A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3252: Pulling Sponsorship

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu, please stay!"

Just as Lu Fei was about to go back, he was stopped by Wang Hao again. Lu Fei turned around, frowned slightly and asked, "Didn't I tell you? If we don't have 1.5 billion, what else do you have to do?"

Wang Hao said with an apologetic smile: "Mr. Lu, I would like to ask, does the exclusive interview right include the part about selling scraps you just mentioned?"

Just now Lu Fei said that after winning against Zhao Jinzhou, he would dismantle his equipment and sell it for scrap. Everyone present realized that this part was a super stunt, and it might even be more eye-catching than the PK between the two. If Add this paragraph in, and the 1.5 billion may not be a loss. Although Wang Hao can't make the decision, he still has to confirm it for his boss. After all, this is a large investment of 1.5 billion, and their company has not taken over it yet. Such a big business!

Lu Fei didn't pay attention at first, but Wang Hao's question reminded him. Lu Fei turned around and showed a strange smile: "Hey, what are you thinking about? An interview is an interview, and selling scraps is selling scraps. This is a matter of time. ?

Well, let’s divide this matter into three parts. With exclusive interview and reporting rights, you can follow me live for the whole process. I mean the part where I make items and test his instruments.

After the inspection, selling the scrap is another part, and finally, I will hold a press conference, which is the third part.

In the first part, I will give myself a 1.5 billion appearance fee. Whichever company can afford this amount can follow me for a live broadcast.

As for selling scraps, you can continue to compete. When you go back, discuss with your boss. At ten o'clock tonight, publish the highest price you can offer on my Weibo. The one with the highest price will win.

As for the final press conference, everyone can come, it’s free! "


After hearing what Lu Fei said, other reporters immediately cheered, while Wang Hao looked depressed and really wanted to give himself a big mouth.

Judging from Lu Fei's reaction, the extra charge for selling scrap products was obviously a temporary decision made by Lu Fei. If he hadn't been arrogant, this part might have been logically included in the exclusive interview rights. This is great. , this most valuable segment, we have to continue to compete, it’s really frustrating.

After everyone cheered, Ji Gang also had questions to ask.

"Mr. Lu, 1.5 billion is not a small amount. It is difficult for us media companies to come up with it. I want to ask you, can we find other companies?"

Sponsorship? "

Ji Gang's question is on point. 1.5 billion is an astronomical figure for every media company. Even the top companies in the mainland have a market value of more than 5 billion, but that is market value after all, and it is not the same as liquidity. They are two completely different things. Looking at all the media companies in the mainland, the only ones who can spend 1.5 billion in cash are probably Wang Hao and his company "Network the World". How can they compete with each other? Why don't they directly give exclusive interview rights to their company? Is it over?

But if you can solicit sponsorship, that's a different matter. The act of soliciting sponsorship is very normal, and every media company is familiar with it. In the past, when they contracted various activities, they had to solicit sponsorship. The media got the right to report, and the sponsoring company got exposure. Degree, this is the best of both worlds. If the media company paid for it out of its own pocket every time, the company would have gone bankrupt long ago.

When it comes to soliciting sponsorship, the battle is not about strength, but about foundation and connections. This has a great advantage for those established media companies. Before, these reporters were worried that Lu Fei would reject the sponsorship company's involvement and did not dare to ask more questions. Now they don't. It’s no use asking. One and a half billion is too scary and they simply can’t afford it.

But if sponsorship is allowed, then there will be no problem. Not to mention 1.5 billion, with Lu Fei's gimmick, 2 billion won't be a problem. With sponsorship, the company will not only not be in debt, but may also make extra money. It's a sum, so he must ask clearly.

Hearing what Ji Gang said, Lu Fei was stunned for a moment. He had never participated in the company's operations and had never thought about this problem. After hearing what Ji Gang said, he thought about it quickly in his mind and immediately got an idea of ​​the power of it. , Lu Fei found that he seemed to have ignored many issues and almost let these reporters take advantage of him.

Damn it, there are so many twists and turns here! !


Lu Fei cleared his throat and said, "Well, I don't like too many people getting involved in my work."

Ji Gang's expression dimmed immediately after hearing this. It seemed that his worries were still necessary. Lu Fei really refused other companies to get involved. Other reporters also shook their heads regretfully. In fact, they also hoped that Lu Fei could agree to sponsor. If they directly asked for ten With 500 million, their companies would have to reluctantly withdraw, but if sponsorship was allowed, they might still be able to fight.

Which media company doesn't have a few "connected households"? It's not certain who will get the most sponsorships when the time comes.

As a result, to everyone's disappointment, Lu Fei didn't seem to agree to the sponsorship issue. Just when everyone was disappointed, Lu Fei changed his mind.

