A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3256 Deserve it

Even though Zhao Jinzhou and his team spent more than eight years collecting various information, what he collected was just a drop in the bucket. During the appraisal, this object happened to be within the range of the information he collected. , of course his instruments are invincible, but if the thing he identifies exceeds the scope of his database, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a pile of scrap copper and iron.

Guan Haishan obviously also knew the shortcomings of Zhao Jinzhou's instrument. Therefore, the route he took was correct. The reason why he lost to the instrument was because Guan Haishan did not have good things in his hands.

Guan Haishan studied the orthodox inheritance of Kong Lao, and the few objects he collected followed the formal and orthodox route. It just so happened that all the things he had were within the data radiation range of the instrument. It would be surprising if he could win. Woolen cloth.

But Lu Fei is different. There are many objects that Lu Fei uses shuriken in a eccentric way. Some objects would make even Guan Haishan scratch his head when he sees them. It's not that he is not knowledgeable enough, it's because the characteristics of some objects are simply not good enough. It was not within the scope of his knowledge, and the characteristics of these unorthodox objects were also not visible in the official database. Lu Fei believed that any one of these objects would be able to slap Zhao Jinzhou in the face. However, there are some things that Lu Fei is inconvenient to take out, and that’s not because Lu Fei is unsure.

Those things cannot be taken out to show others, and of course they cannot be used to slap Zhao Jinzhou in the face. However, this problem cannot be difficult for Lu Fei. Moreover, Lu Fei has more than one way. Before the reporter came, Lu Fei had already done it To make a decision, he told reporters that if he made an object himself, if nothing unexpected happened, he would still be able to swell Zhao Jinzhou's old face.

However, although Lu Fei is confident and sure, it does not mean that Lu Fei despises the instrument. On the contrary, Lu Fei attaches great importance to that thing. Just now in front of reporters, Lu Fei installed a big one, just in case the horse stumbles. , Boss Lu will probably be too embarrassed to step into China in the future, so Lu Fei must be fully prepared to ensure nothing goes wrong. .??.??

After making several phone calls and explaining all the details, Lu Fei finally felt relieved. He turned on his computer and logged into his Weibo to see if there were any latest developments from the media.

I want to ask, why does Lu Fei ask reporters for appearance fees? With Mr. Lu's current personality, for the sake of more than one billion Shenzhou coins, he doesn't care about his face in front of reporters. Is that the case?

Answer, of course!

One thing is right, Lu Fei is indeed not short of money, let alone 1.5 billion Shenzhou coins. Even if someone offers 1.5 billion to make Lu Fei appear in public, it is impossible. If anyone dares to do this, Boss Lu will have to use beautiful You can't kill him with a knife.

Lu Feijin

The reason for this commotion is not for money at all, but to torment these shameless and unscrupulous media. Lu Fei does this just to make them compete. The more fierce the competition, the better. Dog bites dog, and human beings lose their teeth. Lu Fei would be happy if his head was beaten into a dog's head!

This group of unscrupulous media, who only watch the excitement and are not afraid of big troubles, were the ones who stirred up trouble from the very beginning, causing the archaeological team and the collection community to suffer from chaos and panic. Even so, they still refuse to give up.

Damn it, it depends on the owner when beating a dog. Who doesn’t know in China that I, Lu Fei, protect the archaeological team and the collecting community, and if you sabotage it and damage the interests of the archaeological team and the collecting community, then you are provoking me, Lu Fei. , this is simply something that his uncle can bear, but neither can his aunt. Lu Fei has long wanted to find an honest reason to deal with them.

What Lu Fei didn't expect was that before he took action, these reporters actually chased him to Hong Kong Island to block my door. Who gave them the courage? Are these media too arrogant, or do they think I, Lu Fei? Can't hold the knife anymore?

How dare they come to their door? Can Lu Fei still tolerate them? Since he came to their door on his own initiative, Lu Fei would feel sorry for them if he didn't give them some blood.

The reason why Lu Fei asked for 1.5 billion instead of the lion's mouth was because Lu Fei knew that 1.5 billion was almost the ceiling for them. No matter how much they asked for, they couldn't afford it. How could they compete if they had already retreated?

How can we deal with them if there is no one to compete?

As for their idea of ​​soliciting sponsorship, Lu Fei had no objection. The more sponsorship they solicited, the more Lu Fei would be able to produce. Of course, Lu Fei would not object.

If they were to attract sponsorship, no matter what the outcome, the media company would not suffer losses. If they had such an idea, then they were too naive. Lu Fei had many ways to make them feel painful.

Thinking of this, Lu Fei opened his mouth and laughed silently. He smiled and laughed. The phone next to him rang loudly. He glanced at the caller ID and Lu Fei curled his lips and snorted coldly.

These idiots always thought they were awesome, but what happened? They were slapped in the face, right?

Damn, you really deserve it!

Now you remembered to call me, why are you here so early?

When something like this happened, why didn't you call yourself to discuss it at the beginning?

Have they forgotten their own existence, or do they think that they can strategize with just a little bit of water?

