A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 3258 Extremely hateful

Zhang Yanhe was frightened and sweating profusely after reading a small newspaper.

Staying awake all night, he carefully analyzed the negative impact that this incident might have on the archaeological team and tried to think in the most serious direction. But now he realized that what he was thinking was too simple. The consequences were much more serious than he imagined.

This is an authoritative newspaper of China's official mainstream media. It has a huge influence in China and surrounding countries. Except for the reports of the top leaders, other things rarely occupy the second page. It is a great honor that the archaeological team succeeded today. occupies this position, and it is reported throughout the whole article, with so many words that it is staggering.

This article is fierce in rhetoric and unabashedly criticizes the archaeological team. The article points out that since the death of Mr. Kong, the efficiency of the Chinese archaeological team has not improved but retreated. For more than a year, except for those old-fashioned contents, there has not been a single bit of information. Such groundbreaking progress, so mediocre, consumes a large amount of funds every year, which is simply a major burden on China's economic development.

The archaeological team has a large number of personnel, with nearly 200,000 full-time personnel and more than 300,000 non-staff personnel. This does not include the temporary personnel employed during archaeological operations. This number even far exceeds that of large state-owned enterprises.

As we all know, large state-owned enterprises are profit-making units, generating countless revenues for China every year. However, the archaeological team, which has far more personnel than state-owned enterprises, is a huge bottomless pit, and consumes an astronomical amount of funds every year that is unimaginable to ordinary people.

Here, the author of this article frankly admits that I don’t know much about archaeological work, let alone what it means to our country. As the saying goes, if you don’t understand, you have no right to speak. However, as a Chinese person, as a responsible person, Media people, I would like to ask, is it worth it to build such a huge team and consume so much money every year?

Well, even if archaeological work is of great significance to the history of Chinese civilization, is it necessary to build such a large team?

During the war, how many people did the army have?

Wuyang Wuyang gathered hundreds of thousands of people just for archaeological work. Isn't it too extravagant?

Well, even if archaeological work has its own particularities, it does require a large number of people. In the past, there was no way to reduce the number, but now the opportunity has come. Academician Zhao Jinzhou of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and his team spent eight years developing a method that can assist archaeological work. Moreover, it is an extremely efficient modern scientific instrument. I think this will be of great benefit to China and the Chinese archaeological team.


However, recently there has been a voice within the archaeological team. A considerable number of staff are worried that once this instrument is stationed in the Shenzhou Archaeological Team, it will threaten their jobs. Therefore, many archaeological staff are very repulsive to the instrument replacing employees. There are even internal rumors that some excited and radical employees are going to hold large-scale demonstrations as a threat to boycott the equipment. I think this behavior is simply unreasonable.

Science replaces manpower and science liberates manpower. This is an inevitable trend of social progress. On the other hand, especially in the late 1990s, countless people lost their jobs due to the corporate reform. However, after being laid off, these employees did not become decadent. , used their hard-working hands to start a second business, and a considerable number of them achieved great success.

The older generation is willing to leave their jobs in order to cater to social development. Why can’t the employees of the archaeological team?

Everyone knows that replacing labor with instruments not only improves efficiency, but also saves the country a lot of money every year. This is a good thing that benefits the country and the people. However, some people want to be a stumbling block to reform for their own selfish interests. I think , Such people are simply scum of society and do not deserve sympathy at all. At the same time, I also believe that all citizens with a calm mind and conscience should support the archaeological team in moving towards technological modernization, because this is the development of society and the future development of the archaeological team. inevitable trend.

Therefore, here I hope that leaders will not hesitate and make the right decision immediately.


Seeing this, Zhang Yanhe took a breath of air-conditioning and thought that the author of this article was so cruel and his heart was to be punished!

Damn you, when your upper lip touches your lower lip, you feel happy. What will our archaeological team do?

You say it's easy, but is it as simple as you think?

Those temporary workers are okay. In addition to temporary workers, there are hundreds of thousands of staff who can be withdrawn at any time. So what will happen to their next work?

Will you make arrangements?

If proper arrangements are not made for these hundreds of thousands of people, do you know what serious consequences will happen?

Let’s not say that the media is annoying. These people don’t understand shit and talk nonsense. But these people can take the rhythm off track and make you a street rat despised by thousands of people. In front of them, there is no reason at all. , their pen is the truth, without considering any consequences at all, it is simply abominable. Zhang Yanhe was frightened and sweating profusely after reading a small newspaper.

