experience.

As a result, the next day, the news from China's major official mainstream media swept the entire China and even overseas, and the reporters' various free expressions caused a huge sensation in the society.

[Shocking news: The elite of the Chinese archaeological team completely defeated the identification machine]

"Yesterday evening, Guan Haishan, the general consultant of China's history and archeology, led Zhang Yanhe, director of the National Museum, and Wang Shun, director of the former museum, to compete with the identification instrument developed by academician Zhao Jinzhou. I thought both sides had their own advantages, but the result was eye-popping. With rich experience, The elites of the archaeological team, whose experience was powerless in the face of precision instruments, were completely defeated."

[Focus: The significance behind a game]

"Last night, during the on-site PK between Mr. Guan and Academician Zhao's instrument team, the instrument completely defeated the archaeological team. It is worth mentioning that this is not just an ordinary competition, but there is a shocking meaning behind it.

The two sides reached an agreement before the competition. If the instrument wins, the instrument group studied by Academician Zhao will be fully involved in the daily work of the archaeological team. This means that the archaeological team's hundreds of thousands of front-line staff will face fierce competition from precision instruments. , by then, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of front-line archaeological workers will face the dilemma of being laid off.

After three rounds of competition, in the end, the instrument defeated the experts, and the frontline workers of the archaeological team may be ready to be laid off."

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