I don’t know who gave them the confidence. It’s okay now. They deserve to be shamed into grandma’s house! Even though Zhao Jinzhou and his team spent more than eight years collecting various information, what he collected was just a drop in the bucket. During the appraisal, this object happened to be within the range of the information he collected. , of course his instruments are invincible, but if the thing he identifies exceeds the scope of his database, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a pile of scrap copper and iron.

Guan Haishan obviously also knew the shortcomings of Zhao Jinzhou's instrument. Therefore, the route he took was correct. The reason why he lost to the instrument was because Guan Haishan did not have good things in his hands.

Guan Haishan studied the orthodox inheritance of Kong Lao, and the few objects he collected followed the formal and orthodox route. It just so happened that all the things he had were within the data radiation range of the instrument. It would be surprising if he could win. Woolen cloth.

But Lu Fei is different. There are many objects that Lu Fei uses shuriken in a eccentric way. Some objects would make even Guan Haishan scratch his head when he sees them. It's not that he is not knowledgeable enough, it's because the characteristics of some objects are simply not good enough. It was not within the scope of his knowledge, and the characteristics of these unorthodox objects were also not visible in the official database. Lu Fei believed that any one of these objects would be able to slap Zhao Jinzhou in the face. However, there are some things that Lu Fei is inconvenient to take out, and that’s not because Lu Fei is unsure.

Those things cannot be taken out to show others, and of course they cannot be used to slap Zhao Jinzhou in the face. However, this problem cannot be difficult for Lu Fei. Moreover, Lu Fei has more than one way. Before the reporter came, Lu Fei had already done it To make a decision, he told reporters that if he made an object himself, if nothing unexpected happened, he would still be able to swell Zhao Jinzhou's old face. ??

However, although Lu Fei is confident and sure, it does not mean that Lu Fei despises the instrument. On the contrary, Lu Fei attaches great importance to that thing. Just now in front of reporters, Lu Fei installed a big one, just in case the horse stumbles. , Boss Lu will probably be too embarrassed to step foot in China in the future, so Lu Fei must be fully prepared to ensure nothing goes wrong.

After making several phone calls and explaining all the details, Lu Fei finally felt relieved. He turned on his computer and logged into his Weibo to see if there were any latest developments from the media.

I want to ask, why does Lu Fei ask reporters for appearance fees? With Mr. Lu's current personality, for the sake of more than one billion Shenzhou coins, he doesn't care about his face in front of reporters. Is that the case?

Answer, of course!

One thing is right, Lu Fei is indeed not short of money, let alone 1.5 billion Shenzhou coins. Even if someone offers 1.5 billion to make Lu Fei appear in public, it is impossible. If anyone dares to do this, Boss Lu will have to use beautiful You can't kill him with a knife.

Lu Feijin

The reason for this commotion is not for money at all, but to torment these shameless and unscrupulous media. Lu Fei does this just to make them compete. The more fierce the competition, the better. Dog bites dog, and human beings lose their teeth. Lu Fei would be happy if his head was beaten into a dog's head!

This group of unscrupulous media, who only watch the excitement and are not afraid of big troubles, were the ones who stirred up trouble from the very beginning, causing the archaeological team and the collecting community to suffer in a chaotic atmosphere and making people panic. Even so, they still refuse to give up.

Damn it, it depends on the owner when beating a dog. Who doesn’t know in China that I, Lu Fei, protect the archaeological team and the collecting community. If you sabotage it and harm the interests of the archaeological team and the collecting community, you are provoking me, Lu Fei. , this is simply something that his uncle can bear, but neither can his aunt. Lu Fei has long wanted to find an honest reason to deal with them.

What Lu Fei didn't expect was that before he took action, these reporters actually chased him to Hong Kong Island to block my door. Who gave them the courage? Are these media too arrogant or do they think I, Lu Fei? Can't hold the knife anymore?

How dare they come to their door? Can Lu Fei still tolerate them? Since he came to their door on his own initiative, Lu Fei would feel sorry for them if he didn't give them some blood.

The reason why Lu Fei asked for 1.5 billion instead of the lion's mouth was because Lu Fei knew that 1.5 billion was almost the ceiling for them. No matter how much they asked for, they couldn't afford it. How could they compete if they had already retreated?

How can we deal with them if there is no one to compete?

As for their idea of ​​soliciting sponsorship, Lu Fei had no objection. The more sponsorship they solicited, the more Lu Fei would be able to produce. Of course, Lu Fei would not object.

If they were to attract sponsorship, no matter what the outcome, the media company would not suffer losses. If they had such an idea, then they were too naive. Lu Fei had many ways to make them feel painful.

Thinking of this, Lu Fei opened his mouth and laughed silently. He smiled and laughed. The phone next to him rang loudly. He glanced at the caller ID and Lu Fei curled his lips and snorted coldly.

These idiots always thought they were awesome, but what happened? They were slapped in the face, right?

Damn, you really deserve it!

Now you remembered to call me, why are you here so early?

When something like this happened, why didn't you call yourself to discuss it at the beginning?

Have they forgotten their own existence, or do they think that they can strategize with just a little bit of water?

I don’t know who gave them the confidence. It’s okay now. They deserve to be shamed into grandma’s house!

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