Staying awake all night, he carefully analyzed the negative impact that this incident might have on the archaeological team and tried to think in the most serious direction. But now he realized that what he was thinking was still too simple. The consequences were much more serious than he imagined.

This is an authoritative newspaper of China's official mainstream media. It has a huge influence in China and surrounding countries. Except for the reports of the top leaders, other things rarely occupy the second page. It is a great honor that the archaeological team succeeded today. occupies this position, and it is reported throughout the whole article, with so many words that it is staggering.

This article is fierce in rhetoric and unabashedly criticizes the archaeological team. The article points out that since the death of Mr. Kong, the efficiency of the Chinese archaeological team has not improved but retreated. For more than a year, except for those old-fashioned contents, there has not been a single bit of information. Such groundbreaking progress, so mediocre, consumes a large amount of funds every year, which is simply a major burden on China's economic development.

The archaeological team has a large number of personnel, with nearly 200,000 full-time personnel and more than 300,000 non-staff personnel. This does not include the temporary personnel employed during archaeological operations. This number even far exceeds that of large state-owned enterprises.

As we all know, large state-owned enterprises are profit-making units, generating countless revenues for China every year. However, the archaeological team, which has far more personnel than state-owned enterprises, is a huge bottomless pit, and consumes an astronomical amount of funds every year that is unimaginable to ordinary people.

Here, the author of this article frankly admits that I don’t know much about archaeological work, let alone what it means to our country. As the saying goes, if you don’t understand, you have no right to speak. However, as a Chinese person, as a responsible person, Media people, I would like to ask, is it worth it to build such a huge team and consume so much money every year?

Well, even if archaeological work is of great significance to the history of Chinese civilization, is it necessary to build such a large team?

During the war, how many people did the army have?

Wuyang Wuyang gathered hundreds of thousands of people just for archaeological work. Isn't it too extravagant?

Well, even if archaeological work has its own particularities, it does require a large number of people. In the past, there was no way to reduce the number, but now the opportunity has come. Academician Zhao Jinzhou of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and his team spent eight years developing a method that can assist archaeological work. Moreover, it is an extremely efficient modern scientific instrument. I think this will be of great benefit to China and the Chinese archaeological team.


However, recently there has been a voice within the archaeological team. A considerable number of staff are worried that once this instrument is stationed in the Shenzhou Archaeological Team, it will threaten their jobs. Therefore, many archaeological staff are very repulsive to the instrument replacing employees. There are even internal rumors that some excited and radical employees are going to hold large-scale demonstrations as a threat to boycott the equipment. I think this behavior is simply unreasonable.

Science replaces manpower and science liberates manpower. This is an inevitable trend of social progress. On the other hand, especially in the late 1990s, countless people lost their jobs due to the corporate reform. However, after being laid off, these employees did not become decadent. , used their hard-working hands to start a second business, and a considerable number of them achieved great success.

The older generation is willing to leave their jobs in order to cater to social development. Why can’t the employees of the archaeological team?

Everyone knows that replacing labor with instruments not only improves efficiency, but also saves the country a lot of money every year. This is a good thing that benefits the country and the people. However, some people want to be a stumbling block to reform for their own selfish interests. I think , Such people are simply scum of society and do not deserve sympathy at all. At the same time, I also believe that all citizens with a calm mind and conscience should support the archaeological team in moving towards technological modernization, because this is the development of society and the future development of the archaeological team. inevitable trend.

Therefore, here I hope that leaders will not hesitate and make the right decision immediately.


Seeing this, Zhang Yanhe took a breath of air-conditioning and thought that the author of this article was so cruel and his heart was to be punished!

Damn you, when your upper lip touches your lower lip, you feel happy. What will our archaeological team do?

You say it's easy, but is it as simple as you think?

Those temporary workers are okay. In addition to temporary workers, there are hundreds of thousands of staff who can be withdrawn at any time. So what will happen to their next work?

Will you make arrangements?

If proper arrangements are not made for these hundreds of thousands of people, do you know what serious consequences will happen?

Let’s not say that the media is annoying. These people don’t understand shit and talk nonsense. But these people can take the rhythm off track and make you a street rat despised by thousands of people. In front of them, there is no reason at all. , their pen is the truth, without considering any consequences at all, it is simply abominable.

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