"But" "Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu, please stay!"

Just as Lu Fei was about to go back, he was stopped by Wang Hao again. Lu Fei turned around, frowned slightly and asked, "Didn't I tell you? If we don't have 1.5 billion, what else do you have to do?"

Wang Hao said with an apologetic smile: "Mr. Lu, I would like to ask, does the exclusive interview right include the part about selling scraps you just mentioned?"

Just now Lu Fei said that after winning against Zhao Jinzhou, he would dismantle his equipment and sell it for scrap. Everyone present realized that this part was a super stunt, and it might even be more eye-catching than the PK between the two. If Add this paragraph in, and the 1.5 billion may not be a loss. Although Wang Hao can't make the decision, he still has to confirm it for his boss. After all, this is a large investment of 1.5 billion, and their company has not taken over it yet. Such a big business!

Lu Fei didn't pay attention at first, but Wang Hao's question reminded him. Lu Fei turned around and showed a strange smile: "Hey, what are you thinking about? An interview is an interview, and selling scraps is selling scraps. This is a matter of time. ?

Well, let’s divide this matter into three parts. With exclusive interview and reporting rights, you can follow me live for the whole process. I mean the part where I make items and test his instruments.

After the inspection, selling the scrap is another part, and finally, I will hold a press conference, which is the third part.

In the first part, I will give myself a 1.5 billion appearance fee. Whichever company can afford this amount can follow me for a live broadcast.

As for selling scraps, you can continue to compete. When you go back, discuss with your boss. At ten o'clock tonight, publish the highest price you can offer on my Weibo. The one with the highest price will win.

As for the final press conference, everyone can come, it’s free! "


After hearing what Lu Fei said, other reporters immediately cheered, while Wang Hao looked depressed and really wanted to give himself a big mouth.

Judging from Lu Fei's reaction, the extra charge for selling scrap products was obviously a temporary decision made by Lu Fei. If he hadn't been arrogant, this part might have been logically included in the exclusive interview rights. This is great. , this most valuable segment, we have to continue to compete, it’s really frustrating.

After everyone cheered, Ji Gang also had questions to ask.

"Mr. Lu, 1.5 billion is not a small amount. It is difficult for us media companies to come up with it. I want to ask you, can we find other companies?"

Sponsorship? "

Ji Gang's question is on point. 1.5 billion is an astronomical figure for every media company. Even the top companies in the mainland have a market value of more than 5 billion, but that is market value after all, and it is not the same as liquidity. They are two completely different things. Looking at all the media companies in the mainland, the only ones who can spend 1.5 billion in cash are probably Wang Hao and his company "Network the World". How can they compete with each other? Why don't they directly give exclusive interview rights to their company? Is it over?

But if you can solicit sponsorship, that's a different matter. The act of soliciting sponsorship is very normal, and every media company is familiar with it. In the past, when they contracted various activities, they had to solicit sponsorship. The media got the right to report, and the sponsoring company got exposure. Degree, this is the best of both worlds. If the media company paid for it out of its own pocket every time, the company would have gone bankrupt long ago.

When it comes to soliciting sponsorship, the battle is not about strength, but about foundation and connections. This has a great advantage for those established media companies. Before, these reporters were worried that Lu Fei would reject the sponsorship company's involvement and did not dare to ask more questions. Now they don't. It’s no use asking. One and a half billion is too scary and they simply can’t afford it.

But if sponsorship is allowed, then there will be no problem. Not to mention 1.5 billion, with Lu Fei's gimmick, 2 billion won't be a problem. With sponsorship, the company will not only not be in debt, but may also make extra money. It's a sum, so he must ask clearly.

Hearing what Ji Gang said, Lu Fei was stunned for a moment. He had never participated in the company's operations and had never thought about this problem. After hearing what Ji Gang said, he thought about it quickly in his mind and immediately got an idea of ​​the power of it. , Lu Fei found that he seemed to have ignored many issues and almost let these reporters take advantage of him.

Damn it, there are so many twists and turns here! !


Lu Fei cleared his throat and said, "Well, I don't like too many people getting involved in my work."

Ji Gang's expression dimmed immediately after hearing this. It seemed that his worries were still necessary. Lu Fei really refused other companies to get involved. Other reporters also shook their heads regretfully. In fact, they also hoped that Lu Fei could agree to sponsor. If they directly asked for ten With 500 million, their companies would have to reluctantly withdraw, but if sponsorship was allowed, they might still be able to fight.

Which media company doesn't have a few "connected households"? It's not certain who will get the most sponsorships when the time comes.

As a result, to everyone's disappointment, Lu Fei didn't seem to agree to the sponsorship issue. Just when everyone was disappointed, Lu Fei changed his mind.


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